Melt My Iced Heart // Drarry

Von kayleighvdeinden

15.9K 585 305

Harry has been abused for years and when he finally attends Hogwarts he got himself a personal bully....Draco... Mehr

1. Where it all began
2. It won't stop
3. Depression is a dementor
4. Triwizard Tournament
5. Main target
6. Deepest secret
7. Counting ribs
8. Tell me the truth
9. Riddle unraveled
10. Dragon slayer
11. Dance elegance
12. Amortentia
13. Tux shopping
14. Yule Ball
15. A very Drarry Christmas
16. The golden egg
17. Team Draco or team Cedric?
18. Broken trust
19. Black Lake secrets
20. The unwanted kiss
21. Friends with my enemies
22. Getting cozy with Malfoy
23. Leave him alone
24. Not so blissful ignorance

25. Real witch move

347 15 4
Von kayleighvdeinden

Pansy's POV:

''Get out'' he said making me look at him like he was out of his mind.......which he was by the way. 

''What?! So you just let me suck your dick and then tell me to leave?'' I folded my arms I was obviously irritated by him. I'm his fucking ex-girlfriend and I still love him and try to get back to him but the only thing he does is using me and he knows bloody well that I want him back more than ever and still he uses me like some kind of whore. I like it until he shouts at me to leave and breaks my heart all over again.

''Get out NOW!'' he was beyond furious and it kind of scared me so I took my stuff and left his bathroom to find Blaise sitting on his bed. He looked at me confused and before Draco could storm out of his bathroom I left his dorm. 

I wanted to go back to the girls who were sitting in the common room until I heard Blaise saying ''I thought you were done with whoring around'' and that kind of made me curious. I want to know why Draco's always using me and I have the right to know so I decided to eavesdrop. 

''I'm not whoring around I just needed a distraction'' I heard Draco making me raise my eyebrows in annoyance why the hell does he need a distraction? I mean yeah his parents are awful but his life here at Hogwarts is like he's living like an actual prince. He has his own fucking dorm and bathroom while the others have to share it with two other students and all the girls are hanging on him because he's the hottest guy at school. 

''I thought you would go for Potter?'' I heard Blaise but I froze as soon as I realized what he just said. What does he mean by that? What does Potter have to do with this? 

''Really Blaise I didn't do anything wrong it's just that.......Diggory threatened to out me in front of my parents and if that happens then my whole life is over'' OUT ME?! 

I couldn't hear everything they were saying because the door is quite thick but I heard this sentence loud and clear. So Draco is gay? Then why does he let me suck his dick? Then why did we date in 3rd year? 

But the thing that also confuses me is Diggory threatening someone? Diggory threatening Draco?! That's just downright confusing because Draco is the scariest person in school, someone you don't like to mess with. Someone who could make your life a living hell even if you look at him funny. 

''Well apparently Diggory was jealous of me and Potter hanging out so much because well he has a huge crush on Potter so he came over to me and said that I had to give up on Potter in order for him to shut his mouth about my sexuality and if I don't then my parents will know and you know my parents they will disown me''. 

Well that's some strong juice! I didn't know Diggory could be such an asshole? He rather belongs in Slytherin than Hufflepuff. If there is one thing that's Draco's weakness it's his parents. His parents are the worst parents ever if I have to believe Draco's stories. 

So Diggory is also gay and in love with Harry Potter? The bullied boy is suddenly quite popular amongst the gays. I have to remind myself to keep an eye on him. If Potter is also gay and in love with Draco then my love will run away with him and then my chances with him will be destroyed.

''Oh gawd you're such an oblivious fuck haven't you seen how he looks at you? Even after beating him to a pulp he looked at you in admiration. He was always staring at you even at the motherfucking Yule Ball when he went with Diggory!''.

I guess I already got my answer maybe I should pay a visit to The Boy Who Lived. Make him clear to not touch my property. Draco's going to be mine. 

''Well they are terrible parents but we've gotta go because Quidditch practice begins in 15 minutes'' I heard and before I could make a move someone opened the door causing me to run for my life back to the common room. 

The girls looked at me confused but I just shrugged it off signaling for them to shut their mouths because Draco and Blaise were walking through the common room on their way to the door to get out. 

After they shut the door and were gone I released a breath I held in for too long. ''What did you and Draco do?'' I heard Astoria saying. ''Did you suck his dick?'' Tracey asked. 

''No they were gone for quite a while'' Astoria chimed in. 

''Oh did you guys have sex?'' Phoebe asked. 

''Oh my god you had a threesome with Blaise didn't you?!'' Katherine smirked. 

''Girls can you please shut the fuck up and listen to what I have to tell you because this is important!'' I shouted so hard whole Hogwarts could hear me. They all shut their mouths and looked at me attentively. 

''Who else noticed that Draco is acting really different lately don't say anything just raise your hand'' everyone raised their hands. ''Okay what I'm about to tell you is just between us okay?'' they all nodded. 

''Draco is a homosexual and he's in love with Harry Potter'' they all looked at me like I was some psycho who needed to go to Azkaban Psyche and then they all started laughing. 

''This whole obsession with Draco thing is getting out of hand Pansy get yourself together please'' Katherine scoffed. 

''Yeah I mean I literally had sex with him 3 months ago'' Astoria bragged. 

''Yeah and I just sucked his dick 20 minutes ago Astoria but I overheard their conversation when I walked out and he told Blaise that Diggory threatened to out him if he doesn't stay away from Potter but Potter is also in love with him but Draco is oblivious so we need to make it clear for Potter that Draco is ours'' I say. 

''What do you mean ours?'' Tracey raised her eyebrow in confusion. ''I mean that we like to be Draco's toy don't we? He fucks us good and if he starts a relationship with Potter then we lose him and we don't want that!''. 

They all looked at me in annoyance ''Cut the bullshit Pansy we know you want Draco for yourself and if what you're saying is true then he doesn't want us anymore because he only likes boys'' Katherine says. 

''Maybe he's bisexual or pansexual or something?'' Astoria chimed in. 

''I don't care we need to go to Potter now and tell him to fuck off or Draco's gone forever'' I implied and that might've made the girls wake up. 

''Yeah you're right that Potter bitch boy gets everything he wants!'' Tracey says and immediately all the girls stood up to leave the common room and go look for Potter and while we were walking through the hallways I smirked.....Draco is gonna be mine again!

Harry's POV: 

I walked back to the dorms with Cedric but first I needed a real quick bathroom break and I couldn't keep it in anymore ''I need to use the bathroom just go already I will follow'' I say to Cedric and ran to the boys bathroom. 

I kicked te door open and did my business and washed my hands but when I came out of the bathroom I saw a group of Slytherin girls standing in the hallway leaning against the wall. I shrugged it off and made my way passed them but one of the girls stopped me. 

''Where do you think you're going Potter?!'' one of them yelled at me making me flinch. I hate it when people yelled at me it makes me so weak. ''Uhm I'm just going to my dorm'' I say barely above a whisper and wanted to continue my steps but got stopped again ''We need to have a proper talk with you'' another one says and they pulled me to a corner ''I know you like Draco!'' how do they know? 

''N-n-no I don't why would I like him he's my bully'' I say to defend myself but they clearly saw through my lies. ''You mean he WAS your bully'' one girl said and I recognized her as Astoria Greengrass, Malfoy's hook up. 

''We've noticed that you and Draco became really close these last few weeks'' The girl with short black hair says and I think her name was Pansy Parkinson she was Malfoy's girlfriend last year. 

''W-well yeah we kind of were friends'' I say and I saw them all smirking at me. 

''Friends? Why would Draco want to be friends with you?'' Astoria snapped. One of the girls gave me a light push ''Draco is the most popular guy in the whole school he can get anyone to be his friend he doesn't want a wannabe hero who's actually a disgusting fag'' the one with the red hair says. 

''Think about it Potter why is Draco suddenly not hanging out with you anymore?'' it became silent until another girl spoke up ''Because he's using you and you didn't notice'' they were all laughing now making me shrink in my shoes. Did Draco really use me but for what? 

''B-but why would h-he use me?'' I stuttered. 

''Didn't you two make homework together like a lot of times?'' I nod making Pansy smirk ''Well Draco never made his homework he let the stupid nerds from Ravenclaw do that but the teachers were starting to notice so he used you to get better grades and now that he got them he doesn't need you anymore'' she says with a lot of venom in her voice even deadlier than the Basilisk's. 

She got a point there why would Draco even be friends with me? I'm just a stupid fat ass faggot who magically gets good grades because everyone feels sorry for me because of my parents. The people at Hogwarts who are actually nice to me are just nice because I'm marked in the history books as ''a hero''. 

But I'm not a hero! The fact that The Dark Lord died or disappeared right in front of my eyes was just a stupid coincidence. And Draco using me for good grades actually makes sense. I didn't know there were tears forming in my eyes when the girls started laughing at me and pointing at me ''Oh look girls the faggot finally realizes that he's just a worthless piece of shit and nobody actually likes him'' Astoria snickered. 

''Potter I think that you should just leave this school you're a half blood after all so you can just pack your bags and go live in the muggle world and forget about the Wizarding World. This way you can't harm anyone and you would do Draco and everybody else a huge favor'' Pansy explained making me sob. 

''Or you can just kill yourself'' I heard Astoria scream. 

''Astoria for Merlin's sake you can't say that'' I heard another one say. 

I didn't care about what they were saying but the fact that someone wanted me dead made my heart ache. Does everyone hate me that much? Maybe I should just ignore everyone until the end of the school year because there's no way I'm going to leave Hogwarts but if everyones being so fake to me than why do I put so much effort in being the smiley Harry and being nice to everyone. Maybe I should just go back to the shy and emotionless Harry, maybe everyone liked me better as that person. 

I ran away from the girls while crying and sobbing like my life depended on it. I wanted to turn around the corner until I bumped into someone. ''Potter?'' I heard and when I looked up I saw a worried looking Draco but I stepped aside and ran for my life. I ran back to my dorm ignoring all the other Hufflepuffs. I noticed Cedric and Neville sitting in the common room but I didn't want anyone's pity so I dried my tears and swallowed a few times to get rid of the shaky voice. 

''I'm going to go to bed already because I'm pretty tired'' I say with a small voice. I heard Cedric calling after me when I made my way but I ignored him. I noticed the worried looks of everyone in the common room but I know now that it's all just fake and that I should ignore it so I moved on, changed into my pajama's and lied down. Time to say goodnight. 

Draco's POV: 

I wanted to ask professor Snape something really quick before the curfew because Quidditch practice was cancelled due to an earlier curfew tonight because there was a huge fight somewhere in the castle and now everyone has to pay for it. So I made my way to his office but before I could turn the corner someone bumped into me and when he looked up I noticed the beautiful green eyes that belonged to Harry Potter. But this time he wasn't smiling like always he had red puffy eyes and tears rolling down his cheeks. He was all shaky and he looked at me with sadness, anger and fear. 

''Potter?'' I say but he ran away before I could ask him about it but my question answered itself pretty quickly as I heard voices coming from around the corner. ''Did you see his face?'' I heard Pansy laughing. 

''Yeah oh my god now we know that he's going to stay away from Draco'' Astoria chimed in. 

I think it's time for another fight at Hogwarts tonight because no one is going to touch my Potter. ''Parkinson!......I know you were eavesdropping on me and Blaise!'' I screamed while turning around the corner making all the girls shriek. I walked to them with my bossy Malfoy walk while rolling up the sleeves of my white shirt. 

''And you're going to pay for it''. 


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