Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

By PikaJovi

131K 3.4K 4.9K

(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 48

1.4K 33 114
By PikaJovi

Bakugo's POV:

Last night was... embarrassing, to say the least. I can't believe I completely broke down in front of her. I acted like a fucking child who needed to be cradled! So much for keeping a strong mask on for her...

I won't lie and say it didn't help immensely. I feel a lot lighter and like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. She made me promise to talk to her about my troubles and not hold them in anymore... I hate breaking promises, but that is going to be harder to keep than anything else.

As usual, I'm awake before her. I look down and see her sleeping peacefully in my arms. I missed her a lot. I can't believe I managed to stay away from her for a week, especially after that kiss we shared in class.

I want to kiss her now, but that would wake her up. And we don't want that; it's still too early.

I keep looking at her, remembering everything she said to me. All those reasons she gave on why she loves me. I can't say I don't feel the same way. She might not find herself strong, but to me, she is, especially after what she went through.

She will be going away for the Work-Studies this week, and I'll have to stay here and study. I need to pass the next provisional license exam and catch up to her. We will stand side by side, no matter what.

I won't let anything get in our way.

"You like staring at people when they sleep?" I hear her say in her sleepy voice. Her eyes were still closed.

I chuckle and look at the ceiling. "Not really; I was just wondering how a person as small as you can snore so loudly."

She gasps, and her eyes open wide. "Take that back! I do not snore." she yells at me.

"Are you sure about that?" I smirk and look down at her.

"Katsuki!" she hits me on my chest, and I couldn't help but laugh. "It's not funny."

"It is; let me show you just how funny it is." I get on top of her and tickle her sides; I know she is the most ticklish there.

Her laughter fills the air, and she starts wiggling around, trying to get away from me, but I had her locked in place. I keep tickling her until I see tears in her eyes. "S-Stop, please. M-My heart's going to s-stop!" she tries to say.

"See how funny it is now?" I stop and ask her.

"You're so annoying. So much energy wasted so early in the morning..." she sighs and flops back on the bed.

"I feel like you're getting lazier and lazier by the day." I shake my head at her and get back to put on a new shirt and pants.

"You know, you really shouldn't change in front of me." I look back at her and find her staring at me.

"Why? Are you going to pounce on me?" I say sarcastically with another smirk.

Her face goes red, and she looks away while scoffing. "As if! I'm a lady."

"You? A lady? Ya, sure." I mock her a bit more.

"That's it, you're dead!" she yells and jumps out of bed.

I run out of the room with her following me and yelling at me; I couldn't help but laugh all the way to the common room. I hide behind a corner and wait for her to pass by; once she does, I grab her from her waist and carry her.

"Put me down, Katsuki! I'm going to kill you." she wiggles around, trying to get away.

I set her down and kiss her. "I love you." I smile.

She pouts and looks up at me, trying to keep the unhappiness on her face, but we both knew that calmed her down. "I'll still kill you... just later." she looks away.

She can be so fucking adorable sometimes.

"Do you guys have to rub in your couple cuteness in our faces this early in the morning?" we turn to find Pikachu and the rest sitting there staring at us.

Kirishima laughs and nudges him. "Leave them be; they are cute when they aren't trying to kill people." he teases.

"Shut up, all of you!" I roll my eyes at them. "I'll make the coffees. Go sit." I send her to them and get going to the kitchen.

I don't really care what anyone says or thinks about us. Yes, I was bothered before when I heard the girls talk about us and how (Y/N) could even think of dating someone like me, but that was during my weak time; it will never happen again.

I never cared, and I never will again. If she's happy with me, then that's all that matters to me. Although, if I'm being honest, I hate the looks I get when I'm with her. I get that they are shocked or whatever by how I act with her, but it should be common sense.

She's my person, my girlfriend, of course, I will treat her properly and sweetly and all that cute stuff they comment about. I do hold back in public; just for the sake of having eyes on us makes it feel very fucking wrong; it's disturbing.

At least this way, it will send out an undeniable message that she is mine and mine alone. No one should dare think anything else!

I finish making our coffees and go back to find her sitting next to Deku... which just irritates me. I can't believe she bothers herself to actually call him by his first name!

"K-Kacchan?" he speaks.

My eye twitches while I glare at him and then look at her. "Move." I say.

"R-Right." he nervously chuckles as usual.


"Not you." I stop him and look at her, "Scoot to the other side." I tell her.

They both look at me with surprise in their eyes, but nonetheless, she moves, and I sit between the both of them. I know she wants me to try to be more civil with Deku, but it's not like I'm going to suddenly change.

I'll try... to pick on him less from on... I guess.

"Wow! First time I see Bakugo not kill Midoriya." Kaminari laughs and points at us; my eye twitches again. With all their eyes on us, sometimes I feel like a fucking test subject.

"Come on, guys, Katsuki is human like any of us. There's no need to overreact on everything he does." I can see how fake her smile is; I didn't realize she was just as annoyed about this as I was.

"Ya right! Bakugo is-" he suddenly stopped and gulped. Fear showed on his face; I look to my side and find her glaring at him with a straight face. Daring him to speak one more word.

"It's fine. Drink your coffee, it's going to get cold, and I'm not making you another one." I softly lift her hand that is holding her mug.

She peacefully sips her coffee, and the room relaxes again. I look over at Kirishima, and he nods. "So, Midoriya, where are you going for your Work-Studies?" he opens a new subject as I wanted.

I wouldn't admit it out loud, but Kirishima is my best friend, and I actually feel fucking proud about that. I don't see myself feeling comfortable hanging out with anyone but him.

Everyone starts talking about their fucking Work-Studies, that I would be missing out because I fucking failed that stupid exam. Even Icy-Hot failed, so now not only will I miss out on doing actual Hero work, I will have to work with that bastard to pass my exam.

"I'll probably go with Mirko again. Even though she was intense, it was a good push towards reality and all that stuff." she says as she sets her finished coffee on the table. "She will probably have us do triple the workload now that we actually have our licenses." she sighs.

They laugh and continue on with the conversation. I tune them out and rest my hand on the back of the sofa. It's not that I'm tired physically, but I guess life is getting a bit too hectic for my liking.

"Headache?" I open my eyes and glance at her.

"No, just resting." my head is going through a million thoughts at the moment, so it's easier to just ignore it.

"We can go back to the room if you want to talk. I have painkillers in my room as well." I don't want her to worry about every little thing about me.

"I'm fine," I rub my temples to my eyes. "Just-"

"Hey guys, Katsuki and I are going to rest a bit. I suddenly got a headache, and I need to drag him with me to feel better." she lies and pulls me to my feet.

No one said anything but wished she felt better soon. Kirishima looked worried, "Bakubro, if you need anything, I'm here." he whispers as I pass him by.

He is too observant... I pat his shoulder and slightly nod my head at him. I can't hate this guy...

When we get to her room, I flop on her bed and look at her worried expression. "I told you I'm fine. I'm just thinking of stuff."

"You don't look fine. What stuff got you thinking this hard?" she sits next to me and plays with my hair.

I hug her waist and rest my head on her lap. "School, life, you. I promise I'm fine."

"Okay. I'll help with your training every day when I get back from my Work-Studies. So wish me luck with crazy Mirko."

I laugh and pull her to my side. "Looking forward to it, coach."

The school week ended, and my punishment was over. I missed a lot of classes, and they apparently met some Big Three hotshots. The best three third years who have the best potential to be heroes when they graduate.

They are a bit too weird for my taste, but they do have the power a hero would have.

(Y/N) and the rest started their Work-Studies a few days ago, so the dorm is finally quiet. I'll get some training done in the morning and probably do it again when she comes back. She will kill me if I skip out on her training sessions.

She is very excited about training me, but I'm the one training her. She's cute that she thinks her workout is enough for me.

I finish my morning run and workout and head back to my room to get ready to take a shower. A knock sounds at my door as I take off my shirt, and I contemplate opening it, no one is supposed to be here, and Icy-Hot wouldn't knock on my door.

"Katsuki, it's me, open up." (Y/N)?

I open the door and let her in. What is she doing here? "You're supposed to be with Mirko. What happened?" I ask.

She looks me over, and a smirk shows on her lips. "You really are..." she licks her lips and bites the lower one. "Hot."

"What? Stop joking around. What happened?" she gets closer to me and hugs me. "I'm all sweaty."

"It's fine." She looks up at me and smiles. "Hey, how about we go out today? Let's just hang out." she suggests.

"(Y/N), you're worrying me." I make us sit on the bed. "What happened?"

"Nothing. Mirko doesn't want anyone, so she sent me back home. I don't want to think about it; I just want to be with you today." something else must have happened. She doesn't seem okay.

"Okay, let's go out. We'll get your mind off of it. It's Mirko's loss anyway."

After I shower and get dressed, we go out. I could tell she was acting all happy and excited, it felt like she was hiding something from me, but she will talk to me about it when she feels ready. I'll try again tonight.

We were crossing a big parking lot to get to the arcade, and she was running around and laughing. "Hey Katsuki, what would you do if I get lost?"

"You're not a child. Let's just go." would Kirishima know if something happened to her?

"You're no fun. Come on." she tries again, but I keep walking.

After a while, I stop hearing her laughs and running behind me. I look around, and I don't find her. "(Y/N). Stop playing around; we will play in the arcade." she doesn't answer or come out. "(Y/N)?" this girl!

I take my phone out of my pocket and call her number. It's ringing, but I don't hear it around me. Did she leave the parking lot? She wouldn't do that. I redial it and look around to try and find her, but I find nothing.

Now I was starting to panic.

I dial again, and this time I hear it faintly, and I walk in its direction. When I turn a corner, I see someone picking up her phone.

"Are you looking for this?" he says.

"You... What the fuck did you do!?" Shigaraki! Where is (Y/N)?

"I think you are looking for its owner. She is long gone." he smiles as he throws her phone to me.

"Where is she!? You will not get away; I'll fucking kill you if you hurt her!" I take steps closer to him, but he moves back.

"Ah, ah. I don't think you should do that. You will never find her like that. All you have to do is ask me nicely, and I'll show her to you." he is mocking me. My heart was beating fast, and my hands were starting to shake.

I can't believe I let her out of my sight!

"Give her back."

"Well, I guess that's the best you can do. I can tell from your body that you are containing yourself." he takes one more step back. "(Y/N); why don't you put him at ease."

Before I could tell him to stop messing around, (Y/N) shows up and stands next to him... smiling.

"(Y/N)? What's going on? Come here! Get away from him." I yell at her, but she just laughs.

"I don't think so, loverboy, I'm happy being here." what...?

"She found me herself and told me she wants to join me." he explains.

"You must be out of your fuking mind! I'll fucking kill you if you did anything to her." I yell at him.

"Boy, you seriously have a short temper." he shakes his head.

"I don't have a short temper; I just have a quick reaction to bullshit! (Y/N) would never do that! (Y/N), he won't be able to hurt you if you come here; I'll protect you." I extend my hand for her to take it.

"What part of no don't you get? You will never be able to protect me." why is she saying that?

"What did you do to her!?" I yell at him.

"Will this make you understand?" she turns to Shigaraki and holds his face in her hands. She leans in and kisses him...

(Y/N) is kissing that bastard! She's actually kissing him... properly.

"I don't want you anymore. I'm going with him, don't look for me." she says, but I couldn't move.

"I've told you guys before; she's mine. She always has been and always will be." he smirks at me as he pulls her closer from her waist and kisses her again. "See you around Bakugo Katsuki; you should have joined me when I asked." and just like that, a purple vortex opens, and they disappear.

What the fuck... just happened?

No, no, no. Not possible; they must have done something. I need to tell her parents, no they would panic. All Might? What could he do now!? I ruined him. A-Aizawa... I need to tell Aizawa-Sensei; he will know what to do.

My hands are shaking uncontrollably, and small pops go off; I'm unable to use my phone. I can not lose control now! She needs me! I run back to the school to tell Aizawa and hopefully find a way to get her back.

Don't worry (Y/N), I'm coming! I fucking promised to protect her! I can't fail... I'll get her back.




Oh my... what happened? Any theories? Will Bakugo be able to find her, or will he be too late? But the real question is, does she want to be found?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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