Come Back With Me

By mickeye8

1.2M 38.9K 8.4K

What if Steve wasn't the only super soldier who left their best girl in the 40s? When Steve goes to return th... More

What If We Could Go Back?
You Deserve to be Selfish
He Wants So Many Things With Her
How Much Did You Read?
My Dearest Jaime
I Think I'll Rest for Awhile
My Friends Call Me Bucky
Gracie Has to Say Grace
You Missed Family Dinner
Rogers' Sibling Cook Off Night
I'll Bring Her Home
The Biggest Scare of His Life
I Was so Scared Mama
She Died, Didn't She?
She's a Fighter
He Killed My Friend
He Hopes He Never Falls In Love
She's One of His Favorite People
Steve Thinks Mint Toothpaste is Spicy
The Adventures of Bucky Barnes
I Don't Like Bullies
Do You Concur?
He'll Never Love You Either
Stop Checking Out My Sister
The Type Of Girl You Fight For
Get Out Of The Car Elizabeth
Dumb Boys Who Love You
Just The Getaway Driver
You Need To Go Bucky
You Owe Me Big Time
I Brought Tomato Soup
She Hasn't Really Mentioned You
Do You Still Have A Crush On Me?
I Did A Bad Thing, Stevie
You Deserve A Book Worthy Romance
Like You Said, I'm A Risk Taker
Something Really Really Selfish
He Likes Winding Her Up
Who Takes Care Of You?
A Very Expensive Box
If I'm Yours, You Are Mine
Check All The Boxes
Don't Do Anything I Wouldn't Do
Sounds Like A Plan, Doll
I Don't Want This Night To End
A Woman Who Can Put Me In My Place
Nice Lipstick Bucky
I'm So Tired, Jaime
She Definitely Knows What She Wants
What If He Can't Protect Her?
The Most Amazing Woman
Ask Me Again
Brooklyn Will Always Be Home
Who Is He?
You Kissed Her?
I Rather Skip The Pleasantries
I Should Do Research More Often
Really? We're Going To Do This Here?
You Were Being A Coward
You're Going To Be A Great Husband
Are You Going To Tell Bucky?
You're Not Weak, Just In Love
It Just Didn't Feel Right
We Interrupt This Broadcast
I'm Not Talking About This With You
I'm A Realist
Be Weak With Me
Yours Forever, Jaime
Tell Me Later
We Need To Talk
I Just Saved Your Life You Idiot
Everyone Sleeps In On Holidays
We Were Lucky To Have You
I Just Want You
I'll Hurry Back
We Do It For Her
One Last Dance?
I'll Try My Best
He Gave Me A Chance, Lizzie
No Unnecessary Risks
I Hope I'm In Your Dreams
I Hope I Get To Meet Her
That Was Quite The Growth Spurt
He Imagines Her
He'll Do It For Bucky
Who Are You Again?
Tell Ellie That I Love Her
All The People He Loves
Don't You Say It
You Can Just Stay Here
A Lot Of Life To Live
I Have Amazing Intuition
What Are You Doing Here?
He Didn't Mean To
He Holds On To Her
She Holds On To Him
Are You Ready?
I'm So So Sorry That I Left
I'm Remembering This
You Make Me Feel Alive
I Was The Winter Soldier
I Just Wanted To Protect You
What Was That?
To Love The Rogers Twins
On One Condition
You're My Greatest Adventure
Full On Traditional
I Do
The Right Choice
I Think It's Time We Talked
Our Home
One Last Time
The Only Logical Explanation
It Doesn't Feel Like Mine
It's All My Fault
He's Gone
It's Okay To Be Scared
The Baby?
Close Your Eyes
I'm Not Coming Back
My Place Is By Her Side
Take Off Your Shirt
Get It Together
It's A Bad Idea
I Have A Mission For You
Nod If You Understand
Why Would They Take Her?
I Loved Her First
Everyone Has A Name
He Must Have Been Special
He Dreams of Her
I'm Not Enough
Do You Love Him?
We Can't Risk It
I'm Here With You
Until My Dying Breath
Did You Know?
Why Didn't You Tell Us?
Don't Say Stupid Things
Quite The Disagreement
Just Stay
The Only Thing That Matters
A Phenomenal Woman
Living With Ghosts
You Got Your Happy Ending
Love Like Ours
Ten Years Later
Let's Go Back
I Already Got My Wish (bonus chapter)
Me and You (bonus chapter)
Just Because it's Mothers Day (bonus chapter)
The First of Many (anniversary bonus chapter)
We Can't Go Back

Were You Ever Going To Tell Me?

6.5K 256 51
By mickeye8

Bucky got home before Lizzie for once so he decided to go pick up the groceries for the week. She usually leaves the grocery list in her bed side table.

He is going through the papers she left in there trying to find it when he finds a packet labeled 'Lab Results'.

He knows he should leave it alone but the fact that she was getting lab work done scared him. What if something was seriously wrong with her?

He opens the packet and slides out the paper. There is a lot of scientific jargon that he doesn't understand but there is one word he definitely did understand.


Lizzie is pregnant.

He quickly puts the paper back into the packet and places it back in her drawer, groceries forgotten.

Lizzie notices that Bucky is acting strange when she gets home but he says it's nothing when she asks and she decides to let it go.

Weeks pass and Lizzie still hadn't told Bucky she was pregnant and he was beginning to get angry.

He understood waiting a couple days to tell him but weeks?

He was the father, doesn't she thinks he has a right to know?

They are eating dinner one evening when Bucky finally snaps.

Lizzie was telling a story about her first week in the new school year when Bucky drops his fork to his plate.

Lizzie stops telling her story and looks to see Bucky has a furious expression on his face.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" Bucky demands.

His tone automatically sets her off.

"Tell you what?" She says.

"That you're pregnant," Bucky says.

"I'm not pregnant," Lizzie says.

"Don't lie, I saw the test results in your night stand," Bucky says angrily.

She knows instantly what must of happened and why he was having such a harsh reaction right now.

"I can explain," Lizzie starts but Bucky interrupts her.

"Didn't you think that I deserved to know that I'm going to be a father?" Bucky yells.

She is immediately angered by his tone. She's not pregnant but if she was, he should not be yelling at her like this. When she doesn't respond, he continues.

"Or were you just hoping you'd lose the baby and never have to tell me?" Bucky says.

"What did you just say?" Lizzie snaps.

"A baby would ruin all your plans so maybe you were just hoping the problem would take care of itself," Bucky says.

The room goes silent. Bucky knows that he shouldn't have said that but he is so angry.

Lizzie says nothing but walks out of the room. She immediately goes upstairs and starts packing a bag.

Bucky follows her up and sees her packing.

"What are you doing?" He demands.

She doesn't respond but she keeps throwing stuff into the bag.

He rips the bag out of her hands so she is forced to respond.

"I can't stand the sight of you right now so I'm going to stay with Steve," Lizzie says.

She takes the bag back from him and finishes packing everything she needs.

He blocks the doorway.

"No, we are talking about this," Bucky says.

"Bucky, I swear to God if you don't move then I'm going out the window," Lizzie says angrily.

They glare at each other, waiting to see who would break first. It ended up being Bucky.

He knew that Lizzie would actually attempt to climb out the window if he forced the issue. He may be furious at her right now but he wouldn't want to risk her or the baby out of spite.

He moves out of the doorway and Lizzie storms past him. He follows her to the door.

She was halfway out of it when she hears Bucky behind her.

"Lizzie, wait," Bucky says.

She turns to see what he wants.

He wants to beg her to stay so they can work it out but he knows that that's not going to happen tonight.

"Can you please call me when you get to Steve's? Or at least have Steve call me so I know you got in safe?" Bucky asks.

She looks at him sadly. She wants to stay so they can work it out but she knows that that's not going to happen tonight so all she does is nod.

As soon as Lizzie is out the door, tears flood her eyes and her body is racked with sobs.

She walks the short walk to Steve's apartment and knocks on the door.

Steve is confused when he hears a knock on his door. He wasn't expecting anyone tonight.

He opens the door to find a tear soaked Lizzie.

"Can I stay here for a couple of days?" Lizzie asks.

He pulls her in for a hug. He wants to know what's going on but he knows that Lizzie just needs comfort right now.

"Of course you can stay here. You can stay here as long as you need," he whispers into her hair.

He pulls them over to the couch and lets Lizzie lay her head on his lap while he strokes her hair.

Their mother used to do this for them whenever they were upset when they were little.

Lizzie's sobs begin to quiet down and eventually his ministrations lull her to sleep.

The phone rings and Steve quickly grabs it before Lizzie can be woken up.

"Hello?" Steve whispers.

"Please tell me she's there," Bucky asks frantically.

"Yeah, she just fell asleep. She was distraught when she arrived but she cried herself out. Do you want to tell me why my sister is here with me and not with you?" Steve asks.

Bucky hesitates because he is scared to tell Steve what happened.

"We had an argument," Bucky says.

"Must have been a doozy," Steve says.

"She's pregnant," Bucky says.

"What?!" Steve yells.

He freezes, waiting to see if he woke up Lizzie but she remains dead to the world.

"I take it that this wasn't exactly planned?" Steve asks.

He doesn't know what to feel about Lizzie being pregnant. He's always wanted to be an uncle and he wants to be happy for them but he still doesn't know why she showed up in tears.

"Of course it wasn't planned!" Bucky exclaims.

"Are you mad at her because she got pregnant? Because last I checked, she wouldn't have been able to do that alone," Steve says.

"Of course I'm not mad she's pregnant. This is not an ideal time for a baby but I'd love any kid we had," Bucky says.

"Then what's the problem?" Steve asks.

"She hid it from me for months. I'm honestly not even sure how far along she is," Bucky admits.

"Didn't you guys talk about it?" Steve asks.

"Well..." Bucky starts.

Steve knows that whatever Bucky has to say next, he isn't going to like it.

"Bucky, what did you do?" Steve asks.

"I found some lab work in her bedside table that confirmed the pregnancy. I kept waiting for her to bring it up but she never did and tonight I just snapped," Bucky admits.

He knows Lizzie well enough to know that Bucky must have said something really bad to get this reaction.

"What did you say to her?" Steve asks.

"I may have accused her of not telling me because she was hoping she'd lose the baby," Bucky admits guiltily.

Steve has to take a few deep breaths to avoid screaming at Bucky and waking Lizzie up.

"I don't want you coming around here for awhile. If she wants to see you, which I doubt, I'll contact you but until then, I'm going to need you to stay away," Steve says.


"No, Bucky. You accused your pregnant fiancé, my sister, of hoping to miscarry. Do you know how messed up that is?" Steve asks.

Bucky knows that she would never do anything like that. She would love any child they had. He was just so hurt she lied, he wanted to hurt her back.

"I was just so mad at her for hiding it," Bucky says.

"Well you better hope she forgives you because I can't back you up on this. Don't call here again Bucky, I don't want you upsetting her more. I don't want the stress to harm the baby," Steve says.

Steve then hangs up on Bucky and he is left with his thoughts.

Bucky has known she was pregnant for weeks but has never really reconciled that they are going to have an actual baby.

He wasn't ready to be a father but he would love that baby so much because it was a part of him and Lizzie. He would love anything that was part Lizzie.

He just prayed she would forgive him.

He went to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. He was never a big drinker but tonight was definitely a whiskey night.

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