Pranksters United

By Ismene_7_Zabini

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just an imagination..... all the pranksters known to us throughout the history of Hogwarts. United what woul... More



15 1 1
By Ismene_7_Zabini

Saturday rolled around in no time. The 11 people were very much excited to perform their prank. The potion was ready, all the extra ingredients were available, and the prank was carefully planned.

The morning of Saturday, the 11 people went to breakfast like any other student. Four invisible and seven visible. Dumbledore along with other professors were eating their breakfast merrily, not a care in the world. The 11 people silently ate their breakfast as fast as possible, and that was when McGonagall knew that something was going to happen. Warily, she eyed Dumbledore, whose eyes were fixed on the disappearing 11.

The 11, after breakfast went back to their dorm. Separating the potion in 10 different goblets, they took the last ingredient in their hand, took the 2 marauders map, and started walking in the direction of Dumbledore's office. Outside the gargoyal, they dropped the last ingredient and drank the potion. Slowly, their skin started to boil from inside. Everyone's height increased, some by grate difference, some by lesser difference. Everyone's hair length increased and their hair turned white. Wrinkles appeared on their face.

"Open" One of the Dumbledore said. The Gargoyal eyed him suspiciously, though opened the stairs. One afer the other, 11 Dumbledores climbed the stairs. Opening the door to his office, they entered looking around in familiarity.

The 11 people walked up and down Dumbledore's office. Some checking out the books from his personal library, some checking the sorting hat, some looking at the portraits of old headmasters, some talking with Fawkes. One Dumbledore was sitting on his desk, checking the drawers. This was the state McGonagall found when she entered Dumbledore's office to warn him about the Marauders. Gasping loudly, she jumped back and bumped into yet another Dumbledore. Looking behind, she jumped again. The new Dumbledore and the 11 inside the room looked at each other. The real Dumbledore subtly winked at the 11 fake, and that's when everyone knew that no matter how much they tried, they will never get him to regret his actions. And so they winked back at him, now deciding to shift the prank at the remaining person. McGonagall. "How pleased I am to see you, Minerva, but I must insist you leave, I have work to do. "But...but 12 Dumbledores...."She mumbled to herself. The real Dumbledore chuckled. "Oh I am sure Minerva, you are hallucinating. Why don't you go and see Poppy? I will come to meet you in some while?" And so, he guided McGonagall down the stairs.

The 11 Dumbledore inside groaned "How does the old fool not get irritated?" one asked indigently. "Oh don't worry, he will react, at least disgust." One said and turned to other Dumbledore "Are you Lily?" "Here" One near the bookshelf said. "Oh good, come here" Lily walked near the Dumbledore that called him. The said Dumbledore held another's hand and kissed him" "Oi" the Dumbledore who was kissed said angrily "Who is this? I swear to god..." The Dumbledore called "It's me Lily, James" "Oh...fine then" and so, the two Dumbledores started to kiss. Suddenly the door opened and walked in another Dumbledore. His eyes twinkled at the sight in front of him. "That must be Ms. Evans and Mr. Potter, I presume?" the Dumbledores broke apart, suddenly realising they had audience. Lily blushed "Is that how I look when I blush? Fascinating. Thank you, Mr. Potter and Ms. Evans, because of you, I am getting to know many things about myself. For example, how I look when I blush, or how I would look if anyone saw me kissing myself, I really wanted to know that, but there was no possible wish. I thank you, for you have completed one of the many wishes of this old man." The real Dumbledore said

The 11 looked somewhat scared listening to the weird wishes of the old man, though they kept quite. "Now, I am sure that the effect of the potion might be wearing off, why don't we go and do something with this new skin, before it fades of, after all, all you have pu so much effort for this. Huddle up, I have got an idea." Now all the 11 were looking at him with assurance that the old man had really lost his mind. How can a man help the children for pranking when he knew that the original target was he himself?

But still, the 12 Dumbledores huddled up. After 7 minutes of hushed whispers, agreements and disagreements, all of them nodded, their grins wide. The 12 Dumbledores divided themselves in 6 groups of twos. Fred and George, Remus and Tonks, Mary and Marlene, Lee and Lily, James and Dumbledore, Sirius and Peter. James wanted to pair with Lily, but Dumbledore insisted James stay with him.

One by one, a pair of 2 Dumbledores started to descend the stairs. Lily and Lee first, followed by the twins, Remus and Tonks, Mary and Marlene, Sirius and peter. The last pair to exit was James and Dumbledore. Though, Dumbledore asked James to meet him the day the people from future will return. James didn't know why, but he still agreed.

One by one, the pairs separated and walked to the different parts of the castle. One pair went to the Dungeons (Sirius and Peter), One pair visited the hospital wing (Dumbledore and James), one pair went to visit Hagrid (Fred and George), one pair went to Library (Lee and Lily), one pair went to the great hall, and one pair finally retreated to Dumbledore's office. Marlene and Mary decided to sit in Dumbledore's office itself, in case anyone decided to complain about seeing two Dumbledore's. The last pair (Tonks and Remus) went to the great hall.

Sirius knocked on the Slytherin common room. The door opened from inside, the student who opened seemed very irritated and ready to scream, but his mouth shut up with a snap as he looked at Dumbledore. "Pro...Professor Dumbledore?" He stammered. Sirius entered the common room as he owned it. "Please call everyone in the house" Sirius said calmly. The student went down towards the boys dormitories to call everyone. In the mean time, Sirius opened the door and called Peter inside. Peter stood beside Sirius. The student returned along with every boy and girl of the Slytherin house. All the students were stopped dead as they saw two complete identical Dumbledores standing beside each other. Both Sirius and Peter were immensely enjoying the expressions of the students. Sirius started to speak "I have been informed that the Slytherins have been consuming drugs. Is that true?" Sirius asked calmly, knowing that nothing of this sort was happening here. All the students started indigently, "No sit that is not true" Shouts of no were heard. Sirius raised a hand and everyone shut up. "We will see if that statement is true. Tell me, how many Dumbledores can you see? One, two, three, four?" Sirius asked, barely controlling his grin. All the students looked scared for their life, though they answered truthfully "2" They mumbled. Sirius clapped his hands. So, it is clear that you have consumed drugs. Not a word" He added as a student started speaking.

"As your detention, you all will have to clean the bathrooms of Gryffindor house, then the Hufflepuff, then Ravenclaw. 1st years included, so you will learn the lesson of not following the example. I will personally escort you to the Gryffindor common room. There, the girls will wash the toilets of girl's dorm, according to year, same goes for boys" Sirius said walking out of the common room, enjoying every moment of the situation. The Slytherins followed the headmaster, disgusted expressions on their faces. Peter stayed behind in the common room. They didn't want to be seen by anyone else.

After 15 minutes, Sirius, in Dumbledore's form returned grinning ear to ear. "Today's day is the best day of my life, I'm telling ya" They both sat on the couch for a few seconds but then Sirius spoke up "We should go to Dumbledore's office before this potion stops working. You go first. I will come after 10 minutes" Peter agreed and left the Dungeons. After 10 seconds, Sirius followed.

James and the real Dumbledore walked in the direction of the hospital wing. McGonagall was sitting on one of the bed, Poppy sitting beside her. Both seemed to be gossiping about something. The real Dumbledore entered the wing, startling the two ladies. "Afternoon, ladies. I have a confession to make" Dumbledore said solemnly' Both McGonagall and Poppy seemed pale, Minerva must have told poppy about earlier. "I hope you will not raise your wand directly, and do not fear." "What is the secret, Albus? Tell us already" Poppy said briskly. "Well, as Minerva saw today, I have found a, what is that muggle term....Ahh yes. I have found my doppelganger" Dumbledore said airily. "What is a doppelganger, might I ask?" McGonagall said standing up. "People who seem alike, though they are not twins. Their behaviour is also different." Bradford Kendric Octavius Orson Collymore"

James was listening the whole conversation and so, he entered with false swag, like he once saw in a muggle movie with Sirius. "Aaa yo yo yo...What's up, Minnion and pop doodle, Dumbles told me everything about you guys" He raised his hand and high-fived them both. I always wanted to high-five Minnie and Poppy. Sirius will have to pay me, James thought gleefully. McGonagall and Poppy were too shocked to speak anything. "He is staying here for a few hours. Poppy, do you have chocolate frog? I think he will like it" Dumbledore said and accioed the chocolate frogs. The four people sat there. Talking. McGonagall and Poppy were too shocked to ask anything, though James asked them many questions in his false accent. Dumbledore was enjoying the show too much to stop anything, and so, he sat there, enjoying the chocolate frogs as James asked all the questions. After an hour, James' hair started to return, and so the two of them made their way towards Dumbledore's office hurriedly.

Fred and George started walking towards the grounds and outside Hagrid's hut. Fred knocked on the door. Loud thumping noises were heard and then the door opened. Inside, Hagrid had his gloves on, and there was smoke inside. "Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Come in" "I am not alone today, Hagrid. I wish to speak with you. And tell you something, but you must promise me something" Fred said pointing a finger at Hagrid "Anything, sir. Anything you ask for" Fred nodded "Well then, why don't you proceed inside, I will join you" Hagrid nodded and walked inside. Fred this time followed by George, walked inside. Hagrid turned around, a plate of cookies in his hand. "Arghhh....." Hagrid shouted. "Hush, Hagrid. Nobody knows this, only you, But this is my twin brother, Argus Blubber Oddment Tweak Dumbledore." Fred patted George on his shoulder. Hagrid was stuttering 'But...professor Dumbledore Sir....How can this happen?" "I thought you wouldn't question me, Hagrid, that's why I came to tell you. Otherwise I would have gone to Minerva" Fred said with false sadness "Sorry Professor Dumbledore Sir, would you like some cookies, Argus?" George chocked on his saliva, though still agreed. The next hour, they asked Hagrid some questions, which was very awkward. Fred was sitting silently, enjoying the show, while George was asking weird questions, such 'as what kind of animals he brought in Hogwarts and not told Albus?' The hour was spent making Hagrid Awkward. But as soon as they felt the length of their hair shortening, they ran till Dumbledore's office, not waiting for a second to look behind them.

Lee and Lily, in the form of Dumbledore walked towards the library. "So, what do you want to do?" Lee asked. Lily shrugged "I don't have anything particular in mind. Should we scare the students or madam Prince?" "Both?" Lee offered Lily smiled wickedly. They went inside the Library, Lily first and then not a minute later, Lee. The students sitting there were very deep into the book that they didn't notice the two Dumbledores enter. Lily went to Madam Prince while Lee went to a random 1st year Hufflepuff. "Madam Prince" Lily said in a passable expression of Dumbledore's voice. She looked up from the book she was reading and looked at Dumbledore. "Dumbledore, how can I help you?" Dumbledore smiled kindly "Oh nothing, would you like to have a stroll in the library?" Madam Prince looked at him oddly, though nodded and the both started to walk. To make small talk, Lily started the conversation by asking which book Madam Prince was reading and then the conversation started.

Lee was sat in front of the Hufflepuff kid named Elizabeth Buffet. She was truly scared seeing the headmaster sitting in front of her and talking to her. She was a muggleborn and so didn't know if this behaviour of Dumbledore is normal or not. Shakily, she made small talks with Lee. He asked her stupid questions such as her favourite colour or her parent's profession and asked her if she wanted any chocolate after every question. Elizabeth was just answering a question when Madam Prince accompanied by Dumbledore was slowly walking beside them. The girls deep blue eyes widened as she looked at the two Dumbledores for a whole minute and then shirked loudly, disturbing the silence of the library. Every student turned to look at the girl, their eyes narrowed in annoyance. Madam Price herself turned behind to look at the girl with a glare when she saw another Dumbledore sitting in front of the girl. She too, looked at both the Dumbledores alternately, her eyes widened as she stopped herself from screaming loudly. The students around them were talking to each there in hushed whispers as they pointed at the two Gryffindors. Finally, Lily and Lee got up, shacked hands, winking at each other, waved at the audience and left the library, leaving everyone to think about the recent events. Lee and Lily walked towards Dumbledores office, crying from laughter and hence gaining attention. The students in corridors were looking at them in shock, their eyes wide, though too scared to utter a single word. The both finally reached outside Dumbledore's office.

Not long after dividing into groups and leaving for different locations, Mary and Marlene were sat kissing on the chair of Dumbledore's office. They decided to stay there and shock anyone who comes in. The chances were high for those people who saw two Dumbledores and came to the office for reporting. when Professor Sprout entered the office. Professor knocked on the door, hearing moans from inside. The two separated quickly, one stood behind the door and one opened the door. Professor sprout rushed inside. "Are you ok, Albus?" "Yes, I am fine. How may I help you?" "The plants need some fertilizers, should I tell Hagrid to bring them?" "Yes, you may tell Hagrid. During this conversion, Mary had snuck out from behind the door and stood at the entrance of Dumbledore's office. When professor Sprout turned to leave, she came face to face with another Dumbledore. Before she could speak anything, Mary raised her hand in silence. "You were not supposed to see but now I have no chance. This is my twin brother. I am Albus Dumbledore and the one near the table is Abner Pinchas Waylon Barak Dumbledore. Do not tell this to anyone. You can ask Hagrid to bring the required fertilizers. Confused and shocked, Professor Sprout left the office, walking in the direction of Hagrid's hut. On the way, she saw the two Dumbledores laughing and crying. She was more confused, she just saw two in the office and now she again saw them. How were they able to cover such large distance in so less time and that too, before her? Deciding to let it go, she continued walking towards Hagrid's hut.

Remus and Tonks walked towards the great hall. They both had wrinkles on their forehead. Some student were sitting in the hall, completing their work when two Dumbledores appeared. Both were walking in fast pace towards the head table. The whole hall was silent. How can there be two Dumbledores? All the students were too shocked to utter a single word. The Dumbledores reached the golden throne and stood glaring at each other's. "I am the elder brother, so I shall take the throne" One said loudly. "You are a squib, you can't even do magic, and besides, you a just 11 minutes older than me" The other roared "Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore, I will not tolerate you screaming at your older brother" Tonks shouted. Remus was a bit shocked that Tonks knew Dumbledore's full name, but covered up pretty quickly "Zowny Bazinga Scrabble Spindingy Dumbledore, you do not have a right to shout at me either, I will hex you" Remus said "Ha, as if you could" Tonks said. She had a wooden stick in her hand; she raised it and pointed it at Remus. Remus pointed a real wand at her "AbraKadabra" Tonks shouted loudly. All the students screamed loudly and ducked under the table. Remus groaned "Didn't I just shout that she is a squib? And AbraKadabra is not even a real spell" Remus said facing the scared students. Tonks' eyes widened as Remus said she instead of he. Tonks looked at Remus and with one nod at each other; they ran out of the great hall and towards Dumbledore's office, laughing all the while. But, unknown to them, they had been sighted by Professor Sprout and Hagrid, who were Going in the direction of Dumbledore's office. Also, by McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey who were passing the great hall to visit Dumbledore's office. And lastly, by Elizabeth Buffet and Madam Prince, who too, were on their way to Dumbledore's office.


(Some time after seeing 2 Dumbledores in every situation)

The Slytherins were fussing about cleaning the bathrooms, that too of Gryffindor dorms. This was impossible. No one had consumed any drugs and though, all of them saw two Dumbledores.

McGonagall and Poppy, after Dumbledore and his Doppelganger left, sat still in their seats. This was very odd. There is no such thing as Doppelganger and Dumbledore was a very powerful wizard, he can't be confounded. There has to be an explanation, though being still shocked, they were seated on the chairs for about 15 to 20 minutes. About half an hour later, the two decided to visit Dumbledore in the office. ON their way, as they passed the Great hall, they saw the two identical Dumbledores laughing and supporting each other as they too, made their way towards the office.

Hagrid was sitting in his cabin, drinking tea and thinking of the twin of his headmaster. He seemed so odd. Dumbledore was so....intelligent and all knowing, this can't be his Twin brother, and his name was also so odd and different. Professor sprout was in her thoughts of the of the weird twin of Dumbledore, but her thoughts were disturbed as she saw two more Dumbledores laughing and walking towards the direction of office. How was this possible? She just talked with Dumbledore and his twin. Shaking her head, she continued to walk towards Hagrid's cabin. As Hagrid sat thinking, there was a knock on the door. He opened the door to see a very distracted Professor Sprout "Hello professor, all ok?"Hagrid asked in his gruff voice "Yes, just thinking about Dumbledore's twin" Sprout said and clapped her hand to her mouth. Hagrid, too, seemed very surprised. "You know about his twin?" He asked "Yes. How can I forget the mane, it was so odd something Aben Pinchas Waylon Barak Dumbledore, it was" Sprout said entering the cabin and closing the door behind her "No professor, his name was not that, I can clearly remember that name, though I agree it was odd. I t was Argus Blubber Oddment Tweak Dumbledore "Hagrid said gruffly Sprout looked up in confusion "No, Hagrid, I am sure it was Aben and not Argus" Hagrid too, looked confused. They looked at each other. "Let it be, Hagrid, would you be o kind to buy the fertilizers for the plants." Sprout asked kindly, ignoring the Dumbledore issue. "sure thing, professor. I am going to visit Professor Dumbledore, do you wish to come?" "Yes, definitely." And so, the two professor set to go visit Dumbledore. On their way, they passed the great hall and again saw two Dumbledores laughing and supporting each other as they too, made their wa towards the office.


(After pranking everyone, the journey of two Dumbledores)

Peter reached Dumbledore's office and saw Mary and Marlene laughing their ass out "What happened?" he asked "Will tell you when everyone is together" Mary replied Peter shrugged and sat on the chair, playing with Fawkes. Sirius entered minutes after. He danced around the room in victory peter joining him afterwards. When James and the real Dumbledore entered the room, they saw two Dumbledore's waltzing around and two snogging. "Prongs?" The two who were waltzing asked "Yup" he said and then, the three Marauders danced in victory together as Dumbledore sat in his chair looking at them, a twinkle in his eyes. Two Dumbledore's burst in the office not long after "James?" One of the two asked "Lily" James replied and now there were 2 pair of Dumbledores kissing, three Dumbledores dancing and a single sitting calmly. Tonks and Remus entered not long after, still fighting over the golden throne in a friendly way "Shut up Zowny, I am older" Remus said playfully "Yeah, but you are a squib, Albus" Tonks returned, earning the attention on real Dumbledore. He smiled pleasantly at them. Welcome, Remus and Tonks, I expect the potions' effect will end soon. Everyone, please sit, I would like to discuss today's day with you" Dumbledore said clapping his hands. Everyone instantly sat in a circle "We will start" Sirius said "Me and Pete went to Slytherin common room, and gave them the detention of cleaning all the washrooms of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw" Sirius said grinning "Good one, Padfoot and Wormtail" James exclaimed "And how did you do that?" Dumbledore asked with real curiosity "They were seeing two of us. We accused them of having drugs and told them that drugs are not allowed in school" Peter said. Everyone laughed loudly. "Now we will tell." James piped up. "We went to Hospital wing and I was professor's Doppelganger. What was my name again, professor?" James asked "Bradford Kendric Octavius Orson Collymore" Dumbledore answered with a loud laugh. Others laughed along with him. "We told Hagrid that Dumbledore had a twin named..." George started "Argus Blubber Oddment Tweak Dumbledore" Fred finished. Dumbledore looked at the twins intently "did you make this name?" He asked Fred and George looked sheepish "You only said these words professor, in our third year" Fred said "Yeah, just the firt word was Nitwik. It was Nitwik Blubber Oddment Teak" George provided Dumbledore nodded, already deciding to use those words once. "We were just sitting in the office" Mary started, though everyone looked at them with knowing looks. "When professor sprout came. We told her that we are twins" Marlene said "Yeah, and my name is Abnen Pinchas Waylon Barak Dumbledore" Mary said "My god, I didn't know I had so many names and twins" Dumbledore said with a chuckle. "We went to the library and just made the students scream" Lee said with a grin "Oh.. and we saw Professor sprout, she was confused. I think she was going to Hagrid's." Lily added. The potions effect was starting to fade, and soon everyone returned to their original skins except Tonks who stayed in the same form as she was a metamorphaagus. "And what about you, Remus and Tonks?" Fred and George asked with similar grins. "Well, Dumbledore has a twin, who is 11 minutes older that him and is a squib" Tonks started "His name is Zowny Bazinga Scrabble Spindingy Dumbledore" Remus said "Oh....and they are fighting for Dumbledore's Golden throne in great hall" Tonks said "And the squib brother said AbraKadabra and all the students got scared and ducked. But then remus said she instead of he and we had to run" Tonks muttered bitterly

Dumbledore was about to conclude the session and was going to tell everyon except James go, when the door burst open and in entered Elizabeth Buffet, Madam Prince, Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall , Professor Sprout and Hagrid. They saw 7 similar faces, three unknown faces and 2 dumbledores. Everyone gasped. "What is all this Albus, and who is this?" McGonagall asked pointing at Tonks "He is my Doppelganger twin, 11 year older squib brother, whose name is Braford Blubber Waylon Spingdy Dumbledore" Dumbledore said s,iling pleasantly.


(A/N : Ok, so I think there is some details necessary about what happened when, so here goes: The pairs divided. Firstly, Sirius and Peter went to the Slytherin common room to torture the Slytherins. Meanwhile, James and Dumbledore went to hospital wind to torment McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey, Marlene and Mary went to Dumbledore's office, Fred and George went to Hagrid. Remus and Tonks were still deciding where to go. Sprout went to Dumbledore's office not long after Mary and Marlene. After talking with 2Ms, Sprout was going to Hagrid's when she saw Lily and Lee laughing. Fred and George were already out of Hagrid's cabin, and laughing in an empty corridor till the time Sprout reached Hagrid. While Sirius and Peter went to Dumbledore's office, Remus and Tonks had planned their place and were deciding the act. Till the time their act was decided, Lily, Lee, James and Dumbledore, along with Mary and Marlene were already in Dumbledore's office. Remus and Tonks, after finishing their act went to Dumbledore's office, but McGonagall, Pomfrey, Prince, Elizabeth, Sprout and Hagrid saw her as they too, decided to visit Dumbledore. Before going to Dumbledore, they met outside his office and discussed everything, till which time the 12 had told their story. And just before Dumbledore could speak further, the confused 6 entered.)


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