A Grey Place • Kylo Ren

By Reann_White

16.8K 369 74

"They say a person's eyes are the windows to the soul and that was never more true than right now." *********... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen

*Bonus Chapter*

228 6 4
By Reann_White

This chapter takes place between 4 and 5, after the altercation in the cafeteria.

It had been hours since the unfortunate event in the cafeteria and despite eating the food that Kylo Ren had brought her, Alwyn was starting to get hungry again. What could she say, she liked to eat. Her stomach growled loudly and she knew she needed to go get food but the thought of returning to the cafeteria filled her with dread. She could handle herself that much was clear, but there was still the twinge of fear that next time she wouldn't be so lucky. At least she had training to look forward to. If anything it would give her the skills to use to find a way off the ship.

Alwyn drummed her fingers on her legs. With a deep breath she stood and walked into the hallway. Finding the cafeteria again was easy, all she had to do was follow her nose. She hoped to just sneak in, grab some snacks, and run back to her room. Luck was not on her side. As soon as she entered, the conversations lowered to a hush and all eyes darted to her figure. Apparently it didn't take long for news to spread amongst the troopers. Alwyn scoffed, bunch of gossip girls.

Alwyn tried to ignore the stares but she felt her face get red and tried to use her bangs to shield her face. Food was quickly pulled on a tray, but before she could leave a hand grasped her elbow. She turned and her eyes landed on the bright orange hair that could only belong to General Hux. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. What could he want with her?

"If you let them know they bother you, you're time here will be very difficult. And shut you're mouth, you'll catch flys." Alwyn hadn't realized her jaw had dropped. She quickly snapped it shut and cleared her throat.

"Now, come sit." The General led her to a table close to the back and she noticed his tray of food was already there. She took the seat across from him and watched his fingers drum on the table as he waited for her to take a bite first. They age in silence for a few minutes before Alwyn grew uncomfortable.

"What happened after I left earlier? Did Kylo Ren completely trash the cafeteria?" She saw the general's mouth lift in one corner.

"Luckily I arrived in time to stop a massive tantrum from occurring."

"Did the Stormtrooper... did Ren-"

"If you're asking if the trooper is dead, then no. He's not dead. Demoted to janitorial duties, yes. I for one was extremely surprised that the trooper wasn't ejected from the garage shoot." Alwyn laughed, causing several heads to turn their way. General Hux noticed her glance at the peering eyes.

"They're in awe." Alwyn cocked an eyebrow. "The infamous Kylo Ren is not known for meddling in the troopers...activities if you want to call it that. He never would have stopped them from messing with someone before today. They all want to know what makes you so special. Some say you must be force sensitive, others say you must just be a plaything for Ren's enjoyment." A crimson red raced arose her cheeks at the thought.

"And what do you think?" The general stared at her.
"I'm not sure what to think yet. But I know you aren't bad. And maybe keeping you around will keep more of my Stormtroopers from being killed by Ren and his episodes." Alwyn grinned as she realized that he actually made a joke.

"I may look intimidating on the outside but I'm a big softy once you get to know me, Huxy." She smirked at his bewildered look.

"Huxy? Do not call me that."

"Nope. It's stuck now. You will forever be dubbed as General Huxy in my book." The general turned his attention back to his food if only to hide the amusement on his face. This girl would be very interesting to keep around, and may just turn out to be a friend in the cold, dark expanse of space that Hux had traveled in for so long.

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