Amidst Our Hearts

By escritoraa__

90.1K 8.4K 522

Sakeena Ibrahim Abdulmaleek; Fierce, bold, challenging and brave. Never thought her life will turn out that w... More

Author's note/copyright
Cast | Aesthetics
Twenty one.
Twenty two.
Twenty three.
Twenty four.
Twenty five.
Twenty six.
Twenty seven.
Twenty eight.
Twenty nine.
Thirty one.
Thirty two.
Thirty three.
Thirty four.
Thirty five.
Thirty six.
Thirty seven.
Thirty eight.
Thirty nine.
Forty one.
Forty two.
Forty three.
Forty four.
Forty five.
Forty six.
Forty seven.
Forty eight.
Forty nine.
Fifty one.
Fifty two.
Fifty three.
Fifty four.
Fifty five.
Fifty six.
Fifty seven.
Fifty eight.
Fifty nine.
Sixty one.
Sixty two.
Sixty three.
Sixty four (Part I)
Sixty four (Part II)
Sixty five.
Author's note (Must read)
50k Reads💃 | New Book?


1.2K 117 2
By escritoraa__

Federal capital territory,


Two weeks later.

I am sprawled on my bed right now totally exhausted. We went for the competition two days ago and we won. Yay.

The house is seriously quite. Baba's went to the mosque for jumma'at prayer, Ya Adam went back to school a week ago, Amrah is over at Aunty Bilki's house for a sleep over.

Aunty Bilki is actually Baba's younger sister. She's literally my favourite aunty.

I lazily walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I sometimes hate school, thank God this term will soon end.

I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy black bath robe. I applied my creams and lotion and walked into the closet.

I picked a cotton maxi blue gown and tied matching blue turban. I did a very light nude makeup with nude pink lips.

I met Mamie downstairs watching Sunnah tv.

"Jumma'at Kareem Mamie na" I said kissing her cheeks.

"Are you going somewhere?" She said giving me the questioning look.

"Nop, I'm just going to the garden to take some pictures near the pool" I said waving my Canon camera. Have I mentioned I have a strong passion for photography.

"Okay sweetie have fun" she said grinning widely.

Okay that was weird!

After several shots with Fauziya, I am finally done.

I went back inside the house and the tv is off which means Mamie is in her room.

I went back to my room and transferred the pictures to my iPad ready for editing. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said. Mamie came in and sat on my bed.

"Khalifa is coming over after jumma'at services"She said.

"What? Which Khalifa?" I said surprised.

"Which Khalifa do you know?" She said smacking me.

"Ahh, Mamie, what is he coming to do here?"

"His mum sent him to Jabi to pick up a package sent to her but he apparently he doesn't know where Jabi is, so I told her that your free today and you guys can go together, pick up the package and give him a tour around Abuja". She said.

"But why me Mamie, doesn't he have cousins in Abuja?" I asked.

"He does but you pray zuhr, re touch your makeup, he'll be here in an hour" she said.

"And also, please Naisa be nice because I know that you can be rude sometimes" she said getting up from the bed.

"Okay Mamie" I mumbled under my breath.

I seriously can't believe this! why me Mamie?.

I carried my lazy self to the en suite to perform ablution. Thank God the foundation and everything I'm wearing is water proof so I don't have to wipe everything and applied it again.

I prayed and went downstairs to grab something to eat. I sat down in the living room watching Shake it up on Disney channel while munching on the leftover spaghetti and meatballs we had for dinner yesterday that I warmed up in the microwave.

After two episodes, I felt presence behind me. I looked up to see the intruder standing in the hallway.

"Oh my God, don't you know how to say Salam" I said trying to cover my hair. I removed the turban when I was going to perform ablution.

"Oh, Khalifa you're already here?" Mamie said when she reached the end of the stairs.

"Good afternoon Aunty Khadija" he said squatting down to show respect.

As if he is that respectful!

"How are you Khalifa, please proceed to he living room" Mamie said glaring at me.

"Naisa, why don't you go and tell Fauziya to bring some refreshments for our guest" she said.

"Okay Mamie" I said leaving the living room.

"Mamie said you should arrange some chin chin, samosas and drinks on a tray and take it to our guest" I said to Fauziya as I entered the kitchen.

She arranged everything on a tray and made way to take it to him, just then Mamie came in.

"Give me that" she said collecting the tray from Fauziya. "Naisa, take this" she said handing me the tray.

"What am I going to do with this Mamie?" I said looking at her with a questioning look.

"Go and take this to Khalifa now" she said with a stern voice and leaving now room for argument.

"Fine" I said collecting the tray.

"Here, close your hair with this" she said handing me the veil.

"Salam Alaykum" I said as I entered the living room.

"Wa'alaikis Salam" he answered.

I kept the tray on the center table and adjusted my dress.

"Thanks" he said looking up from his phone smiling.

Ohh he's so cute, and the dark blue kaftan and zanna bukar cap he's wearing looks really good on him.

"Naisa, why don't you serve him?" Mamie said pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Okay" I said opening the bottle of coke and pouring it into the tumbler.

Why am I serving him as his wife?

"Here" I said handing him the tumbler.

I feel like pouring this coke all over his handsome face!.

"Brain, what are you saying?"

I'm saying that his handsome.

"Well I gotta admit he is handsome."

See, you also agree.

"Shut up brain" I said fighting my inner voice.

"Sakeena" I heard his deep voice say.

Why are you doing this to me brain?

"Sakeena" he called again looking at me weirdly.

He collected the glass of coke I was holding and unbeknownst to me my veil has fall off.

I gave him the glass and adjusted my veil. Just then, Mamie said something pulling me out of my reverie.

"Naisa, why don't you go and then ready then you guys will leave?".


I went back to my room, re touched my makeup, tied my veil and picked up my black handbag containing my phone, charger, lipgloss, tissue paper, contact case and glasses.

"I'm ready, let's go" I said as I entered the living room.

"Okay, bye guys, have fun" I turned to look at Mamie as she mouthed be nice to me.



We drove out of their house onto the streets of Abuja.

"Where to first?" She asked in her gentle voice.

"Amma said there is a package I have to pick up for her in Jabi" I said my attention on the road.

She looks really beautiful in blue and it suits her chocolaty skin tone. I noticed that her eyes are blue today. Heck Everytime we meet her eyes changes colour, which only means two things. It's either she's a witch or she wears contacts but I just decided to go with the latter but the curiosity is killing me.

"I'm sorry but I have to ask why does your eyes keep changing colours" I asked. I heard her laugh lightly.

"You really want to know?" She asked and I nodded.

She moved closer to me on her seat and whispered in my ear with her scent clouding my mind.

"I'm a witch" she whispered in my ear.

"Oh really" I said going with the flow.

"Yeah really" she said chuckling.

"I wear contacts" she said after few minutes of silence.

"I thought of that" I said nodding.

She directed us to Jabi, picked up the package and we're back on the road now.
I kept stealing glances at her but her whole attention is on her phone.

"Do you have an aux cord in this car?" she said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, just open the dash board" I said looking at her.

"Stop staring at me, will you?" she said looking at me with her gorgeous blue eyes.

Just then, Next to you came by Becky G came blasting through the speakers. It's so funny she started dancing the moment the music started and she sang along.

🎶Do you remember when I met you in the summer
Sipping wine we talked for hours through the night
And you asked me if I'd like to know your number
For me to call and said that I got home all right.🎶

🎶But ohh we fell so deep
I had alot on my mind
I wasn't reading to find you
Cause I was so naive
I do this everytime
I wish that I could rewind it🎶.

🎶Are we a drop in the ocean now
All along that I let you down
All along I was searching for something new
Oh oh!
And I should have been there right next to you
Ooh ooh ooh
I should have been there right new to you🎶.

She sang along and she has a pretty good singing voice.

"Hey, look up!" she said to me. I looked up and doing her making a video on Snapchat.

"Smile" she said grinning at the camera. I smiled at the camera and turned my attention to the road because I'm still driving, we're on our way to ShopRite.

"C'mon Khalifa smile!" I heard her say.

"Sakeena I'm driving" I said. "You can take more videos once we stop"

"Okay" she said putting her phone back into her back.

We arrived at ShopRite after several minutes of driving.

"What are we doing here?" she said raising a brow at me.

"I need to get something" I said making it the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yay, let's go in" she said her eyes glistening with happiness. Every lady loves shopping.

After an hour of being indecisive, we we were finally at the counter.

"What are you doing?" I said as I saw her picking a credit card from her bag.

"I'm paying" she said handing her card over to the fair lady smiling at us.

"No, I'm paying" I said and she quickly agreed.

"Let's have ice cream" she said squealing like a girl who got a new Barbie doll.

"Okay" I said walking over to the ice cream stall.

I got plain vanilla ice cream and she got chocolate and vanilla with Oreo toppings.

"I'll pay for this one and that's final" she said sternly while I raise my hand in surrender.

We sat down to have our ice cream and once again, she brought out her phone and started taking videos.

"Khalifaaa!" she whined and I know what she means.

I beamed at the camera and she took a boomerang video with our ice creams. She posted with on her Snapchat story captioning it as '#out for an outing with my newest friend' with a butterfly and sparkle emoji.

"It's five already, let's finish up and drop you back home". He said looking at his Armani wrist watch.

"Okay, let's go" she said straightening her dress.

I helped her with the shopping bags and soon on the road to her house in gwarimpa.

She connected her phone with the blue tooth device and played

She sat in her seat, humming to the song and her phone pinged indicating a message.

She disconnected her phone from the Bluetooth device because it's a voice message and I respect her privacy.

I turned to looked at her because she has never been this quiet before only to see tears pooling in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I said concern lacing my tone.

"I'm fine, just drive" she said removing her contacts and staring outside the window.

We arrived at her house and immediately I parked the car, she opened the door immediately but I held her bag.

She turned to look at me with bloodshot eyes and just then, tears started falling from her eyes. My heart clenched at the sight.

"Here" I said handing her my handkerchief. She stared at me and I bended forward to wipe her tears and careful not to smudge her makeup.

At that moment, it's like time froze and we entered our own little world. I stared at her and she has the most beautiful brown hazel  eyes that I have ever seen, a well carved nose and small lips sitting perfectly on her face. She is the exact definition of black beauty.

"Thanks" she said sniffing and and collecting the handkerchief.

She went into the house and I have the guard the shopping bags at the back of the car, accidentally giving the guard Amma's package together with the bags.

One minute, she's happy and smiling and the next minute, she's crying.

I wonder what was in that message that made her cry. With her thought clouding my mind, I drove back home and that was how I slept that night.


Yoo guys, wassup!

Eid Mubarak🕌📿. May Allah accept all our Ibadahs and spear our lives to witness the next one.

Don't forget to;


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