dear 02

By jungrden

62 3 17

dear 02, yea, its about him again. More

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18 1 6
By jungrden

(Sunghoon POV, a month later)

Dear 02,
Goodmorning.. I just woke up. I'm sorry I haven't written in u since last month! My mom made me and Heejae move schools since were moving houses again, today is our first day.Thank god though, I can finally make new friends. Its a good thing right, 02? Well..aside from that, Its only 7:20 am so I don't have anything to write in you. Let's hope today's a good day, 02.

I slightly smile as I put down my notebook.

"Sunghoon-ah! We need to go!!" Heejae shouts from downstairs. "Coming!" I scream.

I sling my backpack around my shoulder and run down the stairs.

"Mom is at work...anddddd you don't know how to drive. How are we getting to school?" Heejae scratches her head in frustration. "Heejae... there's a thing called a bus??" I look at her in fear.. does she not know how to walk..or even what a bus is?

"Oh yeaaa" She says in realization. I laugh as i mess up her hair. "Yah! You ruined my hair!!" She stomps her feet as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"Sorry" I form my lips into a thin line. I check my watch, It's 7:29. "Heejae! Were gonna be late! Let's go!" I grab her hand and run out of the house.

"Yah! Class starts at 8:20, you fool!" She says as were running as fast as we can to the bus stop. "Heejae! I'm literally in 12th grade! Isnt it a little obvious my classes start earlier??" I say as we get on the bus.

"Oh yeaa" She says for the second time today. "Oh yea~ Oh yeaaa~" I mock her.

# time skip #

I'm running to my classroom. Heejae already made some friends so, I dont think I need to worry about her. I arrive at my classroom. I look at the nearest clock, 7:40.

Finally, I can calm down!

I take deep breaths. "In and out, Sunghoon." I take one last breath before opening the classroom door.

"Oh, students here is your new classmate! Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher warmly smiles at me as she slightly pulls me to the center of the classroom. "O-oh Hi.. I'm Park Sunghoon. I hope we can all get along." I smile and wave at my new classmates. "Please tell the class about your hobbies!" The teacher smiles. I just want to sit down, why do I have to do this.. "Uhhh I'm a figure skater..That's basically it." The girls reacted to that really well. "Girls, be quiet. And Sunghoon, you're an honor student? Wow, what a great role model! Everyone, why don't you try being like Sunghoon here!" The teacher makes a joke and giggles. "Sunghoon, you may sit down now."

"W-where?" I stutter. "Oh yea, Uhhhh let's see." She scans the room. "Oh! You, are you okay with Sunghoon sitting beside you?" The teacher tilts her head. "Oh yea sure." The clean looking, black haired boy said.

"You may sit there, Sunghoon-ssi." She looks at me. I walk over to the seat beside the boy.

"Hey..I'm Jake." He looks at me with sparkling eyes. "Oh..Hi. I think you know my name by now." I chuckle. "Yea, Sunghoon. You're name is really pretty." the tip of his lips curve up from ear to ear. "Ah..thank you." my eyes smile.

"Do you want me to tour you around? know, you're new?" Jake asks. "Oh yea, sure!" I nod.

# time skip #

"Let's go see around." Jake looks at me while fixing his things for dismissal.

He takes my hand and drags me out of the classroom. "Come on I'll show you around!" He looks back at me.

"Okay, so this is the cafeteria."

I look around the spacious area. Blue chairs, plastic tables and food stands everywhere. "Woah.. youre cafeteria is really nice." I say in awe. "My cafeteria? Sunghoon, this is OUR cafeteria!!" Jake says in a very enthusiastic tone. "Oh yea!!" I laugh.

# time skip : theyre done looking around #

Were sitting on the grass in the biggest field I have ever even laid my eyes on. "Thanks for letting me be your first friend." Jake turns to my direction and shows a genuine smile. "Were...W-were friends?" I stutter out of shock. "Of course we are!" My new friend responds.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" He looks in worry. "O-oh nothing.. I'm just not used to having friends." I scratch the back of my head. "You've never had any friends?" Jake tilts his head in curiosity. "Since you're my new friend

I'll tell you all about it."

"What really?" Jake widens his eyes. "Yea I know, its kind of sad, really." I chuckle without humor. "Wait let me get this straight, you had a lot of friends before? But... they all started to hate you. And THEN they spread rumors about you? So now, everyone doesn't want to talk to you. How could they do that to you? You didn't even do anything to them?" Jake argues. "That's what I've been saying all these years." I sigh. "Ugh, screw them!" He throws a random piece of paper on the floor in anger. "But hey! Its okay, you have me now! I won't EVER do something so...immature." He rolls his eyes. "What time is it?" Jake asks. "1:30 pm.. why?" I respond. "I'm going to confront those guys!!" Jake tries to run.

"No no no! Don't! Let them be. Im over it already." I laugh.

Jake calms down and settles beside me. "Actually, I don't have any close friends either.. I only have acquaintances." Jake chuckles. "Really? Then let's be eachothers best friend!" I suggest.

"Would you be okay with that?" Jake looks at me. "Of course, my best friend! Lets be best friends til' we die!" We laugh together. "Okay! Agreed. Lets promise." Jake held up a pinky.



Dear 02,
Just got out of the shower:)) I made a new friend today! Actually, not just a friend, a best friend! Were not THAT close yet but..we clicked? and he was really fun to talk to. He makes it easy to talk to him. I don't know what it is about him, he just... makes you feel comfy. Oh yea! His name is Jake, Shim Jake. Or Jaeyun. I call him Jaeyun cause he said it would make us feel closer. I'm really excited for school tomorrow, 02. I'm sure Dad was the one who made fate lead to me getting a best friend!! Thanks dad, miss you lots.

Sunghoon 🐶

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