Apricus 13 | Cravity FF

By BaradaMoxadaTdr

2.3K 122 9

If you are feeling sad, bored, or not in the mood to do anything just read this piece of crack. This is a fan... More

Apricus 13- introduction
Apricus 13- 1
Apricus 13-2
Apricus 13-3
Apricus 13-4
Apricus 13-5
Apricus 13-6
Apricus 13-7
Apricus 13-8
Apricus 13-9
Apricus 13-10
Apricus 13- 11
Apricus 13-12
Apricus 13-13
Apricus 13-15
Apricus 13-16
Apricus 13-17
Apricus 13-18
Apricus 13-19
Apricus 13-20
Apricus 13-21
Apricus 13-22
Apricus 13-23
Apricus 13-24
Apricus 13-25
Apricus 13-26
Apricus 13-27
Apricus 13-28
Apricus 13-29
Apricus 13-30 (final)

Apricus 13-14

32 4 0
By BaradaMoxadaTdr

~SOTD:- Moon Rider by BDC~

Woobin turned into a shadow and speeded away to the injured werewolf.
"Where could it be going?" thought Woobin as the werewolf was dragging himself to a more thick and dark forest.

As Woobin was following the werewolf, he heard a small cry. It belonged to a child. Woobin was now hesitating, he was in a big dilemma whether he should look out for the cry or follow the werewolf.
"This is a scary hour, the child is crying and needs someone. Life is more important than the secrets of enemies" thought Woobin. So, he ditched the idea of following the enemy and decided to help out. Woobin hid behind a thick tree and turned himself to human form. He looked around and quietly followed the silent sniffs.

He found a little girl who seemed to be like 5 to 7 years old sitting on the ground and trying hard not to cry. She seemed a little injured too.
"Hello, are you ok?" asked Woobin, approaching the little girl.
The girl backed off looking scared.
"You don't need to be afraid, I am here to help you," said Woobin.
"No thank you," said the little girl.
Woobin was confused, "It's the middle of the night! There are werewolves around, it's dangerous"
"Trusting strangers would be riskier than a werewolf's attack," said the girl.
Woobin's jaw dropped, "Not EVERY stranger is bad!"
"THEY ARE!" said the girl and started crying.
Woobin panicked, "Okay, stop crying, please! This ain't gonna solve any problems"
"I-I once got lost in a fare and a stranger said he would find my daddy and mommy. He almost kidnapped me but thankfully my daddy found m-me" said the little girl, still crying.
"I understand, trusting strangers is hard for a little girl like you but look at the situation girl!" said Woobin.
The girl shook her head.
Woobin sighed and thought to talk to her sweetly.
"May I know your name?" smiled Woobin who crouched down to the little girl's height.
"Anna," said the little girl.
"Anna, ok. Look, I don't have any sweets for making you come with me. But I think you are a smart girl and a very good daughter" said Woobin.
"I know I am!" said Anna, smiling.
"That's good. So, being a good daughter, do you want to give trouble to your parents?" asked Woobin.
"No, but they scold me every time I play Roblox. I think they should know how important I am" said Anna.
Woobin was shocked by Anna's statement and thought "Kids these days"
"You mean a LOT to your parents, they scold you for your good. At this time, your parents are very worried about you" said Woobin.
"They should be," said Anna.
"Don't you feel bad for them that they are risking their life at night to search you in this scary forest?" asked Woobin.
The girl thought for a moment and nodded.
"Don't you wanna go home and watch Tom and Jerry?" asked Woobin.
"What's that?" asked Anna.
Woobin sighed and thought how fun it was when he had to wake up at 6 to watch new episodes of his favorite cartoon when he was a child.
"Nevermind. Don't you wanna watch Frozen?" asked Woobin.
Anna nodded with her eyes excited.
"So, let me help you," said Woobin.
The girl still wasn't convinced, "How do I trust you?"
"You can't judge all based on the actions of a few, Anna," said Woobin, "trust me, please?"
"Promise me then!" said Anna, getting up.
"I promise," said Woobin who was happy that Anna was finally convinced.

Anna was ready to go with Woobin.
"Where is your house?" asked Woobin as they started walking even though they didn't know which direction they were going.
Woobin noticed Anna was walking slowly.
"Are you fine? Are you hurt?" asked Woobin.
"I did suffer from a heartbreak a few weeks ago but a few hours ago I tripped on something and I hurt my leg," said Anna.
"HEARTBREAK?" Thought Woobin.
"Let me carry you on my back then," said Woobin.
"A piggyback ride?" asked Anna.
Woobin nodded and carried Anna. Anna was happy.
"Do you remember where your house is?" Asked Woobin.
"As far as I remember it's a little far," said Anna, "I think we go straight to the left"
Woobin obeyed.
"Oh, by the way, what's your name though?" asked Anna.
"It's Woobin," said Woobin.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" asked Anna.
"No," said Woobin.
"WHAT? REALLY?" said Anna who was shocked, "How lonely of you!"
Woobin took the hit, "Ouch"
"You got any crushes?" asked Anna.
"Loren Gray," said Woobin.
"No, I mean noncelebrity," said Anna.
"None and how about we don't talk about love life?," said Woobin. Anna nodded.

After a few instructions from Anna, Woobin could finally see a small neighborhood and he was happy that he could finally get on the mission again.
"Look! That's my house!" said Anna pointing to a nicely white-colored house.
Woobin dropped Anna and was stretching his back.
The door opened as Anna clicked the doorbell. It revealed a woman who looked like she was crying for a while. As she saw her daughter, she jumped out of joy, "ANNA!"
"Mommy!" said Anna and hugged her mom.
"ANNA? Is she back?" said another voice that came straight to the door.
"Daddy! I missed you! Look, this nice stranger Woobin helped me to find my way!" said Anna.

Suddenly people were shouting, "IT IS BACK!"
The parents panicked and asked Woobin to come inside but Woobin denied, "I am here to defeat these"
"What? You are from those headquarters that fight Cyclops?" asked Anna's father.
"Yes sir, please get inside the house. I will fix this" said Woobin as people went inside their residence.

Woobin was very excited and very happy as the ferocious pack of werewolves also included the boss. It was easy to identify the boss as that werewolf was wearing a BOSS-designed t-shirt and it was extremely huge than other werewolves. Nobody knows where the werewolf got the clothes from.
"This is my lucky day! Except for the part where I got roasted by a 7-year-old girl" said Woobin.
Woobin bought an unending grey blizzard.
The werewolves shivered. It was as cold as if you entered Antarctica.
"GRAB A BOWL! Cause it's CHILLY here!" joked Woobin.
The werewolves who were suffering from bone-chilling weather 'booed'. The boss also booed with its giant thumbs down.
"Come-on! I am not THAT bad" said Woobin.

After some time tolerating a furious blizzard, the werewolves lost their life.
"Pity," said Woobin and turned the weather back to normal.
The people came out of their houses and cheered for Woobin. "I didn't know you could do magic!" said Anna.
"Now you know," said Woobin.
"Wow! We are so grateful! I wonder how we can pay back!" said Anna's father.
"You can. I am kind of lost though. I came here with my friends and we got separated. Could you tell the direction towards the Mammoth's motel?" said Woobin.
"Of course! I can drive you to the motel" said Anna's father.

As Anna's father went to get his car and Anna's mother was just busy as she got a call from her mom, Anna called Woobin.
"Yes Anna?" said Woobin as he crouched down to Anna's height.
Anna hugged Woobin, "I am gonna miss you!"
Woobin was shocked for a moment but he hugged back Anna and said, "I will miss you too. How can I forget that you roasted me like a chicken because I have no girlfriends? There are but girls who are friends"
"Then congrats! You got a new friend! I can add you in Roblox!" said Anna, breaking the hug.
"Unfortunately I don't play Roblox," said Woobin.
"Any social media? That I can text you or call?" said Anna thinking at least he would have an Instagram account.
"No, I have none," said Woobin.
"Not even Gmail or Fax?" asked Anna who was shocked.
Woobin laughed when she mentioned fax but he shook his head.
"Oh, you are an outdated person, aren't you? How can you survive? It's the 21st century!" said Anna who was thinking about how this person is living under a big heavy Earth's crust.
"Um, I do but I don't think I will share with anyone. I am sorry" said Woobin.

Woobin yeeted to Anna's father's car so that Anna would stop questioning the answers which Woobin is forbidden to answer.
Woobin waved at Anna and Anna waved at Woobin but sadly. Then the car just drove off.
"He could have got a girlfriend you know," said Anna as she saw the car disappear.

Jungmo and Taeyoung were having a strapping battle as the pack of werewolves were never-ending or that is what they thought so.
"If these immortal numbers of werewolves would be extra cheesy corn dogs instead then I would become a professional corn dog connoisseur," said Taeyoung hitting a werewolf with his 100 times powerful punch.
"I know right! I would be happy even if I got an infinite amount of face masks!" said Jungmo as he stroked his corrosive sword on a werewolf and it melted.
"THAT PIMPLE IS NOT A BIG FRIGHT TO GET FREAKED ABOUT! That's natural!" said Taeyoung, kicking the enemies.
"IT IS!" said Jungmo.
"You are more exaggerating than girls!" said Taeyoung.

They continued to battle with clashing and screeching of Jungmo's swords and Taeyoung's bam, bash, and beak.
After the long sweaty combat, the two paranoid paladins won.
"Is that it? No more? If there are, please face it now else I won't have any ounce of energy to spend!" said Taeyoung who was tired.
"Yeah! Same!" said Jungmo, holding his sword weakly.
There was no sound.
"I consider we bring an end to the battle then," said Jungmo and swirled his sword back to his scabbard.
"Best for us!" said Taeyoung.

A sound of a vehicle driving was heard. The sound became more and more clear.
"There is someone who owns a Volvo XC40!" said Jungmo as a car appeared in front of them.
Woobin got out of the car and waved at the two people, "Had fun fellas?"
"When did YOU own a Volvo XC40?" asked Jungmo.
"What? This isn't mine. I just got a ride" said Woobin and the owner of the luxury car got out of the car.
"Yeah! Since Woobin found my daughter and saved our lives, I offered to give him a ride to the motel" said the owner a.k.a Anna's father.
"So, you guys had been battling too?" asked Woobin.
"Yup, look at these sweaty foreheads," said Taeyoung.
"Good job guys! The mission has been accomplished!" said Woobin, smiling.
"Thank you guys for saving our place! We are grateful!" said Anna's father.
"No problem. It was our duty" said Woobin.
"So, off I go then!" said Anna's father.
Woobin nodded his head and Anna's father took his leave by driving off in his car.

Hello! Drop your words of wisdom and concern if there is any. That's all. Thank you for reading! 🥰🥰

Stay tuned!

-rookie author

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