Lean on Us (LukaxAdrienxReade...

By RavenRebel24

568K 19.9K 12.8K

~Highest rank: #1 in mlb ~ -COMPLETED AS OF OCTOBER 5, 2022- (A/N: Please don't read this story if you're und... More

Not So Smooth Beginnings
(Y/N)'s First Friend
The Concert
Give and Take
A Whole New Kind of Crazy
The Blur of Red and Black
What Was That About
Asra, let's fly
The Easy Stuff
All Comes Crashing
No Regrets
A/N: Small Update!
A Huge Mess With a Side of Pancakes
When's The Wedding
Viperion Takes The Stage
Authors Note: The Sequel
Authors Note: The trilogy
Add a little bit of ✨Spice✨
Sunsets and Heartbreak
A thousand whispers
Beach Day
Projects and New Friendships
Couffaine versus Agreste
Authors Note
They Boink in this one (female version)
They Boink In This One (male version)
My hero
Fleeting moments
Let's plan a wedding
First Time for Everything
What Good Boyfriends Do
For Gay Rights (SPICE WARNING)
Big Break
They Boink in This One: The Sequel [female version]
They Boink in This One: The Sequel [male version]
Never Again
48 Hours
(luka x reader) shameless self-promo time
Livid and Loved
Back Together
They Boink In This One: The Finale (Female ver.)
They Boink In This One: The Finale (Male ver.)
Lean On Us (The End)
Trust in Us: The Sequel
updating lean on us


8.7K 412 150
By RavenRebel24

"Anyway, Luka, will you accept the miraculous of the snake and help me and Chat Noir?"

Luka was too excited to make (Y/N) freak the fuck out over Viperion taking the stage again to even consider turning the offer down, immediately putting the bracelet on and powering up after a very brief and wholesome reunion with Sass.

"Sass, scales slither" 


(Y/N) was all but skipping down the street, excited about the thought of seeing Viperion in action again. It was fun thinking about the mysterious snake hero, while a little nerve-wracking trying not to reveal too much about their own identity as Raven. It had been a while since (Y/N) had put much thought into Viperion and where he might have been but it was nice to get back into their happy little hyper fixation. 

They couldn't help but playback their conversation with Luka, it was fun hearing his thoughts on the superhero situation. It was easy to picture someone as selfless as Luka being a superhero, the thought causing a quiet blush to spread across their cheeks, needless to say, it was a pleasant thought. 

Hawkmoth had been pretty quiet recently, with the most akumatized victims surfacing maybe once or twice a week. The quiet had made (Y/N) a little uneasy, seeing as they were just getting used to being a superhero. 

"Don't worry, young (Y/N), you won't forget your lessons," Asra's voice ran out quietly in (Y/N)'s head "You are on the right path, everything is as it should be." 

(Y/N) tried to contain their smile, Asra had been quiet since he had to watch (Y/N) jump from having a breakdown to seemingly endlessly kissing a boy in the span of seconds. (Y/N) didn't blame him at all, but it was nice to have his soothing energy back. 

It was never fun being blissfully unaware of when an Akuma would show up, but (Y/N) sure had a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. They didn't realize when they'd walked into such a busy part of town, but the screams were undeniable. (Y/N) was too exposed to transform, being forced to run and get dragged along with the crowd. 

The villain of the day was a vague form, almost shifting into different things as they moved, some shapes much grander than others. (Y/N) could spot fur, stripes, wings, and even part of a tail flickering amongst other things as the civilians around them turned into various creatures. (Y/N) knew Chat was going to have a field day making jokes for this one. It was hard to be scared of the beast, (Y/N) trusted their partners to get the job done sufficiently without their precious Raven. 

Alas, (Y/N) wasn't as safe as they had thought. The panic among the civilians sent the recently turned animals into panic as well, lashing out and attacking people. (Y/N) rushed to save a kid paralyzed from fear, picking him up and running to his mother, desperately reaching out and sobbing thank you's as (Y/N) stayed, wondering when their team was going to show up. 

Too many animals appeared too quickly for (Y/N) to continue dodging them, especially without their usual superhero buffs. (Y/N) could feel their muscles burning as they ran, attempting to corral the animals to make them easier for the heroes to manage, eventually causing (Y/N) to collapse. As (Y/N) held their arms out to break their fall, they felt a firm and vaguely familiar pair of arms wrap around their waist and leap into the sky. 

A swift landing with a soft grunt from their mysterious savior was enough for (Y/N) to finally get the chance to catch their breath. (Y/N) was put down with the utmost gentle care and finally caught the face of their hero- Viperion? 

"Heh, that was reckless, you know that?" The hero said, a worried glare in his golden eyes "You could've been trampled," 

(Y/N) smiled, trying to look up and get a good look at him, noticing the small splotch of blood on their suit "Why is there blood," (Y/N) began, but was quickly interrupted by noticing the small amount of blood dripping from their head and various scrapes. (Y/N) didn't even realize how often they'd scraped by buildings to avoid getting hit by some of the bigger bears. 

Viperion had a soft and worried look on his face, "That's what I meant by getting hurt. I'll be back to get you taken care of after we handle this mess, okay?" he said, his form warm and comforting. (Y/N) wasn't sure how Viperion was behaved with people, but they knew immediately that him and Luka would be good friends. He kissed their forehead with a wink before leaping into the action. (Y/N) didn't realize how much they had exhausted themselves before their eyes closed and the world turned black. 

A blinding light and a shockwave eventually got (Y/N) to pull themselves out of sleep, a warm hand on their shoulder holding (Y/N) down as the ladybugs flew. (Y/N) flinched at the contact, their eyes tearing open as they looked around, settling at the sound of Luka's gentle breathing. (Y/N) would know their boyfriend's calming presence anywhere. (Y/N) sat up and leaned against his shoulder, startling when they felt the familiar latex of the superhero suits "Luka why are you wearing that?"

Luka's muscles stiffened, not realizing how aware (Y/N) was to how he acted. Did he just give up his identity? What would (Y/N) say? Would he ever get to be Viperion again? 

(Y/N) lazily opened their eyes, shooting up when they saw the hero sitting there instead of their boyfriend "V-Viperion? I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else," 

Viperion smiled, attempting to hide the overwhelming relief he felt. He never wanted his ability to protect (Y/N) to go away, he hadn't realized how careful he was going to have to be, "It's not a problem at all. I imagine the stress you were under had you aching for some kind of solace," he said, trying to sound heroic. His curiosity got the best of him, "I imagine this Luka fellow is quite special to you." 

(Y/N) smiled, blushing slightly thinking about him "Yeah, he is. I think you two would get along." 

"That's quite high praise coming from you, my dear." Viperion said, the pet name slipping out before he could even grasp what he was saying, thankfully it seemed (Y/N) didn't notice it. "Alas, I have to go. Until next time." he said before making his panicked escape. 

As soon as the green hero left, (Y/N) couldn't hold back the smile on their face and the laugh that escaped their lips. Luka was adorable thinking (Y/N) wouldn't notice the nickname, or even just the way Viperion was immediately comfortable with them. (Y/N) could recognize their boyfriend anywhere, and their boyfriend was Viperion. 

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