Children born of both past an...

By xxanimelover12345xx

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Many things will happen with Inuaysha and Kagome as well as the gang, there will be small lemons, Babies, Lov... More

Children born of both past and future (Inuyasha Fan fic)
Chapter 2: Love is power
Chapter 3: A Night To remember
Chapter 4: Bad weather
Chapter 5: Just A cold Inuyahsa
Chapter 6: Dangrous Surprise's
Chapter 8: A Bed Time Story For His Sick little girl
Chapter 9:.........No words Just Anger!
Chapter 10: YOU DID THIS TO HER!!!!
Chapter 11: Why?
Chapter 12; Fake Smiling
Chapter 13: Miracles happen
Chapter 14: Goodbye, Only for now!
Chapter 15; The Secret!
Chapter 16; Plan, Dead, Cute (Yea messed up)
Chapter 17: Its Not real, Please say this is not real!
Chapter 15: Meanwhile I die!
Chapter 16: "What Had He Seen??"

Chapter 7: Who is this man?

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By xxanimelover12345xx


I had to admit the cool breeze felt good on my hot skin, though looking down and seeing endless forests and spots of blue clear water, made my sickness bubble and my head to spin. this man held me in his arms tight as we flew through the air "so kagome please tell me about that hanyo" I may have been dazed but no one offended inuyasha by calling him such a dishounered name "his name is inuyasha" I said like I was trying to be as intimidating as him, it surprised me but he answered back in the same tone as before "yes the hanyo is named inuyasha, and by the mark on his neck and yours I suppose your relationship is....well close". Why such a qestion?

"And what is it to you!" i said as stobbern as i could be,i must or riggled because the grip around me tightened "It everything to me little kagome" he wispered into my ear sending a cold and strong shiver down my spine and then it came, i was going to be sick this time "put me down!" i shouted "why" he said a little urgently "because im going to be sick and if you would like my puke all over your armour then land us....NOW!" i shouted, we amidilty began dropping to the floor only making my stomach twist more.

when i was near ground, i riggled so hard i sliped from his arms perfectly landing on my feet only to be met with the ground fast, pucking whatever was in my stomach. and then i felt a large hand on my back rubbing it back and forth and aping lightly. "Are you okay?" i was stunned to hear his voice sofen into complete sincerity. "Yea just a stomach bug i have had for a few days now, nothing more" He smiled almost like i had lifted worried feeling from him. "Can I stay here for a little while?, i dont think i can handle much more" he huffed "how about we make a deal as we can not sit here" my brow lifted "we walk now rather then glid okay?" i knew with him that was the best i was getting, my stomach was still churning and i felt rather weak but i had be strong.

my body still felt stiff and it was very hard to move due to his controling, it was like my brain had not relised yet i had been relsease from his chains but at least my words where mine once more. one question bubbled up almost like it was compulsory but at the same time I gave it the will to be said "May I ask something?" he looked to me and lightly pouted his lips "Um... Yea sure what is it".

"Who are you and why did you take me from my home" and then he did something i did not expect, he answered the qestion but not thay way i thought;

"Wait what did you say"

"Who are you and why did you take me from my home!!!"


I was stunned, i could not answer back, what was he saying, why did none of this make sense.

"YOUR HOME...Your home... is with your mother and that man....that stupid man"

was this tha face of sadness on a strong creature suc as himself this i could not tell, but why did he care about my home?

"My Home is here now, i can not leave my freinds and.....and...."

"THAT STUPID HANYO" why did he care for i loved?, who was this man?, and then he did something unexpected.... he laughed;

"...Hhahahahahahah... Though i should not say such a word for whome i care for caries the blood of a hanyo as well, but your so much like your mother, so much like......." he looked at me and he could see the confustoin on my face as i did not work out was he was saying.

"Kagome Higarashi.........No Kagome Kiminoyahsi (Ki-me-no-yahsi)" he anounced my name then then a name i had never heard of before.

"I am kazuia Kiminoyashi and im.....and Im your Father and you my daughter are Born of human mother and dog demon father"

To Be contuniued.............................................................................................

Well I hope you enjoyed that one xx this one I was really Looking forward to writing as i wanted this to be so ;) You see in the manga it never told of How Kagomes farther died or lived who he was or were he came from so i thought it would be a little more intresting this way ;) xx and this isnt even one of the bog surprises this is just a small one lol ;) anyway please continueto review, spread and enjoy ;) Love you guys... Cas out... :D

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