Bullied by my brothers friends

By mikaelanash7

151K 3K 343

Mikaela Gilinsky is Jack Gilinskys little sister. She gets bullied by 6 guys. their names are, Cameron Dallas... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Not an Update
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
not an update(please read)

Chapter 1.

10.6K 172 6
By mikaelanash7

"MIKAELA NASH!!! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" My father yelled. I run downstairs and see my father on the couch drunk like usual.

"Yes father" i asked in a sweet voice. he came up to me and punched me. Thank god Jack isnt home to see this.

"How many times do i have to tell you to call me sir when Jack isnt around!!!" he screamed in my face. I nodded quickly.

"Y-yes sir..." i said. He nodded, he motined to the kitchen intending for me to get him some more beer.

Welcome to my life. My dad abuses me. My brother is never home. His friends bully me at school but they have no clue that i am jacks little sister. They hate me. Everyone at school are mean. I am 15. Jack is one year older than me, along with all of his friends. I dont get why they picked on me... I also cut. No one knows. Not even my best friends, Kassie, Sam, Heather, and Paige. Its really annoying. I want Jack. I want to tell him about everything that is going on. and if i told i would get beat more every day. When i was done giving my father the beer i excused myself and went to my room. I texted jack.

'Jack when are you coming home???'


'umm..because, i miss you...'

'i miss you to Kae. I love you.'

'love you to jack'

I hope he comes home soon. I cant deal with this anymore. I hate my life and my self. I want jack.. i start to cry when some one calls me. i lookd down and see "Bigg Brooo" i quickly answer it.


"Hey kae.... Im sorry but i cant come home tonight.... im so sorry'he said as i started to cry

'what why?'

'i dont know. im sorry.' i didnt even say anything. i just hung up i cant take it. I crawl in my bed and cry to my self. I hear my dad come up the stairs. walked into my room and yelled something at me in qibberish and couldnt understand. i tried so hard not to laugh and he walked out and i heard a big bang come from his room. i got up and went to go see what happend and i see him on the floor passed out. i burst out laughing and he wakes up.

"you little shit" he yelled as he got up. i bolted out of his room and outside the house. he was chasing me.

"im sorry, it was funny!!!" i yelled. he caught up to me and tackled me. i started to scream and he coverd my mouth and starteed to punch me. I saw a car pull into our drive way. My dad shot off of me and ran inside. 'jack is here!' i thought to my self i ran into the back door just incase. it was him i ran into the bathroom to hide the fact that i was crying.... i ddint want jack to see me like this so i put cover up on my bruses and scars and tryed to cover the redness in my face. i reput my hair in a poney tail. now jack was calling my name. to tell me he was home and to see if i want to watch a movie with him. I went out of the bathroom my dad was passed out on the couch. THANK GOD HE WAS!!! I didnt want jack to see me scared to come out of the bath room. even tho my dad didnt what jack to know that he beats me me... but you never know when or how he was going to strike at me. i went to jacks room and told him i was there.

"i thought you werent coming home tonight. What are we going to watch?" i asked

"I know. i wanted to suprise you. and One of my favorite movies" he saaid back popping in a movie. I was guessig that it was Finding Nemo. he loves that movie. Sure enough it was. We watched the movie and i got a text. i looked down at my phone.

One unread message. - Unknown.

heyyyyy bitch, i hope that you know that we have school tomarrow. its monday. see you later.

im guessing it was one of the guys. ugh. i cuddled up next to jack and he hugged me and cuddled with me. and we well asleep. I fell asleep in my brothers arms. I missed him so much.

Heyy, I deleted my last book cause i didn t like the way i wrote it. I know that they aren t 16 but its a lot easier. Hope you like it(:

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