handprints on my soul - jaylo...

By dorotheasdreams

55.4K 1.7K 2.3K

please take my hand and please take me dancing, and please leave me stranded it's so romantic More

starstruck (part 1)
starstruck (part 2)
starstruck (part 3)
it's nice to have a friend (part 1)
it's nice to have a friend (part 2)
writing lover
give you a child - finding out
your eyes look like coming home
your eyes look like coming home (bonus part)
i can't live without you (part 1)
i can't live without you (part 2)
taking on the world together
say you'll see me again
i watched it begin again
christmases with you
november flush
loving you is a losing game
coffee at midnight & burnt toast sundays
if you ask me if i love him...
this love is ours
this love is ours (bonus part)
like we're made of starlight
the reckless path
never looking down (part 1)
never looking down (part 2)
family that i chose
sacred new beginnings
hold on to the memories
sparkling nights (part 1)
sparkling nights (part 2)
sea of grey
it's a cruel summer
just close your eyes
dare to dream about you
did the love affair maim you
spring breaks loose
the story of us

give you a child - telling family

1.6K 45 26
By dorotheasdreams

may 21, 2020

"There's so much to do," Taylor said.

She and Joe had spend the day basking in the afterglow of finding out they were going to be parents, but with the night came the thoughts of just how much work that would be. They were now sitting on the couch, Joe leaned against the side with his legs spread over the rest of the cushions and Taylor on his lap, leaned against him.

"I mean, we have to tell our families, get all of the clothes and furniture and diapers, go to the doctor, not to mention the album I'm writing and the re-recordings I'm set to put out next year," Taylor listed, getting more and more stressed as she went on. "And do all of this in a pandemic with no end in sight."

"It won't be perfect, but things will be alright, Tay," said Joe. "They always are."

Taylor sighed, relaxing her body somewhat. "Do you think we'll be able to tell people in person?" she asked.

Joe hesitated. "Probably not my family, because they're in the UK, but maybe yours, if we stay far away," he said.

Taylor groaned. "I wish we could tell people in person. It's so much better," she said.

"I know, love," said Joe, smiling sadly. "But this year, nothing seems to be easy. We'll figure it out, though."

"I hope so," Taylor sighed. "At least I have an excuse to hide from the public."

"Are you thinking you'll announce the pregnancy?" asked Joe.

Taylor shrugged. "If I do, it won't be for a long time. And only if I really feel like it," she answered.

"Good. That's how it should be," Joe responded. He then shifted his grasp on Taylor and she winced. "Are you alright?" he asked.

Taylor nodded. "Yeah. My boobs are just a little sore," she told him.

"Oh," said Joe. "Is that normal?" he asked after a moment.

"I think Gigi and Claire said it happened to them," Taylor replied.

"Hm," Joe said. He paused for a moment before he said, "Well, we'll just have to be extra careful then, won't we?"

He turned over, gently moving Taylor off of him and beginning to kiss her, a make out session that quickly progressed. Then, not breaking the kiss, he moved off of the couch, picking up Taylor as he did so.

"Joe!" Taylor shrieked, laughing a bit as she wrapped her legs around his body and went back to kissing him.

may 22, 2020

The next morning, Taylor had to call the doctor to make an appointment. For the most part, she was alright, but she had one big fear, one that was confirmed by the receptionist.

"I made an appointment," Taylor told Joe timidly as she walked into the living room.

"That's nice, love," Joe said, smiling supportively at his wife.

"There is one thing though..." Taylor said slowly. Joe raised his eyebrows, urging her to continue. "Due to Corona Virus restrictions... they're not allowing the father to come to appointments."

Joe was silent for a moment, taking in this information. "Okay..." he said slowly. "That's- that's okay. We'll get through this just like we've gotten through everything else." He stood up and walked to Taylor, hugging her.

Taylor felt guilt settle over her. She didn't know why she felt guilty, but she did. Suddenly, a bigger fear overcame her, and she pulled back from the hug and grabbed Joe's hands.

He looked at her, slightly alarmed. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"What if they don't let you in during the birth?" Taylor asked, the mere thought of that bringing tears to her eyes.

"Hey," said Joe softly, pulling his hands carefully out of her grasp and placing them on the sides of Taylor's face. "Don't think like that. By then, I'm sure I'll be allowed to go."

"But what if-"

"Taylor," Joe said, his voice stern but still gentle. "Nothing could keep me from you, love. We're gonna be alright, okay?" he said. Taylor didn't respond, her eyes darting to the ground. "Okay?" Joe repeated.

"Okay," Taylor whispered.

may 25, 2020

It was a few days later, and Taylor and Joe were sitting in the car outside of the doctor's office.

"I wish you could come with me," Taylor said, looking sadly towards the entrance.

"I know you do, love. I wish I could too," Joe said, taking Taylor's hand. "But I'll be there for all of our other kids."

"How many times exactly do you think I'll be doing this?" Taylor asked, smirking a little and pointing to her stomach.

"Hm... how does five kids sound?" Joe suggested, also smirking a little.

Taylor scrunched up her face. "Three at most," she told him.

"Fine, I can live with that," Joe said, the playful smile lingering on the corners of his lips. "But really, Taylor, you tell me every single detail when you're done." He flashed her a reassuring smile, hoping it would calm her down some.

Taylor smiled back, despite how anxious she was. "I love you," she told him.

"I love you too," Joe responded. "Now, go in there and make sure that my wife and baby are healthy." He smiled encouragingly, squeezing her hand three times.

"I'll see you soon," she said, putting on her mask and climbing out of the car.

When she walked into the doctor's office, it was completely empty, which calmed her down a bit. At least she could avoid pregnancy rumors for a while.

"Hi, I have an appointment for Taylor Swift?" Taylor said to the receptionist.

"Right this way," the receptionist said. If she had any idea who Taylor was, she didn't show it, which Taylor was very greatful for. She was left in front of a room with a woman standing there.

"Hi, Taylor, I'm Dr. Carlson," the woman said. She took Taylor into the room. "It's nice to meet you. And, in case you were worried, all of your visits will be kept strictly confidential," she added.

"It's nice to meet you too," Taylor responded. "And, thank you." It was strange not to shake the woman's hand or even be able to offer her a kind smile.

"So, you said you had a positive pregnancy test?" Dr. Carlson asked, checking her notes.

"Yes," said Taylor, nodding.

"What symptoms have you been having?" asked Dr. Carlson.

"Um..." Taylor's mind when blank for a moment before she remembered what they were. "Nausea, not just in the morning but I heard that's normal, headaches, I'm really tired for no reason, and this might be a bit weird, but my boobs are really sore."

"All perfectly normal," Dr. Carlson said. "We'll just do a quick test to confirm you are pregnant and then get on with the rest of the visit."

Waiting for the results of the pregnancy test was excruciating. Taylor knew she was pregnant, she had too many symptoms not to be, but her mind still went wild with the what ifs.

"Congratulations, Taylor, you are pregnant," Dr. Carlson told her.

Taylor's face broke into a wide grin, and although Dr. Carlson couldn't see it through the mask, she could tell from Taylor's eyes the the woman was smiling.

"So, now we just need a quick checkup and to run a few more tests, and then you can see your baby!"

They did the other tests and the checkup, and then it was time for the ultrasound.

"I just wish my husband could be here too," said Taylor wishfully. She didn't usually refer to Joe as her husband when they were out and about, but she couldn't stop herself. Besides, she trusted the doctor.

"There are tough times for sure," Dr. Carlson said. "But in case you were worried about it, the father is allowed in the delivery room."

Taylor sighed in relief, happy that she hadn't even had to ask to be reassured that Joe could be with her through labor. She knew this meant her mom probably couldn't be there, which destroyed her, but if there was one person in the world she needed most when giving birth, it would be Joe.

"Just lay down on that table and I'm going to put some of this gel on your stomach," Dr. Carlson instructed.

Taylor did as told, and before she knew it, she was looking at a screen with her tiny blob of a baby baby on it.

"Oh my god," she whispered, her eyes prickling with tears of joy as the sound of a steady heartbeat filled the room.


Taylor walked out to the car a bit later, her eyes lighting up when she saw Joe in the same spot, waiting for her the whole time.

"How is everything?" Joe asked as Taylor climbed into the car, pulling off her mask.

"Everything is perfect. With me and the baby. I'm seven weeks, due January 10th," said Taylor, her smile glowing. "Look." She showed him the ultrasound pictures, pointing out the little blob that was their baby.

"I wish I could have been there," Joe muttered, looking at the pictures.

"All I was thinking of the whole time, other than being happy that our baby is healthy, is how much I wanted you there," said Taylor. "But you'll be allowed at the birth."

"Good," said Joe. "Because even if I weren't, I'd find a way to be there."

"I know you would," said Taylor, grinning. "I think we need to tell our families."

"We could invite your family for lunch tomorrow," Joe suggested.

"Ooh, that's a great idea!" Taylor exclaimed. "Let me call my mom." She pulled out her phone, allowing it to connect to the car bluetooth. "Hey mom!"

"Hi Andrea!" Joe chimed in.

"Hello you two! What are you up to?" Andrea asked.

"Just on a little drive to get out of the house," Joe answered. "You know how it is."

"We were actually wondering if you and dad were free tomorrow," Taylor said.

"Honey, we're free all day every day," Andrea replied, making Taylor and Joe laugh. "What for?"

"Joe and I thought it might be fun to have a little backyard picnic for lunch. Super spread out, of course. We were thinking of inviting Austin too," Taylor said.

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea!" Andrea exclaimed. "We would love to come over!"

"Okay!" said Taylor, turning excitedly to Joe. "We'll see you guys soon. Love you."

"Can't wait! Love you too."

They disconnected the call and then Taylor dialed Austin's number, allowing the call to hook up.

"Hey, Teffy," Austin said.

"Hi," Taylor and Joe said together.

"Hey Joe," Austin added. "What's going on?"

"We're having a picnic with mom and dad tomorrow and were wondering if you wanted to come as well," Taylor said.

"What are you up to?" aksed Austin.

"Nothing," Joe said, smirking as he looked at the ultrasound picture in his hands, grateful this was only voice call.

"Then why do you want to set up a family picnic on a random Tuesday?" Austin asked.

"What, I can't want to hang out with my family after barely being able to see them for two months?" Taylor asked, fighting to keep her voice steady.

"Fine, fine," Austin gave in. "I'll see you dorks tomorrow."

"Bye!" Taylor and Joe chorused, grinning at each other.

"As long as we're able to keep Austin off our trail, we're good to go," said Taylor, smiling at Joe.

"Yep," Joe agreed. "Now, tell me all about that visit."

may 26, 2020

The following afternoon saw Taylor throwing up into the toilet, Joe holding her hair and rubbing her back.

"If you don't want to tell them today, you don't have to," Joe said when Taylor had finished her puking.

"It's fine. I'll tell them today. I've just run out of things to distract myself with, so my brain is going a little crazy."

Taylor had already made sandwiches and cookies, cut up fruit, dumped chips into a bowl, placed the blankets in the backyard, all spread extremely far apart, and placed all the food in the middle. Now all that was left was to play the waiting game.

"They'll be here soon, love, and then you can stop stressing."

Right on cue, the doorbell rang and Taylor and Joe jumped up, grabbing their masks and rushing to the door to open it.

"Mom! Dad!" said Taylor, extremely excited to see her parents again. It took all of her self control not to hug them.

"Hi honey! It's so nice to see you," Andrea said, blowing a kiss through her mask. "And you too, Joe."

"We missed you both so much," Scott said, waving at the couple.

"Us too," Taylor said.

Austin arrived soon after that, and they all went out to the backyard, each sitting on one of the picnic blankets. They ate lunch, catching up on what everyone had been up to. Once everyone had cleared their plate, Taylor shot a quick glance at Joe, and then the pair of them stood up.

"So, we actually wanted to tell you guys something," said Taylor.

"I knew it!" Austin yelled, throwing his hands in the air in victory.

"You don't even know what it is!" Joe said, laughing at Taylor's younger brother.

"Yeah, but I knew that you guys were going to announce something!" Austin pointed out.

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Ignoring him," she said. She shot a quick glance at Joe, who nodded supportively. "I guess I'll just say it." She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant," Taylor revealed.

Andrea screamed, jumping up. "Oh my gosh!" she cried. "I wanna hug you so bad!" she said, hugging Scott instead.

"I'm so happy for you two!" said Scott, grinning.

"You better name the baby after me!" Austin called.

"It could be a girl," Taylor said.

"And Austin could be a cute name for a girl," Austin said. "Just consider it."

"Alright, alright," Joe said, smiling.

"Give me all the details!" Andrea said, finally calm enough to take a seat again. "How far along are you? Have you gone to the doctor? Pictures?"

Taylor laughed, also sitting back down. "I'm seven weeks, I'm due January 10th," she informed her mom. "We went to the doctor yesterday."

"That was actually where we were when we called you," said Joe. "In the car after the appointment."

"They didn't let Joe in because of Corona Virus," Taylor said.

"But Tay told me everything on the way home." Joe took Taylor's hand and smiled lovingly at her.

"The pictures are inside, let me go get them," Taylor said, jumping up and quickly retrieving the ultrasound snapshots from their bedroom and then walking back outside, holding her breath as she passed them to her mom.

"Awe," Andrea said, looking at the little baby.

"And the doctor said we are both perfectly healthy," Taylor said, smiling and taking the pictures back.

They conversation continued for the afternoon, Andrea wanting to go over every little detail, asking questions that Taylor hadn't even thought about, or didn't understand. Eventually, though, Taylor grew tired, and they decided it was time for her family to head home. So, after saying goodbye, Taylor and Joe were once more cuddled on the couch.

"We should tel your family tomorrow," Taylor said. "I really wish we could see them in person."

"So do I," Joe said, sighing. "I'll set up a Zoom call tomorrow morning."

"Okay," Taylor said, yawning.

Joe chuckled. "I think it's time for bed," he said, standing up.

"Yeah," Taylor agreed, nodding again and smiling at Joe softly as she stood up as well, then followed him to their bedroom.

may 27, 2020

Joe did as he said he would, texting his family the next morning to get onto a Zoom call.

"Pat's onto us," said Joe as Taylor walked into the kitchen, where they had the computer set up on the island. "He says 'what are you about to pull?'"

Taylor chuckled. "What is it with little brothers and being immediately suspicious of everything we do?" asked Taylor, sitting on one of the barstools.

"I have no clue, love," Joe responded. He clicked onto the Zoom, watching as his family popped up on the screen.

"Hi guys!" Taylor said, grinning and waving at Joe's parents and little brother through the screen.

"Hello!" Richard said cheerfully.

"Hi, darlings," said Elizabeth.

"Hey," Patrick chimed in, flashing a quick smile.

"How are you?" Elizabeth asked the couple.

"We're good, Mum. How about you guys?" Joe responded.

"We're doing as well as we can be," Richard answered, smiling.

Taylor laughed a little. "I know the feeling," she said. "This year has been insane."

"You can say that again," Patrick agreed.

"Was there any particular reason you wanted to call?" Elizabeth asked.

"Hm..." Joe said, resting his elbow on the counter. "I can't think of anything... can you?" he asked Taylor.

Taylor went along with his little game, pretending to ponder it. "I don't think so..." she slowly said.

"You know... I think I do remember something..." Joe slowly said.

"What is it?" Patrick asked eagerly.

"We have a few pictures from the other day," Joe said, reaching his hand out of frame where the ultrasound pictures were.

"Wanna see?" asked Taylor, grinning excitedly at the camera.

"Yes!" all three of the Alwyns on the other side of the camera said.

Joe dangled the pictures in front of the screen, between him and Taylor.

"Is that what I think it is?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes wide.

"We're having a baby!" said Joe, smiling.

"Oh my goodness!" Elizabeth said.

"I knew it!" said Patrick. "I knew Tay was going to announce she's pregnant!"

"Why would you think that?" Joe asked.

"It's just such a cliche at this point, it was bound to happen," Patrick said. Then he smirked. "I mean, what else were you going to be doing in quarantine?"

Taylor blushed, turning away from the camera for a moment.

"Patrick!" Elizabeth scolded, rolling her eyes.

"Congratulations, you two," Richard said. "You're going to be amazing parents."

"Joe, you're going to be a father," Patrick said, hie eyes wide. "You better name that baby after me."

"Oh my god, my brother said the same thing," Taylor said, pretending to be annoyed. "He also guessed that we'd be announcing something. You really should get together with Austin more."

"This just proves little brothers are superior," said Patrick.

"Nah, older sisters are really the best," said Taylor, smirking.

"Hey, what about the middle brother!" said Joe, pretending to be offended.

Both Patrick and Taylor wrinkled their noses. "Middle children are objectively the worst," said Patrick.

"Alright, Patrick, let's go back to talking about the baby," Elizabeth said, making Taylor and Joe laugh.

"Congrats, really," Patrick said.

"You two will be great parents," Richard said again.

"Thank you," Taylor said, smiling softly. She really was just so happy.

The Zoom call continued for a while before they eventually ended it with a promise to send all of the baby updates to Elizabeth. Taylor and Joe flopped down on the couch, but the work wasn't done just yet.

Joe pulled out his phone, clicking on his older brother's contact and FaceTiming him.

"Hey," said Joe.

"Hey jackass," Tom greeted, making Taylor laugh. "Oh, and hi Taylor," he added once he saw her.

"Hey," Taylor said with a grin.

"What's up?" Tom asked.

"We wanted to tell you something," said Joe.

"You're going to be an uncle!" Taylor said, throwing her hands in the air as Joe turned the camera to fully face her.

"Yeah, Pat's having a baby," Joe said, keeping his face straight for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

"As if Pat could ever get laid," Tom said, shaking his head.

"Hey! He's cute, and very nice. I'm sure he has people of all genders lining up at his door," Taylor said. She had always had a soft spot for Patrick, and the two had been fast friends when they first met.

"Just admit you love my brother more than me and go," Joe said. Taylor rolled her eyes, playfully hitting his arm.

"Really, though, congratulations," Tom said. "I have no doubt Taylor will be an amazing mother, to both of her children. The one you will be having, and the one you already have– Joe."

Taylor laughed while Joe shot a glare at his brother through the screen.

"I will have you know that I am very much an adult," Joe said, holding his head high.

"Your Spiderman pajamas would beg to differ," Taylor said, making Joe go red.

"Like I said, two kids. Good luck, Tay," Tom said.

They talked for a little while longer with Tom before hanging up and just cuddling on the couch once more.

"I know I've been kind of anxious about a lot of this stuff, but... I really am so excited," said Taylor. "I love you, and I can't wait to begin this new chapter of our lives together."

"There's no one I'd rather go on this adventure with," said Joe, placing a kiss on Taylor's temple.


hello everyone. this chapter was extremely frustrating because i wrote it and then wattpad deleted it and i had to write it again. if it sucks, it's because i tried to recreate the first version but all i had was my memory of a few lines here and there.

this is also published in my book dreamscapes, which will follow this whole story. updates to this series will no longer be published in this book but in the dreamscapes book, which will be updated every thursday. so if you're interested, i'd love for you to check that out! have a good day <3

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