Overwatch High A.U

By SailorMoonClan

955 13 1

Tracer, after being affected by the slipstream project, is enrolled in Overwatch High. A school for the gifte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Update and notice
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 3

66 1 0
By SailorMoonClan

The lights went out in the school, Genji watched as tracer called her uber and went home as zenyatta drove home as well. Genji had told them he was going home, little did they know home was close by. Walking down the road Genji kicked aside empty cigarette containers and bottles of half drunk booze. He plugged in his headphones and tried to drown out the loud passing of cars. The headphones blared rock music, the guitar exploding out but just barely made the trip more enjoyable as the cars moving past him kept blowing chilly air past him. After about a mile Genji walked into the strip, most just being random food places, but in between a decent Thai place and a shut down gym, lied the laundry mat. Genji walked inside, The small place was filled with laundry machines with accompanying dryers. It was quiet as the night had claimed all the occupants, going home to their beds, Genji envied them. He walked to the back and put some change in a silver dispenser, producing a tablet of washing detergent. Genji picked out his usual spot and proceeded to change his clothes and put on a robe they provided. He stared at the machine. As the clothes tumbled Genji checked his phone, 12:00 AM. he sighed and put it away, this life was rough but at least it was a life. Genji looked at his right arm, he looked at the disgustingly pristine metal as he saw glimpses of his face, he looked atrocious. His eyes had bags and not to mention the metal plate that went along his jaw. Every time Genji spoke it stung, every time he moved it stung. He got used to it after a while. A ting came as the machine stopped, Genji grabbed them and placed the clothes in the dryer. After getting a snack from the vending machine and a fair bit of waiting, got his dry clothes and walked to the park across the street. The grass was oddly dry as he walked through the trees, skipping the trails and arrived at his mildly safe haven. A bench with a lamp post to its left. Genji went past the bench and dug in a large shrub to grab a plastic bag. Opening it he took out a blanket, he covered up and laid down. Genji stared at the stars, thinking about what brought him here. He thought about how just a few months ago he wasn't metal, he wasn't shunned by his family, Where his brother didn't do this to him. His thoughts felt too loud he wanted to scream but instead he just pulled out his headphones and started listening to some slow music. His mind drifted into sleep the night consuming him as his brain finally started to quiet down, as he finally fell asleep.


Genji's eyes fluttered open as he heard some footsteps approaching, slowly he looked over as he saw three men, Their clothes layered, tattered, and old. They've been homeless for a while. He lowered his head trying to avoid confrontation. Before long a sudden shove made him fall to the ground, Genji got to his feet and saw the three men sitting on the bench sharing his blanket. "Holy shit! He's a metal man" One of the men slurred, he was clearly drunk. "Guys, come on" Genji said in a tired, fed up voice. But they continued ignoring him and talked amongst themselves. Genji was furious "Get the fuck up now!" He shouted at them. The men shut up as they looked at Genji, all of them seemingly on the same page, they got up and started to size up Genji. A few seconds went by before the drunk man dashed at Genji approaching quickly, But Genji right hooked him, sending him to the ground, The other men started to throw punches Genji dodged them only getting struck a few times. Genji parried a grapple and took his hands together and pushed the man away before taking aim at the now closest man. Genji swept his leg under the man tripping him, before clenched his right hand and proceeded to punch the man in the face, he kept striking, blood pouring from the man's nose, face, and lip. Genji shot up and turned to the next man as he had already approached again leading with an obvious left, Genji leaned right, caught the arm and twisted him to the ground and with one swift strike, the quiet but ruffled atmosphere was filled with a snap and screams as the man cried out in pain. Genji then slammed his head into the concrete knocking him out. Genji looked over at the last man standing, as he wobbled he reached into his pocket he took out a handle and after a press of the switch, a long metal knife revealed with a "thunk". The man dashed quicker than expected as he swiped at his face causing a small slice of Genji's face as he backed away just in time. Genji launched forward, not letting him strike again as he grabbed the blade with his metal hand, he yanked it out of his hand and snapped the blade in half, shattering it. The man scared backed away grabbing an empty glass bottle chucking it as genji, catching it he approached the man and smashed the bottle over his head, forcing him to the ground and punching him over and over and over and over again until the man's face was covered in blood. Genji looked across the scene, blood spatter covered the pavement while it wasn't enough to kill any of them. It would still be a bitch to heal. "Shit!" he exclaims as he looks at his metal skin, his arm was covered in blood and words echo in his head from Angela when they had their meeting about his new body. About how anything that could thicken should be avoided getting inside the metal and joints. Genji started freaking out, He couldn't afford to clean it himself. He took out his phone and scrolled through his phone. He needed someone that could keep a secret but has the skill to remove and clean the metal. Scrolling through his contacts he found an old one but one he needed. He pressed the call button and put the phone to his ear. The phone rang once "This is dumb she's probably not even awake" he thought to himself. The phone rang twice "Come on please" he thought. A small connection click came from his phone "Hello? Genji? Is this a prank cause papa would kill me if he knew I was talking to a boy this late" Brigitte said in a sleepy voice "Brigitte your voice is music to my ears right now" genji said with a relieved sigh. Brigitte chuckled "What do you need anyway it's 1 AM man." she asked Genji rubbed his forehead "I got in a bit of a rough spot and need a favor" he admitted "Up for a repair job?" he asked. She stayed silent for a second. "Why not" she said "Meet me here" she said and on cue a text from her appeared on his phone with an address. "I owe you big time" Genji said as he hung up. Genji started towards the address, It was a three mile walk into town so he kept his pace up. About half way there he felt a large pain in his right elbow he knelt to the ground, it felt like his nerves were exploding as every motion in his elbow caused a burning sensation he glanced at it. A large blood stain was there, "It's already causing problems." he thought to himself. He wished he had a shower, if he could leave it under hot water for an hour it would be no problem. He didn't have that kinda luxury any more.

He kept walking the pain mellowing into a light sting. He arrived at the address in the middle of town. Outside of the building leaning against the door of a shop was Brigitte. She was wearing pajama pants and a crop top with a graphic of a gear, layered against it was a leather jacket with her auburn hair flowing in the chilly wind. "Man you are slow!" She exclaimed as she ran up and hugged Genji "Man it's been far too long man!" she said playfully, punching his shoulder. Genji laughed "Really has brig, Hows torb holding up?" he asked as she went to open the door she was leaning on. "Oh he's been great! He recently got a new job at overwatch" Brigitte said. The door opened revealing a workshop with state of the art equipment. "Really? As an operative?" he said sitting down, "Nope as a teacher" Brigitte said rummaging around for her basic supplies. "But before i give you the rest of that" Brigitte said, "What's the deal with the armor?" She asked him. "I mean i'm not complaining but kinda an odd look". Genji froze, he never told her about the accident. With a sigh he got up and took off his hoodie, Her face froze and all of the pigment from her face drained. "Genji, what the hell happened?" She said. Genji's heart tore in half when he saw her face, she didn't look disgusted or disappointed she looked scared and sad. She approached and traced her finger around where metal met skin, the horrid scars painting a painful story. "It was an accident" Genji muttered lying through his teeth and with one look from Brigitte, his lie's melted "Family is only family when you do what they want" Genji said hoping she would understand. She continued inspecting his arm noticing the blood spatter "I see you need some cleaning" She said as she went and gathered all of the materials. Genji and Brigitte went way back, they had met at middle school where they became friends because of their similar interests of Power rangers and rock music. He considered her to be his best friend since middle school. They lost connection in highschool as he left to go to overwatch high and she stayed in public highschool. He would trust her with his life. She returned with multiple rags and a cleaning solution. "So what's the issue?" She asked. Genji responded "The outside metal is basically like skin, it protects the synthetic muscle underneath." he started "Blood got underneath and its messing with the nerve connections, it's super durable but if anything besides water gets in it the muscles start to get glued together messing with connectivity and movement" Brigitte listened closely as she began to clean the outside "Is it safe to remove it?" She asked, finishing the outside of his arm. Genji let out a groan "Yeah but it's gonna hurt like a bitch" He started "The metal is connected to my nerve endings, so when it's removed it feels like skin being ripped off". Brigitte became flushed as she stopped in her track "A-Are you sure you need to do this" she asked. Genji nodded "If i don't then pretty soon i won't be able to move my arm" Brigitte nodded and started to remove the metal. She started to remove what metal she could. Exposing the bright red synthetic muscle, The bright red was contrasted by the dark crimson congealing blood. Genji clenched his teeth in the rag that Brigitte had given him. His breathing was heavy as he felt her clean the inner workings of his right arm, The pain lasted for what seemed like hours. Finally after a few minutes she reattached the metal and finalised the cleaning. "All done!" She exclaimed, taking the rag out of Genji's mouth. She looked into his eyes "You ok Genji?" she asked softly, Genji drenched in sweat gasped as he flooded his lungs with the air of the repair shop. "Not really but just give me a second" he said as he moved his arm, flexing and making sure everything moved right. After checking he nodded "It's good to go" He said with a sigh of relief "Thank you" he sighed as he leaned back and relaxed. Brigitte brought a chair and sat down. "Alright Genji tell me what's going on." She demanded with a stern voice. "Genji thought about dodging the question but knowing Brigitte she wouldn't let it go. "I'm......Kinda homeless at the moment" He said Brigittes face went blank "Homeless? How" She asked confused almost like she couldn't comprehend the thought. "I tested my fathers patience too many times." Genji mumbled in a somber tone. Brigitte took a second to process what he said "Genji. Did he do this?" Brigitte demanded from him, Genji stayed silent but slowly nodded. Brigitte stayed silent looking at Genji. Before bringing him into a hug, she embraced him tightly. Genji felt warm for the first time in months, after the incident no one really interacted with him. After the embrace Brigitte looked at him and stood up, "Well i'd hate for you to go back out there!" she exclaimed, popping the bones in her knuckles. "Why don't you stay here?" she asked beaming with a smile. Genji was taken aback, "Really?" he asked as he looked around, the shop filled with various tools and gear. With mainly motorcycle parts. "What is this exactly?" Genji asked, looking around. "When papa worked for overwatch he used this place to make all of his turrets" Brigitte said touring him around the quite large garage. "After he left this place was abandoned so he gave it to me to work on my stuff" Genji looked around the workbenches we covered in tools, and a motorcycle covered by a sheet. She led him to the back where a small thin mattress was made. Notes scattered around, it seems like she had quite a few all nighters with a few luxuries. "Is it really ok if i stay here?" Genji asked He pulled out his wallet and grabbed the few bills but before he could offer Brigitte stopped him "Seriously? I'm not gonna take money from a friend let alone a homeless man" She chuckled "Besides I have to get some work done so i need to stay here, So get comfy!" she said walking away, sounds of wrenches could be heard. Genji set an alarm and practically fell into the mattress. It was heaven, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep into a calm sleep.

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