Finding Her Parents: HP Fanfic

By Mimi219

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Audri Poole knew she was adopted from a young age, which, of course, made her want to find her biological par... More

Part 1
Chapter 1: Parents and Diagon Alley
Chapter 2: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: Hogwarts
Chapter 4: First Day
Chapter 5: Harry Potter
Chapter 6: Homesickness
Chapter 7: The Portrait of Severus Snape
Chapter 8: Going Home
Chapter 9: Happy Christmas
Chapter 10: Early Birds
Chapter 11: Blibbering Humdingers
Fun Quiz!
Chapter 12: Gwendolyn Cynthia Faye
Chapter 13: Ted's Grandmum
Chapter 14: Hogwarts Fun
Chapter 15: Good Parenting
Chapter 16: Getting Back at Daelon Baulder
Chapter 17: Audrita's Birthday
Chapter 18: Love, Finals, and Frienship
Chapter 19: Audri's First Summer as a Longbottom
Part 2: No finished ending
Chapter 1: Head Girl, Audrita Eileen Snape Longbottom
Chapter 2: The Final Train Ride to Hogwarts
Chapter 3: Daaaaaaad!
Chapter 4: Look Who's in Arithmancy and What's Inside Indie's Bag...
Chapter 5: Orphan Bonding Time
Chapter 6: Detention For the Lot of You
Chapter 7: Staying in the Nice, Cozy Library
Chapter 8: Discussing Her Future
Chapter 9: In This Lovely Month of October
Chapter 10: Jerseys, Poppies & Snogging
Chapter 11: Bad Situations Come In Threes
Chapter 13: Arithmancy Just Got This Much More Interesting
Chapter 14: Halloween Job Faire
Chapter 15: Dinner at Sluggy's

Chapter 12: Until Then....

201 9 1
By Mimi219

'My Dear Audri,

I know life seems harsh, but keep in memory the love Peregrine gave you! She was a most faithful pet. I've talked to Dad about it and you can bring Peregrine home this weekend. I'll have everything ready. Actually, we'll even have guests, since the boy's birthday is coming up, so it shall be a double celebration! It will only be the family, except for those with you at school. Your Dad says I can't invite them all since it's policy or some rubbish like that. Oh, but don't tell him I said that! He's a tad touchy when it comes to school policy. There isn't a need to worry about Indie. I know everything seems like a waterfall right now, but this is just a river's rush. She is about to finally embark on her own journey-do not mourn for her. This is not a loss, merely a new beginning. Try remember how unsettled she was at school. Now she can move on and be happy. Don't you want that for her? Remember, these are reasons to celebrate life. An upcoming marriage and the celebration of life. We'll talk more soon.

All my love, Mum.'

Audri folded up the letter and sighed at the breakfast table. She looked at the enchanted sky to see it was a blistery day. Not exactly a perfect send off for Indira, but one she'd have to make the best any ways. Everyone around her was chattering, or gossiping, excitedly for Indira, even Sundara had joined them in sending off her sister. Sometimes Audri could hear them speaking in hushed Hindu, with some tears and some laughs. For once, the sisters were getting along.

Indira had parting gifts spread around her, even teachers who often scared her gave her letters of encouragement and boxed candies. Stingy Slughorn actually gave her a bottle of celebratory mead. He insisted she open it with her "honey" for celebration. Audri still had to give her something, but she was waiting for a time alone so it could have more meaning. The crowd around them was too large, though, and she'd have to wait around. But! The bell rang and they all had to head to class. Audri couldn't miss Arithmancy, and Indira wouldn't be leaving until the evening, so she supposed she could find her at one point before then. How hard could that be?

Turns out, harder than she expected. The break had to be spent briskly walking from Ravenclaw side all the way down to the dungeons, with Ethan, for Potions. Why couldn't they just Apparate on Hogwarts grounds? Honestly it would just make life so much simpler! Then, lunch was spent similarly to breakfast, where a crowd hung around. It was impossible! Dinner was much the same, but Indira would leave soon. They didn't have a single class together that day. Audri wondered if Karma wanted her to suffer that week. Honestly, nothing could have gone worse for her.

"You can give it to her soon," Ethan assured her on their way to the Common Room. She hastily crawled through the barrel and raced to her dormitory to grab Indira's gifts, while Ethan patiently waited for her. Well, semi-patiently. "She must be headed to your dad's by now!"

"I'm coming!" Audri shouted, running past him, yet grabbing his hand in a swift motion at the same time. She couldn't see it, but Ethan slightly smiled to himself as he followed her towards Gryffindor Tower. "Shouldn't you be faster? You're like a foot and a half taller than me!"

"I'm just jogging, I could sprint if you fancy?" Ethan waggled his eye brows. She shook her head with a giggle and slid down a recently waxed hallway to the secret door Teddy found in his third year that led up to the fourth floor. Everyone knew the trickiest moving stairways were the first two floors, and the next two were just nice to have out of the way. Ethan led this time, towards the moving staircase. Like American football, he grabbed Audri without her consent like a football and hurdled himself onto the moving case. Thankfully, his long legs could push them far enough to reach the case as it moved right to Neville's door. Teddy smirked, holding it open for them.

"You're late! And you call yourselves Head Children!" Teddy hissed with a smile. "Thank Merlin, I'm bloody good at stalling."

"Or I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to my best friend?" Indira offered with a warm smile. Ethan put her on the floor so she could run to Indira's arms with wet eyes. "I'm going to miss you!"

"I can't believe you're going through with it," Audri gasped. She smiled and kissed her friend's cheek.

"Finally! Some girl on girl action around here!" Teddy shouted. He immediately shuddered afterward; Neville didn't try to say something, knowing Teddy grossed himself out. "Too far. Audri's like my sister and I've gone too far! I'm just gonna go burn my tongue now."

He closed the door and went to Neville's personal kitchen. Audri shoved her gift to Indira. Indira opened it to reveal a couple things. A portrait of herself surrounded by white orchids, her favorite flowers; some candies Audri managed to special order from Honeydukes (meaning Teddy snuck out to buy); and a gorgeous sliver locket.

"It's a two way, for best friends only!" Audri pulled a chain from inside her robes. "Yours says best, mine says friends, and they're enchanted to call for the other when we want to talk. I was saving it for Christmas, but you're leaving now."

Audri got all choked up near the end. She never realized how much Indira meant to her, what with all the hostility between them, but the moment really expressed their meaning to eachother.

"Don't worry," Indira chuckled, clasping the necklace around her neck. Suddenly, the fire burned green and in came a very tall, handsome Indian man. "Oscar."

Oscar had a thick head of hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a large nose, not to mention his naturally tanned skin. He was very handsome-a perfect match for her beautiful friend. Audri stepped back and Teddy stepped into the room.

"Hello," Oscar's voice was strangely quiet, like Indira's. Strange because he was a tall man; he looked as if his voice would be booming and magnificent. Instead, it was low, and very relaxing. He went to shake Neville's hand. "Hello sir, I am Oscar Chopra."

He was polite and shook all of their hands, bowing his head slightly as he went. Each person returned the handshake and introduced themselves.

"Ted Lupin," Teddy robustly shook his hand. "Take care of our little Indie now! Don't want to be making any house calls soon."

Oscar chukled nervously in response.

"Audrita Longbottom," Audri sniffed and delicately shook his large hand. "I'm glad someone will take care of my best friend now."

"You need not worry about my priye," Oscar looked at Indira as if she were the sun. Indira blushed and made a final wave, holding the hand of her fiance.

"You're all invited to our wedding, next Spring," Indira turned to say with a smile. "You'll get the invites. Until then."

Audri held back her next tears until Indira and Oscar were gone. Yet, the minute the Floo Powder disintegrated from the fire, she turned to Neville's chest to cry. She knew it was a happy day, but the reminder of growing up was still there. Like the good father he was, Neville held her tight and stroked her long blonde hair.

"She'll be fine," Teddy patted her back. "Shall I make tea for everyone?"

She felt Neville make a thumbs up and heard Ethan slightly scratch a wooden chair on the floor as he sat down. Neville took her shoulders to look at his beautiful, non-genetical, daughter.

"Everyone must grow up sometime, and you've still got a few months on you," He kissed the top of her head. "Don't stress it out, it'll just happen to you."

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