Record of Ragnarok: Human God...

By angle99999

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The score is tied after 13 battles. The previous battle ended with both competitors dying simultaneously. Wha... More

Prologue: A Final Match
Chapter 2: Buildup
Chapter 3: Final Fight Begins
Chapter 4: The Defective vs. The Immaculate
Chapter 5: 'Victory' for Humanity
Ayanokouji vs Zeus Part 1: Zeus' Mighty Sword
Ayanokouji vs Zeus Part 2: Without a Vollund
Ayanokouji vs Zeus Part 3: A Loss of Hope
Ayanokouji vs Zeus Part 4: The Fight Heard Throughout the Cosmos

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

10.7K 325 107
By angle99999

For context, this is done after the events of year 2 volume 2


Ayanokouji POV

I woke up rather later today. I needed to change and get ready as soon as possible. So I did just that. It took some time, but I was out the front door, having eaten a single slice of bread. As I got out, I saw someone who was right outside. 

Me: What are you doing here, Kei?

Kei: So what, I can't visit my boyfriend in the morning to wake him up?

Me: It's not that. If people saw us here, they would be suspicious. And you know how I would like to live a peaceful life by now. 

Kei: Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'll just never come over again. 

As she stormed off, I grabbed her hand as she looked back at me. 

Me: If it would help the situation, you can come over after school. I have nothing to do. 

Kei blushed as she let go of my hand. 

Kei: O-O-Ok!

She waived goodbye to me as she left so as to avoid suspicion. I walked down the stairs as I left the boy's dorm and into an elevator where my Compass-loving classmate, Horikita, was already inside.

Me: Good morning, Horikita.

Horikita: Good morning to you too as well, Ayanokouji. 

We had nothing to talk about other than her fantasies of wanting to surpass every class and reach class A, so I simple daydreamed. 

Some time passed as the elevator door opened, revealing Ichinose who walked in as well.

Ichinose: Good morning, Kiyotaka!

Me: Good morning, Honomi.

Horikita looked at both of us and sighed. 

Me: What's the matter?

Horikita: You seem to be good friends with Ichinose, enough to call each other by first names. 

Ichinose blushed as I remained my stoic self. 

Me: We've known each other for a year. It was bound to happen sooner rather than later. 

After what seemed like ages, I finally reached the bottom floor, as the 3 of us left the elevator and went to our separate classes. 

As I entered, I saw most of my classmates were in attendance as I went over to my typical seat: near the rear window in the back of the classroom. I looked out as I wanted to view the passing students since lessons were all too tedious for myself. As much as I hated the whiteroom, it did achieve it's goal: a artificial genius. However, I never planned to give my father the satisfaction of seeing his plan come to fruition, so I've been hiding my abilities ever since I got here.

Horikita: Ayanokouji?

I got snapped out of my little daydream by Horikita who was preparing to stab me with her compass.  

Me: What is it? I don't intend on having you stab every day now.

She looked away.

Horikita: It's just that you should pay attention to the lesson. Nothing else!

And so class continued, as I couldn't care less about it. However, it wasn't so bad. Life like this was fine just the way it was. And it would stay like this for at least another year, I guarantee it.

I then heard an announcement coming from the loud speaker in the classroom as our homeroom teacher was finishing with her lesson for the day.

PDA System: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from class 2-D, please report to my office at this time.

Everyone: Huh?

I got up as Horikita, Sakura, and Kei looked at me. Each of them seemed like they were worried about me, but it should be fine. I didn't do anything that warranted an expulsion. So I walked out of the classroom, as I made my way to the school administrative director, Tsukushiro, the man who has been trying to bring me back to my father in the whiteroom for months now.

I arrived at the door as I opened it. There he was, sitting on his tall seat, overlooking the field that was seen through his large windows behind his seat. He turned towards me and greeted me.

Tsukushiro: Nice of you to stop by so quickly, Ayanokouji.

Me: Enough of that. What are you really after? I don't believe you called me here to expel me, since you don't have a reason too as of the moment. So why now?

Tsukushiro: I'll keep it straight with you. Your father is dead.

My eyes widened in complete shock. My father, the man who was driven unlike any other, died. I composed myself. I would get nowhere with yells and screams regarding the matter.

Me: Was he assassinated?

Tsukushiro: Nothing like that. Actually, he took his own life. We found out this morning when the autopsy stated that there was an overdose of a medication he had been taking.

Me: What? That's impossible. A man like that is the last person in the world who would take his own life without a reason. What really happened? I was never fond of my father, but I'd like to say I understood his sense of mind at the very least.

Tsukushiro: But I don't think that's the question you really want to ask, Ayanokouji. I think you want to ask about another, more pressing matter.  

Me: You're right. What happens to me? Are you leaving this school then?

Tsukushiro: Not exactly. I have been called to arrange his funeral as well as other things. So you are right in assuming this. However, I am sad to inform you that, despite your father's death, you are still classified as a member of the whiteroom.

Me: Typical. Even in death, I can't seem to leave his shadow. So are you being replaced then?

Tsukushiro: Actually, yes. But that is not the matter I wanted to discuss with you.

Me: Then what is it? My father is dead. What more can we talk about.

Tsukushiro: Your freedom.

Me: What?

Suddenly simmer of light opened inside his office.

Me: What is that?

Tsukushiro then pointed to the person who came from that bright opening.

Brunhilde: My name is Brunhilde. I know this might all seem so farfetched, but come with me immediately.



It's been 30 minutes and he hasn't come back. What's taking him so long.

I raised my hand. 

Chabashira: Yes, Karuazawa?

Me: Can I go to the bathroom?

Suddenly, Ms. Chabashira received a phone call from someone since it was pretty loud to here. It must have been important since she answered it right away. After a few minutes, she hung up and returned my question with her blunt answer.

Chabashira: You cannot.

I banged my hands onto my desk as people stared at me. But I didn't care. Something could have happened to him.

Me: Why not?!

Chabashira: Because just now, I've received word for the entire school to meet outside right now.

Everyone: What?

Ah, mou, what's going on here?! Kiyotaka! What did you do?!

10 minutes later...

We were all outside, from class D all the way to Class A. Ike was being annoying as usual and Horikita was guiding us outside too.

  As we all arrived outside, something that was dark consumed us! I couldn't move or run. It was everywhere. I then went unconscious.

A second later, I opened my eyes to see an entire stadium with a ring in the middle?!!!!! As I looked around, everyone didn't know what was going on. Hirata walked up to me.

Hirata: Have you seen Ayanokouji, Kei?

Me: I haven't! I don't know where that guy is- Not that I care.

He smirked at me with his normal smile as his fan group huddled around him.

We were seated in the front of this giant arena. What is this place? How did we even get here?

I heard screaming from behind us as I saw the rest of the classes of our school. Everyone was here, filling a part of the stadium. As I got a closer look, the other people looked weird. Some had horns? And one even had an eagle head. These people were seated across from us.

We were all so confused and had no clue what to expect until a tall woman walked towards us as she bowed her head.

Brunhilde: I'm sorry we had to bring you like this but we had to do it soon. We needed everyone sat down an hour prior to the main event.

I jumped off my seat.

Me: A main event for what?

Brunhilde: The final battle to decide Humanity's fate.


  Ayanokouji POV (Few  minutes prior)

I arrived through the portal to a room where a little girl was there along with... my father?

Me: I heard you were dead. So was that a farce?

He walked up to me.

Father: Of course not. I did in fact die. I did so in order to arrive here just in time.

Me: So that's why you committed suicide. You wanted to see whatever it is that's here?

Father: Correct, a tournament that will determine the fate of humanity is something I can never miss for the sake of myself.  

The woman called Brunhilde came up and stood in front of me. She certainly was tall, at least a foot taller than myself.

Brunhilde: I can't believe I listened to your father, but what's done is done.

Me: What do you mean?

Brunhilde: We need your help. Wait, maybe more like humanity needs your help. I'll give a rundown on the events to come and what situation you are in now so please bare with me.

few minutes later... (Basically like a recap of what happened during the tournament)

She told me everything. The gods, this tournament and my father. As much as I would like to disagree with all these statements, the proof is right there. I was not on earth. I was in a stadium where I would fight a god. But I didn't want to agree right away.

Me: I never care about the rest of humanity, so I'll have to decline your proposal.

Goll: HUH?!!!!!!!!

Now this little girl came up to me.

Goll: How can you say that? Your going to die too if you don't fight!

Me: I don't know the opponent I'm fighting. All I know is that he or she will be a god. Which means I should already be prepared to die anyway. As much as you all have struggled. I am a normal person who can't be humanity's savior. Bring me back to my school so I can continue on with my business. I'd rather live out my few moments left on earth in peace rather than out there fighting for someone else's entertainment and for strangers that are all unknowns to me.

Brunhilde: Now what do we do, professor? Your son doesn't even want to fight?!!!!!! You wasted all my remaining time!

My father cleared his mouth as he spoke to me.

Father: But you do care about your freedom, correct?

I turned to him.

Me: And what good is it if our existence will be ended right after my death?

Father: How can you be so sure. With your current level, I can guarantee you will defeat any god they throw at your way.

Brunhilde grabbed my father up.

Brunhilde: He's just a kid. Damn it I shouldn't have listened to you.

Father: Now, now. I have the right incentive for him to compete.

Goll: And what is that? He just said he doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself.

Father: Exactly.

Goll: Huh?

Father: Although my death was announced to the directors of the whiteroom, by now, they will still keep you in toe due to you being our masterpiece. However, should you be victorious, I will give you a document that is hidden away at a location only I know. In this, it is a dropout form signed by myself. You will formally be pronounced dead to the whiteroom and able to resume any activity you should have for the rest of your life. And due to my death, I left an inheritance for you to take in the form of a 15 million dollar trust fund package when you turn 18 to inherit it. That should be incentive enough, son.

I widened my eyes. Goll seemed shocked at what was told in front of her. Brunhilde seemed to widen her smile as she threw my dad to the ground.

Me: I, in all my years of knowing you father, would never have thought you would have given me such an easy out.

Goll: But didn't you say it would be pretty hard just a few seconds ago? 


Brunhilde: So do you agree, Ayanokouji?

Me: As long as these terms are met, I can kill your entire pantheon should the request be given. So yes. I agree.

Goll: Well that was quick.  

Brunhilde sighed in relief.

Brunhilde: Well good. Thank the lords. I would have had to send everyone back.

I was confused.

Me: What do you mean?

Brunhilde: I meant that I would have to send your classmates and school students back home with their memories erased had you rejected my offer.

Me: They're here? Well that's troublesome. 

Goll: Of course. Don't you want some support?

Me: Now why would you do something like that? I never intended to receive support in the first place. I rather this had gone unnoticed but if it's come to this so be it.  

Goll: Well you can't back out now, since they are in the stands.

Brunhilde suddenly remembered something.

Brunhilde: I have to greet them! They must be so confused right now!

And just as quickly as she explained the situation into me, she left just like that.

I turned to my father.

Me: So you killed yourself just so I would be able to be chosen as the final fighter in this death game?

Father: Yes. Because this match will prove once and for all, whether it is possible to create a human that surpasses a god.

Me: Have it your way, father. I don't care for such things. But, onto a more pressing matter, what I do care for is my weapon.

Goll: Oh right!

Me: From what Brunhilde explained to me, mortal weapons are useless towards gods.

Goll: That's right. Divine weapons are needed since they are the only things that can hurt us.

Me: She told me that from the previous bouts, each champion used a weapon called a vollund that combined a Valkyrie and a human's souls together as a sort of perfect match. I do not understand the intricacies, but that seems to be the gist of it. So who am I paired with?

There was a bit of silence as Goll raised her hand.

Goll: Since everyone else already went, I was the only one left to find a partner.

Me: I see. Well as long as you can make something that can kill a god, I could care less. Let's wait here until Brunhilde can tell me who exactly am I fighting.



Brunhilde: So that's pretty much the gist of it. I know you all have many more questions than just that, but please bear with me. 

Everyone starting talking with each other.

Ike: Awesome! So that means one of us is going to fight a god! So cool!

Professor: Idiot

Ike looked over at professor, a person in our class we called that name for some reason. He's basically an otaku.

Ike: So why am I an idiot?

Professor then went into one of his normal otaku stances.

Professor: Because they already chose who they were going to use to fight for our side.

Everyone looked at Professor as I listened in.

Professor continued.

Professor: Think about it. She just said she was prepping the fighter which means he or she is already picked.

Ryuen, out of nowhere, stands behind Professor who gets jump scared by him. Can he be any more terrifying?

Ryuen: And I know just who that monster is.

Everyone: HUH?

Sudo: Hey, why are you here? Go back to your seat. This is our class!

Horikita went up to Sudo.

Horikita: Sudo, stop. Let's hear what he has to say.

Sudo calmed down. I guess he really does have a one-sided crush on Horikita like Ayanokouji said.

Ryuen: Thanks, Suzune. Now, as I was saying, that monster has to be Ayanokouji.

Horikita's eyes widened as everyone in our class and other grades that heard us were confused as well. 

Random Class D student: There's no way. That guy is pretty boring and a background guy.

The supporters that were on our side were looking at us with confused faces. I didn't want to believe it, but it made sense. Why would Ayanokouji be called out a few minutes before we all were? He had to be the fighter since he would be the only person that would have gotten here earlier. Mou! I know he's a badass but isn't this a bit too far. Why did these gods have to pick a high schooler to decide the fate of humanity!!!! 

Ike: Huh? That guy? Yeah right! If I didn't get picked then how can someone like that be saving us from destruction, HAHAHAHAHA!

Shinohara: Exactly, it has to be an upperclassman. Ayanokouji isn't exactly the best in a fight since he can't even compete with Ike for that matter.

Ryuen started laughing as he fell to the ground.

Ike: What's so funny?

Ryuen: You two are complete dumbasses.

Arguing continued as even Ichinose, Nagumo, Sayanakagi,  and other people started to bud in on this. Suddenly, Brunhilde seemed to lose her patience as her face seemed to cringe very weirdly? She screamed, shutting us all up. It wasn't really hard to miss her too, since she was so tall!

Brunhilde: I know this might be hard to take in, but your not helping me with all this arguing.

Ryuen: You heard the tall miss, shut up!

Why was that idiot making fun of her?

But she ignored it and continued. 

Brunhilde: You all just need to watch and support him. Once again, I never wanted this to get so far. We just needed someone who can end this game.

Horikita: And do you think he can win?

Brunhilde shrugged her hands.

Brunhilde: We have to. Otherwise, I'll be killed for treason along with all of you.

We all froze at the death part again. From what she told us, this tournament is pretty messed up. This all seemed to messed up. We would be watching one of our classmates fighting to the death for the sake of humanity. This all doesn't even seem real. But it is. I hope Ayanokouji is ok.

Brunhilde: I'll leave a few of my sisters here to watch over you all. This part of the stadium is the human supporters. This might be the last time we see each other until this whole matter is concluded. So take care for now. 


Ayanokouji POV

Brunhilde finally returned as I was sitting on a seat.

Brunhilde: Sorry it took a bit longer than expected.

Me: It's fine. We still have a considerable amount of time. From what I gathered, we currently have 2 more hours before the fight.

Brunhilde: Yes. I need to find out which god you'll be fighting.

Me: Is the god in question going to be one that has already went?

Brunhilde: Of course not! It's going to be a whole new one. 

Me: Even so, I have a favor.

Goll seemed surprised from my request.  

Brunhilde: Well if you want any special treatment, we don't have time for that. 

Me: It's not that. I would like the tape for all the previous fights. 

Brunhilde: But why would you want that? You won't be fighting any of them?

Me: I would like to see what kind of fight I will be into. It could prove useful. 

Brunhilde: No! You should train using a weapon or fusing with Goll already!

Me: That can happen a minute prior to the fight. Studying film will prove to be much more useful. 

I can see her once calm demeanor was now contorting as my father, for the first time in his life, chuckled. 

Brunhilde: You're laughing?

Goll nudged at Brunhilde's skirt very softly to try to get her attention away from my father.

Goll: Calm down, sis. If he wants to do it, its not like we can stop him. 

Goll seems to have accepted defeat. It seems the smaller of the sisters can be a bit reasonable when push came to shove.   

Brunhilde: Fine, if you want to see the previous matches, I can display them on this large screen. Do what you want with them. 

Me: I would like to stay here alone with Goll. Since she will become my weapon, it only makes sense that she stays by my side to create a sort of familiar link between the two of us.

Brunhilde: Alright. While you get to whatever you need to do, I'll find out what god you'll be facing. 

Me: Ok.  

Goll seemed nervous but then nodded as my father and Brunhilde left the room, closing the door. 

Me: Now, Goll, let's begin with the first fight, Lu Bu vs. Thor. It should be an interesting one...


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