We Didn't Have a Choice


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Coming from rich families, Draco and Blair both had everything they could ever ask for...except love, but hey... Еще

1 - The Arrangement
2 - Welcome to the Dark Side
3 - The Tasks
4 - The "Proposal"
5 - Unbreakable Vow
6 - Off to Hogwarts
7 - The Cabinet
8 - The Incompatible Pair
9 - The Life of a Death Eater
10 - A Failed Attempt
11 - A Sneak Peek
12 - Pressure
13 - I Hear Wedding Bells
14 - I Do
15 - The Marital Bed
16 - I Know You Want Me
17 - I Can't Resist
18 - Nothing Goes Our Way
19 - That Didn't Take Long
20 - Not So Hateful Desires
21 - Not in Love You Say
22 - Back Again
23 - Just Admit It
24 - Confessed
25 - Fulfilled
26 - Thriving
27 - A Not so Good Reward
28 - What Even is Happiness
29 - Here We Go
30 - The New Malfoy
31 - A Disatrous Dinner
32 - Without You
33 - A Negative in Every Positive
34 - Losing Love
35 - A False Realization
36 - Girl Talk
37 - Love Me or Love Me Not
39 - Face to Face
40 - Just When Things Get Better
41 - A Break From Our Problems
42 - Back to Reality
43 - Things Only Seem to Worsen
44 - Distractions
45 - And the Distractions Continue
46 - The Annual Ball
47 - Not so Quick
48 - One More Return
49 - The Breaking Point
50 - He Knows
51 - Dear Draco
52 - Understanding One's Story
53 - Staying Happy
54 - Shower Thoughts
55 - Another Bump in the Road
56 - A Different Stance
57 - Polyjuice
58 - Life Without Each Other
59 - The Final Battle
60 - Draco's Beautiful Blair
61 - The Light
62 - We Have a Choice
63 - Free
64 - A Fresh Start
65 - Draco's Nuisances
66 - Happily Ever After

38 - Different Places

6.1K 120 27

Friday. No response.

I walked into the nursery. Cordi was already awake but she seemed fussy. The second I picked her up she started to whine.

"Shh, calm down," I whispered, "You get to see Daddy and Grandma Cissy and Lucius!" I said, trying to sound happy but I really wasn't.

Although, I'm beginning to realize how badly I screwed up with Draco and that I probably should just accept the fact that he doesn't love me.

Cordi, thankfully calmed down and snuggled into my embrace; oh how I wish I could be young again, when my biggest worries were what doll I should play with.

I changed Cordi into a dark green dress which looked adorable on her. After I got her dressed, I took her downstairs and to the kitchen. Mother was already in there.

"Have you heard from Draco yet, dear?" she asked as she slid a plate of food to me.

"No," I mumbled, biting my lip to prevent myself from tearing up.

She sighed. "Please don't give up on him, Blair. He's hurting, just give him time and I'm sure he'll come around."

"I know, but he hasn't even asked about Cordi. You would think he would care enough to ask about her."

She stayed silent, obviously unsure of what to say. "Well if you don't hear anything from him in the next few days, then you should go visit him."

"Yeah, sure maybe," I said, "could you watch Cordi while I get dressed?"

In all honesty, I just wanted to leave because I knew staying on the subject of Draco would eventually make me cry and I didn't want either of them to see me cry.

"Of course."

I handed Cordi off to her before hurrying up to my room.

I put on a black dress and heels, like usual. My hair was curled and a jacket draped across my shoulders. The dress was a little tight, but if Draco just so happens to be at the manor at the same time, then he can see exactly what he's missing.




Somehow within the time I spoke with Blaise, I decided it would be a good idea to drink my problems away. It's been working as I've managed to not think about Blair, but that was up until she sent another letter.

And at this point, I was too drunk. Drunk to the point where I blacked out and missed returning to the manor to visit my daughter.


I had received a letter from Blair this afternoon. It was Monday to be exact, and I guess she was bitching about Draco apparently never returning to the manor.

"Did you get a letter from Blair, too?" Pansy asked as I was walking to Draco's dorm.

"Yep. This is getting ridiculous," I grumbled.

Pansy nodded in agreement as we reached Draco's dorm. She knocked, but we didn't receive an answer.

"Is she sure he's not at the manor?" Pansy asked.

"Probably. She sounded pissed in her letter."

Pansy huffed and pulled out her wand, waving it swiftly at the door. It opened and we walked inside only to be greeted with a mess and a horrid stench of alcohol.

"Holy shit," I mumbled.

Pansy and I navigated our way through the piles of letters in Blair's handwriting, clothing, books, and much more. A large lump covered by blankets rested on the bed, it stirred slightly as we approached.

"Fuck off," Draco groaned from beneath the blankets.

Pansy whipped the blanket off of him revealing Draco; his hair was a mess, his skin was paler than usual, and his cheeks were tear stained. In his grasp was a whisky bottle and a letter, and I could make out Blair's handwriting on it.

"Seriously?" Pansy jeered. "What kind of husband and father are you?"

"I didn't mean to!" Draco cried.

"Blair is freaking out," Pansy mumbled.

Draco sat up, tossing the bottle into a pile of all ready empty bottles. He rubbed his face before glowering at Pansy and me.

"I blacked out and forgot I needed to leave," he grumbled as he reached for another bottle of some sort of alcohol. Before he grabbed it, I intercepted his grasp and tossed the bottle into the trash.

"Sober up."

"Sober up," he mocked.

"Draco, stop it. You're acting like your father," said Pansy.

With that comment, Draco immediately shut up.

"You need to fix this, Draco. Both you and Blair are obviously hurting and your guys's pain is affecting Cordelia," I said.

"Okay," was all Draco responded to which pissed me off. My jaw clenched slightly and Pansy rested her hand on my arm.

"Calm down. He'll come to realize how much of an ass he's being once he finally sobers up," she whispered.

"Trust me, Pans, I know I'm being an ass. I'm just too drunk to care," he responded as he started to walk around his room, searching for something.

Pansy and I watched in disgust at his behaviors as he dug through his drawers and pulled out another bottle of alcohol. He poured himself a glass before sitting back down.

"Drinking isn't going to wash away your sadness," Pansy said, trying to grab the glass he was drinking from but he had already downed the liquid.

"Maybe not," he said shrugging, "but I can try."

"Just stop," Pansy said simply.

"Fuck off," he grumbled as he poured himself yet another glass, but within one swift motion, Pansy had thrown the glass onto the ground, completely shattering it, and she pushed Draco up against the wall, her wand digging into his neck.

"That was hot," I whispered in her ear while Draco gasped for air, "except you're also about to kill him."

Pansy rolled her eyes and took a deep breath before lessening the pressure she was putting into Draco's neck.

"S-stop for-forcing things that aren't m-meant to be," he stuttered as he was still recovering his breath.

"We aren't. We just want you to visit your daughter and speak to your wife!" Pansy cried.

"You're crazy!" he spat.

"Am I though?" Pansy responded as she pointed her wand harshly into his neck once again.

Draco grappled at the wand. "I-I will if you let me go."

Pansy looked at me and I nodded.

"If you don't go, I won't hesitate to make Blair rat you out to the Dark Lord," she hissed as she removed her wand from his neck and stomped out the room.

I went to follow, but I noticed Draco sat with his face in his hands.

"Look, I know it's tough, but you need to work this out. The state you're in right now isn't healthy," I said, taking a seat beside him.

"I didn't even visit my daughter," he mumbled.

"You and Blair are young and in a rough situation. Sure you both have made stupid mistakes, but you both need to own up to them instead of making everyone miserable."

"I know, I just feel like I won't even be able to look her in the eye. I feel so irresponsible."

"You two love each other. Don't let it all fall away just because you two are stubborn."

Draco sat quietly and I took that as a sign to leave. "Get rested and clean up. I'll check on you in the morning," I said before I shut the door.




I was fucking furious. Draco didn't even show up at the manor.

The second I returned home with Cordi, I wrote to Blaise and Pansy.

I did receive letters back from both of them. Blaise and Pansy both said Draco wasn't doing well but they did mention he's shaping up and will visit soon. In Blaise's letter, he mentioned I should wait for Draco to come to me instead of kicking his ass myself.

But, that was four days ago and Draco hasn't turned up, so I decided to ignore Blaise. I gathered Cordi's things in a bag and got dressed before hurrying downstairs.

"Where are you off to?" Father called from his office, peering at me from the tops of his glasses.

"Um the manor, Narcissa insisted on seeing Cordi," I lied because he would without a doubt say no visiting my lop of a husband.

"Very well then. Tell Lucius I finished my part of the task."

I nodded, but shivers ran down my spine at the thought of whatever horrific task my father had taken a part in.

After getting Cordi, I hurried outside and hopped into a car which drove me to King's Cross. Since Cordelia is so young, she's too young to be around magic, so I have to take the express instead of apparating.


By the time the train pulled into the Hogsmeade station, it was late at night. A carriage awaited outside the station for me, and it took me up to the castle. I hurried through the Entrance Hall which lacked its usual comforting feeling.

I heard that ever since Snape, Amycus, and Alecto took over, things at Hogwarts have been dark, but I was never told any detail.

I reached the stairs to the dungeons and nearly sprinted down them, but Cordi began to fuss so I slowed to a walk. When I reached the portrait I mumbled the password, 'pure-blood,' (courtesy of Draco) and the door swung open, revealing the dark but familiar living quarters.

Since it was late, the common room was empty, so I made my way to Draco's dorm room and barged in, only to be greeted with the stench of alcohol and the worst mess I'd ever seen. My letters lay around the room, all opened. Clothes littered the floor and school work was in the mix, too. The worst part was all the alcohol bottles laying on the ground. Cordi immediately began to freak out when I took a step into the room.

"Sh, calm down, it's okay," I whispered even though I didn't feel okay myself.

Since Draco obviously wasn't in his room, I left and made my way to the dorm I used to share with Pansy. I knocked and a few seconds later, I tired and annoyed Pansy opened the door.

"For Merlin's sake, it's three in the morning!" she cried until she realized it was me. "Blair! What're you doing here!?"

Pansy dragged me into her dorm. Blaise was in there, asleep.

"Blaise, wake up!" Pansy said, shaking Blaise awake.

He grumbled in protest as he awoke but when he saw me, a big smile spread on his face and he nearly lept out of bed to greet me with a hug.

"What're you doing here? I thought you weren't really supposed to come here, especially with Cordi."

"Well I wanted to see Draco but he wasn't in his disgusting room so I should've known that he would be with Astoria instead," I jeered, surprisingly sounding more angry than sad.

Blaise and Pansy shared a glance before looking back at me. "He left to visit you around dinner," Pansy explained.

"...What?" I asked, my anger replaced with shock.

"He said he was ready to talk," Pansy added.

"Well don't just stand here, go home before he gets another idea in his head!" Blaise cried, pushing me out the door.

"Blaise, that'll take hours! I have to travel by train!"

"Well get moving then! This is a huge step, you need to get to him as soon as possible!" he said eagerly as he started to pull me towards the common room. Without even really thinking about what was going on, I let him pull me all the way into the common room.

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