The Unusual School Life of Si...

By BSilverheart1

170 67 0

The final book of the series. If haven't read The Adventure of Silver Bloodmoon and The Bloodwolfs please rea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Thank you!

Chapter 43

3 1 0
By BSilverheart1

Cosmo then said to me,
"Why didn't you tell us your dad was the Demon King?!"
"It's the same reason why I didn't want you to find out about my mom's jobs."
"I see your point! Don't worry we aren't mad at you for not telling us. It's more that we are upset that you didn't tell us sooner!"
"I'm sorry. At least you now know."
"I know you didn't mean to upset us so I forgive you. Also that's true. At least we found out now, not later!"
Ariella then said,
"It's okay I forgive you! I have a question though. Since this is the Underworld, when we asked about her dad's job Silverheart told us it was a very important job and that it might even be more important than Silvers. So does that mean you choose who moves on or not when they die?"
My dad sighed and said,
"Well I can't really lie to you since the facts pile up and this is the Underworld after all so you guessed correctly!"
"Well the people who don't move on gets turned into demons so to answer your questions so it is a yes."
I saw my friends take deep breaths to calm themselves down and Flynn then said,
"So when it was told to us that demons stop aging different times it was a lie! They were that age because they died then!"
"Yep pretty much. Well unless they are younger than eighteen then they will age up until they are actually eighteen."
Before they could say anything else a portal opened close to the throne and my mom walked out! When she looked around and saw my friends standing there she said,
"Why the heck are your friends here?! Did you bring them here!?"
I groaned and said,
"Of course I didn't, mom! That's strictly forbidden even if they are my friends. I would never bring them here! One of those portals dragged them in!
I saw my mom take deep breaths and she said,
"Oh that makes sense. I was just surprised to see them here so I assumed that you brought them!"
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean to raise your voice at me! Also you can go back now."
"Wow, that was mean! Why do you want me to leave?"
"Because you have a bigger mouth than dad does and both of you in the same room would be bad!"
"No I don't!"
I glared at her and she continued to say,
"Okay maybe I do but I promise I won't say anything!"
"I don't believe you at all but I know you won't leave even if I ask!"
"You know me so well!"
I rolled my eyes and said,
"It would be weird if I didn't know that when you're my mom!"
Soul sighed and said,
Well that's bad, your mom is here!
Tell me about it! She is totally going to say something that could be very bad for my friends to know!
Well even if that happens at least their reactions will be hilarious!
I glared at him and said,
Well it will probably be funny but I would rather them not know in the first place!
Well to be honest even if your mom wasn't here your dad might say something you don't want your friends to hear!
That's probably true but you never know he might not have said anything! But now since my mom is here I'm positive my friends will find out something I don't want them to know!
Yep your friends probably will!
I sighed and my mom said,
"So what did you explain to your friends so far?"
I explained to her in a couple minutes of what they know now and she said,
"Oh well since I am here I can help explain some things too!"
"Please don't! You might slip up and say something you shouldn't!"
"Well to bad I'm going to help my husband explain it, like it or not!"
I groaned and Cosmo said,
"Well now that you are here I was actually wondering how old you are. The history books state that demons can die of old age but after what I just heard I'm pretty positive that was a lie too!"
My mom sighed and said,
"Well we had to lie! You know what they would do if they found out the demons were completely immortal?!"
"I could guess what they would do. People back then and even now are pretty scared of powerful people. I'm guessing if they found out demons are like that they would go to war with you!"
"Yep pretty much! We didn't want another war when we finally stopped one!"
Flynn then said,
"I have a question then, why did you get involved in the first place?"
Me and my mom both glared at dad and he said,
"What are you looking at me for?"
I then said,
"You know why! You were the one who wanted to stop the war! So you can explain it!"
My dad sighed and said,
"Okay fine! Do you remember when I told you my job was to help everyone to make a choice to move on or not?"
Flynn then said,
"Well that was the most memorable thing you told us so of course I would remember!"
"Wellllll you see a lot of people were dying so that just caused me to have so much extra work and that was a pain! Also I didn't like seeing all those people die either!"
I sighed and said,
"You begged mom to do something about it because you couldn't even go out to the overworld back then!"
My mom then said,
"He also begged you! Don't single yourself out!"
"Mom, I wasn't born then!"
"What do you mean you were. clearly there!"
Cosmo then said,
"Wait Silverheart! How old are you?!"
"I'm eighteen like you!"
"How long have you been eighteen?"
"What do you mean? I was born eighteen years ago!"
My mom then said,
"Is there something wrong with your memory? I'm pretty positive you were born around three thousand years ago!"
Everyone looked shocked and Cosmo then said,

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