The Devil (BOOK I + II)

By xwriteratheartxo

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[COMPLETED] Three years ago, she ran away from something she doesn't want to go back to, and never looked bac... More

The Devils Advocate
1 | "Fuck Me"
2 | "I'm Pretty Sure That's Illegal"
3 | "I Wish Stabbing People Was Normal"
4 | "The Product Of A Messed Up Family"
5 | "I Can Beat You With My Eyes Closed"
6 | "Fuckable Lips"
7 | "Where's My Knife When I Need It"
8 | "Why Was Alcohol So Bad But So Good?"
9 | "If I Took Off His Shirt, Would I Get Arrested?"
11 | "Let Those Assholes Find Me Now"
12 | "No Shit, Sherlock"
13 | "Popping Jaws Are Hot"
14 | "Beg For Me"
15 | "Rolie Polie Olie"
16 | "What The Actual Fuck"
17 | "Why Do I Even Bother"
18 | "I'm Yours"
19 | "I Think I'm Falling"
20 | "Everything. Was. Frozen."
The Queens Devil
0 | "I'm Gonna Fart on Your Face"
1 | "I'm in Hell"
2 | "You Missed, Asshole"
3 | "Look Who's Using Bad Words"
4 | "Long Live Robotic Tendencies"
5 | "Trigger Happy Mo-Fo"
6 | "Screw you, Anton Chekhov"
7 | "Put The Damn Gun Away"
8 | "I Won't Let You Leave Me"
9 | "I Wish You Didn't Need Thorns"
10 | "Jesus, You're Fucking Insane"
11 | "God, I Need to Get That Away From Him"
12 | "Tears Are Weakness"
13 | "Tone The Testosterone Down"
14 | "Don't Lie To Me"
15 | "Someone Could Have Told Me"
16 | "You Need a Chill Pill"
17 | "You're A Psychopath"
18 | "You Smell"
19 | "Please Don't Leave Me"
20 | "Freedom"
21 | "I Should Have Stayed Single"

10 | "Fuckers Everywhere"

1.4K 84 5
By xwriteratheartxo

Chapter Ten
"Fuckers Everywhere"

"if you want the rainbow, you
gotta put up with the rain."
— Dolly Parton


   Fuck the sun.

   Okay, not really. I still enjoyed the tan, but goddamn, it was hot as shit today, despite it being the beginning of September.

   I was standing on top of a dock, surrounded by men and women alike, all wearing white and waiting to get on board someone's boat.

   I was invited because of Sydelle, who wasn't even here because she was forever the loafter. Luckily, I met two girls while I was waiting—Delia and Sana.

   They were both gorgeous, with Sana having a fuller body than her friend, but Delia fashioning a face full of freckles. I towered over the both of them, despite them wearing heels, but nonetheless, they were great company and easy to talk to.

   "Are you here for Mateo's yacht?" Delia questioned with a wide grin. "Maybe we can drink together when we get on board!"

   I smiled and leaned against the pillar behind me. "I am, actually. How do you guys know him?"

   Sana rolled her eyes while Delia glanced away, to the far end of the dock. I didn't miss her cheeks tinting with pink, though, as she rubbed her upper arm.

   "They slept together," Sana deadpanned, shooting her friend a dirty look. "Even though she knows he's an idiot with an attention problem."

   I laughed and reached out to the bottom of my dress. I was wearing a white, ruched strapless dress, which kept on either rising from my legs, or falling off my breasts. I already regretted my outfit choice.

   Note to self: wear dresses with straps next time.

   "Attention problem?" I repeated amusingly.

   Delia snapped her eyes to mine, but frowned and studied the ground between us before defensively stating, "He doesn't. Sana just doesn't like him."

   Sana stared at her in disbelief. "You told me that when you didn't talk about how great he was in bed, he started freaking out!"

   "An ego problem then," I snorted before settling my gaze on Delia. "You can do better."

   "But he actually is good in bed," she groaned. "My last boyfriend knew shit. He didn't even know where my clit was!" When she finished hissing, and I threw my head back and laughed.

   Her hazy eyes focused on me and raised her brows. "You got any horror stories?"

   That thought made me sober up, real quick.

   "I actually was never in a relationship," I admitted. "Kinda never got the chance to, to be honest."

   "They must throw themselves at you," Sana whispered breathlessly, wide eyed. But I only grinned before winking.

   "And they never catch me."

   Despite my playful tone, my thoughts immediately began to drift to Daemon—who I wish would throw himself at me. But he disappeared, and the longer he was gone, the more irritated I was.

   I wasn't magically in love with him after we kissed—hell, I didn't even like him. But he made me feel good. And if he was worried about me asking for more, he could have easily used that mouth of his and talked.

   I forgot I was talking about a fucking Shadow.

   "Hello?" A voice took me out of my thoughts, and I glanced up, only to see that a guy decided to join in our conversation.

   He was taller than the girls, but just about my height. He had a nice oval face, golden skin, with long lashes that hovered over his light green, round eyes. His nose was pointed and had full lips, with a head full of amber hair.

   And he was staring at me.

   Our eyes met, and he smiled a smile that could make anyone fall on their feet. "Hi," he greeted, nodding his head once while stepping between Delia and Sana in front of me. "I'm Marco."

   My gaze instantly snapped to Delia, who was glowering. She was shooting daggers in his direction, and I already found myself uninterested in him.

   I glanced his way and faked a smile. "And I don't care."

   Sana stifled a laugh and gave me an approving look. I decided to pretend his didn't exist, and cocked my head to the side. "So, Sana, do you go to NYU?"

   She noticed what I was doing and smirked. "I'm not, but Del is. I go to Julliard."

   "No shit!" I gaped before a wide grin grew on my face. "What for?"

   Her cheeks warmed before shrugging nonchalantly. "Flute."

   "She plays like a professional," Delia piped in, joining our conversation. I could tell she enjoyed ignoring Marco—who still didn't leave. "She's played in the Lincoln Centre and Carnegie Hall."

   I could tell how proud Delia was of her friend, and I couldn't help but smile at the both of them sincerely. "That's amazing. I wish I learned how to play, but—"

   "I'm sorry," Marco suddenly interrupted, laughing and shaking his head. But when he stopped and stared at me, he clearly didn't find the situation amusing. "What the hell is going on?"

   Gradually, I lifted my finger and made slow circles that pointed at all of us. "A conversation. Clearly you don't know how this works."

   He didn't find amusement in my jab. Pity.

   "I know what a conversation is. I'm just wondering why you're not having it with me," he declared before a slow smirk grew on his lips. "We don't have to talk, if you want. We can do other things."

   I stared at him blankly before twisting my head to Sana. Her eyes were wide, like she was saying, do you see what I've been dealing with?

   "Definitely an ego problem," I confirmed.

   Sana, and even Delia, chuckled. Marco didn't seem amused as he stepped away from us. "Fuck this. You're clearly gay."

   Ohhh, I wanted to throw my switchblade into his groin.

   But I glanced around. Too many witnesses.

   Instead, I strode forward and grabbed his wrist, stopping him from moving. His eyes snapped to me, wide—as if he was surprised I stopped him.

   I dug my nails into his skin, but kept my chilling smile in place. "Hey, Mario—"


   "—I don't care." I tilted my head to the side. "Besides the fact that I love women, I don't swing that way. Still, I'd rather fuck anyone, girl or boy, if it meant I could avoid sharing a bed with someone who has an ego as frail as his small dick."

   I peeled my hand off him and rotated, my back to him as I stepped back to my spot. I ignored his loosened jaw and waved him off. "You can go now."

   He stomped away, and I turned back to the girls, smiling sheepishly. "I don't think I'm welcome on his boat anymore."

   "But that was so worth to see," Sana grinned and bumped her shoulder with Delia. "Come on, he hit on her in front of you. He's not into you."

   "I know," she sighed and fiddled with her hands. "I just wish he didn't have that face."

   Sana sighed and settled her gaze on me. "Those types of guys make me want to try celibacy. Maybe I should try it out." Her tone was serious, and I couldn't stop my teasing smile from growing. "I mean, it can't be hard. Can it?"

   My lips parted to answer, but I was cut off by heels clicking on the dock, heading in our direction. A voice spoke up just then. "Trust me, it is."

   I didn't even have to turn their way to know whose voice it belonged to.

   In seconds, an arm latched around mine, and I twisted my head to the right, meeting Sydelle's brown eyes. They were wide, almost innocent like. For extra affect, she batted her lashes.

   "Heyy mega-slut," she dragged out slowly, not losing her smile. "What'd I miss?"

   My eyes narrowed. "Bitch. Glad you decided to grace me with your presence."

   "I couldn't deprive you of me," she added, reaching out to tap my cheek twice. "I'm not that cruel."

   When she moved back and ended up shaking slightly, I knew she was already tipsy.

   She quickly steadied herself before glancing at Delia and Sana. "Hi! I'm Sydelle, this one's cousin."

   They both grinned and introduced themselves, and within minutes, it was like they were all old friends. It wasn't until Sydelle finally graced me with a look, did she notice my raised brows.

   I eyed her expectedly, and she pouted. "Okay, I know I was late, but I have a good reason!" I waited, and she dared to go onto say, "I was talking to someone."

   "You've got to be fu—"

   "I met him a week ago, he's nice and he's coming with us!" She rushed out, stopping me from my oncoming ramble. Her hands were up in faux surrender, eyes wide with unease. "I had to tell him where to meet up."

   I stared at her blankly. "I hate you."

   "Love you too," she grinned. "You'll like him, he's hot."

   "Unlike the rest of the guys you see who aren't hot?"

   Her eyes narrowed playfully. "Ha ha, so funny." Without waiting for my witty response, her eyes jumped over my shoulder, which showed the end of the dock surrounded by boats.

   "He texted!" She squealed, and I snapped my head back to her. "I'm gonna go get him." And without waiting for my reply, she whirled in her spot and nearly ran back where she came from.

   A few seconds of silence gathered between the three of us, until Delia chuckled. "I like her."

   "Of course you do. She's just as boy obsessed as you," Sana drawled, but by how she was biting back a smile, I knew she was teasing.

   They started to bicker, and I took this time to slide my bag down my arm, so I could hold it. I shoved my hand inside in search for my phone.

   "Lee!" Sydelle shouted, but I kept my eyes locked on the bag. "This is Gerard."

   I forced myself not to laugh. Not because it was a bad name, but I didn't picture someone sexy with the name Gerard.

   "Hi," a deep voice greeted, and with my hand still in my bag, I lifted my gaze, only to instinctively wrap my fingers around the cool switchblade.

   The man smiled, and that man's name wasn't Gerard.

   It was Yuriy. And he worked for them.

   He must have known that I connected the dots, because he began to slowly smirk before wrapping an arm around Sydelle. "You've been hiding her from me, Sydelle?"

   She chuckled, not sensing the tension rolling off my body in waves. Instead, she leaned into his chest and peered up to smile. "I've been hiding you from her. My cousin is brutal."

   When I didn't say anything, she lowered her head and furrowed her brows to me. But I forced myself to chuckle, trying to come up with a plan to leave. Now.

   Shit. Shit. Shit.

   "You pick bad guys to bring to me, Syd." I was hoping she'd get what I was implying.

   She shrugged and regarded Yuriy with a warm smile. "I think this one's good," she vocalized as she tapped his chest. He was wearing a white button-up shirt with khakis, seeming like the poster boy you'd bring to your parents.

   But I knew. I knew that on his upper arm or shoulder blade, he'd have that goddamn tattoo.

   Delia and Sana joined the conversation Sydelle started about Titanic—which started her fear of being too deep into the sea of water. Yuriy joined in, here and there, but Sydelle was oblivious to how he'd been staring at me with hunger—probably hunger to get his paycheck.

   Because he found me. They found me. And I knew I was worth every penny they chose to waste in finding me. That was evident when they hadn't given up on me, despite being gone for years.

   With brief glances to the inside of my bag, my hand clasped my phone and used finger ID to hurry up the process and unlock the phone.

   I managed to get Sydelle's contact open, and with one hand, I texted, He's one of them.

   When I sent the text, I watched anxiously as Sydelle pulled her phone out from her handbag. Since Yuriy was still watching me, I sent him a fake smile, but that didn't stop me from clenching my legs together.

   I peered next to him and scrutinized Sydelle as she opened my message. I knew she finished reading it when her eyes snapped to mine, wide.

   There was no question in her gaze. No uncertainty. She trusted me and what I was accusing.

   My cousin, the gracious actress she was, lost her grimace and stuffed her phone in her bag before clapping her hands together. "Shit!" She groaned, pushing her hair over her shoulder before switching her gaze onto me.

   We were all watching her, Yuriy included.

   "What is it, bitch?" I questioned, cocking my head slightly in hopes she had a plan.

   With amazing skill, she cringed and leaned forward, so she was close to me. But Yuriy was standing between us, so he could hear when she whispered, " I forgot my tampon. I'm pretty sure there's a Shoppers across the street. Can you..."

   Yuriy stiffened, and I bit back a smile before Sydelle rushed out, "I would get it myself, but I'm wearing white, and one wrong move and..." She made a farting noise and used her hands to emphasize an explosion.

   "Sure," I smiled, but it turned sad the longer I stared at her. She did the same, because she knew what was coming.

   But I forced myself to look away, before I started crying like a weak person.

   "I'll see you guys in a minute," I smiled and waved to the girls, who did the same.

   I strode forward, so I could walk to the opposite side of Sydelle. And when our shoulders grazed, my hand clasped hers and tightly squeezed.

   She matched it, and gradually, I released her before continuing down the dock. I didn't glance over my shoulder to see if Yuriy was watching me. I knew he was.

   And where there was one, there was three.

   When I finally hit the pavement, my strides switched into a run, and despite me wearing heels, I did it flawlessly.

   I ended up on the bus, getting on and off at least ten in total in an attempt to lose anyone who could be following me. I checked out if there were any familiar faces each time, but when I wasn't actively examining my environment, I was tapping away on my phone.

   When I got a call from an unknown number while on bus eleven or so, I answered and held my breath, until I heard someone choke out, "Oh, Alina."

   My shoulders sagged forward at the sound of Luba's voice. For the first time since I began the roller coaster of bus rides, I felt like crying.

   "Hi," I managed to say without stuttering. "You heard?"

   She sniffled. "Yes. Sydelle contacted me. I-I'm calling from the payphone across the street." Her voice was hoarse when she added, "She told me he... they found you."

   I refused to believe that. "He followed Sydelle. They know I'm in the city, but they don't know where I live, or work. I'm under a fake name."

   But we both knew what was going to happen now.

   "I'm leaving," I whispered, glancing out the window. Bus eight took me out of the city, but this bus was leading back inside the lion's den. "Tell... tell Cynthia I'm gonna need some time off work."

   She choked on a laugh. "Of course." There was a moment of silence between us. "How long will you be gone this time?"

   This time. A reminder of how many trips I've taken in order to avoid them.

   "Probably a month. Less, maybe," I admitted, my free hand sliding over my lap to play with the hem of my dress. "Depends on how many cities I can hit using my real passport."

   "Yeah," she breathed out, as if she was trying to compose herself. "I wish this wouldn't happen. I wish you could stay with me, with no problems."

   I smiled, and it was painful. "I do, too. But that... that'll never happen."

   "It's good to dream. It gives you something to fight for," she whispered before inhaling. "I've gotten someone to drop money off at the front desk of your building."

   "I'm going to use the credit card, remember?" I teased.

   They were notorious for tracking every record available. I felt the need to be flattered, because I knew how easy it was for them, finding someone who didn't want to be found.

   And punish them.

   "Of course, I know that," Luba defended, voice hardening. "But on your way back to New York. You'll pay with cash, and wear those wigs—"

   "I know how to do this, Lubs." My tone was playful in an attempt to lessen the tension.

   It didn't work, and after a few seconds, I heard her voice crack. "I love you, Alina."

   My lips parted, and I forced the words out, even though it felt like my throat was closing up. "Love you too."

   The call ended from there. And it would be the last time I'd have contact to her until I got back. I was getting rid of the phone, taking every caution to make sure I was safe.

   But first, I'd have to stop by the shop. I had some of my belongings underneath the counter, and if they decided on stopping by to search the shop, only to see my things there, they would kill Cynthia.

   After another thirty minutes on bus number... I didn't even know anymore, it stopped a block away from the shop. I felt more content about my safety for the time being and hopped out after thanking the driver.

   I knew Yuriy must have reported to everyone that I was in the heart of New York City. By the beginning of the day tomorrow, at least five-dozen men would be out, searching.

   Another dozen would be on my aunt and cousin. Not touching, but observing. Hoping they'd lead them to me.

   There'd be fuckers everywhere.

   The thought made my jaw clench as I continued to take long strides on the sidewalk. When I was close to the right corner, I swivelled and saw the shop, a few more stores forward.

   And in that moment, the heaviness in my chest lifted, and I relished in it because I knew what was to come.

   But the second I was a few feet away from the front door, my steps halted at the sight of someone pacing in front of me.

   That someone being Daemon.

   His head was bent down, shoulder lurched forward as he paced in thought. Seeing him so... distressed was startling.

   As if he had a radar that sensed my presence, his head shot up and his steel grey eyes clashed to mine.

   There were a few feet of space between us, but people were walking around us, chattering loudly. But despite the noise, his lips parted, and I swear I could hear him muttering, "Rose."

   I bit the inside of my gums to keep myself in check. Daemon didn't just get to invite himself back into my life when I was planning on running away.

   So without giving his presence another thought, I stomped around him and opened the door to the store. By the time I was turning off the alarm, I heard the bell above the door ring.

   I didn't spare him a glance.

   I whirled around and nearly ran behind the counter before stuffing all my belongings into my purse, all while hearing Daemon lean against the glass door. I could feel his eyes burning into my skull, and I resisted the urge to flip him off.

   He cut the silence a few seconds later. "Silence isn't your thing, Rose."

   I scoffed. "Neither is embarrassment, but here I am, feeling embarrassed for you." I snapped my head up in his direction and glared. "I don't want you here, so why the hell are you poisoning me with your existence? I thought you went back to being a Shadow."

   My words were cold. Harsh. I didn't regret them.

   His eyes darkened, and I noticed a tick in his jaw before I shook my head. "Never mind. I don't care!" I laughed, throwing my hands up in the air. "I have more important things to deal with, so if you would excuse yourself."

   He didn't move, and I clenched my fists before stomping to the alarm system. I turned everything on again and pushed Daemon away before stepping out. He did the same behind me, and when I finished locking up, I took long strides toward my building.

   I pretended that he didn't exist, but that didn't stop him from following me all the way to my apartment building. He wasn't even stopped when he entered the lobby, tailing me. I figured it was because Daemon was... well, Daemon. And he reeked of authority.

   Deciding to fuck around with him, I made my way into the elevator and leaned my back against the wall, watching him slide inside, just as the doors began to close.

   His eyes were dark and cold when they met mine. "Rose..."

   The elevator rang, warning that it would be closing. So, I pushed myself off the wall and ran out, hearing Daemon cuss right as the door closed.

   I smiled to myself and twisted to the right, where the door leading to the stairs was. I took my time heading up the six flights of stairs, checking for ticket availability on any flights leaving within the next few hours.

   By the time I was on my floor, I strode to my front door and unlocked it quickly. But just as I was putting one foot inside, the sound of the elevator doors parting made my movements falter.

   I glanced to the right and gaped, seeing Daemon take long, powerful strides toward me. He was clenching his phone in his hand, and he did not look pleased.

   "How the hell did you know which floor I lived on?" I demanded, standing upright.

   He waited until he stood in front of me before growling, "I hacked into the security system."

   I pushed my head back, slightly impressed. "Right now?" He grunted in agreement, and my lower lip pursed. "Cool."

   And with that, I spun my body forward and entered my studio apartment. Before I could even attempt to close the door, Daemon shoved himself forward. I didn't bother arguing with him. I just sauntered to my bed and bent on my knees, so I could grab my luggage from underneath.

   In the corner of my eye, I watched as Daemon slowly glide toward the end of my bed, where my make-shift living room was.

   While he entertained himself, I started to throw my belongings inside, including my wigs, passports and different types of outfit styles. Daemon was now standing at the edge of my bed, observing how I ran all over the place.

   "What are you doing?" His voice sounded rough, and I ignored how my body reacted to him.

   So, I glimpsed his way and raised my brows. "What does it look like?"

   His eyes darkened and took a predatory step toward me. "I told you I don't like repeating myself."

   "And I told you to manage your expectations," I chirped before turning my head away, toward the windows. For a few moments, we stood in silence, and I allowed myself to take in the view before sighing, "I'm leaving."

   "I'm able to conclude that, yes."

   My head snapped in his direction, and I glared harder when I saw how composed he seemed now. "Why the hell are you here, Shadow? Done trying to be a dick? Or is that too hard to accomplish?"

   A sliver of emotion crossed his expression before he took another stride toward me. "Unlike what you may believe, I don't spend my afternoons being a dick."

   "You're right. You're a dick during all hours of the day," I bit out before twisting my body toward him. I crossed my arms, and I think in that moment he decided to glance at what I was wearing because when his eyes lowered, they changed to an almost unnatural shade.

   I chose to ignore the hungry stare he was throwing me.

   "You didn't answer my question," I reminded him while cocking my head. "Why are you here?"

   His Adam's apple bobbed, and I took notice to how he turned his head to the side, in the direction of my kitchen. His jaw twitched but I didn't move from my spot, scrutinizing him.

   "To make sure you were safe," he admitted, and I seriously wasn't expecting that answer.

   Without realizing, I slid back, so my back was closer to the wall my bed was pressed again. I didn't shift my eyes off his. "Make sure I was safe? A bit late, aren't you?"

   His eyes were clouded with irritation, but I didn't give him the chance to talk. I threw my hands up in the air and emphasized, "You told me to leave the club after we basically groped each other, and then I don't hear from you for... what? Two weeks?" I laughed, but it was void of humour. "If you think I'm gonna be okay with your mood swings, you're wrong. Fuck you."

   A loud gasp left my parted lips when Daemon suddenly stalked forward, grabbed my wrists, and pressed me against the wall, his heaving chest almost pressing against mine.

   Our breaths were mingling together when he locked my hands on either side of my head, holding me in place. "Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" I breathed out, only to close my eyes and shiver when his head lowered to my neck, inhaling my scent.

   His hands tightened around my wrists. "People don't talk to me like this, Rose," he murmured gruffly before his nose moved up my ear. "I have a hard time not..."

   "What?" I mumbled, pushing my head back in an attempt to meet his eyes. "Punishing me?"

   He growled something under his breath before pressing his chest against mine. He bent slightly, so I could feel his hardness against me. I bit my lip in order to avoid moaning when I felt his mouth hovering over my neck, before it lifted close to my ear again.

   "You're fucking thorns, Rose... it'll be the death of me."

   And before I could muster up a snarky reply, he pulled his head back and slammed his mouth to mine, immediately thrusting his tongue inside my parted lips.

   With my arms restrained, I pushed against his hands and arched against him, my tongue matching his pace before he moved his head back, just enough to latch his mouth against the curve of my neck.

   I threw my head back and moaned loudly. "You're such an asshole." I gasped when his teeth scrapped against my skin.

   He finally released my hands, and it wasn't long until his free hand trailed along my thigh before circling around my knee. He lifted my leg up, and I hooked my thigh around his hips before grinding against him.

   When he brought his mouth back to mine, my fingers curled around the back of his neck and held him against me. A quiver ran down my body when his hand snaked up my thigh before his fingers began to tease my slit through my panties.

   He moved his head back the slightest inch and hissed against my mouth when he felt my wetness. He captured my bottom lip, tugging it.

   I moved one hand off his neck before slipping it inside his suit jacket, gripping his shirt tightly. But as my hand rose, I stiffened when I felt a cool metal grazing against my fingertips.

   Snapping my head away, I focused out the windows and tried to catch my breath while Daemon lowered his head to mine, rasping, "Rose—"

   "This is wrong," I cut him off and closed my eyes, feeling like I ashamed my feminist side. Daemon is nothing but wrong for me, but that didn't stop me from craving more.  Wanting more.

   Against me, he stiffened, but I felt his eyes trailing over my features before slowly, he released his hold on my leg. I lowered it gradually before pushing my shoulders back.

   My eyes were studying his chest—more specifically, his jacket, in an attempt to spot what I touched. I knew what I touched.

   Daemon noticed where my eyes were trained and inhaled. "You know I have a gun," his voice was low as he reminded me of the obvious fact. "What's the problem?"

   "My problem?" I drawled slowly and glared. "Why do you have a gun in the first place, Daemon? Why don't you tell me anything?"

   His eyes narrowed. "My job requires it."

   "Ah! He talks about his job!" I shouted sarcastically before clenching my jaw. When my eyes drifted to the floor, I internally cringed when I saw that my dress rose to my hips.

   I shimmed it lower before turning my head to him, who was already studying me. "So what's your job, Shadow?" I asked, tilting my head.

   Unsurprisingly, he said nothing.

   With an exhausted sigh, I pushed myself off the wall and stepped around him, and he didn't stop me. "Just go, Daemon," I muttered when I stood in front of my luggage again.

   I didn't move after that. I just stared at my belongings surrounding the luggage and paid attention to the floorboard creaking behind me. 

   I could tell he turned back to me when the ground stopped making noises. I felt the hair on my neck rise, and after a few moments from shuffling in his spot, the front door cracked open.

   "Goodbye, Rose," he murmured before the door closed behind him.

   With the confirmation that he was gone, I spun on my spot and trained my eyes at the door before exhaling slowly. But as I was about to finish up packing, I spotted a thin piece of paper, sitting on the kitchen counter across from me.

   I frowned and crossed the distance before lifting the paper, only to stop breathing when I read what was on the crisp white card.

   Daemon Kade. Self-Employed. 212-851...

   He gave me his business card?

   I was about to laugh. Of course he would give me his business card. But maybe he if told me what the fuck self-employed meant, I'd be more willing to use it.

   With a sigh, I began to set it down. But my hand faltered when I saw a faint smudge of black ink, coming from the opposite side of the card.

   I didn't think as I flipped it over quickly, only to read over a message written with a black pen.

   Despite our current situation, I hope you call me. For anything. — D

   I must have re-read the message a dozen times until I finally moved it away from my eyesight. But instead of returning it to the counter, I found myself walking to my luggage before stuffing the card into my makeup bag.

   Whatever. His gun could be useful eventually.


i have two weeks left until I'm
done my spring course :')

I hope you lovelies are having a great
week so far, and I'll see you in
the next one xx

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𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐭𝐳𝐨 is back, healthier, and happier (sorta). She spends her life walking and running the streets of New York City...
7.1K 189 27
🔞 | Check tags for more info. 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫. 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲. 𝘓𝘰𝘳𝘥, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘮...