The Fox 🦊

By AlissaWillow

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Ishual is your ordinary librarian that likes to jog and read. Of course he isn't a librarian anymore but who... More

Chapter 1: Uzushiogakure
Chapter 3: The Secrets of Uzushiogakure
Chapter 4: Chaos and Konoha
Chapter 9: Chakra
Chapter 5: Ridiculum Homines
Chapter 6: New Friend
Chapter 7: Animarum Requies Part 1
Chapter 8: Animarum Requies Part 2
Chapter 10: Hope

Chapter 2: The City of the Lost

163 6 6
By AlissaWillow

Naruto had found several bodies by the time he had stumbled across a weird seal that still held a moderate amount of chakra, carved into a stone floorboard that had yet to succumb to nature that had claimed most of the buildings so far.

During that time Naruto had found several ninja gears and old cloth that hadn't lost their quality. Placing them within the confines of his bag. The building he was in currently was one of the few that had managed to survive. Even though the top three floors were slightly collapsed.

Naruto crouched down, frowning. He had no experience with seals and had no idea what it was for. Perhaps it's activated with blood? Like in a few fantasy books he had read. He took out a kunai and pricked his finger, smearing the small amount of blood that gathered there onto the seal.

Only to scramble away as the very foundations of the building began to shake. Fear made adrenaline shoot through his veins, rushing like a waterfall through his very being. His body tensed ready to bolt at the first sign of the building crumbling. It didn't.

Instead, the stone floorboards began to sink in where the seal had stood, forming stairs that spiralled down into darkness. Shock shot through Naruto, for this, was the last thing he had expected he had thought that some age-old defence would activate. Of course, he was glad that that hadn't happened.

Slowly Naruto raised himself and took slow steps forward. Darkness greeted him. Naruto breathed in softly, the noise so loud within the dead silence of the broken village that it echoed back to him from every corner even as the walls that somehow still held blocked most of the place from sight.

The stairs were solid. Whole. There. Naruto pursed his lips and took the steps tentatively. The way down a lot up as if thousands of fireflies had suddenly filled the passage. He was tempted to turn tail and get as far away from there as he could. But what was the chance that there were bodies down there?

The city was peaceful in its slumber even as he made his way down, the structure didn't shake, didn't break. There wasn't a sound. And the hope that there may have been people that still breathed vanished as soon as Naruto caught sight of the seal that was carved and inked into the ground.

The thousands of paintings of the Tailed Beasts and realised distantly that this was most likely a temple of some sort. Uzumaki was known for their love of the Chakra manifestations after all. He was more focused on the feeling of something stirring and taking note of their surroundings. Its attention was immediately caught by the sight of painted versions of itself.

Brat, where are we?

A booming voice had Naruto stumbling, shock shooting through his very soul. He...he hadn't seen that coming. He thought that he would need to somehow deactivate his seal to speak to Kurama. To think....but he pushed those thoughts away. Noting that Kurama hadn't heard.

Who are you? Naruto asked.

There was hesitance now.

Where are you? And how come you're talking to me through my mind? Naruto continued to press. There was a feeling of curiosity.

Has no one told you of me?
The nine tails asked.

No. No one usually speaks to me much. Though Jiji sometimes spares enough time to do so for me. He can't be there all the time. Naruto answered sinking to his knees. This felt strange to him. A person who had never experienced unnatural things would probably feel the same.

I'm the Nine-Tailed Fox.
Kurama said unashamed and probing. Another jolt of surprise shot through Naruto. He couldn't believe the beast had answered.

Really? But why are you speaking to me inside my head? Naruto asked. There was silence for a minute.

Because your father had sealed me inside you in faith that you would keep me from ever being free again. There was sadness in the kyūbi's voice. And suddenly Naruto felt a kinship with it.

I'm sorry that you had to be sealed. You sound much nicer than any of the adults who had said you were. You're even nicer than any of them had ever been to me. As for where we are: Uzushiogakure. I think we're in one of their temples. Naruto explained as he stood up again.

Why are we here? And how? The nine tails asked voice hesitant but soft and understanding.

I kinda snuck off from Konoha and into Uzushiogakure. I read from the library that the Uzumaki clan comes from it. And well I wanted to see it, but I know the adults wouldn't allow me anywhere away from the villages so I ran away. But I am going back once I've explored the place. And buried the bodies that hadn't been. Naruto said.

Aren't you 5 years old, brat? Kurama asked.

I am. What's your name? It can't possibly be the nine-tailed fox? Naruto pushed.
There was silence once more and Naruto fought not to sigh. Instead, he scanned his surroundings his eyes straining towards the seal in the middle each time. There was at the back of the room a few shelves with scrolls and books piled in them.

My name is Kurama and you must be Naruto. Your mother had after all been contemplating that name.
Kurama said. Naruto beamed.

Do you know my mother? Naruto asked voice excited even in his mind.

Yes. I was sealed inside of her before she had given birth and I was ripped from my seal against my will. His voice was surprisingly sad as he said this.

You were ripped from your seal, Kurama? By whom? Naruto asked curiously. Though he already knew.

By a masked man that cackled and jested as he rained chaos on Konoha. I am sorry for the lives lost. And somehow Naruto believed him.

Can we be friends? We are stuck together after all. And it must be lonely being sealed inside someone. Naruto mused. When Kurama remained silent he moved towards the shelves and began to pull out a random book. It was luckily on seals far too advanced for him but it was something.

We can try to be friends. Do you want to learn about fuinjutsu? I can teach you if you wish to learn it. For three generations I have lived inside of masters of that ninjutsu after all. I can also create a space storage seal on your body so that you can store away any books and scrolls you find along with equipment if you so desire. Kurama offered. Naruto paused. Slightly weary. But why not?

Okay. Can you do that for me, please? I need a way to carry all of the things I've found. And when we get back you can if you still want to teach me ninjutsu. Naruto said voice growing louder with his excitement. There was a loud booming chuckle and Naruto couldn't help but smile at the fact that he made someone laugh. Suddenly he felt a foreign chakra sizzle across his arms. Rising out of his pores and sinking back into his skin. Pain flashed through him for a split second. Before it faded and a slight tingle remained. Who would have thought that the nine-tailed beast had so much said in matters? If anyone knew.....
Naruto pulled his sleeves up and gaped at the tattooed seals that had appeared on his arms.

All you need is your chakra to activate it while touching something you want inside to the seal itself. To extract what you have placed inside just thinking about it. With books and scrolls, you'll need to hold your arms as far away from your body to avoid injury. Now try it.
Kurama instructed.

Okay. Naruto breathed in and placed the book back onto the shelf and then placed his tattooed arm against the shelf itself. Digging inside himself and pulling small strands of the energy that had never been there before to the forefront and his seals. Suddenly the shelves along with the books disappeared. The laughter of pure delight rang inside Naruto's head and he couldn't help but giggle along. It was a little funny that he went and took the entire shelf, wasn't it?

Brat. Be careful not to take in anything bigger than that. For as powerful as the seal is I don't think it can hold anything larger than that. Think of the storage seal as infinite but small. Meant for objects of certain heights and no higher. Kurama warned. Naruto grinned and gave a slight nod.

I'll remember that. I promise to never take anything higher than the bookshelf. He swore. There was a hum of acknowledgement from the kyūbi before silence rained over them both once more.

Naruto stepped closer to the seal drawn within the centre of the room. The closer he got the more he became aware of the pull that was tugging insistently at his very being.

Careful, I have no idea what that seal represents and that is a frightening thought. Kurama muttered. Naruto nodded absentmindedly just as his feet crossed over an invisible barrier.

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