The Babysitter II: Happy Hall...

By LuckyBaton6590

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{The Sequel to "The Babysitter"} After the.... unfortunate events of Mira Mission 175, the children went back... More

Happy Halloween
Trick Or Treat
Free Time
Big Trouble
Can't Help Worrying
On The Roof
News From NASA
Big Decision
Almost Time
The Manager
The Skeld
Emergency Meeting
Old Scars
Another One Down
Mistaken Identity
Fractured Friendships
More Meetings
Wasn't You
New Evidence
Not A Robot
Better Off Without Me
Apology Tour

New Recruits

143 2 98
By LuckyBaton6590

Indigo's PoV:

Yayyyyyy we're meeting the new crew members! That means new friends!!! I'm really excited.

Hopefully they're nice :3

Most of the others are happy too. Lemon and Rose don't really want to talk to new people... which is weird because my sister and Rose usually argue over everything.

Well now they have something they can agree on!

Oh, and Coal didn't seem happy either. He looked scared, which isn't good. I'm sure the new kids will be nice though, and we have nothing to fear! If we can show Coal that nothing is going to be bad, he'll be okay again.

I wanna help.

Scarlet's PoV:

"Hey Teal!" I exclaimed whilst racing over to her, dragging Coal behind. She looked up and kind of waved, but didn't say anything.
"You good?" I asked once I reached her. Again, she remained silent, just shrugged.
"I missed you-"

"We saw each other last night" she mumbled in what had become her normal voice; monotone.

"Yeah, and she saved me from the bad kids!" Chocolate exclaimed in delight, bouncing over.

"What bad kids?" Teal's father interrogated. Choccy immediately stopped jumping, and walked towards me, grabbing onto my arm with both his hands.

"The... mean ones" he quietly mumbled.

Oooops this wasn't too good...

"I see" he bitterly muttered, glancing around the room to find the adults and storming up to them. Choccy finally let go of my arm, skipping back over to where Lapis and the rest of our group were.
Ah... Thomas is kinda in trouble now. Eek.

Talking of trouble..... I still hadn't found out what happened with Peach. Yeah, I don't mind that she carries knives around... but I don't want her to get herself into trouble with NASA, especially when they already think she's an imposter kid. Don't give them reason to not be able to trust you...

Emerald's PoV:

"I told you to stop it!" I muttered, "you're gonna get hurt!"

Peach groaned in frustration, replying with "I'm fine! These stupid people just don't understand the concept of self-defence!"

"They think you're an imposter" I reminded her in a hushed voice, but she just rolled her eyes.

"What does it matter to you anyway?" Rose grumbled, "or do ya just think everyone else should be all perfect like you?"

Did she really just say that?! Besides, she's the one who thinks she's perfect anyway! Hypocrite-
"I care because-" I began but Rose interrupted.

"Yeah. I know why... Ugh, let me know when you've stopped with the lecturing" and with that she stormed off in a huff.

I was about to say something to Peach, but she spoke first. "Sorry, she doesn't mean it-"

"But... of course she means it! This is Rose we're talking about!"

Peach's eyes narrowed slightly. "don't judge people when you don't know what they're going through." At first, I thought she was really mad at me, but her tone quickly softened, "C'mon, I know you're good at this sort of stuff... you helped me... a lot. I want to know how to help others... how to find the right things to say-"

This concerned me slightly. "You're stressed, Peach, I can sense it. What's up? Remember you can tell me anything"

Her expression turned serious, which rarely ever happens, as she stared straight into my eyes. "Promise not to tell anyone?"

Lemon's PoV:

Why did we have to get new crew members?? It's so annoying! I already have enough competition as it is... the last thing I need is some new kid strutting in and stealing the limelight.

Heh... I guess that's the thing with living with lots of other kids. Always fighting over attention... I kinda missed being an only child, if I'm totally honest. Back when mum and dad were still alive and happy together, and they had all the time in the world for me... I was little, had no responsibilities, no worries.

But at the same time, I would never get rid of Indigo, even though she's such a pain sometimes. My main problem now is that she is 'too busy'...... hey, wasn't that how the problems started between mum and dad...?

Speaking of, I never really understood why we didn't stay with uncle Liam. He was still living. Then Indigo wouldn't always be busy taking care of Snow, or whatever else excuses she can make up.

Yeah, Liam always had time for us and mum.

Wait wait wait, hang on a second......


Don't think of it like that, Lemon... it wasn't like that, right? EW-

Well... technically, that was around the time when the problems started getting worse.....

Rose's PoV:

We all got into the dropship with Teal and her dad, and then the new recruits and their parents boarded then we left immediately.

New recruits. I wasn't really interested in them. Then again, I wasn't really interested in anything at the moment.

Yeah, this sucks.

Sending kids on space travel. Who came up with that pathetic idea? It wasn't even fun any more... heh, I guess I know how Teal feels now?

"Hey!" Someone greeted. It was an unfamiliar voice, very eager-sounding. Just great...

"If you're happy then kindly get lost" I yawned, not even bothering to look up. The person sat down next to me.

"Well you looked like you could use a friend"

Finally, I glanced up. "Okay 'Orange suit', number 1, I don't need a friend, and number 2, if I did need a friend, which I don't, you would be the last person I'd ask."

"It's Mango" she replied happily, seemingly unfazed. Great, she's one of those people.

"I don't CaRe!"

"What's your name?"

Turning around, I just decided to ignore the new girl. Why doesn't she go bother some other depressed loner?
And much to my relief, she did.

Peace at last.

Snow's PoV:

I sat in the corner quietly, trying to work out the new people. We now have two Peaches, two Limes, a mini Lime, Orange is alive again, Purple is alive again, and most confusing of all? There are two Indigos.

The new Peach seemed happy, I think I'll like her. Mini Lime looked quite proud of his dad, the new Lime. Now I was watching the new Indigo, and kept glancing from her to the real Indigo to make sure she was still there next to me. And she was, every time.

New Indigo looked a little bit scared. Like real Indigo was when we were on our first mission. They were about the same height, too, and I couldn't see faces because of the helmets, so it was very confusing. New Indigo even sounded like my Indigo.

Real Indigo held my hand gently. "We're going to get there soon, oki?"

I hate these stupid helmets. Can't see her face. "Oki" I quietly replied.

Hopefully no one will go to sleep and not wake up again on this mission.

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