Jungkook- Oneshots & Short Se...

By kooku_fanfic

27.5K 843 97

°Are you single? Me too O_o Let's drown in this book together °Are you taken? Give this baby a little atte... More

(1/2)Your bully stands for you
(2/2) Your Bully stands for you
Agents in luv 1
Agents in luv 2
Agents in luv 3
Agents in luv 4
Agents in luv 5
Agents in luv 6
(End)Agents in luv 7
He thinks you're a sasaeng
1.Mafia's maid
2. Mafia's maid
3. Mafia's maid
4. Mafia's maid
5. Mafia's maid
6. Mafia's maid
7. Mafia's maid
8. Mafia's maid
Your cold bf gets jealous
His child gets into an accident

9. (end) Mafia's maid

963 37 5
By kooku_fanfic

Part 9 [End]

Your POV

Life is not perfect all the time. We all know that for sure. But I believe that there's a happy ending to every good story because everyone who does good deeds deserves to be happy.

Just like that of a butterfly's struggle to come out of the cocoon and fly in freedom, some people should go through hard times to have a peaceful life.

That's what happened to me.. Not even in my wildest dreams had I ever thought that I'd have a father who would love me and a mother who would be present by my side.

It was a lot to take in when Taehyung said that I'm his sister but eventually I felt happy. They had lost me when our family went to the amusement park and an attack of some gangsters took place.

"Mom. Dad. I'm going out with Jungkook. I'll come home by 7." I yell from the living room. They agree with me from the dining room. It feels so different to call someone as my mom and dad. I step out of the house and walk towards my car.

My homeschooling paid off as I'm working now at JJK. Jungkook and the other boys had quitted the Mafia stuffs over a year ago.

It's been 2 years since the night. The night when my life changed with Taehyung's words.

Oh and Jina and Taehyung are married now. They married the second, Taehyung left the Mafia world.

"The day's off today." I say with happiness evident in my voice as I drive down the highway.

"Well, how's it going with Jungkook? Any progress?" Jina speaks on the other end of the line.

My grip around the wheel tightens. "It's fine, I guess. I get it that it's hard for him to move on that fast after the betrayal and death of Chaewon." I tell her.

I'm happy right now. Even if it's just like a best friend thing, at least I can stay by his side. He knows that I like him but he doesn't say anything.

"Come on, y/n. You can't expect him to like you now. It's been 2 years. 2 fcking years! Or maybe he's in love with someone else who's not you." She sighs and I hear some sounds in the background.

"Sorry. It was just Yeontan, messing things around as always. So where was I? Oh! He totally has someone. You know? I heard from Taehyung that he barely leaves his mansion these days. Other than hanging out with you or his friends, he stays inside."

"Oh I see. It's fine. I can't push him to like me then." I slouch on my seat and park beside the cafe where we're supposed to meet.

"How about you stalk him and know who this girl is?" Jina suggests and I squint my eyes towards the entrance where I see Jungkook entering with his phone in his hand, talking sweetly to someone.

"It's okay. I don't mind. It's just a crush or a like. Not that deep. Now I've gotta go. He's here." I hang up on her before she tells anything.

I step out of the car and enter the cafe. And there he is, sitting on the chair with his handsome face lit up in amusement.

As his eyes meet mine, we smile at each other. Of course, best friend's smiles. I walk to sit on the seat across him.

And with that we order our food while I watch as he texts someone and smiles cheekily. He does have someone.

"Jungkook? Are you seeing someone?" I ask him to initiate a conversation. These days, the time we speak is only in his office. He's my boss after all.

"By seeing you mean…?" He asks in confusion. I clear my throat, "Is there someone you like?" I ask, swallowing my own gut.

He smiles AGAIN!!

"Well, you can say that." He completely ignores me and goes back to his phone. I lean back on my seat.

Then why does he seem to be trying to kiss me whenever we are alone? Maybe some distraction? I am a distraction???

Our hangout simply passes with me glaring daggers at those girls around us, throwing desperate looks at him and the boy himself, engulfed in his phone. I internally pull out the scalp of my hair with my fingers.

"Let's hang out some other time again." Jungkook says once we leave the cafe. It's getting dark already.

"Sure. Why not?" I force those words out and watch as he goes to his car and drives off. I mumble some curses and step inside my car.

Not even, 'its night, shall I drop you off?' or 'text me once you reach home. I need you to be safe.'

Without any other thoughts, I follow his car. Not too near to his car but at a safe distance, I follow him. More like stalk, like Jina suggested.

I'm really tempted to see who has stolen my master's heart. I was his maid and- why am I thinking about this now?

His car finally stops in front of his mansion. I park my car far from his house and step out.

Seeing that he has already entered his house, I walk to the gate and open it slowly with the pass.

I swear if the girl's somehow even a little bit of a bad character like Chaewon, I'll force her to leave Jungkook.

I walk towards the front door and open it with the spare key that he had given me before. Creaking the door open, I peek inside to see that he's not anywhere.

I smirk at myself and step inside his territory. Closing the door, I walk towards the stairs after taking off my shoes near the door. He's not here. Probably upstairs.

I walk with slow and steady steps. This is harder than I thought. I approach his bedroom. Pressing my ear on the door, I frown when I hear no sounds.

I enter the room and look around. He's not here. Where did he go? I open the closet but no one. Did he not enter the house at all?

My eyes widen when I hear loud footsteps outside the room. Rushing to the bathroom, I gently close the door.

Stepping in the bathtub, I close the curtains and lean against the wall. At this moment, I'm regretting following him.

My heart hammers when the door creaks open. Closing my eyes, I support myself not to fall and make sound.

But to my unfortunate surprise, my hand accidentally turns on the shower. I cover my mouth to not let out any sound as the cold water makes contact with my skin.

Few minutes pass with no sound at all except for the sound of the water hitting the bathtub.

I yelp as the curtain is yanked open and there stands the devil himself. I freeze in my spot, unable to say anything because of shock and the cold water.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He doesn't sound surprised but amused.

He notices me shivering so he turns off the shower and takes my hand. Pulling me out of the shower, he takes a towel from the cabinet and wraps it around me.

"You're shivering." He caresses my arms. Sighing, he helps me take my hoodie out. He stops when I'm only in my sports bra.

But his jaw clenches and he groans when his eyes fall on my stomach as he knows the reason behind the scar.

I realize it and cover myself again with the towel. He doesn't speak for now. "Wait a minute." He steps out of the bathroom and comes back with clothes in his hand.

"Wear these for now." He walks out of the room and I quickly change into his oversize t-shirt and his shorts. That damn cold water.

I place my hand on the doorknob and debate whether to face him or not. Okay, here goes nothing.

I walk out of the bathroom and sigh when he's not in his room. I'll go to my house now. I open the door only to jump back slightly when he's standing there.

"Are you going somewhere?" He walks towards me and I take a step back. I point at the door and say, "I should go now." I scratch the back of my neck and try to walk past him.

He slams the door shuts and I stare at him in a questionable manner. "You entered here without my permission but don't think that you can go out without my permission."

I straighten myself and smile at him. "Okay, then. I'll stay the night over here. I can use the guest room. Thank you." I try to remove his hand from the doorknob but he doesn't even budge.

"Who told you that you can use them?" He says and simply swipes me off the ground over his shoulder.

"Are you crazy? Put me down." I yell and he places me on his bed, covering me with the blanket and slipping beside me.

I try to stand but he presses his arms around my waist and I can only glare at him. "Stay here." He mumbles and snuggles his head on the right side of my face.

Oh my gawd, please don't tell me he can hear my laboured breaths and fast heartbeats right now.

"What were you doing here?" He whispers. I can feel his hot breath on my cheek.

"I…. I don't know. Maybe I wanted a shower in your bathroom. It's a nice bathroom." I nervously laugh and stare at the ceiling.

He tightens his grip around me. "Don't lie to me. I can say whether my friend is lying or not."

The 'friend' word triggers me and I yell at him, "Yeah. Why not? Of course, I'm your friend and you know if I'm lying or not when you don't even know my feelings. Let me go. Mom and dad will be worried. I told them that I'd be home by seven."

I try to pry out of his grip but to no avail. I snap my head towards him, "Can you let go? You're-"

Before I can register it, his lips are on mine. My eyes widen at the contact. His eyes are closed as he gets lost in the kiss.

After some seconds, I finally give in and devour his lips with mine. He pulls me closer and I caress his hair as the strands get tangled with my fingers.

Breaking the kiss, he pecks my nose. "I'm not letting you go anywhere." I snort in response, "As you wish, master. But why did you…" I purse my lips in a thin line and look at the ceiling, avoiding his gaze.

He pecks my cheeks and whispers, "So why were you here? Answer honestly if you don't want me to attack your lips again."

Am I supposed to be scared with that option?

"Come on. Tell me already." He whines and I can't help but melt on his cuteness. The ex-mafia leader being cute? It's legit.

"First tell me about someone who visits you everyday and talking about that. why is she not here today?" I ask, trying not to sound creepy.

His laugh echoes inside the room and I stare at him. "What's so funny?" I yell at him.

"Well, it's a good sight to see my ex-maid jealous." I gasp at his words and slap his arms which are around my waist.

"I. Am. Not. Jealous." I grit every word out and stare at him.

"Not even after we shared a kiss some minutes ago?" He pouts his lips in a mocking manner and I turn away from him, embarrassed.

"Okay. Whatever. It doesn't change the fact…" I stop myself from blurting something that I'd regret later.

"That we are friends?" He completes it for me, breaking my heart in the process. You didn't have to rub it in my face. I close my eyes to fall asleep.

"Stand up." He says suddenly and I look at him. Gritting my teeth, I push myself out of the bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" He says when he sees me marching me towards the door.

I turn to look at him. "Home. Where else do you want me to go?" I scoff and continue walking.

"PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell when he lifts me off the ground yet agajn and heads towards the closet.

Placing me on my feet, he opens the closet door and pulls a dress out. Red dress. "Wear this, we're going out." He hands me the dress and pushes me towards the bathroom before I can even say anything.

With no option, I put on the red dress which falls just above my knee. I dry my wet hair with the towel and step out of the room where Jungkook is standing in the middle of the room, facing me with a black suit and a red shirt.

"Final touch." He says and pulls out a box from under the bed. He hands me the red heels from the box. I put it on and he looks me up and down.

"One last touch." He says and walks towards me. Pulling something out of his pocket, he turns me towards the mirror and slides the glittery clip on my hair. He smiles at me from the mirror.

"Let's go." He says and drags me downstairs and out of the house. He makes me sit on the passenger's seat and starts the car. The ride is silent and some glances at each other.

What is awkward? Of course, this moment.

I'm almost convinced that he's taking me to meet his secret lover. I can take this. Yup. It's not nerve-racking. It's HELLA NERVE RACKING!!

I look around the beach area when he pulls over at the side. Stepping out of the car, he orders me to stay still on my seat.

I stare at him in awe when he opens the door for me. Taking his hand, I step out of the car and walk towards a cottage-like house that he leads me to.

I look around to see no one around the place. It's pindrop silent.

"Why are we here?" He ignores me and opens the door and steps aside for me to enter. "I swear to god you're-" My jaw drops when I stare at the arrangement in front of me.

"Shall we?" He leans his hand for me to take. I slip my hand in his and we both walk towards the table for two in the centre of the room.

He pulls out a chair and gestures to me to sit. I do as he says. A waiter comes to us out of nowhere with some dishes on his hands. Placing them before us, I stare at Jungkook in bewilderment.

"So? Are you telling me what these are all about? Or shall I wait more? It's not even my birthday or anything special." I say once the man is out of our sight.

Jungkook just smiles and begins to eat. I scoff and feed myself with the delicious content placed in front of me.

After some minutes, he finally stands from his seat and approaches me. I stand from my seat as well, swallowing the food that's inside my mouth.

He suddenly kneels in front of me and takes his hand out from his pocket with a box. I slap my hand over my mouth.

Is this a prank or is this real? Or this might be a dream! If it really is a dream, I never wanna wake up.

"Y/n, this is a bit fast when we're not even dating but I want to ask you this desperately. I've been thinking about this for months now." He opens the small box and takes the ring out of it.

My mouth hangs open when he takes my hand in his. "Will you marry me?" He gulps nervously.

"What about the girl that visits you everyday?" I pout. This can be a prank too. He laughs and stands from his position.

"Trust me. 'She' doesn't exist." I raise a brow at him. "But you were texting someone the whole day today while I was present there." I inquire and his smile only brightens.

"I was texting Jina and V hyung for this preparation. And to make you jealous. So will you marry me?" He shows me the ring and I nod shyly.

He slides the ring in my finger. I wrap my arms around him and pull him in a kiss.

I break the kiss when the door slams open and my parents along with the boys with their girlfriends enter the place. They all cheer and congratulate me.

I glare and slap Jina's arm playfully after knowing that the couple had returned this morning and planned all this.

"Finally. You're gonna be my maid for my lifetime." Jungkook snakes his arms around me from the back.

He places his chin on my shoulder and hums a random song as we watch our family and friends eating the feast with the waiters serving them.

"But this time, I won't let anyone harm you." He pecks my cheek.

"I love you."

My heart flutters at his words. Smiling, I turn my head towards his,

"I love you too."



This was one of my first short series and I loved writing it

Ah, memories:'(

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