By castleMG

74.8K 4.2K 583

*The story is mine but the pictures are not so, credits to the owners* About: A sequel of 'Trust in Love Agai... More

11. SURPRISE!!!!!
Just your author
21. 🔞
28. Surprise update❗❗
29. Finale


1.7K 113 23
By castleMG


Axis was dragged by his Mom inside the hall. His eyes widened seeing what's in front of him. The supposed business conversation turns out to be his and his baby's wedding...

'What about the Conven-

🌿: Made up.

Axis turned to his mother in shock. He looked at the crowd and saw their families and friends. There are no media.

🌿: It's time son. Come...

The music starts and Fern walk her son down the aisle. Now that Axis is in position, his heart is beating so fast. He can't believe that he is about to marry the love of his life. His breath hitched when the door opened. Though he already saw his baby earlier, this time, it's like he is seeing Thanari for the first time.

'He's so beautiful.' He said to himself...

Gulf entered with his baby boy that will soon leave his nest. He is happy that Thanari found the one that will take care of him and will love him truly.

Thanari gasped at the sight of the place...

He starts tearing up. His P'Lux is waiting for him at the end of the aisle. He turned to his Mama...

🌻: Don't cry, love.

Gulf said wiping the unshed tears.

'Thank you, Mama.' Thanari hugged his Mama.

☀: Son


Thanari turned and hug his father. Mew kissed the top of his head...

☀: Ready to be a Maurer?

Mew asked after parting from the hug...

🌻: Don't be scared to start the new chapter of your life.

Gulf said caressing his son's face. Thana pressed his face more to his Mama's warmth...

☀: Your Mama is right. Besides, you still have us. It's just that, you gained another set of people that cares and love you. Everything will be fine, baby boy.

Thanari hugged both his parents. He is so blessed to have them as his parents. He took a deep breath before nodding to his parents.

'I'm ready.'


Mew and Gulf walked their son down the aisle. Soft music in the background. They can see that Axis never averted his eyes from their son. It made them think that they made the right decision.

🌻: Please take care of our son

Gulf said to Axis who smiled and nods at him...

☀: Don't hurt him and make him happy, okay?

'Yes, Dada. Don't worry Mama, I will take care of Thanari with all of my heart.'

Axis said. They hugged each other before the couple went to their seats... Their officiating officer is no other than their Dada Mild.

🐦: Good day everyone! We are all here to witness the union of our dear Thanari and Axis. These two, just like their parents are destined to be together. As these two young hearts will open the next chapter of their lives, let's hear their vows. Axis, would you like to go first?

'I'd like to go first.'

Thanari said first before Axis can answer.

'What he said.' Axis said smiling

🐦: Are you sure? Because whoever goes first will be the top.

Mild said making everyone chuckled including Axis...

'As long as he's mine forever. I don't mind.' Axis answered making Thanari blushed...

The crowd coos...

💫: Whipped!

The youngsters yelled in unison. Axis is just smiling proudly...

'Go on baby.' he said. Thanari nods and clears his throat.

'So Uhm... P'Lux, first of all, I wanted to say thanks for paying attention to someone as dull as me. The first time I saw you in that auditorium, I can honestly say that you captured my heart already. Though you scared me because of your cold demeanor and when you took me to that room. I thought you're gonna hurt me that time. Sorry for thinking that.

Axis didn't know that thing. Thanari took his hands to him...

....I also wanted to thank you for accepting me as a whole. You never leave my side even when you learned my trauma, instead, you help me overcome it. Since that very first time, we laid eyes on each other, you've been there to support me, boost me up, and always lighten my day. You're one of the reasons I keep looking forward to going to school.

You taught me how to be strong and be more confident in myself. Yes, we faced different trials along the way but still, here you are with me. Now, that we are about to enter a new chapter of our lives, I wanted to say thank you and I love you.

I am ready to face this new beginning of our lives. Because I know you will be there for me, and I will too for you. Thank you for sharing Mama Fern and Papa Rio. Thank you for showing me how much you love me, for not getting tired with my mood swings.

I know I still lack many things, but I promise you that I will do my best to be your perfect wife. I vow to be yours only. I vow to take care of you and our future kid or kids. I vow my loyalty to you. And most of all, I vow to love you with all of my life.

I love you P'Lux. Let's grow old and love each other for the rest of our lives.'

Thanari finished his vow by kissing Axis's knuckles. His tears are flowing. Their families and friends can feel his love for Axis. It's Axis's turn now. He wiped his tears before wiping Thanari's tears...

'That's beautiful, baby... My turn now. I would like to clear some things first. So, first of all, baby, you are not dull. You are the most wonderful person I had ever met. Shy, yes. But, never dull. Second, I'm sorry if I scared you that time. That was not my intention. I just wanted to spend time with you that day... But, it ended up you crying because your trauma got triggered. I still feel guilty about that.

Baby, that same day in the auditorium when we first both laid our eyes on each other when you are not paying attention to your seniors, I told myself that I will do everything to make you and keep you mine forever. Yes, I claimed you that day.

You are the first person that I had an interest in. Even my past didn't make my heart beats fast. But with you, just the thought of your name makes me crazy. I became whipped and I'm proud of it. Because that's shows how much you mean to me. It's one of the many ways to tell you and the whole world how much I love you.

Now that my dream is about to come true, *Axis kneeled on one knee* I Axis Lux vow to cherish and care for you. I vow to be always on your side. Support you in every decision you make. Be your shoulder to cry on. Your tantrum's receiving end...

Thana giggled while his tears keep on flowing...

I vow to give you cuddles whenever and wherever you want. I am more than happy to be your giant teddy bear. I promise to be yours only. We will be each other's strength. You will be my sole purpose of making myself better and better.

I will pamper you and our future little ones... I will never get tired of you. You are the air that I need to live. Just like what you said of me teaching you to be strong, you taught me the real meaning of love. You are the only one who managed to break the ice in me without you even trying.

You are perfect in my eyes. Too perfect that sometimes, I get insecure that I am not worthy of you. But, even so, I am going to be selfish to have you in my life. I can't live without you Thanari. I love you so very much that just the thought of living without you, makes my heart aches so bad that I wanted to die instead of not having you with me.

I am yours, baby. I love you very much. More than my life. So, yes, let's grow old and love each other for the rest of our lives and even in the next.'

Axis finished his vows. Thanari is a crying mess... He bends down and kisses his hubby. Axis stands up without breaking the kiss. The crowds are crying with them while cheering... Their foreheads are attached when they parted for air.

🐦: Wow, that's wonderful... But, to complete your union, please exchange the rings...

Thari and Ari came to them and handed the rings...

They put the rings on each other's fingers. Axis cupped his wife's face and claimed his lips again...


They are now at the reception.

(A.N: Pictures are not mine)

They are having fun. They prepared some games and video clips when the newlyweds were kids. There's also a moment for Thanari and Axis to dance with their mothers.

Thanari not only dances with his Mama Gulf and Mommy Fern, but he also dances with his father-in-law Rio and lastly, he is currently dancing with his Dada Mew.

☀: Hey baby, why are you crying?

Mew asked his son when he felt him shaking...

'I'm just...happy and sad.' Thana said...

Mew cupped his baby boy's face and kissed his forehead...

☀: There's nothing to be sad, son. Yes, this will be hard for you because you have never stayed away from us since the beginning. You didn't even experience living outside our home. But, I assure you, everything will be alright. You are going to create your new home but it doesn't mean that we are not your home anymore. Remember what we always say to the three of you...

'You are home in the presence of your loved ones.' Thanari continued

☀: Correct. Also, as long as there is love in your heart for them, whether you are together or in different places, you are still at home. Okay?


☀: Good. Now stop crying... This is your night.

Thanari hugged his father tightly. The others are watching them fondly. The party continues. Their parents went to them...

🍁: Boys, I guess it's time for you to get some rest.

Rio said. Axis looks at his wife asking for his answer. Thanari is already tired so he agreed.

☀: Okay, so, we prepared something for the both of you.

'What is it, Dada?'

🌻: We rent a villa for you both to spend your honeymoon.

Axis and Thanari were shocked. They are fine with their current room.

🌿: You can't say no. And you will stay here for two weeks because we know that you both will not agree to a month-long honeymoon...

The newlywed nodded.

☀: Go on, your ride is waiting outside. We'll take care of these bunch of idiots.

They chuckled at that because the venue is quite messy. The boys went all out and the adults will surely have headaches because of them. Kissing their parents goodbye and lots of thank you and I love you, they left the place.


Axis and Thanari arrived at the villa. It is not that big and it fits their liking. They get inside and were amazed.

'It feels cozy in here.' Thanari said looking around. He saw the pool and went there. Axis just following behind.

'Whoa! 😲

Axis hugs him from behind putting his chin on Thana's shoulder. Thanari felt shivers when Axis kiss his neck and inhaling his scent...

'Up for skinny-dipped?'


'Oh, boy.'



Mature content next week!!!

Thanks and sorry for the errors

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