The Purple Backpack ✔️

By LyssahTraicey

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Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter Thirteen

569 53 10
By LyssahTraicey


I hated drinking alcohol because to me it was a waste of money but even more because of the hangover. I felt better than I deserved since Bishop was thoughtful enough to make me drink lots of water but it didn't mean I was spared from the pain. It was minimized but still bothered me.

I stumbled out of my bed and made my way to the bathroom to pee, brush my teeth and take a shower in hopes of me feeling like a normal human being again. I was still dressed in the previous nights dress minus my shoes and jewelry. I vaguely remembered Bishop and Whitney bringing me home but nothing much after that. I put my hair in messy bun since it was not wash day yet. After my shower and morning routine I put some lotion on my skin, wore my underwear and made my way to the small kitchenette to find something to eat and some medicine. I found some pain killers in a cabinet and quickly swallowed them down with some juice. I was too lazy to cook so I just had some yogurt and muffins for breakfast.

Feeling much better I crawled back into bed and passed out since it was still early in the morning and I had nowhere to go. I was still feeling the effects of the alcohol in my system so I used the free hours I had to get better.

I was woken up later that after afternoon by the ringing of my phone somewhere in my bed. I reached for it and answered without looking at the ID caller.

"Hello?"I grumbled my voice muffled by my pillow.

"Pierra are you there?"Bishop replied.

"Yeah what do you want looser, I'm sleeping."I asked turning around to lie on my back.

I immediately regretted it as the bright afternoon soon hit my eyes. I pulled my blankets over myself to save my eyesight.

"I need a favor."He requested.

"No."I replied without having to think about it.

"But you didn't even hear what it was."Bishop argued.

"I don't care Bishop. I just want to sleep."I answered.

"You owe me after taking care of your drunk self last night."He bribed and I chuckled sarcastically.

"That's not a solid bargain. I've taken care of you drunk lots of time. It was time for you to return the favor."I retorted.

"Okay fine and speaking of which, since when do you drink? I thought alcohol was a waste of money to you?"He asked and I was immediately reminded of why I'd drunk in the first place.

A broken heart. I couldn't tell Bishop that so I played it off.

"Just having fun for my brothers sake. It was his birthday after all and there was free booze so it was not my money."I replied.

"Well played siz but seriously I do need that favor. I'm cashing in my birthday gift."He bargained and groaned.

"But why? I asked and you said that you didn't want anything."I argued knowing I had just trapped myself in and would end up doing whatever he wanted from me.

"I want something now so are you going to do it or not?"He asked as if I really had a choice in the matter.

"What do you want?"I grunted feeling defeated.

"That's the spirit. Anyway back to the favor. Mom and dad want my birthday photos and I'm not around at the moment so I need you to go pick them up from Andrew's."He instructed and I sat up on the bed tossing the covers off me.

"No. I'm not going to his apartment."I declared hating the idea.

There was no way I was going to face Andrew especially after blowing up on him and confessing more than I had to.

"Yes you are."Bishop insisted.

"No I'm not, send your girlfriend or one of your minions."I countered.

"Whitney is with me and they are busy elsewhere. Do this for me and I promise to leave you alone for the next one month."He pleaded.

One month free of Bishop was tempting but was it worth the embarrassment I'd face when I got to Andrew's room. Answer was no but it's not like I was going to spend all day with him. It was just a simple pick up so I didn't have to see him for more than ten minutes.

"Fine I'll go but you owe me Bishop and its like you've promised, one month."I claimed.

"Fine, just be there soon, mom and dad are getting impatient. Pass by the barber shop, I left the money there."He explained.

"Okay, I'll leave soon."I replied.

"Good and Pierra, no funny business."Bishop instructed and I hang up on him already frustrated.

All I wanted was a relaxed afternoon but then I had to have the most frustrating brother in the universe who didn't understand the meaning of the word boundaries. Most people didn't understand our relationship and would have thought Bishop a little too much and he really was that and much more but he was still my brother. Yes he made me angry and had me considering murder half the time but I owed him my life and for that I'd do anything for him.

He had hugged me at night when all I could see were my dead families bodies, he had beat up bullies twice his size who called me an orphan and made fun of me, he had stayed back in school to keep me company and he had always been there for me. That's why even with all the frustration he caused me, he was still my big brother and I'd do anything for him, except for murder unless the person really deserved it.

Feeling motivated by the need to get back to sleep as soon a possible I got out of bed to put some clothes on. I was feeling lazy so I pulled on some black sweatpants, a white t-shirt that probably belonged to Bishop as it was three sizes too big and a denim jacket. I didn't feel like wearing shoes so I put socks on and pulled on a pair of open sandals. My hair was still in a messy bun that I didn't feel like fixing so I ignored it. It's not like I had anyone to get all dolled up for. Grabbing my phone and keys I left the house taking the short route to the market so I didn't have to stay long.

I passed by the barber shop as Bishop had instructed to pick up the payment before proceeding to Andrews apartment. It took me longer than I should have to get to his room but only because I was dragging my feet trying to delay the inevitable. I did not want to face Andrew, not after what had happened between us a week ago at the tattoo parlor and even worse at Bishops party. I wanted to forget I ever met Andrew but because my big brother decided to use me as his little delivery girl I had to face him again. Hopefully for one last time.

I knocked on his door after standing in the hallway for five minutes giving myself a pep talk.

Andrew opened the door dressed in shorts and a white shirt, very casual but still handsome in my eyes. He seemed shocked to see me, well that made the two of us.

"Ivy, sorry umh, Pierra what are you doing here?"He asked quickly correcting himself.

It was the second time he was calling me Ivy and it was unerving each time. My deceased family used to call me Ivy so I'd asked my adopted family not to call me that. Andrew calling me Ivy was not necessarily bad, I just hadn't been called that in years and hearing it from him was messing with my head.

"You don't have to look so pleased to see me."I commented sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I didn't meant to. It's just..."I held my hand up to stop him.

"I'm not here do chit chat or get any more apologies. I was asked to come get the pictures and give you the money."I explained in the most monotone voice I could muster trying to be as detached as possible.

"I'm not done yet but I'm close. You're welcome to come in and wait."He suggested and I took a step back because that had not been the agreement when I accepted to get the photos.

"Or you could come back later, choice is yours."He added before re-entering the room but leaving the door open.

I was in a dilemma because as much I didn't want to wait in the same room with Andrew as he completed his work I also didn't want to come back later, that was a double trip. The decision was hard but the former started looking even better when I realized just how far my house was. He had said he was almost done so it wouldn't be long before I left and never saw him again. Though that statement was starting to look a little redundant. Everytime I thought it was the last time I was going to see him, something happened and we ended up running into each other. Well let's hope this was the last time because I could only take so many run ins with him before I blew up. With that thought I crossed his threshold and closed the door softly behind me.

Andrew was seated at his desk, attention on the computer as he worked on an image. He was seated on the only chair in the room so the only spaces left to sit on were his bed and the floor. I picked the floor just out of spite so he could see that I was not there to stay or get comfortable. The faster he finished the faster I could live so we could go back to ignoring each other forever.

"You could have taken the bed."Andrew commented looking at me seated cross legged on the floor.

"I know."I shrugged before taking my phone out of my pocket and putting some music on through my air pods. More like airpod as I had only grabbed one on my way out.

"Back to ignoring each other, just like old times."Andrew muttered under his breath but my music wasn't that loud so I got to hear him.

He didn't get to be prissy about the situation, I was the one who got my heart broken not him. Ignoring him I logged into Instagram and started replying to some work messages I'd received as I deleted the spam. Why would a fifty year old man think I was interested in his dick pics? Instagram was becoming more and more disgusting by the day and were it not for the fact that I needed followers to get paid I would have made my account private ages ago.

Thirty minutes later my butt started cramping and Andrew was still engrossed in his work so I got up. I was feeling hungry so I dusted myself up as I made my way to the door. The restaurant on the ground floor claimed it served twenty fours hours day seven days a week so I hoped they were open so I could get something to eat.

"Where are you going?"Andrew asked and I didn't bother answering just left the room.

When I got downstairs I thanked my lucky stars that the restaurant was operational since I was really hungry. I picked what I wanted from the menu and my favorite drink. As I made way to pay and pick up my food I realized that it was selfish of me to eat alone so I ordered some for Andrew as well. I may have been mad at him but I was human and the food wasn't that expensive anyway. I chose a Coca-Cola for him since that's what he drunk on our date. I had to pay extra since I wasn't a resident and was taking their utensils upstairs but they promised a refund if I returned everything. I didn't care about the deposit I had to leave, I was too hungry to care.

I managed to get the door open with one hand but when Andrew saw me struggling he rushed to help me.

"That's a lot of food for one person."He commented with a laugh.

"Are you calling me fat?"I asked looking very serious.

"No no no no you're not fat at all."He quickly defended himself.

"So you're calling me skinny?"I retorted hands on my waist.

"No! God woman, stop putting words in my mouth. You're beautiful, I just thought the food was a little much."He rushed out and I smiled seeing as how frustrated I made him with my accusing queries.

"Why thank you kind sir and half the food is yours."I commented grabbing a plate and my soda before resuming my previous position on the floor.

"You were messing with me?"Andrew asked still standing.

"You messed with my feelings first."I replied with a shrug and Andrews shoulders slumped.

He looked lost in thought for a few seconds as he opened and closed his mouth, probably to defend himself but changed his mind last minute. My jab was uncalled for and random but he had deserved it. He had reduced me to a petty lady and I didn't like that.

"You got me food?"He questioned changing the topic of discussion.

"Yeah I'm not selfish enough to eat alone."I replied my soda can popping open with a fizz.

"Thank you."He expressed before sitting back down with his food and soda.

He worked as he ate which I was grateful for as I didn't have the energy to maintain any sort of conversation with him. I just wanted to get the photos and go. 


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