Remnant's System

By IOnlyDrinkJesusMilk

111K 2.3K 770

[RWBY x Solo Leveling] Male Reader's POV as a solo leveler in the world of Remnant. After having a near death... More

An Awakening
The Dungeon Clearer
A Weird Date
I've Grown, Haven't I?
A Bully | A Mistake
A Fateful Stroll
Job Change
Penalty Quest | Preparation
A Surprise Visitor
The Assassins' Duel
The Grimm Tamer
The Angered Monarch
Interrogation (x2?)
Angry Goldilocks | Teasing Sister
This Isn't Some Story
Practice Match
The Vytal Festival Begins
The Festival's Festivities
Well, Hello
The Finals First?
Dance Partners
Hidden Quest Brings Truth
Where I Stand
Vytal Gala
Go Out With a Yang
The Puzzle's Pieces
What's to Come?
Finally Time For a Break?
Reunited Before the Storm
Good Morning
My Nightmare
Our Dates' Patterns
End Times

The Shadow Ruler

4.6K 108 9
By IOnlyDrinkJesusMilk

All the Monsters in the room have been slain, the quest will end now.

You will be able to choose a Class based on the amount of points
you have collected.

A Job will be granted after the Player's Actions have been analysed.

Wherever the Player goes, the Reaper follows.

The Player's Path is littered with Corpses, and the smell of Blood.

As the Player possesses strength,
he does not leave anything to his teammates, and overcomes everything with his own strength.

Your desire for strength burns strong enough to call those who wander the Valley of death, and the army of the Dead who follows
your commands shall create a path where your thread will be the law and you would never
need another's help again.

Your job is Necromancer.

Necromancer? Seriously?

To be honest, I was expecting something like assassin... Or even tank due to my high HP. But Necromancer? Is that even useful?

And after I did such an incredible job against these guys... I realized all the Knights were summoned creatures, and that I had to kill the three mages that were summoning them. And once I had done that, the rest of the monsters collapsed.

Your Job has been chosen.

Based on the amount of points you obtained, you will be given a chance to promote to a superior class.

You have exceeded the expected play time. Points will be added.

You did not use a Hearthstone to escape. Points will be added.

Final Health is above 50%. Points will be added.

All Enemies have been slain. Points will be added.

The Total Points have exceeded the limit.

You will be promoted from
Necromancer to The Monarch of Shadows.


Fuck yes.

I don't know exactly what that promotion entails, but it's obviously a stronger class...

I am given multiple job specific skills. That in combination with that new skill I gained, which also uses zero aura, means I've exponentially grown!

Wait, I didn't use a hearthstone to escape? I could have done that?! Jeez, I really gotta check out new items in my inventory whenever they appear... Whatever.

In reading through these abilities, I discover I can summon shadows, keep shadows, and disband shadows. Whether or not a shadow is summoned is dependant on how long the target been dead, as well as how strong they are.

Also, the shadows will grow with me? No kidding...

I'm told to select a command to create shadow soldiers. Hm...


The summons from before, as well as the 3 mages, begin rising in a new dark form, for a total of 30 shadows. It seems that's my limit... And I'll only be able to save 20 of these shadows for later. Wait...

I glance over at the red corpse from before. Igris was it's name...

"Terminate 11 of the common soldiers."

These shadows can't be returned, but I'm keeping 16 of them as well as the 3 mages. And finally..."


Shadow Extraction Failed


2 Extraction attempts left

Let's try this again...


A black mist enters into the body and-

Shadow Extraction Failed

1 Extraction attempt left

I sigh, annoyed.

"Igris, you'll have a new life. You'll experience new fights. You'll grow to be even stronger than you were before. Is that not enough?"

I try to stop feeling stupid for talking to a corpse, and say...


Igris rises up, his new shadowy form exuding only a little less aura than it had before. In fact, I'm surprised these even have an aura...

I check the skills once more, as well as my stats. It seems they start with a base amount of aura, and regenerate by taking my own when defeated. That's nice, but... I really need to up my intelligence stat so my aura reserves aren't immediately thinned out in battle.

I continue to look at Igris's stats. Eh? Nameless?

I come to discover that nameless shadows can be changed into named shadows based on the rank. The mages were "elite," while the common soldiers were common. Igris is Knight classed, which means naming him is possible.

After I give him his name, sticking with Igris, I find that his level is 7. An excellent start, and a very powerful new ally... Probably stronger than my teammates, to be honest.

My teammates...



I exit through a portal that was created at my victory in the job change quest.

I'm greeted by a ridiculously loud and energetic black-haired girl that almost succeeds in knocking me over.

"Where were you?! You were gone for an entire day!"

"Ah, I was... What time is it?"

"It's 2 in the morning... Why?"

"Jeez... Why are you still up?"

Ruby squints her eyes at me, puffing a cheek out as she pouts. "I was looking for you..."

I sigh a bit, patting her head more. "Well, I told you I'd be gone for a bit, so technically this isn't my fault."

Ruby nods, hugging me tighter.

"I know... But I still worried..."

I smile a bit, eventually walking back to our dorm with Ruby once she lets go.

"Oh, you're back." Yang gives an unceremonious welcome. But it's not one of passive-aggression either, so that's a plus.

"Yeah, I'm back. Why are you still up, too?"

"Can't a girl stay up if she wants?"

I refrain from letting a chuckle out.

"Well, as long as you don't ruin your sleep schedule."

I grab a spare change of clothes and get into the bathroom to shower.

Ruby lays down on her bed, silent until she hears the sound of the shower running. She groans into her pillow, earning a slight snicker from Yang.

"Rubes, you're heartbroken over a guy that probably doesn't even know what that means."

"Shut uuuuuup..."

Yang sits up, her legs hanging off from her top bunk.

Blake attacks the hanging feet as if she were a cat.

"Oh, you're awake, too? And you didn't even say hi to our leader. How rude~" Yang teases.

The three girls spend a couple more minutes talking, Yang cracking small jokes, Blake staying silent, clearly wishing she was asleep, And Ruby thinking about the boy that saved her.

She sighs.

Her thoughts eventually begin to cloud up as her body loses consciousness.

"Sleep well, Ruby."

These are the last words she hears for the day.

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