love on the brain [Jackson Av...

By poluxblack

212K 5.4K 648

"But don't lose heart, dear ones; don't lose heart. Don't let it make you bitter. Try to understand. Try to u... More

1: it's time
3: like a virgin
4: loving is easy
5: friends
6: S.O.S
7: big eyed fish
8: baby
9: complicated
10: the one that got away
11: how to save a life
12: break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored
13: boulevard of broken dreams
14: another love
15: when I was your man
16: wasted
17: one and only
18: like i'm gonna lose you
19: if you love her
20: she loves you
21: the lion sleeps tonight
22: girls just wanna have fun
23: plane
24: brother
25: memories
26: price tag
27: good news
28: marry you
29: all I want for Christmas is you
30: bad guy
31: sorry not sorry
32: mother's little helper
33: boss
35: boys will be boys
36: perfect storm
37: the show must go on
38: can't help falling in love
39: when I kissed the teacher
40: waiting on a friend
41: I choose you
42: she's the boss
43: money, money, money
44: good fight
45: sorry seems to be the hardest word
46: dangerous world

34: I've been waiting for you

3.1K 91 12
By poluxblack


-Baby, your phone is ringing- I said between kisses.

-Let it ring- he grabbed my face and intensified the kiss, but his phone wouldn't stop.

-You're a surgeon, you have to pick it up- he groaned as he turned around to see who was bothering us.

-Gas tanker slammed into an SUV on the I-5. Caused a huge pileup- he read out loud- no telling how many traumas are coming in.

-So, no morning sex for me- I pouted- can I go with you?

-Cora, you're 3 weeks away, I don't think...- he stopped when he saw my puppy face and sighed- fine. But you'll stay in the gallery.

-Yes- I nodded getting up- I'll just watch my hot baby daddy being hot in his scrubs.

-I'm happy we've come to an agreement- he joked with a smirk- now, let's go.


I sat in the gallery watching my brother performing a surgery with Brooks and Ross.

-Dr Shepherd- she asked- where did you get "it's a beautiful day to save lives"?- I smiled at the question- is that from a movie?

-No, it's not from a movie- he answered.

-Are you sure? 'Cause sometimes I think I'm making something up, and then I'm watching a detergent commercial, and I realize, that's where I got that from.

-Brooks, you know how sometimes people downplay the difficulty of a task by saying "it's not a brain surgery"? This is a brain surgery.

-Right. Sorry.

-It's something I wouldn't stop saying when I was a kid- I said over the microphone as Derek looked up at the gallery- I read it somewhere and then would say every time he went off to work- Ross let an instrument fell and Brooks caught it quickly- oh, nice reflects, Brooks.

-Yeah, fast hands- my brother agreed.

-No, no- I got up- I called her first- both interns looked at me confused.

-I didn't say anything.

-You complimented her, meaning you'll want her on your service but I complimented her first, so she's my intern now. My trainee.

-Wow, thanks- Brooks said.

-You can't even perform surgery right now, Sunshine- he looked up at me.

-Well, she'll be whenever this- I pointed at my belly- gets out of body. Now, go on- my brother snorted under his mask with a smile as he continued his job.


-Hey- Jackson greeted me with a smile as I entered the lounge where he was- how are you two doing?

-Great- I pecked his lips- I found my new trainee for when I come back.

-Really? Whom?

-Brooks- he raised his eyebrows with surprise- I know, she's... weird but she's got the fastest hands I've ever seen. She's got potential. Let's pray my brother doesn't take her away from me. Speaking about pray, was Matthew's name the one I saw in the ER screen?

-Yeah, I treated some burns he had- he nodded- April's not having her best day. She lost a patient today.

-What?- I frowned- who's she doing?

-She'll be fine- he sighed- she's just had one of those days where God is involve in the way she sees a patient and wonders why would this happen to someone good.. You know her.

-God's plan is a mystery for all of us, everything happens for a reason, but I don't think it's healthy to always look for it.

-Well, I don't know much about God- he looked at me- but what I do know is I'm an amazing fiancé who just got you this- he pointed at some food bags.

-Hotdogs!- I cheered.

-How did you know?

-I've been smelling them for a long time now.



They say motherhood is magical. That it grants you the power to fall in love with someone before ever meeting them. It gifts you amazing instincts to look after you cubs, It fuels you in ways you can't explain to keep you going no matter how exhausted you are. And that it expands your heart and fills it with more love than you have ever felt.

That's what they say.

And I had to believe because I never really had an actual mother. Not after my father died.

I saw how Catherine treated Jackson. And even if she could be too much, I had no doubt she would go to hell and back for her baby. I saw how much Meredith loved and protected Zola. Or Callie and Arizona cared about Sofia.

And I didn't have that.

So motherhood terrified me.

-Great, I gotta pee again- I complained as I got up from bed. Jackson was in the hospital so I was home alone- did I just peed my pants?- I frowned looking down.

My water just broke.

-Well, crap.

I cleaned and changed myself.  I took the bag Jackson and I had prepared and left the apartment. I took a deep breath before taking the car keys. I wasn't having any contractions yet.

5 minutes later I was in the hospital and I walked as I could to the room where my fiancé was teaching another doctors and Mer, Cristina and Callie were also there.

-Cora?- Jackson gave me a worried look.

-We're having a baby.

-Yeah, we are?- he frowned confused.

-We're having a baby now, moron!- he opened his eyes with panic.

-Oh, God. Oh, God. We had 3 more weeks- he ran to me- get me a wheelchair!

-I can walk- I told him.

-You freaking walked here?- he panicked even more.

-I drove here!

-You drove her?!

-Stop screaming!- Mer interrupted- just go to Dr Herman and have a baby. I'm calling Derek!

Everyone started to run.

-Okay, stop, stop!- I raised my voice- you're doctors. You're surgeons and you have to teach techniques to the other doctors, so no one's leaving but Jackson and myself. You keep doing your business, we'll page you when I'm done- I winced in pain- ouch! contraction.

-Okay, let's go- Jackson hurried up- you're getting a wheelchair.

I sat down and he pushed the wheelchair to the maternity wing. I winced in pain again.

-It's okay, love- Jackson caressed my hair.

-It's not! I have a human being coming out of my vagina!- I yelled- I'm hating you so much right now.

-I love you, sweetie- he said with a gentle smile and I squinted my eyes at him.


-Okay, Cora, you're doing great- Dr Hellman told me- just one more push.

-I can't- I yelled exhausted.

-Yes, you can. Come on, sunshine- Jackson held my hand and took the sweaty hair out of my face- you've got this.

I pushed one more time and the I heard a baby's crying. They ran to check on him since he was born early.

-There we go- Nicole started to examine him- everything's looking good. He's a little bit under the usual weight but nothing to worry about. Here- I held my baby.

-He's so beautiful- I whispered caressing his face and felling tears running down my face.

-He is- I looked at Jackson who was also crying- can I...?

-He's your baby too- I smiled feeling week and he took him.

-Do we have a name?- Nicole asked us with a smile.

My eyes couldn't leave Jackson with our baby. They were both perfect.

-We hadn't thought about it yet. We guessed we'd have a few more weeks, but this little one couldn't wait- Jackson answered absorbed with the baby.

-It's okay. I'll give you two some time- she left.

-Jackson, can you call everyone? I want them to meet little human.

-Little human?- he chuckled a little- honey, you need to rest.

-I'll rest later- he sighed passing our son to me and then he grabbed his phone to page everyone.

-How's the best sister ever?- Derek an Mer were the first to come and he approached us with a smile.

-I'm a momma now- I said emotionally as they hugged me- meet little human. We still don't have a name. Little human, this are you aunt Mer and your uncle Derek.

-Yeah, guys...-Jackson looked at me and I nodded- we've been meaning to ask you something.

-Sure, what is it?- the blonde smiled at us.

-We want you to be little human's godparents.

-Curious thing- Derek chuckled- 'cause we wanted you two to be our children's keepers too.

-Great- I smiled- it's settled then.

Everyone else came in and they were amazed with the baby.

They all congratulate us.

It was a happy moment. For the first time in a long time, everything seemed to be alright.

Still, I felt like something was missing. I looked at my friends. They talked and they smiled. Alex was holding the baby as him and Jackson were making faces to him. But there was definitely something missing. Or someone.

-Mark- I spoke up and they all looked at me but my eyes were on Jackson's- I want to name our son Mark.

-Mark Alexis Avery-Shepherd- Jackson nodded with a smile.

-Yeah- I saw Derek that was tearing up- I wish they were here.

-Oh, they are- April added and I smiled.

-Okay, let's leave this happy couple to rest right now- Richard spoke up and they started to leave.

-I'm beyond proud of you, sunshine- Derek kissed my hair before he left- and Mark would be too now that you name your son after him.

-He was so annoying about it, right?- I chuckled a little and he smiled leaving.

I exhaled and looked Jackson as I held baby Mark.

-We're gonna leave mommy rest now, okay, Mark?- he said with baby voice- we'll come first hour in the morning when she wakes up. But now she needs to rest.

-Okay- I said but didn't let go of him- is there any way he can sleep here with me?

-Cora, baby, you need to rest. Real rest. You just gave birth to a human being and you won't rest if he's crying next to you.

-Just let me look at him one more minute- I caressed his little face-you have to take him physically away from me.

-All right- he approached me and took Mark- hello, buddy.

-I don't want to be away from him- I cried and Jackson looked at me with sadness- what if he misses me?

-Look, sweetheart, I promise you we'll be here before you wake up. And we'll leave when you fall asleep.

-Would you do that for me?

-I'd do anything for you- he kissed my lips and I slowly fell into

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