She's the Alpha [#1]

By TT_Maria

510K 24.2K 1.2K

Returning home from two years of training, Case finds that her pack has spun out of control, fortunately rogu... More

Chapter 1 - Home
Chapter 3 - Where You Belong
Chapter 4 - The Price You Pay
Chapter 5 - Alpha
Chapter 6 - What a Girl Wants
Chapter 7 - Forgiveness and Acceptance
Chapter 8 - Meetings
Chapter 9 - Treaties
Chapter 10 - Like Father Like Daughter
Chapter 11 - Curtesy
Chapter 12 - Warnings
Chapter 13 - Gideon
Chapter 14 - Dinners
Chapter 15 - Conflict
Chapter 16 - The Parents
Chapter 17 - Giving the Dog a Bone
Chapter 18 - Past Actions
Chapter 19 - Traitor
Chapter 20 - Closure
Chapter 21 - Changes
Chapter 22 - Decisions
Chapter 23 - The King
Chapter 24 - The Crown
Chapter 25 - New Members
Chapter 26 - Behind Enemy Lines
Chapter 27 - She's the Alpha
Special Thanks!
Coming Soon...
Sequel is out!

Chapter 2 - Punishment

21.9K 1K 49
By TT_Maria

I stormed outside to face my pitiful pack, in the moments of speaking with my mate; Christopher had woken up in those moments as he was now standing outside along with everyone else. Word got out pretty quickly that I was back because the mature members of the pack as well as the pups were all standing awaiting me.

"Alpha I'm-" I silenced Christopher with a growl,

"In two years you have made this pack pathetic! Throwing away money on unnecessary things and abusing one of your own, while the rest of them stand there and encourage you!" I was on the verge of shifting and tearing his throat out.

"Let me explain" he begged, I looked at him and raised a brow waiting for his explanation but he didn't have any like I thought.

"It's about time for your punishment" I said.

"What?" Christopher asked appalled.

"You not only been having your way but you've left everyone here vulnerable to an attack from another pack or worse, from rogues. Not only did those around you turn a blind eye, the adults whom I thought would have stepped in and corrected your despicable behavior have also been acting like nothing's happened! Surely you didn't think your actions didn't have consequences" I laughed, he hung his head down ashamed.

"Alpha, we can't be blamed for not being able to do anything!" a female cried; she was one of the older members "whenever we try to do something Beta Christopher always enacts punishments, what would you have had us do?" 

I staredat the female, her eyes were tortured, she had loss someone, whoever it was I wouldfind out later. "There's one of him and how many of you?" with just thatquestion none of them could meet my eye because they all knew that my words were true, I was not one to let incidents such as these slide easily.

1000 push-ups, 150 squats, 10 mile run, 3000 abdominal crunches and 1000 jumping jacks and to finish it off a two mile swim. Allwithin hours, they had started at early morning and by the time they werefinished the sun was hiding behind the horizon.

I went easier on the kids since they did nothing wrong but they were still out of shape.They were severely behind on milestones that wolf children usually passed and it was all thanks to a certain Beta. The blame also falls on me as an Alpha since I made the premature decision to leave an idiot in charge of my pack.

Everyone was on the ground panting and throwing up; I tutted at how out of shape they've been.

"Get up, you're not finished yet!" I ordered.

They groaned as they struggled to their feet; "y-you cannot do this!" little red told me.

"I can, and I am" I told her "thanks to your little friend's opinion, you all will have some more of the same tomorrow at 4 am sharp! Anyone who's late will get extra. Now I want all of you to clean that house top to bottom whereas I can see my reflection in the floor" I snapped.

The members filed in the house, some tripping over themselves while others tried hard to keep their balance. I quickly went for a run, prowling the borders of my territory for any enemies, during my run I noticed a few things out of the ordinary.

"Haven't seen you around here, you must be new" a man stepped out of the bushes wearing pants alone and a wicked grin on his face.

"You're trespassing!" I spat.

"Not for long" he smiled.

He walked up to me, running his hands along my face, making me cringe in disgust. I grabbed his wrist breaking it, I didn't hesitate to rip his arm off completely; his friends that thought they were 'hidden' jumped out and tried attacking me, I shifted and allowed my wolf to sate her blood-lust with them, as always since I had first shifted, she was merciless in her kills and held nothing back.

I on the other had was more rattled since my earlier predictions were right on point; the pack was vulnerable the way it was now. They were weak and easy prey for a bunch of measly rogues and that didn't please me one but.

On arriving back at the pack house, I noticed that Christopher and a certain redheaded girl were missing. I growled seeing each body freeze before they shook with fear; they had every right to be afraid because they know they were in the wrong.

I raced upstairs to my office and found my Beta screwing the unmannerly redhead on my desk, "I take it that you two would like a painful death" I stated. Truthbe told I was surprised they had the energy to mate after the little exercise Ijust put them through. 

They jumped apart scrambling to find their clothes.

"Aren't you supposed to be cleaning?" I asked, keeping my voice leveled.

The redhead scoffed as she rolled her eyes "there's no way I'm cleaning anything."

"Is that so?"

I took long strides until I reached her then grabbed the defiant girl by her hair and pulled her out the door and down the stairs.

I grabbed a sponge and Clorox from one an extra basket and pushed her down in the basement throwing the sponge and cleaning chemical down there.

"Make no mistake Red, you're not of high ranking nor are you some angel or princess that sits on a throne, you are a member of this pack, like everyone else out there is, you're no different to anyone else here. I want this place spotless, you won't leave here until it is" I slammed the door and locked it. Walking away, I heard as she banged on the door screaming to be let out but I could care less. Things were going to change around here, and she'd have no choice but to accept it, she was either with us or not.

Christopher was now among his many pack mates in doing his duties in scrubbing the floor and cleaning the house that they'd trashed; I made my way up to my room with a first aid kit in hand, as I entered I made sure to stay as quiet as possible as to not wake my sleeping mate.

The next half hour was spent cleaning my mate's wounds and stitching him up if needed, he should be as good as new within a couple of days. Fatigue had finally set in for me and I climbed into bed, I turned toward the guy lying on my bed sleeping peacefully; I wondered how many times they've hurt him. How much he had endured, the thought makes me angry, but their punishment was far from over.

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