Bianca | slow updates

By Linawrites9

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[BOOK 1 IN THE MORETTI-DE LUCA SERIES] Bianca has been assumed 'dead' by her family and friends for 3 years b... More



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By Linawrites9

Buckle up because this is a long ass chapter 😭

"but um Bianca look we need to talk" he spoke causing my heart rate to speed up.

Talk? About what? Did he actually cheat on me? My brain started coming up with seven thousand different scenarios, Bianca calm down you're overreacting maybe it isn't that bad I mentally thought to myself.

"Bianca?" Angelo asked in a panicked voice causing my thoughts to quickly scatter away.

"Um yeah sure let's talk," I say giving him a small smile which makes him sigh in relief.

"Let's go somewhere more private," he says referring to the party that's still going on around us, I nod in agreement.

He leads us out of the room where the party was all the way upstairs to my room.

"Are you going to sit?" I asked as I sat down on the couch in the little living room looking at still him standing by the doorway.

"Uh yeah right," he says walking over to sit down across from me.

Is it just me or has he been acting weird this whole conversation?

"So you wanted to talk?" I asked looking at him with a brow raised.

"Uh yeah," he says settling in his seat before continuing "so I've been thinking for a while now, me and you have been moving quite fast and I um think we should-" he takes a deep breath and might I say it was a long ass breath not to mention he's looking anywhere but at me.

hello? I'm waiting.

"We should what?" I asked concerned after he still didn't say anything.

"I think we should spend time apart" he finally said which caused my heart to drop.

"So you wanna break up?" I asked not believing what he said maybe I miss heard him.

"Mhm it's just because we're moving too fast and I-I can't..."

"You can't what?" I asked in a low voice trying to fight back my tears.

"I can't be a dad to Sofia, Bianca I'm still young and I'm not ready to settle down yet but of course I promise to be there for Sofia but I realized I can't be there all the time and it's all just too much" he says running his hands through his hair.

"Too much?" I scoffed

"Angelo I was a single mom for three fucking years and you've been a dad for what? a couple of months and you think that is too much? You have no room to talk and say 'this is too much' " I angrily said to him.

"It's not my fault you decided to run off and fake your death hiding your pregnancy, that was all you Bianca all fucking you" he spat back.

"Well, I didn't know what to fucking do, tell me Angelo if I didn't run away and told you would have you stayed with us?" I asked in a frustrated voice.

He didn't say anything. Of course.

"That's what I thought" I say getting up because if I stay here any longer won't be able to hold my tears in anymore.

"Bianca wait" he says causing me to stop my tracks.

"No I'm sorry for wasting your time Angelo by doing whatever this was but as for the moving fast part that was all you" I say looking back at him before slamming the door.

I can't believe he just played my heart like a stupid fiddle, I knew I should've kept Sofia a secret.

This all was a big fucking mistake.

I ran as far away as I could to a place that was private enough for me to be alone which happened to be the big tree with the swing hanging from it overlooking the lake, the place I always came to if I wanted to be alone.

The exact same place I came to when I first came back.

I sighed and let all the tears flow out of me.

How stupid was I to let him hurt me again and now possibly Sofia?

I didn't notice how hard I was crying until I felt like I was going to throw up.

— flashback —

"Bianca hurry up" Mia shouted while impatiently knocking on my door.

"Okay-okay I'm coming" I say putting the backing to my earring on, today was my sixteenth birthday and I wanted to look my absolute best because in my family the day you turn sixteen is the day you become a woman/man, plus Angelo will be there.

Angelo is my brother's best friend but I would say that he was closer to Luca since they were closer in age, unlike Marco who was the youngest out of the Moretti siblings but more importantly, he was and still is my childhood crush.

Growing up we would pick fights with each other or what not but they weren't serious fights but he was still annoying, he would also always make fun of me when he gets the chance to.

Now I know what you're wondering how is he your crush if it sounds like he bullies you half of the time? Well, it's not that I don't like him I just find him a pain in the ass.

But for the most part, Angelo was a good-looking guy, he was very tall for his age, he had brown hazel eyes that were mesmerizing unlike mine which were dark brown, his hair was brown a fluffy, he was also pretty athletic.

To sum it all up Angelo was the guy every girl would drool over in school.

"Bianca?" Mia's voice broke me out of my train of thoughts.

"I'm coming" I say quickly grabbing everything I needed off my vanity placing then into my clutch.

I checked my appearance once more before heading towards the door.

"there you are" Mia said crossing her arms as I opened the door, oh god she's gonna go all mom on me.

"you look fucking hot" I say trying to change the subject before she yells at me.

Which worked, I mentally high-fived myself.

"Thank you, you look fabulous as well" she complimented back while pulling my arm so we can start moving.

"Soo are you excited" she asked as we walked down the stairs heading towards the car waiting outside for us.

"Very, I can't believe I get to start going on missions" I say as we reach the last step.

"I can't wait to hear the stories but just wait in till we both go on missions together" she excitedly says gripping my arm as we continue to walk.

Me and Mia are six months apart meaning she can go on missions yet which is a bummer but for now, she can live vicariously through me until her sixteen.

Your probably like wait isn't Mia a part of the American mafia? Well with America being our strongest allies because of mine and Mia's friendship it was easy to convince her dad to let her live in Italy.

The whole gang loves Mia like family and vice versa with her gang.

"How are you feeling?" Mia asked as we finally enter the SUV.

"Confident, excited you know" I replied looking out the window at the buildings lighting up the New York City sky.

"Good and especially with Angelo there you'll most likely catch his eye"  she smirked making me blush.

"Shut up" I replied slapping her arm.

"Whatever just let me know when you're changing your name to Bianca Capri Moretti De Luca" she teased causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah if that ever happens" I say look back at the night sky.

-time skip-

"where here miss Bianca" my family chauffeur Antonio announced as we pull up to my father's big hotel building.

"Thank you, Ant" I smiled back at him before exiting the car Mia following behind.

"you're welcome, have a happy birthday miss" he quickly shouted.

As we enter the building paparazzi we're all over us which is understandable when you're the daughter to a multi-billion hotel owner.

They usually ask the same questions every -time " how is it to be the daughter of top hotel owner?", "are you seeing anyone", blah, blah, blah.

"Bianca miele your finally here and in one piece" (honey) my mother's voice rang in the air as we finally make it into the building.

"Yes, I did" I said walking over into my mother's open arms.

"Beh qualcuno è bellissimo stasera" (well someone looks beautiful tonight) my father's voice pokes through.

"Papà" I say getting out of my mother's arms into his.

"How are you, birthday girl?" He chuckles giving me a tight squeeze.

"I'm good like always" I say pulling back looking at both of my parents.

They both give me a smile in return, for being the capo of the second biggest mafia in the world and his wife, my parents were pretty warm people and to regular people and the media we just look like a regular loving family no illegal drug trading, no fighting, no weapons, just the Morettis.

"well that's what I like to hear now come on everyone's waiting inside" my mother says interlocking our arms, Mia coming up on my other side as my father walks ahead of us.

Upon entering the room all eyes were on us, most wishing me happy birthday and or giving a friendly smile as we pass by.

Minutes have passed and I have gone up to so many people thanking them for coming and what not until I found myself walking over to Luca my brother and his group of friends.

"Hey, Luc" I say as I reach them they're laughs dying from something Jonathan had said before I had got here.

"Hey birthday girl" Luca first greeted then his friends followed in suit everyone but Angelo he wasn't here which was unusual.

"How are you?" He asked giving me a hug and a kiss on the head.

"I'm good can't wait to go on missions now" I muffled into his suit but close enough to his ear for him to hear.

"Oh I bet" he chuckled hinting to me knocking him out this morning when sparing causing me to smirk.

"So where's Angelo?" I casually asked even though he knows about my tiny crush on his best friend.

"Why so you can go drool over him all night?" He teased causing me to pinch him.

"Ow okay sorry, he couldn't make it tonight he had some office work to do, he wishes you happy birthday though" he says while rubbing his arm from where I pinched him.

I on the other hand was disappointed, but the work he had to do must have been really important if he was skipping out on my birthday.

"Hey, why that look on your face?" I questioned as sat next to my other brother Marco who wore an annoyed look on his face.

"It nothing" he muttered, he then follows up with "see" while sitting up and giving me a fake smile

"You can't fool me now tell me what's wrong or I'll use what I learned in training" I threaten causing him to roll his eyes.

"Fine you win it's Aria" he says causing me to smirk, Aria was a girl in his training group and he claims that they both hate each other which is true I've seen them pick fights with one another but I believe that he has a teeny weeny little crush on her because every time her name comes up he's intrigued or blushes.

"What's wrong?" I asked in an interested tone.

"You know she's just so fucking annoying she like a little fly that you can't get away from" he said causing me to laugh.

"Language" I warned before adding "and or is it because she dancing with another guy that's not you" I teased as I see her and a cute blonde dancing together.

"No she's just annoying" he says crossing his arms.

"Mhm, whatever you say piccolo ragazzo" (little man) I say patting his shoulders before getting up and leaving to find Mia.

"Shut up and I'm not little" I hear him call out as I walk through the crowd of people.

After so much talking and dancing it was time for the cake, everyone gathered around me and my family as they stood by me smiling.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." they all sang, as they got to the end I closed my eye wishing upon the sixteen candles that decorated the top of my cake.

The sound of clapping and people wishing me a happy birthday filled the room as the candles all went out.

I was beyond happy and grateful to be with people I love and adore on my birthday.

"Buon compleanno mio caro" (happy birthday my darling) my mother says kissing the top of my head giving me a tight squeeze.

"Buon compleanno Bianca, I can't wait to see you in action now" my father says copying my mother's actions.

"Grazie, and I won't let you down " (thankyou) I chuckle at them.

-time skip-

Even though I wished my birthday could last forever all good things must come to an end.

I found myself on the way back home with my brothers.

"Did you have a good time?" I asked both of them.

"Yup" Luca says while Marco is still scowling, I guess Aria hurt this little guy's ego majorly.

The car ride then continued to be silent all the way home, since Luca was passed out and Marco just being the moody teen he is.

"We're here" Antonio announce.

Me and Marco thanked him since Luca was still asleep he gave us back a small nod.

Marco was the first to get out while I shook Luca to wake him up, it took me a couple of tries to successfully wake him up but I eventually did.

"We're home" whisper to him as his eyes slowly open "thanks b" he says rubbing his eyes so they could adjust.

He was so quick to get out that he left his phone behind, but being the good sister I was I grabbed it before giving Antonio a last smile and exiting the suv.

I was on my way to the front door when a phone buzzed I checked his first since it was on top of mine and what I saw broke my heart.

Angelo: thanks for covering for me I hope Bianca understood but Summer was so fucking good thank again man I owe you.
12:36 am

So that's what he was doing I scoffed and quickly entered the house giving Luca his phone before going upstairs into my room where I ended up crying the whole night.

- end of flashback -
Authors note:
Hey besties thanks for being so patient with me and showing so much love like holy fuck you guys got this book to 17k reads. I also want to say that I love the 39 of you who followed me it means so much to me.
and sorry for the wait but I lowkey suck at writing.
But anyways what do you think of this chapter?
I'm also working on something and idk weather or not I should drop a hint so I need you guys to help vote yes drop the hint? or no I should wait a little longer?
As for now please vote and comment
Well I'll see you in 3 months lmaoo jk maybe we'll see

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