Writer's Block

By ScarletNostalgia

12 6 9

just me using random prompts to get over my block. hehe enjoy! More

Late Night
The Wrong Cafe


5 2 2
By ScarletNostalgia

Conan was having a bad day.
It was about to get worse.

He had just had an argument with his friend who had warned him about his boyfriend.

I swear to god Conan, it was him. I'm positive! He was kissing a girl in the middle of the mall.
He's a cheater. Let him go.

The worst damage was the photographic evidence that the friend had provided.

His boyfriend, head lowered, lips stuck to some blonde girl he often eyed.

Metaphorical fume curled from Conan's ears.

He was done!

He was not gonna let anyone, not even his kinda sorta hot boyfriend walk all over him.

He deserved what was coming his way.

He stalked up haughtily to his boyfriend's house.
Ready to barge in and fire.

Something stopped him.

A phone conversation.

Eavesdropping was ok if it was for revenge.

A simple rant won't affect Mr. Cheater.

Oh no, no.

He had to be taught a proper lesson.

A cruel but gleeful smile spread across Conan's face.

The door opened and it quickly turned to saccharine sweet.

A few candy words later, he had convinced the (now ex) boyfriend to meet up in the park.

Walking out of the house, he slid out his phone and dialled his friend.

Heated discussion followed.

His smile returned.

It was good to have evil friends.


Three hours later, both of them were seated in the swings at the park.

Conan began the conversation by confronting the issue.

The way he was so unbothered about it affected the ex boyfriend.

After he failed to explain the picture Conan dumped him.

Felt good about it too.

How could you do this to me?!

How could I not darling, it's super fun.
You did some damage so I'm making you pay.

Why are you so chill about it? It's scaring me.


As it should.


(As you can see, Conan was one dramatic cookie.)

The boyfriend stood there, confused, for a few moments after Conan's departure.

The he began to walk out of the park towards his car unaware of the watching eyes.

His footsteps screeched to a halt.


His high pitched scream could probably be heard for miles.

His oh so dear car was trashed.

The side mirrors were dangling like unfashionable earrings, the windshield had a baseball bat sized hole in it, the sides were spray painted with a red colour. A lot of words which were hard to read without tearing up.

On the bonnet was a yellow sticky note with one single thing in neon pink marker.


He pulled at his hair, walked around the car in distress and did some more anxious person things.
A nervous phone call followed.

The conclusion: a long walk back home.

The watching eyes had recorded the reactions and would laugh at them later.
Why not? His anxious expressions were rather meme worthy.

His despondent walk back home was also tailed.
It was seen as he kicked the stones with his feet hopefully regretting his stupid life choices.

If the anxious face was meme worthy, the utter horror face was gold.

About a few feet away he saw the bright light coming from his house.

The lawn was on fire.


(Please note that Conan was not a bad person. Radical and extreme, yes, but not bad. So all precautions to stop the fire from spreading to the house were taken. All that was set on fire was flower hedge that the boy had tended to so lovingly. )

His screams brought the neighbours out and the fire was doused quickly.

The evidence of the intention behind the fire was left on the grass.
Another symbol that pointed to the same person.

A pink spray painted 'HAHAHA!'


Conan and his friends met up at his place.
They laughed over the photos and drank the night away.
Conan cried a little, as one would when betrayed and hurt.

But by the end of it all he was ok.

Right before he sunk into sleep his favourite song came up. One by his namesake.

He smiled at the lyrics as his eyelids became heavier.

'you may think you're winning, but checkmate'

One last triumphant smile later he was fast asleep.


Hope you liked it lol.
The photo is the thumbnail of the song that inspired this. (Checkmate by Conan Grey)
The prompts sucked so I took a song instead. It was fun to write this way, relaxed.
Haha byee!
Stay safe,
Love y'all

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