My Client the Rockstar (Book...

By sbergeron16

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I've been Steel Wolf's manager for years. I always managed to keep my personal life away from the band. Till... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (part one)
Author note
Chapter 53 (part 2)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Authors Final Note
Steel Wolf Book 3

Chapter 35

691 39 11
By sbergeron16

After I threatened to castrate the next male who pissed me off with a rusty spoon the men children somehow learned to control themselves. Amazing what they are capable of when their manhood's are threatened. I shall have to file away this piece of information for later use when they are pissing me off. Because sadly even thought they currently have a truce this is a delicate truce. I only pray they have learned their lesson and wont hit on Skylar or me.

I was finishing up reviewing the itinerary with both bands and so far so good. The application I had decided on, after carful review, was preforming exactly how I had envisioned. This would eliminate the need for paper and they would no long be able to claim they lost the original. The application will also send out a message daily informing them of their expectations of the day. 

One of my other favorite features was the ability to set alarms from my device. I had set myself and Skylar as the main phones and all of theirs as members. There were many other features I was still playing with and figuring out how they work. By the end of the tour I will have everything figured out.

Steel Wolf was entering into a whole new world and I wasn't met with resistance. The guys were excited about the new change and sine this was Wicked Minions first tour they had nothing to compare this too. Now if I can keep the two bands from killing each other all will be well. 

Our food arrives and I table work talk to allow the guys some time to bond. Granted they are about to be on tour together for a few months and will have plenty of time to get to know one another. Each band are getting their own tour bus, after much yelling from me. 

Originally Mr. Gear was going to have them share a bus, but I put a kibosh to his wishes. The guys don't even know about the yelling match Mr. Gear and I got into. In fact they have no idea of what I deal with to make their lives easier, but then again all of the crazy is part of my job.

"Not sure how I feel about them," Ryder says softly so only I can hear him.

"You don't need to like them. You just need to get along with them for the tour to flow peacefully." He rolls his eyes and glares at Axel, who was watching us. I turns Ryder's face so his attention was solely on me. "For me please. Plus the easier my job is the easier for you to get into my pants." I send him a wink and I watch his brown eyes darken with lust. 

My food suddenly becomes very interesting and holds my undivided attention. Ryder adjust my chair closer to him and trails his fingers of my thighs. My legs part on their own granting him easier access. His fingers brush lightly over my core and I clench my teeth to fight back a groan. I'm going to kill him.

"Aubree," Sebastian calls and ones he has my attention continues, " how many bands have you managed?"

My answer is going to sound bad, but I can't lie. "You will be my second band."

"What," he sputters spraying his drink on to Mason and Tray. Both of which who don't appear pleased, but nether say a word when they notice the glare I send their way.

"Honestly I've managed more than a few, but none of them stuck for longer than a few weeks. Steel Wolf was the first band that I worked with who kept me longer than a month." I explain taking a bite of my chicken. 

"One of the best decisions we ever made." Lucan says singing my praise and embarrassing me. "We owe our fame to her."

"I'm sure you talent had more to do with your fame then me," I interject. Lucan shakes his head no.

"I have to agree with Lucan," Ryder adds. "Sure the talent is there, but without someone to guide you and make the right decisions we would have crashed and burned."

"Now you," I tell him poking him in the chest, "are only say that because you're dating me." He gives me a lopsided smile and kisses my nose. I swat him away wanting to remain professional in front of my new band.

"Nope Aubree I disagree with you," Dimitri speaks up. "If we didn't have you to make the tough decisions and keep us on the straight we would have ended up like the last big rock band the label was in change of." He scratches his head, "what were they called again?"

"Seven Rage," I whisper. Adam's band. 

A few years ago the band folded due to poor management. They had been on a steady decline since Steel Wolf hit the scene, but the band completely tanked due to the poor decision making skills of their manager. Safe to say their manager was fired, but by then it was too late. The next manager was never able to dig them out of the hole they had been put into, making Seven Range now a memory in the rock world.

Lucan's eyes fly to me watching me closely for my reaction. He is the only one who knows what Seven Rages was to me. Well more specifically what Adam was to me. Ryder was informed someone in my past was not so kind, but I never gave him a name. Not going to lie when I learned of their fall I celebrated. Adam went completely off the radar after the fall. Recently there were rumors he was working on a solo album, but I could care less on what he was doing so I never paid much attention whenever I hear his name. 

I give Lucan a tight smile to let him know I'm okay and I won't turn into a blubbering mess. Adam no longer has the control over me once did. In fact ever since Ryder came into my life the control Adam once had started to slip to the nothingness it is now. I had Ryder now and the dark time in my life is sealed behind a door which will never be opened. 

The rest of the lunch continues without any mishaps. The two bands even seem to be getting along, well at least they can be civil to each other. Tray and Mason even made plans with Logan and Sabastian to go out later in the evening. Which I promptly reminded them the tour would be starting in a few days and they need to stay out of trouble. 

Hayes didn't say much. At one point Skylar asked me to join her in the bathroom, which even I know is girl code she needed to talk about something away from the bands. When we were in the bathroom she quickly checked to make sure we were alone and I threw the lock to make sure we wouldn't be interrupted.

She brought up she was worried about Hayes and how he reminded her of some of her students with the more difficult pasts. I agreed with her observation because I had been having the same thoughts. Something was off about him. I task Skylar with getting to the bottom of whatever it was during the tour. Unlike me she has a knack of getting information of of people. Another reason why I was glad to have her on my team. 

We returned to the table I finished going through the information for the tour. I was also able to slip in a few of the rules I wanted then to follow and was met with major displeasure. Lucan once again stepped in and asked them if they either wanted to go down in the books or dissolve into nothingness. Of course they all said they wanted to go down in the books. So then he told them they needed to follow my guidance and I would take them there.

Wicked Minion may be a pain in my ass and we may not have started on the right footing, but I had hope after the tour they would be in a better mind set then they are now. Steel Wolf is going to be huge help in keeping them in line. I could already see Wicked Minion starting to look up to Lucan. Lucan has a way with people getting them to put their trust in him. He has a knack for getting his views across without him feeling like he was jamming them down your throat. People listen to him and usually use the advice he gives them.

Steel Wolf may say I'm the reason for their fame, but it was more than just my doing. They also have a Lucan in their group. Not many groups have one person they fall behind. Their egos get in the way, but not Steel Wolf. They lean on each other and support one another. When there are differing views instead of throwing tantrums and storming away they listen to each other. I love the way they will vote on things. Maybe some of the magic of Steel Wolf will rub off on Wicked Minion. I can only hope.

Lunch begins to wrap up, but before we rise to leave I ask Steel Wolf to hold back for a second. We bid Wicked Minion goodbye and I explain I will be in touch with them soon. All of the guys shake my hand except for Axel. He pulls me in for a hug and starts at a disgruntled Ryder. Ryde stands and tugs me to his side glaring at Axel. Axel sends us a wink and walks out of the room.

Once we were the only ones in the room Ryder seethes. "I can't stand that guy."

"Who Axel," I press retaking my seat and start to pack up my computer. I won't be needing it to tell them the news I'm about to tell them.

"Yeah him," Ryder confesses slumping in his seat. "You caught his eye, which I don't blame him you are amazing, but..." He throws his arm over me. "I'm not a fan of the way he looks at you. He is going to be trouble. I would appreciate it if you don't find yourself alone in a room with him."

"Ryder..." I ground out. "He's my client there are going to be times I'm going to be thrown into situations with him. And just because he hits on me doesn't mean I'm going to act on them."

Skylar slid into the seat on my left, where Axel had been sitting, and Dimitri claims the seat on the other side of her. "What did you need to talk to us about," Skylar asks.

"Actually this won't effect you or Dimitri really." I tell her rubbing my forehead feeling a headache coming on. 

Lucan takes the seat on the other side of Dimitri, "what's going on Aubree," he asks with worry. 

I let out a sigh, "Tray and Mason you better sit down."

"This can't be good," Mason murmurs taking a seat.

"Please remember I tired my hardest to prevent this from happening, but Mr. Gear would not budge." I glance down at my hands for a moment preparing myself for the outrage about to fill this little room. "Mr. Gear is adding another opening act to the tour."

Tray laughs, "Aubree this isn't the first time another act is being added. The label is always trying to get other to ride on out fame. Having Wicked Minion on this tour is another example of that." He shakes his head, "by the way you were acting I was expecting something much much worse. Like they were once again trying to add someone to our bus."

All the color leaves my face at his statement. Tray and Mason were to busy cracking jokes over someone else on the bus they didn't notice my reaction, but the others did.

"Aubree," Lucan deadpans. "Please tell me what I'm thinking isn't true?"

I tilt my head to the side. "All depends on what you are thinking."

"Don't play coy with me. You've always be a straight shooter don't start with the games now." Lucan lectures me tapping his foot under the table. 

Ryder takes a strong grip on my shoulder. I shift to stare at him and he sees the answer in my eyes. 

"Fuck," he exclaims running his hand through his hair. "Fuck," he yells slamming his his fist on the table catching Tray's and Mason's attention. They turn to watch us and finally notice we weren't joining in the joking.

"No," Tray roars putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

"Who is he," Dimitri asks being the only level headed one in the group.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know. Mr. Gear refuses to tell me." Tears spring into my eyes. I feel like I let them down for allowing this to happen. My job was to protect them from this shit and here I was bringing it to with door steps. 

Dimitri sit back in his chair. "Well we can move any practices to Skylar's and my bus." 

"Along with the safe," Tray inputs. "I will not allow the safe to be on a bus with a stranger. No fucking way." The guys all agree with Tray. 

"When the contract comes up for renewal we really need to consider if we are going to sign," Lucan announces. "Don't know about you guys, but I'm getting really tired of the way they are treating us."

"But we would lose Aubree," Dimitri reminds him leaning his elbows on the table. "At the end of the day she works for the label and they will find a way to sue her if she tries to leave with us."

"Then we fight back," Ryder inputs. "We aren't leaving Aubree behind."

Skylar raises her hand. "Don't forget I now too work for the label."

"Neither her or Skylar will be left behind," Lucan reassures everyone. "And any label we go with will understand they will continue to work with us or no deal. I will personally make sure they understand we left because of the label not because of Aubree or Skylar." 

With all these heavy thoughts on their mind they decide to table the conversation about a new label and focus on the bomb I dropped about the tour. So they launch into a conversation on how to deal with this new development. Overall they were taking the news way better then I thought they would, but this was only the tip of the iceberg.        


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