SCARS | 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖲𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗈...

By obx_cult

67K 1K 757

❥︎ "JJ is missing Pope! What do you not understand about that? He could be getting tortured right now and we... More

1 - John B and Sarah are gone
2 - Heywards Offer (part 1)
3 - Heywards Offer (part 2)
4 - The Phantom
5 - Helping JJ
6 - Breaking the wall
7 - Changes
8 - The Fight
9 - Run away
10 - Thoughts
11 - Still children
12 - Comrades
13 - Truth?
14 - Kiara's missing
15 - "Is that a hickey?"
16 - Pogues don't keep secrets
17 - "Stay the hell away from our daughter!"
18 - Depression?
19 - Parents
20 - Break in
21 - Plans
22 - Drugs
23 - Breaking Kie out
24 - Small Confessions
25 - Friday evening party
26 - Aftermath of a party
27 - Cover Up
28 - Friends or Lovers?
29 - Arrested
30 - Here Again
31 - Assault
32 - Heyward's Sacrifice
33 - Kicked Out
34 - Scars for a Maybank
35 - "Just us?"
36 - Last summer's boat ride
37 - "This shit has got to stop!"
39 - "Like father like son"
40 - Ending of our Childhood
41 - 1 month later
42 - "It's not a request, it's an order"
43 - "Did you do that to yourself?"
44 - The Shooting
45 - The End of the Pogues
46 - The Raven Haired Boy
47 - The Hooded Figure
48 - Missing Person
49 - Where is JJ?
50 - Drug Runnings
51 - The Gun Shot
52 - He's alive!
53 - Attempted Escape
54 - Rescue
55 - Life Support
56 - Luke Maybank pt.1
57 - Luke Maybank pt2 /// Jiara

38 - First Day of School

781 17 28
By obx_cult

Omg y'all, look at this picture I found

I don't know why but I just find this so attractive. I think it's the hair. How is he just so damn perfect 😍

It reminds of that short movie Rudy played in, it's called '11:47'

𝕀 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖...


{ Kiara POV }

I awoke to the sound of my blaring alarm.
"Goddamn phone" I groaned, reaching out in an attempt to grab it but I instead fell off the bed and onto the cold, solid floor.

"Shit" I mumbled, rubbing my backside. I seized my phone and dismissed the frikin alarm.

What a great way to start the day!

The time was 7:30am, fuck I already missed my first alarm which was supposed to ring 30 minutes ago. We're gonna be late.

I quickly got myself ready, yanking out some random clothes from my bag. I pulled out an old pair of fern-green jeans which I forgot I even owned. They were slightly small for me but I didn't care, I proceeded to put on a random top which somehow worked with these horrible jeans.

I didnt have time to do anything nice with my hair so I shoved on a hair band and left it as that. For a random old outfit which barely even fit me it actually looked kinda decent.

I'm feeling kind of anxious to start again, I only joined this school towards the end of sophomore year, so I haven't been here for that long. I transferred from the Kook Academy to Kildare County High so I could be with the guys (much to my parents dislike).

"JJ WAKE UP" I shouted, banging on his door.
"Just let me sleep" he complained tiredly.

I came bursting into the room and flung the covers off him. "Come on get your lazy ass up, we're gonna be late"

"Urgh" he groaned, but he slowly rolled off the bed and slid down to the floor.
"I don't want to go"

"Come on JJ, I'm not your mother"

"Your right Kie, your not my mother because you haven't left me, not yet atleast" he joked but I could hear the sadness behind his tone.

"sorry... I didn't mean to-"
"No it's okay really, I'm over it. It was years ago anyways" he mumbled the last part.

I nodded briefly, feeling a little guilty for bringing that up. I don't think he's ever fully gotten over it, he just says that he has.

"You should uh... like start moving or we really are going to be late" I said, twisting the end of my hair.

"Ugh It hurts though" he complained.
"It only hurts when it suits you" I knew him too well to fall for his tricks.

"Now get changed, you better be out here in 10 minutes" I ordered, returning back to my bossy self. I left the room and slammed the door shut.

I heard him cuss and then I heard the sound of the duvet being thrown around.
If it really did hurt than he wouldn't be swinging it around like a lunatic.

He came out about 5 minutes later looking an absolute mess. He was wearing a steely blue shirt with black shorts and as he was walking he pulled a faded white hoodie ontop.

"You look like a mess" I stated
"Thankyou Kie" he responded with his famous eye roll.

"Your looking very spiffy yourself" he just managed to say, choking back his laughs.

"Why is that so funny?" I asked
"Oh, It just brings back a memory" he chuckled

"Right..." I said in a confused tone.

"Nice bag though" he randomly commented
"Its the same one I had last year you dumbass"


My backpack was plain black with a green string going across, and a turtle printed on the corner. Of course


"We have to go now, come on" I said dragging him out the house
"But I'm starvingg" he protested.

"Yes I know, but we don't have any food right now so we'll have to go shopping later, okay?" I explained to him as if he was a toddler.

I just realised that I don't have any money. Shit, how could I remember everything else apart from the damn money.

"How am I supposed to last a whole day without any food? I'm a growing man, Kie"

"Pfftt, your still a baby. And I'm sure that Pope will bring some food"

He huffed and folded his arms but didn't argue any further.

What would've been a 30 minute walk was reduced down to 20 just by speed walking.

JJ slowed down slightly as we were walking past the town.

"" I warned. But he ignored me and broke away sprinting, into the small corner shop.

"Don't do do this! We don't even have enough time!" I called out after him.

He can't be doing this now, not when we're so close to the school. Just 5 more minutes and we would've been there.

I didn't want to hang around incase he got caught stealing so I kept on walking in a slow pace, hoping he would catch up soon enough. About a minute later I heard heavy footsteps running behind me.

"Run Kie, go go go!" JJ yelled, speeding straight past me.

"What the hell!?" I shouted, running after him. I took a quick glance back and saw the shopkeeper chasing us.


We turned a few corners and slowed down once we were sure he wasn't following us anymore.

"What the fuck are you playing at!" I said breathlessly, slapping his arm.

"I got us food" he replied proudly, and stuck his hand up his hoodie and pulled out a massive pack of strawberries.

"You did all that just for strawberries!?" I exclaimed in disbelief


"Out of all the things you could've taken you took fucking strawberries?"

"They looked so good Kie, I just couldn't resist"

I shook my head scoldingly but a small smile managed to tug at my lips.
God I love this boy.

"So are you gonna eat them with me or not?" He held the packet out to me.

"Of course I am" I said, ripping it open to reveal the biggest strawberries I've ever seen.

We were practically at the school by now and we were still shovelling them down as if there was no tomorrow.

JJ didn't even take the green part off, he was just chomping them down whole.

"We better save some for Pope" I mentioned, taking them away from him.

He nodded and grabbed one last strawberry, stuffing it into his mouth. He started choking seeing as he already had one in there.

I couldn't help but laugh at this idiot as I gently thumped his back, not wanting to damage his ribs further.

"Only you could ever choke on a strawberry" I giggled, after he stopped gagging.

"Heh yeah"

{ Pope POV }

There isn't much point in school anymore. I've lost everything that I spent my whole life working towards. I worked really heard to get into forensic pathology but I threw all of that away to help my friends who ended up dead anyways. I have no future now, they aren't gonna accept me back in after running out that interview.

Fuck this! I used to be an academic, straight A student but I don't see that happening this year. I'm probably just gonna end up like my dad, well at least I won't be the only one, JJ will probably be in the same situation.

I looked across the school yard and I saw Kiara and the idiot eating like the fattest strawberries I've ever seen. They weren't even eating them, they were literally devouring them. JJ was stuffing them down as if he's never seen food in his life.

I swear to god they better save some for me.

I saw Kie snatch the packet out of his hands and than he started having what looked like a coughing fit. I started laughing even though they were quite far away.

I speedily walked towards them, I would've ran but there's so many people here and I don't want them to think I'm like some wierdo.

"Yo you alright there buddy" I said, ruffling JJ's messy hair.
"Yeah don't mind me, just nearly got killed by a strawberry" he laughed

My eyes automatically travelled down to his abdomen where I know he's got all sorts of bruises and broken bones, he's even got a fucking brand mark!

"Hey, get out of it" he said, playfully smacking the side of my head.

"Here, we saved some for you" Kie shoved the remaining strawberries into my hands.

"Where did you get these from?" I asked, taking a bite and savouring the sweet taste.

Kie looked to JJ who wore a mischievous smirk .
"Oh my god, did you-"

"Yeah he did" Kie giggled.
"JJ!" I burst out laughing.

"The dude literally chased us for like 3 blocks straight!" He remarked


We stepped foot into the dreaded building and the atmosphere was... different. We kept on getting sympathetic looks from everyone, I mean we're used to getting wierd looks from people but these weren't the same.

We turned the corner and we all jumped when we saw John B right infront of our faces.

"The fuck..." JJ started, looking at the large picture of John B, standing on a table surrounded with flowers and little notes.

We all kind of froze in place, not wanting this to be true.

"Uhh... Come on let's go" I ushered them to keep moving but they wouldn't budge.

"He-he wouldn't want to be here, can we take him?" JJ asked, stroking the picture.

"No we can't" I tried to be the stronger person here but I too felt like falling to the floor and having a good cry.

"I miss you bud" he spoke to the picture. Is this a new JJ? the old one that I knew certainly wouldn't be spilling his emotions this way.

I blinked a few times, feeling the tears prickle my own eyes.

"Hey look, it's John B's lot" we heard an all to familiar voice snicker.

JJ whipped around, his glare was fierce. He ain't putting up with this persons shit... not today.

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