The fuck (Hiatus)

By Mads0the0bitch

7.1K 300 11

deku-squad isn't hiding anythin, that's what evveryone thinks, but what if they hid something that could cha... More

We are our own heros!
What ?
Oh wait
bitch what?
New member
Moving into the dorms
Oh nooo
USJ (2)
search and you may find
Fucking Monday
Heroic lesson
Heroics lesson (2)
Suprise shawwty
Wait a damn minute
live is a bitch
Wakie wakie
dark day
Watch your steps
Aftermath (2)
Where are they?
Training Camp
Training camp (2)
Training camp (3)
Training camp (4)
Training camp(5)
Training camp (7)
Training camp (8)
Training camp (9)
Training camp (10)
Training camp (11)
To be remebered
dark suprise

Training camp(6)

73 2 0
By Mads0the0bitch

"Who are they?" asked Aizawa. "They're my siblings. In my arms is Takeru and his twin Sakunya is hidding behind Izuya. The oldest of them is Fukuro and the second oldest is Kimora." answered Helios still trying to comfort Takeru. "Why can't they go home?" asked Mina actually curious. "No one is there to watch them." answered Helios a bit bitter. "What about your parents?" asked Mandalay. "Abusive piece of shits." replied Fukuro and got wacked in the head. "No curssing around the little one at least!" lectured Helios, but got flipped of by his sister. "Who is watching over you then?" asked Shiozaki. "We have adults from Lost ones who work in the orphanages look over them at least once a month." answered Tsu. "So they live on their own?" questioned Kirishima. "More or less. Lost ones helps with the offical adult stuff, but other than that welive on our own." explained Helios shrugging. "You can't just fucking live on your own!" shouted Bakugo. "Yes they can! Leave them be, Bakugo!" demanded Izuku. "You are one to talk! All of you are way to fucking young to fight those fucking fights! You already nearly died multiple times!" shouted Bakugo. "What is your problem?! It is our live and you can do shit! For fucks sake we do what we do because we are forced by this fucking society! I had to grow up way faster  than others had! All of us had! And suprise we didn't got help from anyone! No heros! No police! not even medical staff thought to help us when we got in to the hospital half beaten to death after we escaped! This is the reason we fight! We fight for those who can't!" yelled Izuku back. "How about we all calm down." suggested Mandalay. Izukus head snapped to her, he was mad. He glared at her and nobody dared to move , exept for the members of lost ones. Bakugo was shocked and quiet. After a while Izuku just walk away. 

"What was that about?" asked Aizawa the members. "Don't take it personal. It's just that he knew the Water  Hose and well blames himself for... their death. We were after Muscalar, but we lost him after he threw a car at a family and Izuku pushed them out of the way, but got stuck. We were new to all this and were trying to get him out. While we did this Muscalar fought and killed the Water Hose. Being here and seeing their family makes the memories refacing." explained Tenya. "Wait if you were new to this why did you go after him?" asked Mandalay. "We came  across him and fought him, after seeing he wanted to kill a family. He was starting to lose against us and ran. We ran after him to stop him." answered Hitoshi.  "Sad stuff to the side and on to the important stuff! When are we going to eat?" said Zero trying to lifting the mood. "Yeah when are we going to get something to eat?" questioned Ochaco. "Well the students were suposed to cook, but i don't think that would be safe. They do look like ready to pass out." answered Mandalay. "We can cook." suggested Madness. "Yeah no. You aren't going to cook for them. The rest sure, but not you." responded Dove. "Why can't she cook?" questioned Mina. "Long story short she either blow up the cooking station or going to poision the food somehow." answered Zero. The grooup of lost one went to make dinner for the rest, while the students rested.

"So are there more that live without adults?" asked Aizawa. "Well, yeah.... Lost ones have three ways to host someone. There would be the orphanages, then there's flat share for teenagers that don't want to live in the orphanage, but don't waant to live alone completly. Lastly the live alone, which is used for adults mostly, but also a bigger group of siblings can use this to stay together. This is only possible if the oldest or older one are capable of taking care of the younger ones. Plus either adults that live near them check up on them regulary or someone that works in the orphanage." explained Tenya. "That's actually well thought through." commented  Mandalay. "What about the fighting members do they live in their base or?" asked Mina. "It depends on the member, some do live in the bases like us others live with others or on theyir own. Heliso,Lynx and Dove are each living with their siblings, while Kuro is living with other members his age together and Zero lives with his adoptive parents and Madness with other teenagers in a flat share helping them a bit." explained Ochaco. "Are all of them living awway from their family?" asked Pixi-bob. "No of course not, we have many that live with their family, parents included. Those either help to protect others, prevent the thing happened to them to others or simply because they want to make the area they live in with their family safe to pprrotect their siblings. We even have some parents helping us, like providing members with food they have left over, others take in childrens that have troubls living in the orphange or if they own a shop they give us discount or even donate us things from them." explained Hitoshi. "That's nice they support you like that." commented Momo. "Yeah as long as the members aren't injured. There are some that don't like that the membbers get hurt occasinaly. Some are even feared by members so much they aviod them when hurt." stated Shoto and made some laugh. "Remember when we got chase down by a couple after we showed up with a child but clearly injured." said Tsu making the rest laugh. "They were pretty pissed and scary." commented Tenya. "You fight people like All for One and get scared by a couple that is pissed that you're hurt?" questioned Mandalay. "Yes, we fucking are. The woman had destroyed a car window with her shoe she throw after me!" replied Hitoshi shruddering at the memorie. "Better then get chased down by the husband who throws umberalles after you!" argued Ochaco. "Come on you guys were at least able to escaped. Me and Izu got locked up in their basement while they were chasing you by a grany with a frying pan used as a baseball bat." retorted Shoto. "A grany with a frying pan?" questioned Sero. "Yes and she is at least as scary as Recovery girl when mad if not scarier. I wouldn't be suprised if the two know each other." answered Shoto and everyone that had laugh were silent. THe first year had quickly learned not to mess with Recovery girl. "It's like a big family." commented Kodai. "It is a family. That's why it's so hard for us when we lose one. Even though we have members all over the world, we know that no matter where we are, someone has our back. NO lost one stands alone." responded Tsu.

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