Union J Fanfic

By IonaS_UnionJ

635 7 4


Union J Fanfic - Getting Too Know The Four Main Characters
Union J Fanfic - Part 1
Union J Fanfic - Part 2
Union J Fanfic - Part 3
Union J Fanfic - Part 4
Union J Fanfic - Part 5
Union J Fanfic - Part 6
Union J Fanfic - Part 8
Union J Fanfic - Part 9

Union J Fanfic - Part 7

45 1 0
By IonaS_UnionJ

**IT WAS NOW 11:37PM**

"You girls big fans?" The secruity guard started the conversation

"HUGE, We were fans of Tripple J and George when he was solo and supported them every single week in the X Factor, like we had taken turns at eachothers houses every Saturday and would fangirl over the TV, then vote like mad Haha" Jodie explained 

"WOW, I had no idea they weren't always a group, Lucky girls you are then" The secruity guard said

The secruity guard walked us through the first door too get back stage

"Down the corridor and it is the second door on your right, Have fun."

"Eeeeee!! Thank you so much, I'm sure we will" I said excitedly 

We walked as a four down the corridor and came too the door, We all took one deep breath and then I knocked on the door..We heard "That must be them!" From the otherside of the door

"Wow.. Hey girls, Come in" Josh said welcoming us.

Us four all looked at eachother and we had never been so happy. Tears fell down her faces. It just so happens, Josh went too Lauren, George went too Elise, Jaymi went too Jodie and JJ came too me first for hugs. That made us more happy because the boy we got first was our favourites! 

"Don't be shy, Sit down you four" George said as his face light up as he looked into Elise's eyes

JJ took my hand and sat me down beside him, He then put his hand on just above my knee, Butterflies flew through my tummy, I felt like his princess even though we hardly knew eachother, Thoughts started going through my head. 

"You four look fabulous!, especially you" Said Jaymi as he looked at Jodie

"Really?" Said Jodie

"Yes really!" Replied Josh straight away as he bit his lip looking at Lauren's

"So what are your names?" JJ said as he looked at me first

"I am Iona" "I am Elise" "I am Lauren" "I am Jodie" We all replied too JJ

"You four really stood out too us in the crowd tonight, We loved your support!" Josh said out of the blue

"We have been supporting you guys ever since Tripple J and George when he was solo!, We voted like crazy every Saturday! We couldn't believe you boys were the special guests!" Lauren replied

"That is amazing!, Wow, Thank you!" George said

"Us boys should get too know you four before the clock hits 00:00! We have 15 minutes" What do use think?:-) Jaymi said as he smiled

"YES!!" All four of us said at the same time

"I am mean, Yeah, How cute would that be!" Jodie said 

I don't think you would have ever seen us four so happy in our life. We honestly couldn't describe how we felt! I am not even joking!! 

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