The Man Of My Dreams (Boyxboy)

By darkbrommingandhot

9.5K 311 102

How would you feel if you've lived your whole life with zero self confidence, hiding behind books and studies... More

The Meeting
The Introduction
The Familiarization
The Almost First Kiss
The Lunch Date
Le Cordon Bleu
The Problems Of Wearing Tight Pants
The Halloween Gay Chicken
Friends With Benefits
The Reconciliation
Coming Out: The First Attempt
Ur So Gay
Meeting The Parents
C*ck Blocking
Mistakes And Consequences
Thanksgiving DRAMA
The Attraction Games

Come And Get It

454 12 10
By darkbrommingandhot

A/N: Okay so college sucks, and I was so immersed in math (ugh) that I couldn't write anything, I started this chapter yesterday, and finished it today. Anyways sorry for rambling like this.... This chapter serves as kind of a catalyst to some pretty major events, so I'll advice you to read it fully and not miss any details. There is a sexual scene in this and I made sure to pinpoint the beginning and end of it, so if you're not interested you can just skip it.


Kyle's P.O.V

That afternoon with Ryan was the most amazing experience I've ever had in a while, I hadn't had that much fun in a very long time, and I was grateful I got to be so close to him, if only I hadn't made such a fool of myself by sleeping and drooling in his car. Pulling an all-nighter was definitely not a wise idea, I didn't stop yawning and stretching, which I was sure kind of irritated him.

I wanted to hold his hand so many times during that "man date", and I would have killed for the chance of kissing him.

"Hey what's going on? Got something on your mind?" Joseph asked sounding worried. He was looking straight at my eyes. Startled I blenched and struggled not to fall on my bum.

We were in the boy's restroom at school and I had made sure to lock the door. Joseph was sitting on my lap, his butt on my crotch, we had been making out for about five minutes. He was kissing my neck when I started drifting off to that Sunday afternoon. I didn't tell Joseph or Iris about that date because I knew they wouldn't be supportive; Iris would tell me to stop imagining things and complain about how pathetic I was, while Joseph would just start insulting Ryan again. The two of them didn't like each other at all for some reason, I thought being soccer jocks would make them closer, but I guess I was wrong.

Joseph sighed before getting off my lap "You know what? I have class in two minutes and we clearly aren't doing anything, so I'll just go."

I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed his hand, he seemed pretty upset.

"Come on I know you have fourth period free, I'm the one that was willing to risk getting detention for a chance to do this." I reminded him. I felt bad for ignoring him like that, I knew I would have hated it had he done the same to me.

"Yeah, but now you're drifting somewhere and you don't even kiss me back, your hands were just laying there, you didn't touch me at all, so no point in continuing this." he whispered furiously. I nodded and flashed him an apologetic smile.

"Look I'm sorry, okay?" Joseph was pursing his lips avoiding eye contact with me. I grabbed his chin and made him face me "I'll make it up to you... I promise."

I slid my hand under his chest and passed my fingers along his abdomen slowly going up to his nipples. Joseph roughly gripped my hands and put them down. I glanced at him and found that he was smirking.

"Oh you've lost the right to fool around for now mister. I'll let you know how you can make it up to me... later."

"Come on, that's not fair!" I whined putting my hands on his waist, he shook me off yet again and opened the door. I heard the final bell going off and he turned to me as I followed him.

"You'd better go to Calculus, you know Lively won't let you in if you're late." he winked at me before he got out of the toilets, leaving me horny and annoyed as hell.

I cursed as I was sprinting up the stairs; I had to take a detour to go to my locker because the way from the toilets was still wet and the cleaning ladies wouldn't let me pass.

"Glad you could join us Mr. Adams." A bald man in his forties spoke to me with his deep and sleepy voice. His greying moustache was trimmed and he had a gentle smile on his face.

"This is the first time so I'm willing to let this slide." he continued motioning me to take a seat in the table right in front of him. I nodded and headed for my seat, my eyes on the ground.

"Hey there killer, you slipped so quickly out of Stats class I thought you were gonna skip class."

I grinned as I turned to my left greeting the source of that sexy lazy voice. I opened my eyes in shock as I noticed his hair was a lighter shade of blonde; (the same colour as Iris), sunflower blonde. His hair was now slicked back and quite frankly never looked hotter.

"Going for the Beckham look, huh? Well it's a good change. Looking good bro," I whispered at him as I opened my notebook. I saw a blush on Ryan's cheeks as he opened his mouth but before he could answer Mr. Lively cleared his throat, and I immediately shifted my attention on him. Didn't wanna miss anything.

"Good morning class." He greeted heading to his desk. A lazy "Good morning" was let out by a few students as he looked up at us, annoyed.

"We're going to be starting a new chapter today: Motion. But before that I'd like to give you back your exams from Monday on vectors. And I gotta say I am very disappointed in most of you, we did almost everything in class, and I expected more from Advanced Placement students." I felt myself trembling with anxiety. Crap, I knew I had screwed up in this test. If I ended up having a bad grade I was ready to kill Joseph; he had taken up so much of my time.

"But I also have to say that I keep being pleasantly surprised by an individual in this class. Second A plus in a row, congratulations Mr. Adams, 99 out of 100." he then added smiling at me. I let out a small "yes" as I got off my seat and went to get my paper. Now I wasn't gonna kill Joseph, I was gonna celebrate with him.

Ryan raised his palm "High Five."

I chuckled lightly and slapped his hand, I sighed loudly and couldn't help but grin stupidly; I was ecstatic.

"Mr. Anderson good job as well, 95 out 100, an improvement from last time's A minus, keep up the good work." Mr Lively handed Ryan his paper and this time I was the one greeting him with a raised hand. However, instead of just the usual high five, Ryan intertwined his finger around mine and winked at me. I quickly shot him a nervous smile.

His hands are so soft.

"Miss Houston, I know you have more potential, B plus." Mr. Lively continued on. I looked at my exam paper and smiled proudly, at least my GPA won't get messed up due to having too much euh... fun with Jo'. I glanced at Ryan and he quickly looked away.

Was he staring at me?

Well I guess I was grinning pretty stupidly at my paper, like some sort of kid, but I couldn't help it; good grades excited me, and for some reason made me pretty horny.

"How's Trumpy Jr. doing?" asked Ryan as he looked at my direction again. I smiled and passed a hand through my very messy hair, taking away a strand of hair from my eyes.

"He's great. He made himself right at home and shamelessly started sharing my bed. Although he is starting to panic now that Thanksgiving is getting closer."

Ryan raised his eyebrows while gasping dramatically. "Why? do you guys serve mice at dinner?" he snorted before bursting out in laughter. I looked at him smirking. He really wasn't that funny was he?

"Actually I was going to say, it's because my brother is coming back for the Holidays... Your jokes really suck you know that?" I teased. Ryan stopped laughing.

"Okay so now that everyone of you has received their exam paper, let us start then shall we?"

I smiled at Ryan but he didn't reciprocate. Did I actually hurt him by saying that? I didn't intend to be hurtful, least of all to offend him or upset him.

Surprisingly enough, when our eyes met after he got up from his chair, he was smiling. "So was that hard or what?" he asked casually, as he headed out closely followed by me.

"Yeah... It was... wait you're not mad?"

"Nope, why would I be?"

I shrugged and genuinely grinned "Ah, whatever don't mind me, so are you going out for lun--" We had just gotten out of the classroom when I heard two people arguing; it was Joseph and Iris.

"I don't fucking believe this, God you're so self-centered, it's like everything has to be about you." Joseph blurted out angrily, running a hand through his hair seeming frustrated.

"You're the one who assure nothing like this would happen. So excuse me if I'm upset that this shit is actually happening right now. Aren't things complicated enough?" Iris was shouting looking equally upset.

" It's not my fucking fault okay, you can't contr--" Joseph stopped as soon as his eyes met mine, he turned and smiled at me. Iris followed his gaze and smiled just as widely when she saw me. Those two were having a fight, and they didn't wanna tell me about it.

Guess I really became the third wheel...

I noticed Iris wasn't as tall as usual and looked down to see she was not wearing her signature six inches heels and was instead in a converse.

Something must be really wrong, then....

"Hey guys, heading for lunch? So are we." Joseph greeted as he waved. Iris smiled sheepishly at me and Joseph punched me lightly in the groin, a grin on his face. He didn't seem that upset.

I knew he was just horny, but he needed to start being careful in public. He was the one who was always bitching about how bad his life would get if anyone ever found out he was gay, but his actions were always contradicting his words, or at least that's the impression I got.

"What the hell dude? Iris tell your boyfriend to stop trying to castrate me. I know you're jealous--"

"I have to see my mum, she's near school and needs me for something. Talk to you guys later, we're still up for that, right Iris?" Ryan asked suddenly interrupting. He was certainly making a habit of this whole interrupting me thing.

"Um, yeah. Let's stay in the atelier after we finish and I'll help you with your assignment there, I'm sure Ms. Lorenzo wouldn't mind." Iris replied all smiles and giggles.

"You sound a little bit too excited to be spending time alone with him." I said narrowing my eyes, giving her an intense gaze.

She waved me off and started for the cafeteria, "Yeah well you can't blame me, he's a hot piece of ass and he clearly has a thing for me."

"N-No he doesn't! Don't say stupid stuff like that. He can't like you." I blurted out a bit upset. I hated the idea of him being attracted to Iris, ever since that first day at school. She was a very possessive girlfriend and I knew that would she put her hands on him, he would be held forever in a prison as Iris Rose's boyfriend.

"Oh really and why is that?"

"B-Because you're... not his type. He told me he preferred dark hair, pitch black hair actually." I retorted proud of my improvised lie.

She scoffed at me before sighing exasperated "Oh you mean pitch black like your hair? Please don't tell me you still hope he's gay, isn't Joseph enough for you?" Iris inquired annoyingly pointing her thumb at Joseph who had been silent the whole time, an absent look on his face. His expression was unreadable, blank even.

"I'm not hoping anything. I was just telling you a fact, but if you wanna go ahead and seduce him, whatever. He probably wouldn't resist; you're fucking gorgeous as hell."

"I'm gonna filter out the curses and just take in the compliment, thank you Kyle. You're gorgeous as well." she said pecking me on the lips.

"Hey what are you doing!?" Joseph and I asked in the same voice, he sounded angrier.

"What? Is it a crime to kiss my best friend?" she shrugged pushing the door to the cafeteria. We were engulfed in the noise.

"It is when you're publicly dating your other best friend."

Iris pretended she didn't hear me and went to speak with Jenna and her possy. She kissed Jenna on the cheeks before settling down next to her. Apparently those girls had already picked up her lunch tray and she waved at us to come and join her.

"Ignore her, Jo'. You know she wouldn't do anything to blow off your cover, just relax." I patted Joseph on the shoulder before grabbing a tray. Joseph gripped my hand and I turned around surprised.

"Leave it, I have two Lay's and Pepsi cans at my locker. Let's just get those and go eat in A 02."

Joseph bit his lower lip as he slowly let go of my wrist, caressing my skin sensually before making his way out of the cafeteria. I felt heat from where his fingers touched my skin, and I wanted that feeling to linger.

I closed the door behind us and tried locking it, but it wouldn't work. Yup that's our crappy high school for you, not even the door locks function.

I sighed and went to sit next to Joseph on top of the teacher's desk, he had placed the chips bags and the soda on the side and was now juggling a ball of paper with his foot.

I snatched the Bolognese flavoured Lay's and stuffed a handful of chips in my mouth, savouring the amazing artificial aroma.

"God! Don't you just love these, I hope you don't mind I picked this one, you also like Barbecue so..." Joseph smiled and put down the chips bag. He held my hands.

"You said you'd make it up to me, right? How about I collect on that right now?" Joseph started sucking on my fingers one by one, and I couldn't help but gasp.

"I did... but we're in school, I mean anyone could walk in on us. I don't--"

Joseph placed his lips on my mouth forcibly shushing me, before leaning in closer to my ear.

"Personally the thrill is turning me on, and I'm sure it does the same to you." he whispered licking my ear lobe. I let out a moan and all worries of getting caught slipped my mind instantly. Even the fact that my ears were now going to smell like bolognese sauce didn't bother me.

He stopped licking my ear and went straight for my lips. His kiss was hungry, passionate and it was as always amazing. I let him take control as he twisted his tongue around mine with quite some force, I started huffing as I was breathing through my nose and felt the lack of oxygen. I was getting a bit dizzy but somehow found myself more turned on than ever. Joseph didn't break the kiss so I indulged happily. I grabbed his cocke through the fabric and felt that he was also hard. Unzipping his jeans I felt his hot and throbbing manhood bounce up and I glanced down finally breaking the kiss.

"You're not wearing underwear, again?" I asked between pants.

Joseph chuckled and as he was about to answer we heard the door flung open. I jumped off of him so fast that I ended up falling straight on my butt hitting the hard, cold (and dirty) ground.

I saw a pair of red converse near my face and looked up; it was Iris.

"I knew you guys would be in here. Why didn't you come sit with m--" she gasped and I figured she must have saw Joseph in all his naked glory.

"Ew, Eww, Ewww... This is gonna be burned in my memory forever." she screamed hiding her eyes with her hand.

"Don't act like you don't want this, you'd probably wanna ride me right here, too bad I wouldn't fuck you in a million years, you jealous whore." Joseph cussed helping me get up.

"What did you just say?" Iris asked furiously as well. She stepped closer to Joseph and was readying her signature slap.

"I think you heard me, bitch." Joseph hissed tilting his head in a very sassy fashion. Iris raised her hand, and Joseph was about to shove her when I came in between them, grasping Iris's hand and stopping Joseph.

"Ladies, ladies. Let's just calm down, okay? What the hell is going on with you two?"

Neither answered and Iris just stormed out of the class shutting the door behind her.

"Wanna talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about." His answer was sharp and angry.

"Fine, let's just pick up where we left off, then. That'll cheer you up." I closed the distance between us and started kissing his neck.

"Nah, I don't feel like it anymore, sorry." Joseph pulled away from me and opened his bag of chips.

"Uh... Yeah."

I sighed and sat back up on the desk stuffing a few more chips in my mouth and taking a sip of Pepsi. I was looking at my shoes intensely. It felt kinda bad getting rejected like this.

"So are you still gonna try out for soccer tomorrow?" Joseph asked. I could sense the apology in his voice, and I wasn't gonna ignore him just because of some petty stuff.

"Yeah I guess, since Ryan actually signed me up... I'll just make a fool of myself though. Like Coach Dykeson doesn't hate me enough."

"Don't call her that!" Joseph slapped me on the wrist. "You won't make a fool of yourself, plus Coach doesn't hate you." I chuckled humorlessly and took a bite of a chip.

"Come on did you see the way she talks to me? It's like she wants me slaughtered and I'm pretty sure she would do it herself given the opportunity. Outing her like that was a real dick move."

"She's actually happy that she's out." I almost choked. What the hell was he talking about? And how would he know about something so personal?

"She seemed pretty upset when the pictures first showed up." I pointed out remembering the nervous breakdown she had.

"Yeah, I mean at first she was but then she thought about it and found that it was actually a blessing, she could finally be herself at school." Joseph explained.

I looked up at him in awe.

"W-Wait how do you know about this? Are you two friends or what?"

"Yeah, you could say that, I came out to her last year, actually we both came out to each other and she just helped me so much accepting myself." My mouth gaped open and I was in utter shock, he was out to Coach, how anyone could be confident enough to come out to that monster, was beyond my understanding.

"So you were out to her before you said anything to me, or Iris? That doesn't matter, sorry."

"Don't apologize man, it's okay. Look, what I'm trying to say is, just give her a chance. She's really not that bad."

"Yeah, if you say so... If only I didn't suck at soccer." I whined a bit childishly.

"You may suck at playing in the field, but you're pretty good as a goalkeeper, I mean when we were kids, the guys would actually fight to have you on their teams remember? No one scored a goal on you. You had a record." Joseph was smiling and I couldn't help but smile back at him, he really knew how to cheer me up.

"I totally forgot about that. But it was years ago, I probably lost all that 'talent'."

"Or you still got it... So, what do you say after school you and me practice a bit?"


Joseph grabbed my hands and shook them playfully. "Come on, it'll be fun, don't you wanna impress everyone at the try-outs?"

"Fine, okay. We'll do it, happy now?" I tried my best not to smile, but as he hugged me I couldn't help it, a grin had spread on my face.

"Yup, a lot." He tightened the hug.


Ryan and I weren't sitting anywhere near each other, and I hated not being able to smell his amazing scent. I would have loved it if he had joined us in our practice, I mean I knew I would be making a fool of myself but it'd be worth it if that meant he wouldn't be spending so much time alone with Iris, she was really pretty, flirty and very good at hiding her bitchy self when it came to guys she was interested in. It was only after you spent enough time with her that you knew how scary possessive she was.

I was spacing out in French, not like I ever paid any attention in that class. I had only taken it to secure a perfect grade on an elective without hardly any efforts at all. Our teacher Ms. Smith was a young and passionate brunette who seemed like she loved doing her job.

"Ok, on se voit demain." she said as the bell rang.

Ugh finally...

I tried looking for Ryan but he was already gone, damn now he was the one storming out of class.

I saw the familiar tall figure of Joseph and smiled back at him.

"Ready to get whipped into shape?" he asked. We started heading for the soccer fields.

I nodded feeling both excited and nervous.


"I told you I'm not good at this, come on let's just go I'm tired..." I whined as I got up from the ground, my arms aching. That was the tenth goal in a row I couldn't stop, I'd either be too slow and let the ball in or be too quick and miss it. Joseph wasn't even serious. it was just penalty shots.

"No! I'll only let you leave after you catch at least ten," he shouted. I grabbed the ball and threw it at him furiously, I wanted to hit him on the face so bad. Ten balls? That was impossible.

"Just concentrate okay, and predict where the ball's gonna go, come on you can do it."

I stood in the middle of the goal taking a deep breath.

Okay... concentrate on his movements. There we go, I had noticed he'd always move his right arm forward before he shot to the left, so maybe... Joseph kicked the ball, and I jumped to the left praying that I would catch it on time.


I felt the hard ball hit me on the chest and bounce back, I quickly hugged it getting as far away as possible from the white line.

"I did it!"

I started hopping up and down shouting and Joseph ran towards me cheering. We hugged for a while and I couldn't believe how happy this stupid sport made me feel.

"Okay, one more time," Joseph dragged the soccer with his feet to shooting distance.

I got myself in position and jumped. Second,... fifth, and sixth in a row. I was blocking all his shots, I didn't care that my arms were all scratched or that my legs hurt from hitting the ground so hard, I was high on adrenaline and I wanted to catch as many as I could.

"Amazing ,dude. Okay now I'm gonna actually get serious, so that it'll feel like just like a live game, you ready?"

"Fuck yeah!" I shouted panting. Joseph laughed before he sprinted for the goal, he had complete control over the ball, and was biting his tongue a bit. He tried messing up with my head by making me believe he was gonna shoot it to the right, but I knew what he was doing and was already readying myself to jump to the left.

I reached my leg out and barely stopped the ball. "There tenth one," I huffed proudly.

Joseph started clapping and I bowed down feeling a sharp pain in my back, ugh that's what you get for throwing yourself on the hard ground over and over again.

"You're so gonna nail the try-outs tomorrow...Okay, I'll take the balls back so you go to the lockers and take a shower if you want." he said patting my shoulders before starting to pick up the five soccer balls we were practicing with.

I picked up my phone and started heading for the lockers before I felt buzzing in my hand. It was a text message from Ryan.

"Hey, just left school. How was practice?"

"Good, I got home about an hour ago, pretty tired." I didn't want to make him think I was so lame in soccer that we had to practice for almost two hours.

"Right well get some rest for tomorrow, you'd wanna be in top form." I smiled and shoved the phone back in my pocket.

I didn't know it was possible to sweat so much just from jumping around and waiting for a ball, well it was kinda warm outside with the sun and everything, but still I was drenched in sweat.

Suddenly I felt myself getting excited and I wanted to thank Joseph for helping me. "Hm, I wonder what I could do to him, maybe I'll pay him back with some tongue service." I suggested to myself in a murmur.

I laughed at my own thoughts and started undressing, taking off even my underwear.

I was hard and I felt my erection throbbing. "Hey Kyle, you in the sho--"

Joseph couldn't seem to get any words out of his mouth and I smirked at him slowly licking my lips.

"So here's you reward for helping out." I said in my most sensual voice running my hand on my chest. Joseph was looking at me wide eyed and seemed a bit nervous. I even noticed a blush was settling on his cheeks, but shrugged it off as probably just the heat

Joseph wasn't moving, he was even trembling. Was he nervous.

"What're you waiting for? Come and get it." I smirked motioning him to come closer.

He didn't budge an inch, okay now I felt offended. Was I not hot enough?

"Do I have to use Selena Gomez's lyrics to encourage you?" I asked getting a bit irritated.

Still no response, he clearly had something in his mind, and I wasn't gonna take no for an answer not for the second time.

"You ain't gotta worry it's an open invitation." I started singing dancing sensually.

He chuckled nervously before slowly moving closer.


He suddenly grabbed my cocke, making me gasp for air, his hands were soft and slightly cold and the contact on my skin made me shiver.

I took off his hand and whispered. "This time it's all about you."

[Sexual Content]

Joseph gulped and I saw a confused look on his face. I took off his shirt and started licking his neck, kissing his sensitive spot as I went down to his right nipple, I played with the small tip with my tongue, licking it over and over again as he moaned "Kyle." Hearing him call my name so sensually only turned me on more, I lightly bit his nipple and felt his finger dig into my shoulders. I started going down on him kissing his stomach until I had his hard dicke in my face. I took in the amazing smell as I kneeled on the ground. I helped him out of his shorts and opened my mouth just in time to graze his bouncing dicke with my tongue.

I licked up and down the shaft making sure to moisture the whole thing before wrapping my hand around and stroking him twice. He let out a loud moan, and I smiled looking up at him, he had that amazing expression that always drove me nuts, his eyebrows were raised and he seemed so fragile.

"Put it all in." he ordered suddenly as I was playing with his foreskin, sliding my tongue under it. I nodded grinning. I carefully opened my throat and groaned as I let him in and felt my eyes watering as he hit the end of my mouth, I gagged and backed away a little swallowing all the spit that was forming, but Joseph wasn't satisfied apparently, he grabbed me by the hair and started thrusting in my mouth. I slid my hand on his ass, my fingers moving into his crease.

I felt my oxygen supplies running short and was about to choke on my own spit when I heard what I thought to be a camera snap behind us. I tried to break free and tell him but Joseph was pulling at my hair tightly, and started shuddering.

" Ky--G-Gonna-- Come." he moaned as he blasted his load. My mouth was flooded by the familiar slimy and salty semen and I swallowed it all down

[End Of Sexual Scene].

I got up and started putting on my boxers. I was uncomfortable doing it in public, this was all a mistake, what if someone had seen us?

Joseph sighed loudly and leaned against the wall. "That was the best blow-job ever. You deserve a treat. How about my derrière?" he turned around to look at me.

Well he certainly lost the ashamed guy thing and was showing his natural slutty behavior. It took every once of willpower in my body to turn him down. "No, just get dressed and let's go, I'm not that comfortable doing this here, plus I gotta get the taste out of my mouth. Let's continue this at my place."

"You know you didn't have to do this, I mean I--" There we go again... This was so not like Joseph, what was going on with him?

"I wanted to do it, okay. I mean I like dick so I don't see what the big deal is. Sucking you felt amazing." I winked at him.

Joseph looked a bit taken aback as he put his clothes back on and grinned at me "Was this really you first time giving head? That was epic!"

I smiled as I pulled up my jeans "Well I've had a pretty good teacher." I winked at him.

Joseph burst out in laughter and nodded "True dat."


The next morning I had first period free and decided to sleep in, my whole body was aching especially my lower body. And no it wasn't because I had gotten lucky with Joseph he suddenly had to go help his mom out, and left before we even started making out for real. Getting cockblocked sucks. I sighed as I turned in my bed putting one my pillows on my face.

I heard my phone buzzing and reluctantly opened my eyes groaning loudly, who would call at eight in the freaking morning. It was Iris, what the hell dos she want?

"Iris, what's up? I was kinda sleeping." I complained with a rough voice.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I didn't know what to do, this is just , this is horrible... " she sounded shaken up.

"Calm down, what is it?" I rolled my eyes. She was probably gonna bitch at me because her heel broke or something.

"You have to come to school like right now. It's terrible... Joseph he... Just come over okay? It's urgent." she finished before hanging up.

I shot up of my bed immediately, what the hell!?


A/N: Cliffhanger alert xD So anyways I hope you liked the chapter and be sure to comment and speculate on what could have happened. Oh and don't forget to vote and stuff :P

Love to all of you who read xo xo


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