Dangerously In Love

By JaelexChenry12

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Charlotte Page is a forster teen she's been in there every since she was 10. Her mom died from an overdose an... More

Our Life
New Family New Life
The Movies
Next Day
What is Going On
Getting to Know Each Other
The Date (I think)
Nothing Can Drive Us Apart
Running Away
Starting a New Life Together
As Long As You Love Me
Birthday Suprise
Second Chances
Past Relationships
Past Relationship (2)
Many Suprises

Dad Comes Home

125 9 2
By JaelexChenry12

10 days later-

Charlotte Pov:

I can't believe they put a restraining order on him they not even my parents and I found out they planning on adopting me but I don't want them to be my family if they treat me like a child. I was on my laptop when someone knock on mt window, I turn around and it was Henry so I open it.

Charlotte: I haven't talk to you since the date
Henry: yeah and now you know why
Charlotte: I still can't believe it (locking her door)
Henry: yeah me either they not even your parents (sitting on her bed)
Charlotte: about that (sitting on the bed and laying down) they are planning on adopted me
Henry: WHAT!
Charlotte: ssh keep it down they might be here and yeah
Henry: why now just cause I'm in the picture
Charlotte: guess so but all I know if they adopt me then we never get to talk to each other not even on the phone
Henry: this is crazy
Charlotte: I know and I started to like you
Henry: you did or you still do
Charlotte: I can't know now since you know
Henry: well let me remind you (as he lean in and kiss her and she kiss back which lead to a make out session until someone knock on the door)
Jacob: Charlotte can I talk to you
Charlotte: go away
Jacob: please
Charlotte: one second. You have to go before he catches you and sent you to jail
Henry: ok see you soon (jumping out the window)

I open the door and Jacob was with Paris.

Charlotte: what you want
Jacob: ok we heard your father is out and he wants to see you
Paris: I still don't think it's a good idea I mean he's been in there for god knows how long
Charlotte: for real I loved to see him
Paris: I still think it's a bad thing
Charlotte: he still my dad ok and he been in there for a reason
Jacob: let's just let her see him
Paris: fine

At the Park

I got out the car and ran over when I saw him I ran up to him and hug him tight.

Charlotte: hey dad
Lucas: miss you too babygirl. How you been doing
Charlotte: still in the system but finna get adopted
Lucas: that's great so why are you not happy about it
Charlotte: let's just say they been hard on me since I came into their lives
Lucas: and hows that when they want to take you in as their own
Charlotte: the boy I'm seeing I think I'm seeing him thinks he's a bad influence and I should not hang with him. It started when I spent the night over his place and we didn't do anything he was just trying to protect me
Lucas: that's it
Charlotte: no and after we went out on a date we kiss 2 times and they file a restraining order against him
Lucas: what for real
Charlotte: yeah and after our date I think I started to have feelings for him
Lucas: aww babygirl has feelings for someone
Charlotte: I know she growing up well what can you say when you been in jail for 9 years
Lucas: yeah I miss so much of your life then after your mom died I know you was going to be alone and I wanted to get out but couldn't. You know I went in for a reason
Charlotte: I know trying to protect me. You did what you have to do
Lucas: yeah and I forgave your mother for what happen
Charlotte: yeah same before you know (look at her phone)

Unknown: Hey it's Henry I had to get another number wanna hang tonight
Charlotte: at the park by the secret gates

Lucas: is it that boy
Charlotte: yes
Lucas: well I have to get going I have a flight
Charlotte: you leaving town
Lucas: just to start fresh but hey I promise to come visit (as they hug) I love you
Charlotte: love you too
Lucas: see you (walking off)

That Night

I got dress to meet up with Henry and I wait till everyone was sleep then snuck out the back door and walk to the bus stop.

My outfit

When I got there I seen Henry on his phone so I threw something at him to let me in the gates.

Henry: hey
Charlotte: hey look we gotta talk (sat on the bench)
Henry: me first look I know you went to see your dad how it went
Charlotte: it went good he told me he sorry for missing out part of my life but he had a reason don't need to be mad at him
Henry: what was the reason why he went prison
Charlotte: for me
Henry: what
Charlotte: look my mom and dad was taking a break for a while and my mom was high and her so called boyfriend came over and so on so on then next thing I knew he try to have sex with me then when I scratch him with my nails he got mad and start hitting me then my dad came in, I guess he heard me scream when he came home then next thing I knew daddy pull out a gun and killed him.
Henry: wow where was your mom that time
Charlotte: when I tried to call the police I found her passed out
Henry: wow e actually did that for you
Charlotte: yeah he was a great father but wasn't there for reasons
Henry: so how's your mom she's in rehab
Charlotte: no,she died when I was 10
Henry: how
Charlotte: I think it was my fault cause I thought it was her medicine to.... help her get better but it wasn't.... (as she starts tearing up) it was some needle drugs but my uncle was there to help me go through with it.
Henry: come here (pull Charlotte in a hug) it's ok you didn't know what it was around that age. What else you wanted to tell me
Charlotte: right umm (drying her tears) ok I'm not a game
Henry: what you mean
Charlotte: the kiss today the other day I'm not gonna be some chick just to have sex with so if we gonna be something then say it cause if not then why you still.... (Cut her off by kissing her and she kiss back)
Henry: I like you ok
Charlotte: you do even if I be crazy
Henry: (laughs) yeah I do
Charlotte: then I can say this I like you too
Henry: in that case. You wanna be my girlfriend
Charlotte: yes I would love to besides I think I can trust you (hugging him)

Lucas Page

Marcy Page

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