The Visitor's

By LavaChanYT09

122 24 1

Title: The Visitors Genre: Horror, Action, sci-fi, violence Inspired by: Among us, Among us short movies, Ali... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

chapter 7

4 2 0
By LavaChanYT09

Aoi's POV:

Me, Murasaki, Midori, Orenji and kasshoku are running towards the communications. "I told y'all Sakura can't do that!" I stated "we know... We are so sorry for blaming her without even having any proofs" Murasaki replied. "I feel so guilty... I made that to my own Best friend" kasshoku added.

"We don't have time chit chatting right now, we need to contact the agency" Orenji stated "yeah" I added. We went inside the communication's, Murasaki and Midori went infront of the computers, me, kasshoku, and orenji are finding some weapons we can use.

While I was finding weapons at the corner, I saw a knife with a blood. "Wait..." I stated and grab the knife "isn't this Akai's knife?" I asked looking at them confused. "What?" Midori looked at me with wide eyes and walked towards me. "It's her knife.." she said while grabbing the knife, "I remember her walking inside here, but I didn't saw her left inside this room" Murasaki stated.

"What?" I asked confused "I went here and didn't saw here in here, so I thought she went into another room where her task is" Midori stated.

Orenji's POV:

"What the heck is happening now.." I whispered to Ki beside me "maybe it's glitch and Grey's doing.." ki stated "you're right.. we didn't saw Akai once right? After the first meeting?" I asked "yes, I guess she is still in here.. but where is she.." ki looked down. I look around and saw blood on the wall beside me, my eyes widened at the sight "Guys.." I stated still looking at the wall "yeah?" Aoi asked confused.

I took the flashlight, open it and point it on the wall, "blood" I stated. "Something happened here" ki stated "I'll roam around the whole ship to see where she is, I'll be back" Ki added, I looked at him "be careful" with that he disappeared. "Orenji? Who are you talking to?" Kasshoku asked "wait... Is it Ki you're talking to...?" Muraski added

I nodded, "you don't have to believe me" I stated while looking at the blood stained wall. "I believe you" Aoi said, I looked at him "we all believe you" Muraski added. I smiled, "Guys, Ki will roam around the whole ship to see where Grey hid Akai, we all know there is 100% possibility Glitch and Grey is behind this" they all nodded "Aoi let's find some weapons at the storage room, kasshoku, Midori, Murasaki try to contact the agency. Probably Asura and shiro are finding some weapons now, me and Aoi will find them" I stated.

"We can do this guys" Murasaki said and we all nodded

Shiro's POV:

We are on our way to medbay, "we need to hurry, Glitch will not surrender any time by now. He is stubborn as heck" Asura stated running towards the medbay. "Here take this gun, also this is the medkit treat yourself while I find more weapons" Asura added. "What about you?" I asked "huh?" She looked at me "your wounds" she looked at her wounds and looked back to me "it's fine, I'll treat myself after you"

Something rang and that caught our attention, it's the device that is attached to her ear "Leader" she stated "leader???" I thought to myself. "Yes leader I already found Glitch, but I have some problems here" she said. "Glicth went to a spaceship- .... Yes leader this spaceship was about to go to our Planet, I'll explain more after this mission. Please send some help, Glitch is getting out of hand". "Their planet... planet Xenos, hope her back up will arrive soon" I thought to myself.

"Yes leader, thank you. I'll try to contact you later we are in a hurry" with that she ended the call and looked at me "back up will arrive soon, but I'm not sure when they will arrive. We can't wait for them to arrive, we will all die if we do that. Here take this" she gave me a medicine "what is this for?", "It's for wound's, it can heal your wounds rapidly. Even a broken organ or bones can heal with the use of that" she explained "thank you, go treat yourself. I will go to security and check the Cam's" I stated while standing up.

"Be careful of the vents" I nodded. I already know what she meant about that, I took the bullets from the box. "You don't have to leave some for me, I have my own bullets for my gun"
She said while treating herself "okay" with that I went outside the medbay and run towards the security.

Ki's POV:

I was roaming around the whole ship then suddenly I saw Glitch and Grey inside the navigation. "Grey, it's time for you to do what you have to do for me" glitch stated, "I know I know" Grey replied. Grey did something there causing the ship to turn around, "what the heck?" I thought to myself. Grey broke something, that's when I realized they turned the ship towards the earth and broke the thing so it wouldn't go other way around anymore. "I need to tell this to others" I teleported to the dorms, wishing Akai would be here. "Maybe she is inside Grey's room?"

I went inside the room, "nothing suspicious... Yet.." I look around, under the table, under the bed, in the bathroom, in the closet. I saw blood stains on one of the clothes I took the cloth and a badge with blood, "huh?" I took the badge and examined it "I recognize this badge" then I remember something


3rd persons POV:

Kuro run towards ki, "KI! KI!" Ki looked at him with annoyed face "what???????" He asked while looking at the book he was reading. "GENERAL GAVE ME THE BADGE I WAS WAITING FOR, FOR LIKE I DONT KNOW HOW LONG!!!" Kuro shouted then jump up and down, ki saw his smile "congrats bro!!! As expected to the number one" ki stated then smiled "I know you will get this badge someday too!" Kuro said while smiling at him "I hope so too" ki smiled back.


Ki's POV:

My eyes widened, "this is Kuro's badge.. screw you Grey" I stated, anger can be seen on my tone of speaking. "Akai isn't here... Where is she.. where would Grey hide her.." I was looking at the ground and something clicked on my mind, "RIGHT! AT THE LOCKERS!" I dashed out of the room and went straight the the lockers.

I went inside then saw blood underneath Grey's locker, "bingo" I stated. "Wait for us Akai" I added looking through the hole on the door of Grey's locker.

I teleported to communication and saw Kasshoku, Murasaki and Midori only. "Where is she.." I teleported again and I am now on the lower engine, I looked around and saw orenji with Aoi in the storage room. "Orenji!!"

Orenji's POV:

We are now in the storage room looking for weapons, "Orenji!!" I heard Ki shouting. I snapped my head towards him "Aoi, ki here now" I stated looking to him and back to ki "really?" He replied walking towards me. "I know where Akai is now" Ki stated "where is akai?" I asked "she is in the the lockers, Grey's locker" he replied.

"Thank you ki!" I stated, "Ki said akai is in the lockers, Grey's locker" I added looking at Aoi and he nodded. "I have one more thing to say" Ki said "one more thing? What is it?" I looked at him confused "I saw Glitch and Grey at the navigation, and Grey did something there for the ship to go towards the Earth. He also broke the thing that could the ship going to Earth. Glitch is trying to conquer the Earth, they need to be stopped" he stated, "what!?" I asked. My eyes wide "what did ki say?" Aoi asked confused

"Grey turn the ship towards the Earth, he broke the buttons and the other things so we can't stop the ship" I replied "so that's why there's like an Earthquake earlier" Aoi stated. "They need to be stopped as soon as possible" I added.

We are about to go to the communications but suddenly... Suddenly I saw Sakura standing in front of me crying. "Sa....." Aoi looked at me "Sa?" Aoi asked confused "Sakura????" Aoi's eyes widened and turn is head towards where I was loooking.



Word count: 1413

Hope y'all like it🙌

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