Claimed by the devil

Bởi xxfebihalowxx

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dissing what he said away I clear my throat " I appreciate your help Mr. knight, but how about we let the cop... Xem Thêm

♥︎𝙱𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐♥︎


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Bởi xxfebihalowxx

⚠️MATURE CONTENT ⚠️ read at your own risk

I will forver hate ace for this but this is how the book is going.

If you can't handle it kindly remove my book from your library/ reading list instead of leaving negative comments.

As to those who can, enjoy reading the rest of the book and I promise it gets better.

I hold my sore wrist and blow on it while thinking of what I said.

I have to remind myself it was the only way to save Noah.

And I have to prepare myself for it.

His kisses alone were a lot, I don't know how I will handle his touch this way but I have to.

" what is this?" his deep voice distracts me from blowing on my bleeding wrists.

I look at him to see what he is talking about, my heart sinks the moment my eyes met my little suitcase.

oh no this can't be good.

I have to think of an excuse.

"I-it's uhm clothes t-that I-I want t-to....donate!".

fuck why did I stutter.

he doesn't say a word, instead he looks at me.

I don't know if this is good or bad, does this mean he believed me?

he smirks and shakes his head leaving me confused, I know I will be in deep shit if he finds out I was going to leave.

But that's my least concern, I have to see noah right now more importantly sofie should as well.

I get out of my bed and run to the bathroom.

The sight in front of me breaks my heart.

Noah is on the floor with a bloody hole in his abdomen, he's unconscious.

A wave of nausea hits me at the amount of blood I'm seeing.

It's all my fault.

this looks like a horror movie scene, the bestfriend that cheered me up in my lowest and stood by my side through it all till the very last minute is now shot and unconscious on my bathroom floor, all because of me.

At some point, my knees get too weak to hold my body and I collapse to the floor.

What have I don't with my life.

He is in this state because of me, I knew he would get hurt but still invited him over.

sofie has to stop his bleeding till the doctor arrive, I can't let him bleed out.

did ace even call the doctor yet?

I don't remember him  using his phone, he just stared at me like the freak he is.

I get up on my shaky legs and ask " did you call the doctor?".

" she will be here soon" he replies blankly.

I walk towards my bedroom's door to go to wherever sofie is but a hand around my waist stops me.

" where do you think you are going?" He mocks.

Usually I think of the question and answer but this time my mind goes blank.

Black dots cover my line of vision and my ears ring.

I begin feeling hot all over my body and suddenly everything in the room turns black.

I hear his voice but it's too far for me to make up any of what he's saying.

An image of Noah's bloody body pops in my head making my chest tighten and my heart pound faster.

I close my eyes in hopes of getting rid of it but instead darkness takes over me.

I wish to never come back into consciousness.


muffled voices are the only thing I can hear, and my  painfully pounding head is the only thing I feel.

I slowly open my eyes only to be blinded by the lights.

I groan as the pounding gets worse, I slowly open my eyes while the rest of my senses come back one after the other.

The memories of what happened to Noah come back all at once, my eyes tear up and I look around.

Sofìe, a female doctor, and ace are here.

"is noah okay?" I ask feeling my throat tighten with every word.

It hurts.

I look around and realize I am not in a hospital as expected instead, I am in a luxurious room.

The room is 5x times bigger than mine, the walls are painted a light shade of gray and  Most of the furniture are either black or gray with a hint of white.

I turn my gaze back to them still expecting an answer.

sofie glares at ace " hey take some rest and don't worry  noah will be fine.".

what does she mean by 'will be fine'?

I move my hand to rub my eyes but stop because pain shocks my hand.

My wrists and between the inside of my elbow.

My jaw is also sore, I m sure it's bruised.

I notice the IV tube attached to me through the needle, and the thin white material around my wrists.

I hate this.

I snatch the needle out of my arm not caring about the pain, I just need honest answers.

" why did you do tha-" ace asks coming to me to probably keep it in place but I interrupt him " What happened to noah?".

" he is still having a surgery to take the bullet out" Sofìe gets closer to me.

"how long has it been since I fainted?" I ask focusing on sofie and ignoring ace.

she holds my hand and answers " 2 hours, you had a panic attack and lack of vitamins due to your anemia, I told you to take you pills es".

I could not care less about myself , but I asked to know for how long noah has been in surgery.

2 damn hours, I can't imagine all the pain that he went and will go through with his wound, all because of me.

Someone knocks on the door, ace tells whoever it is to come in. 

A second late, a middle aged woman comes in, she smiles and informs us " the patient is all good now, he just needs some rest".

Thank god he is fine, but it still doesn't cover what happened. He got shot because he came to see me.

" when will he be awake?" I ask.

I know it's going to be a while before he does because he just got out of surgery, but I want to know.

" he might stay unconscious for quite a while, it's different from patient to patient." She answers sweetly and smiles.

I thank her for answering and push away the covers.

I get up not wanting to feel like this anymore, as soon as I lose contact with the bed, ace holds my hand as if I'll fall if he lets go.

I glare at him while trying to move away from him, however he doesn't.

His grip tightens around me and his other hand holds my waist.

" let go of me" I hiss annoyed, " remember what you said earlier, the life of your little friend is still hanging. Reject me one more time or show any bit of attitude and I will shoot his head." He threatens calmly as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

Tears of both frustration and self petty fall freely, I just want to scream and put some sense into his head.

but I can't, I can't be selfish again and risk anyone's life.

He raises his hand and brings it closer to my face making me flinch.

He frowns at that and lets me go.

I look at Sofìe to see her pinching the bridge of her nose.

She looks tired.

She should definitely go home and take some rest, the pregnancy is already tiring her.

"Sofie go home and sleep, it's late and you need your sleep" I say worried about her health and all the stress she's going through.

" no, I will wait for Noah to wake up with you and then we can go home together." She replies giving me a fake smile.

before I could say anything ace says " No, she is not going anywhere because this is her home from now on, she is moving in with me.".

what the fuck?

I remember him saying this earlier and I didn't argue because I was panicking and  I thought he would forget about it, There is no way I am moving in.

" what the fuck? so now you are going to force her to live with you, grow the fuck up-" Sofìe starts but she gets interrupted by none other than him.

" I suggest you watch your mouth Sofie, the only reason you still have a life is because Austin likes you."

he can't talk to her like that!

I want to tell him to fuck off quickly remembered Noah's state and decide against it.

I hate how weak he makes me and I hate how helpless I am, I didn't want to be this person anymore.

If I am going to fight him I have to on my own, and according to his rules to make his loss even worse.

But how is my question, I now regret my choice of words earlier.

I don't know if he plans on doing anything but if he does I'm afraid of when.

" es you are coming with me, there is no way I am letting you stay near this monster, I saw how he treated you earlier." Sofie says still glaring at him.

He sits on one of the couches, leans back with his legs open and says " I am finding this amusing, you really don't value your friend's life-" but I interrupt him " I am not going".

If he shot noah once he will do it again and I can't risk it.

He smirks " wise choice angelo".

" es you can't just give him control over you-" Sofìe frowns and again I interrupted her " I will text you later, I promise".

I don't want to do this, I hate him. It's not about his actions anymore it's him, I hate him so much.

I look at Sofie pleading her with my eyes to not argue, which she thankfully understands because she slightly nods

" take care" she hugs me.

I nod because I know I will have a break down the moment anything comes out of my mouth.

And just like that she leaves, as much as I am scared of being alone with him, I also don't want anyone that he could use against me with us.

" where is Noah?" I ask, he clenches his jaw and says " that's for me to know, and for you to not".

" I want to see him" I say blankly.

He gets up and gets closer "remember your words angelo, he will get treated and taken care of as long as you obey me and keep your words.".

Keep my words....

Obey him and give him my virginity.

I look around avoiding his gaze  trying so hard not to cry.

He holds my waist and pulls me closer to him, I dont react or push him away.

He puts a finger under my chin and raises my head, I look at him trying to figure out what he's thinking of right now.


He gets closer and kisses me, I close my eyes tightly not wanting to cry.

He moves his lips and bites my lower lip, I stand still frozen.

" understand?" He asks as he pulls away a little.

I nod not wanting to argue but his grip tightens on me " use your words angel".

Is this what my life is like now?

getting humiliated and controlled by a jerk like him, and if I don't listen then my loved ones get hurt.

I don't have time to process what's going on, the next thing I know I'm being thrown on the bed.

I yelp in surprise, I look up to see him hovering over me.

My heart races as my mind plays different scenarios.

this can't be good.

He kisses me again but this time, the kiss isn't simple or soft.

It's harsh, demanding, possessive, and rough.

He kisses my jaw gently then trails kisses to my neck and collarbone.

My mind goes blank at what's happening.

he unbuttons my pjs shirt while kissing my neck and sucking on some spots.

He leaves a trail of hickeys I assume all Over my neck then goes down to my cleavage.

I try not to feel a thing but I fail, my body fails me because I moan.

He squeezes my left boob while lowering one cup of my bra under the right one.

He licks my nipple, once, twice, and the third turns into a suck.

He sucks on my nipple like his life depends on it.

I fight back every feeling I get feeling more helpless than ever.

He pulls down the other cup and give my other nipple the same attention.

The attention I don't want to get.

He moves his lips down my stomach and bites it.

I moan in pain and close my eyes not wanting to see any of this.

I know where this is going, he never went further than my boobs.

He goes lower and lower until he's inches away from my pants line.

I never thought loosing my virginity would be anything like this. I thought it would be special, with someone I loved.

He stops there then starts trailing kisses up my body,  from my stomach to my neck again.

He eventually ends up kissing me again, I don't kiss him back or push him away.

His hand leaves my boob and goes down my stomach then inside my pants.

My heart picks up it's pace but I remain still.

"I can have you right?" He asks as if I have a choice.

If I say no he will consider it me not keeping my word and might hurt Noah again.

I don't really have a choice.

"Yes" I say blankly feeling numb as ever but still scared of what's  about to happen.

I moan when his hand makes contact with the thin material of my panties.

He rubs circles right above my clit causing a shiver of pleasure to travel around the area.

I know my body reacting is totally normal but I hate it.

"Bellissima" he groans looking at me.

Maybe if I just close my eyes and think of something else it would all go much faster.

I close my eyes and try to think of Noah's recovery.

" open your eyes angelo, I want you to see everything that I am about to do." He says in a low seductive voice.

I don't want to open my eyes, I just want this to be over.

He doesn't say anything else.

Instead, I feel his body moving away and a second later hear his clothes hitting the floor.

I close my eyes tighter as if doing so will magically teleport me somewhere else.

I moan in pain when he bites my exposed boob and squeezes the other.

His hand finds my pants line and pulls them down.

My closed eyes tear up as cold air hits my thighs, I feel so exposed.

Parting my thighs with his hands he says "I won't be gentle if you keep your eyes closed.".

I don't open my eyes.

His hand traces the line of my panties which is the only thing separating my bare pussy from him.

Not for long tho because he pulls them down as well in a second.

I tear up more because I feel so exposed and uncomfortable.

No man has ever seen me naked before, no one ever touched me this way or went this far.

But now he is and I am letting him because I have no other choice but to.

"I will consider it a no if you don't open your eyes." He whispers in my ear as his hand cups my bare pussy.

Forcing every muscle in my face to open my eyes, I do so without looking at him.

"Good girl" he praises and touches my clit, the sudden raw contact takes me by surprise.

He rubs large circles on it sending shocks of pleasure all over my body.

I involuntarily arch my back and moan out loud.

"Yeah, just like that." He groans tightening the circles around my clit.

I fist the end sheets to stop myself from stopping him.

That's the first and last thing I want to do.

"Look at me" he demands but I don't.

He trails his finger down the opening of my pussy and thrusts 2 finger in.

I moan in pain and jolt away from him but he keeps me in place.

I've touched myself before but for some reason it never felt good.

I've tried putting a finger in before, it didn't feel right or good in any way.

So I stuck to rubbing my clit.

And the reason I'm a virgin is not because I'm saving myself for marriage or anything.

It's because of my parents, my mom specifically wanted me to stay a virgin.

She would freak out everytime I went near a guy, I wasn't even allowed to text one.

She took me for a virginity test every 6 months and only god knows what she would've done if I lost it.

After moving to New York I thought of enjoying myself but never did because I was trying to settle in.

He takes his fingers out slowly then thrusts it back in, I moan in both pain and pleasure because this time it has a weird sense of pleasure to it.

"Look at me angelo" he demands again.

This time I obey, he gets closer and kisses me as he thrust his fingers back in again.

Only this time it's much more gentle and it feels good more than it hurts.

His thumb circles my clit causing my thighs to visibly shake at the unbearable sensation.

I moan again when he thrusts his fingers in but louder this time because my whole body tingles and my stomach flatters.

"Cum for me" he once again demands.

I don't know what's wrong with me because I do as he says.

I close my eyes, arch my back, fists the sheets tighter and cum hard.

"Good girl" he praises.

He takes his finger out before giving my sore clit one last rub.

He then licks his fingers one by one while looking at me.

I look away feeling all sorts of emotions.

My gaze meets his hard dick and my breath hitches.

It's so long and so thick...

I'm out of words.

He's at least 9 inches.

What have I done to myself.

He hovers over me still looking at me, I don't look at him because I'm busy thinking of much this will hurt.

I see him taking his dick in his hands and stroking it twice before he says " it will hurt at first, but you'll feel good afterwards I promise.".

I almost start crying on spot because of everything that led me to this.

He places the tip on my entrance and asks " are you ready?".

Gulping I nod and close my eyes.

He smashes his lips on mine and slowly enters me, I gasp into his my mouth and try not to push him away.

I feel like I've been torn in half, he too big and I'm too embarrassed and uncomfortable.

My eyes tear up at the pain.

He stills inside me and groans "you're doing so well amore."

I take a deep breath to handle the pain but scream when he move out and in me.

"You're taking it so good"

My knuckles hurt from how tight I'm gripping the sheets, and my breath is caught in my throat from the pain.

"You're so fucking tight" he groans.

I feel like I'm about to faint.

The most I can do to myself at the moment is close my eyes and think of something else.

He thrusts in me adding a few more inches of him, I gasp and involuntary arch my back.

His hard abs rub against my boobs and bare stomach, he groans and thrusts in me again.

He picks up his pace with every next thrust

Pain starts mixing with pleasure and soon it's all pleasure.

I don't want to feel good. I hate this!

His thrusts get harder and deeper till the pain is back again.

I bite my lips to stop myself from moaning but he doesn't like it.

"I want to hear you moan" he demands.

I take a deep breath but it gets caught in my throat from one deep thrust.

I scream on top of my lungs and jolt back from the force he used.

"Dont " *thrust* "ever " *thrust* " hold " *thrust* "back" *thrust* "your" *thrust* "moans".

My throat is too sore to scream more by the last thrust.

"Understand?" He asks.

I nod forgetting that it would upset him but a thrust from him reminds me to use my words.

"Yes" I scream.

"Good girl" he replies slowing down a little and allowing me to breath.

He wraps his hands around my throat and throws his head back as he slides in and out of me.

I clench my walls around him to somehow ease the the ache down there.

It earns me a groan from him, he gets closer to my boobs and takes one of my nipples in his mouth.

His hot tongue glides around it sending shocks of pleasure throughout my body.

"Dont cum till I tell you to" he groans, as if on cue, I do.

I cum.

He groans against my nipple and bites it, he takes the other one between his fingers and pinches it while I moan in pain.

He thrusts in me harder and deeper than before, I find myself begging him to slow down by thrust number 3.

He doesn't.

The sensitivity of my clit and the feeling of being drained aren't helping.

My eyes roll to the back of my head when he thrusts harder.

He adds more of himself inside me making me gasp for more air.

I feel so full.

He nuzzled his head in my neck and groans as a hot liquid fills my insides.

For some reason I cum again and moan louder than before.

He takes a second breathing heavily on top of me while I do the same.

I feel completely numb to the fact that I'm no longer a virgin.

"Now it's time for your punishment" he whispers softly but the rough thrust I receive is anything but that.

"Ace" I scream trying to i don't do anything to process what's going on.

"You" *thrust* "really" *thrust*" thought" *thrust* "you" *thrust*"could" *thrust* "leave" *thrust* "me?".

I scream over and over as the pleasure and pain get too much for me to handle.

"This is too much-" I manage to say but end my sentence with a scream when he thrusts in me again.

"You think I believed what you said?" He asks with a thrust.

I fist the bed sheets and close my eyes but the bed sheets get ripped from my fist as he flips me over.

He forces my hands behind my back with one hand and hold my hair with the other.

I bury my face in the mattress as he takes me from the back.

I feel my walls tightening around him and my stomach flattering again.

A moan escapes me as I cum.

He doesn't stop, instead he let go of my arms and circles my sensitive clit with two of his fingers.

I cry out when my thighs shake, he holds me tighter and thrusts harder.

"Shhh, you can take it baby" he thrusts again.

His hands are the only thing keeping me on my knees right now, I feel so drained, I just want this to be over.

The sensitivity of my clit and his thrusts mixed with his fingers rubbing my clit make me cum again.

"Stop, please" I manage to say knowing I won't be able to take more of this.

With a finale thrust, he groans and something hot fills me again.

I fall on the bed almost immediately feeling like I can't even breathe because of how drained I feel.

I close my eyes but open them when he pulls me into him.

"You took everything so well" he kisses my forehead.

I don't answer or think of what he said, I close my eyes again and try not to think of anything.

" ti amo mio amore" he whispers against my ear.

I don't reply or comment on it, I keep my eyes closed till I eventually feel darkness taking over me.

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! I hope you're having a good day.

𖦹Question of the day𖦹

Whats something you can't forget?

Friendly reminder---> I'm always free and here to listen if you're going through something and need to vent.

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝~ 4170

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