Where is my PETE?? ( Complete...

By ChikkiMugala

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hey cuties🥰🥰.... this is my second story...hope you 'll like it... this story contains drama, action, roma... More

chapter 1 : who is he??
chapter 2 : babe!!!!..
chapter 3 : i dont like you...
chapter 4 : happy life...
chapter 5 : ae!!!.
chapter 6 : love magical town....
chapter 7 : pain....
chapter 8 : i will kill you...
chapter 9 : i am scared...
chapter 10 : the past...
chapter 11: for pete....
chapter 12 : boyfriend ..
chapter 13 : i am sorry...
chapter 14 : honeyy...
chapter 15 : hiding....
chapter 16 : the truth!!!
chapter 17 : taking care...
chapter 18 : our baby!!
chapter 19 : wake up!!...
chapter 20 : chompoo...
chapter 21: i beg you...
chapter 22: i am sulking...
chapter 23 : uncle max...
chapter 24 : drink??
chapter 25 : be careful
chapter 26 : apple??
chapter 27 : love??
chapter 28 : mom??
chapter 30 : burger??..
chapter 31 : parents...
chapter 32 : husband...
chapter 33 : good boy....
chapter 34 : king...
chapter 35 : how...
chapter 36 : i want them!!
chapter 37 : stay ...
chapter 38 : dad!!...
chapter 39 : happy ....
chapter 40 : my girl .....
chapter 41 : love remains ....
chapter 42 : only love ....
new story ...new love ...
update !!!

chapter 29 : sam...

401 25 5
By ChikkiMugala

In non magical world....

Ae pov :

     It's been already two months..... Pete is craving weird things already..... My apple is growing healthy day by day.... Iam very happy.... But handling Pete is a little bit tough!!.... he is super senstive now a days....I was having a meeting with other companies.... They are explaining something... Suddenly door opened... Everyone looked at the door... Pete came and sat on me.... He hugged my neck......

Ae - what are you looking at??..... Continue!!!!....

They continued the meeting.... Pete slept on me....

Someone - boss.... That's our plan...

Ae - okay... The meeting is over... You can leave now!!!.

They all bowed to me and left.... I looked at Pete.... He was sleeping peacefully....

I slowly carried him to my cabin and placed him on couch.... I called pond!!....

Pond - yes boss.....

Ae - why owner is here??..

Pond - he woke up when you left for office boss.... He wanted to see you... We tried to stop him but you know... He is stubborn... He kept on whining to see you... So I brought him here....

Ae - okay.... Okay..... You are down right!!!....

Pond - yes boss!...

Ae - bring some chocolates and oats to my cabin...

Pond - yes boss...

I ended the call and sat in my chair... After an hour Pete woke up....

Pete - honey ~~~~

Ae - yes baby... Iam here....

He started crying..... I rushed to him.... I sat in front of him.... I wiped his tears....

Ae - don't cry na... I am here right....iam not leaving you okay.... Stop crying... You are my angel right!!!.....

Pete - then why you aren't beside me when I woke up!!!...... ( sob).... I thought you left me.....

Ae - why will I leave you baby..... I won't leave you okay.... Please.... Calm down naa..... Hmm...

I kissed his face.... He stopped crying....

Pete - iam hungry....

Ae - I know..... I brought your fav food na.... Wait a min okay....

I went and made his breakfast.... Milk with oats and chocolate...

I went to him and fed him.... He smiled and ate it all.... I wiped his mouth and kissed him...

Ae - okay baby... You want anything???...

Pete - I want ice cream khab....

Ae - no ice cream.... Last week you got cold baby.... No ice creams okay... Hmm..

He pouted....

Ae - baby.... Please... Don't sulk na... Hmm.... I will make chocolate cake for you okay...

He smiled....

Pete - really khab??

Ae - yes baby... But no ice cream okay!!!.... You will get cold....

He nodded happily..... He extended his arms... I smiled to him and carried him in my arms.... He hugged me like a koala and I went to my seat with him ...... He sat on me and I was doing my work.... He started kissing my cheek and my neck....

Pete - honey.... I love you....

I kissed him on lips and smiled....

Ae - love you too baby...

He wants all of my attention now a days.... He cries if iam not around him..... Maybe these are all because of pregnancy.....

Pete - honey.... Yesterday I brought a nice dress.... You will like it....

Ae - for me??

Pete - no... I bought it for apple!!!...it is very beautiful khab...

Ae - show it to me...

He took out his phone and showed it to me...

Ae - it's so beautiful baby.... Apple will like it...

He smiled happily and kissed me.... Later he slept on me..... I smiled and continued my work!!!!!!.....

In the love magical town.....

Pete pov :

    Things changed a lot.... Ae is listening to me all the time and he is thinking freely.... I learnt that king ae punished himself 100 beats and saved a kid... He is changing though.... What amazed me the most is.... Trump isn't even looking at me..... All thanks to that ae..... Trump is doing his works without a mistake.... He is scared for his majesty....

   I was eating grapes and king ae came to me....

King ae - prince.... You need anything...

Pete - nothing....

King ae - mom and dad are planning to get us married!!... What's your opinion on that??

Pete - go and tell them I don't love you... They will cancel it!...

King ae - but I love you prince!!....

Pete - I can't see any love in you then.... What should I do??..

King ae - prince.... Please don't say anything like that!!.... You know I changed..... I trust you...

Pete - come here....

He came near me..... I gave him a grape.... He took it....

Pete - eat it...

He placed grape in his mouth...

Pete - I mixed poision in it...

He stared me for a while and swallowed the grape.....

Ae - prince... I love you.... Please give me a chance....

Pete - that's a very nice change your majesty!!!....iam not as evil as your brother so... Iam giving you a chance.... Tell mom and dad to postpone the marriage date..... If you don't show me your love.. I  will cancel the marriage.. You got it....

He smiled and hugged me tightly...

Ae - thank you prince... Thank you for giving me a chance!!... I love you.... Muah...

He kissed my cheek and left.... My cheeks got red.... I am shy..finally I gave a chance to my love!!!.... I hope nothing goes wrong!!....

Trump pov :

    With the new friend... Or should I say the another me.... He is a werewolf and he is just like me...... He was staying with me almost two months now.... He is helping me improving my black magic.... So I can control others...
I sat in front of him....

Wolf - Trump!!!... What do you want??

Trump - who are you??.... Why are you here??

Wolf - I told you.... Iam Trump... In my world... I killed ae and Pete!!!...

Trump - how can you kill Pete.... You can kill ae!!... But not Pete!!...

Wolf - but in my world.... He has  a mate... He is ae.... He won't love me even if I force him!!!...

Trump - so you should have left him.... Why is it necessary to kill him!!!

Wolf - his big brother tharn!!... The alpha.... Beat me to death when I was talking to Pete...

Trump - so you wanna take a revenge....

Wolf - yes.....so I killed Pete and to save my life.... My brother lhong told me to hide here before dying...

Trump - really.... You had a brother....

He nodded...

Wolf - he said tharn will kill him.... So he said about magic lake before dying...

Trump - when did he died???

Wolf - almost twenty years ago!!.... After his death.. Life was peaceful but I don't know who are they.... They are trying to kill me noww!!!.... So I came here...

Trump - okay.... Okay... You can stay here.... But I want power... I want that throne!!!....

Wolf - iam already helping you to improve your black magic.....

Trump - yeah... You are.... But... You should kill ae's father... We can't take the throne with him alive!!.... He is powerful!!....

He nodded.... I smiled..... Soon the throne will be mine!!!!.. You will  be mine too prince!!!...

Somewhere in another world....

Diya pov :

     My brother is still eating.... Dad tharn and dad type went for  morning walk ...... But I am sick of my brother....

Sam - sissy..... I want oats!!!....

Diya - you ate enough!!!.... How much you will eat...

Sam - sis.... My girlfriend wants to talk to you...

Diya - what does she wants??.... Did you hurt her or what??....

Sam - no... We want your help.... I want to introduce her to dads..

Diya - I will help you...... Don't worry...

Sam - sis.... Will dad tharn and type accept my relationship???.... Iam scared...

Diya - don't be scared.... They will accept your love..... My little cutie brother!!! ..

Sam - iam not a kid sis....

Diya - yes you are!!!...

We both started fighting!!!!..... We stopped fighting when dad tharn is back!!!!....

Dad tharn - what is happening here???...

Diya - nothing dad...

Dad tharn - little pie.... Why are you fighting with your brother??...

Diya - dad..... Sam wants to say  you something!!!!..

Sam - sis no!!!....

Dad tharn - what is the matter Sam??....

Sam is nervous.... He went to tharn...

Sam - dad..... I have a girlfriend and I love her so much...... Will you allow me to.... To marry her???

Dad tharn - what???...

Diya - dad please.... She is a good girl....

Dad tharn - what I taught you???... Love makes you weak... We can't trust anyone like that!!!..... If you have weakness.... You will be end in pain like me!!!...

Dad type - tharn!!!!!..... Why are you shouting at my baby like that???....

Dad tharn - he said he wants to marry!!!!!..

Dad type - what's wrong in that???.....

Dad tharn - I don't want him to end in pain!!!!..... Like me!!!...

Dad type - he won't..... Calm down baby..... Nothing will happen to our children!!... They are safe... Calm down.... Please...

Dad tharn sighed.....

Dad tharn - tell her to come and meet me!!!..... I will test her...

They went to their room..... Sam smiled happily.... He ran and hugged me....

Sam - iam so happy sis.... Thank you na....

Diya - as long as you are happy my little brother....

Sam - iam not little....

Diya - you are always little in my eyes!!....

We smiled happily....

In non magical world....

Pete pov :

    My husband is the sweetest.... He was making chocolate cake for me..... He made it for me and brought to our room.... I took and licked the chocolate cream...

Ae - baby.... Eat neatly okay!!!.... Why are you spreading chocolate around your mouth like that???..

I took chocolate on my finger and licked it......

Ae - baby...... It's enough... I can't wait anymore.....

He took the chocolate cake and placed it on side table.... He took my finger and sucked it.... He caught my lips hungrily and he was kissing me and licking my lips.... He is eating chocolate on my lips..... He parted and looked at me...

Ae - aaahh... You are so sexy baby!!!...

I blushed at his words..... He caught my lips again... His hand slid into my shirt and was searching my skin..... I was getting hard..... He trailed his kisses down to my neck and started biting my neck.... " Aaahh.... H.. Honey... " I was moaning..... Quickly we were naked... He kisses were making me losing my mind....

   His hand travelled to my thigh and he was licking every inch of my skin and sucking it...i caught his hair tightly..... " Baby ..... I love you.... "  He said between kisses.... I can't even reply him..... I was moaning hard!!!!!...

He went down and took my legs and placed on his shoulders!!!..... " Baby.... You are so cute!!... " He said..... My cheeks turned red..... " Ae ~~~" I hit his shoulder.... He smiled and started kissing my inner thighs.... Every kiss sent shivers to my spine!!..... I was drowing in his love and woke up when cold gel touched my entrance.... I flinched.....

He bent down to me and kissed my face.....

Ae - baby... I want you...

I kissed his forehead....

Pete -did I said no to you anytime???.... Stop asking me khab.... You know I am shy!!!.....

He smiled and pushed his finger slowly..... " Aahh... " I moaned.... He prepared me and then entered me with condom.... I moaned and threw my head back....

He gave me time to adjust..... He distracted me with his kisses on my neck... I gripped his shoulders.... Later he moved slowly... " Arghh.... Baby.... I love you... " ... He said while moaning....

Later after filling me in two different postions..... He carried me to bath.... He bathed me and dried me..... He gave me a shorts to wear... Later he bathed and joined me in bed..... He fed me chocolate cake and took me into his embrace.... He hugged me tightly and slept.... I went to my Dreamland too...

Ae pov :

  I was sleeping.... Pete waked me in midnight!!...

Pete - honey.... Wake up..

I opened my eyes...

Ae - you need something baby??

Pete - my... My legs are paining khab..

He was crying.... I sat immediately  and wiped his tears....

Ae - baby..... Don't cry.... Hmm??....your ae is here.... Okay...

I kissed his eyes and made him lay on bed.... I went to his legs and started massaging his legs.... I know about this problem.... I read many pregnancy books.... Pregnant people legs will pain..... I massaged him until he slept... I went to sleep beside him.... He rolled onto me and slept peacefully..... My baby is the best... I went to his tummy....

Ae - apple baby.... Don't make mama hurt naa...be a good girl.... Come out soon okay... Daddy is waiting for you.... Daddy loves you so much naa.... Hmm... Mama is tired already..... You should sleep too..... Hmm... Good night baby...muah ....

I kissed his tummy and went to sleep....
How's the chapter??.....

I will upload new chapter soon...

New characters are from my third story..... It's tharntype fanfic.... I hope you will enjoy it too...

Until then..

Luv you cuties...

Your author ❤❤

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