The Final Cycle: A Zodiac Sto...

By cosmic_1221

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In the beginning, there were the Great Gods and their creations throughout the five Realms. But with beautifu... More



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By cosmic_1221

A week passed at the house without much more problems. The Zodiac unanimously agreed to not bring up Martian Bloodlust and to give Aries and Scorpio their space. Outside of that, training went as smooth as it could, and there wasn't a single demon sighting.

Scorpio was more than fine with the distance. He wasn't too much of a fan of talking to the others anyway. Every day, after yet another session of failed training, he'd spend time alone in his room, going over why he couldn't manage his element like the others.

He was beyond grateful that Virgo went out of her way to spend time with him. Every night, after everyone else went to sleep, the goddess would sneak up to his room where they'd simply talk. Scorpio would vent his frustrations, Virgo would give calming suggestions, and at the very end, she'd hug him and disappear, probably back to her room.

It was a routine Scorpio craved. Which was why he had an odd, and rather unnerving smile on his face every single time Hecate blasted him with ice. She was aware he was more giddy than usual but wasn't pressed enough to push an explanation out of him.

Not even Leo's insults and banter could ruin Scorpio's mood. Today, his attitude was quite egregious, including shoves, barks, and even a good throw halfway across the Field. Had Aries not stopped his friend, he would have probably been dealt worse. Scorpio would have put Leo in his place on his own, but he knew the moment he'd retaliate, Virgo wouldn't visit him, and that wasn't worth the risk.

Now, the sun had set over the Zodiac house, and the Signs each took to their own after dinner. Scorpio - much like the past week - was trying to enjoy his time alone playing with the new billiards table Hecate conjured in an open space by the gentleman's room.

Unfortunately, Sagittarius had made it her mission to drive him insane.

Currently, she was leaning over the pool table beside him, giving little to no personal space. He had to grit his teeth to keep his tail from smacking her across the room. "Oooo," She cooed with a laugh, completely unaware that Scorpio was already fed up with her shenanigans. "Almost there, Scorpio! Two more balls in and you win!"

"I know," Scorpio seethed, leaning over the table as he aimed his shot. "Do you have to keep talking?"

"If I don't, who will?" As Scorpio took his shot, she jumped up and startled him, completely throwing off his angle. He growled in frustration, nearly snapping his cue stick in half. "Whoops..." Sag apologized with a nervous laugh.

"Sagittarius," Scorpio started slowly, after taking a breath to calm down. "Why the fuck are you even here? Don't you have anyone else to annoy the hell out of?"

"Nope!" Sag piped, prancing around the table to be by Scorpio's side. "I wanna hang out with you, just like good old times! Even if you're still a super buzzkill."

Good times? Her words made him hesitate. Scorpio was fond of Sag and has been for years, but he knew the truth of their relationship. They were, in simple terms, toxic and utterly dysfunctional. Scorpio would rather lock himself in hell than get back with her, for both of their sake. "Sag, we didn't-"

"Sure we did!" She exclaimed, patting him on the shoulder. "We had a lot of fun together-"

"When, outside of fucking each other?"

"Uhhh... sex is fun!"

"Yes, it is, but if that's all we really had, was it really a good time?" He questioned without looking at her, lining up for his next shot. Her sudden quietness made him realize he might have hurt her, so he quickly added, "Sag, listen. I don't regret dating you. I don't regret losing my virginity to you. But it was during a time when you and I were both immature and vulnerable, and it's definitely something I don't want to salvage."

His next shot was crisp and precise, with his cue ball knocking the last of his balls into the holes. Sag still didn't respond. Scorpio but his tongue, mentally kicking himself for disrupting an otherwise normal conversation.

"Sag," He stated again, finally facing her. Her head was down, obscuring her eyes. "It wasn't a mistake. We weren't a mistake."

"I don't think we were," She countered with a glare Scorpio had never seen before, let alone directed to him. "Why won't you admit we had at least one good time together?"

"Because they were few and far between."

"So what?" She exclaimed, snatching his cue stick and promptly dropping it on the pool table. "Sure we argued a lot, and you made me feel like I was in a box, and I cheated on you, but so what?! We laughed, we played, we had fun, Reyes. And I am not dropping this conversation until you admit that."

"Why the fuck do you care all of a sudden?" He snapped back. Memories flashed through him, intense shouting matches resulting in heated make-out sessions and tearing clothes to reveal faded hickeys- "Hold on, Sag, come on... don't do this-"

"Don't do what?" She challenged, puffing out her chest. Scorpio forced himself to keep his eyes on her pretty face.

It was an endless cycle, one that Scorpio craved, and wished he threw away and burned. Watching her get worked up, and him getting worked up in return... it was a passion that he could never match with any of his mindless flings. Sag knew the exact thing to say to make Scorpio pin her down and fuck her senseless right then and there.

But, as enticing and distracting filling her up was, he knew if he had sex with her again, he'd be a dead man in more than several ways. Aries would give him a worse beating than Capricorn's. Virgo would never speak to him again. That was enough for him to grab her hands and sigh.

"Sag, I..." Now that his temper cooled down, he realized she was right. As much as he would vehemently deny himself a good anything, Sag was a wild, exciting, amazing, horrible mess, and the more Scorpio thought about it, the more his heart twisted and made him dizzy. "Alright, alright, we had fun. Happy? Again, why the fuck do you care?"

"Because!" She cried, forcefully shoving him away. "I don't want to make that mistake again, I don't want to ruin another relationship!"

Her eyes, already naturally red, grew bloodshot from tears. Scorpio flinched, multiple flashes of him making her cry come to his mind. He shook them away, and put an easy hand on her shoulder. "Hang on," He said slowly, in an attempt to calm down. "You don't ruin relationships. We're still friends, and we both know we can't be any more than that."

"But that's just it," She shoved him away again, turning so she wouldn't face him. "What if I mess up again? What if Aries gets too close and I panic and then rebound with you and then he gets mad and then you two fight and everything explodes!"

If Scorpio wasn't used to her panic-rambling, he would have completely lost what she said. Every word sunk in, especially Aries. Scorpio wasn't sure if she replicated Aries's obvious feelings, but her spill revealed the answer. It made him smile. "You and Aries, huh?" He asked with a smirk. "What makes you think you'd fuck anything up with him?"

"I fucked up with you..."

"But I'm not him," He encouraged, sucking his teeth. Scorpio never knew how to feel about his constant comparisons with Aries, and he was sure Aries didn't know how to feel about it either. "Sag, if you can put up with me and my bullshit, you can do anything."

She didn't respond again, and Scorpio didn't make her. "We didn't work out because I'm fucked in the head and you need someone better," Scorpio explained honestly, leaning against the pool table. His hair was down and constantly got in his face. "You and I both know that."

"Virgo does too," That nearly made him slip against the table. A hard glare at Sag didn't stop her laugh from restoring. "Oh come on, you've totally got the hots for her! It makes sense, she's pretty and won't put up with your shit. A perfect match I'd say~"

"Shut up, Sag."

"Make me, Reyes," She countered with her own smirk. After Scorpio restrained himself from shutting her up sexually, Sag shrugged. "Not my fault you fell for the only person who wouldn't sleep with you the moment they laid eyes on you~"

"I don't want to have a fling with her." He snapped, biting his tongue."

Sag raised a teasing eyebrow. In an overly high-pitched voice, she teased, "Oh really? Aw, Scorpi, you wanna take her out on pretty little picnics, and hold her hand, and give her little kisses?" She snorted into a burst of laughter, holding her sides. "That's hilarious!"

"Yeah, I bet it-" Scorpio didn't finish his sentence; a terrible shiver ran through his body, even though his tail.

Sag had stopped laughing, stiffer than a plank of wood. Even her ears were still.

All they had to do was look at each other once before they both dashed down the stairs. Oddly, no one else was in the living room, giving the house a much more eerie air than Scorpio would have liked to admit. Unfortunately, his frantic mind showed in his voice when he asked, "Where the hell is everyone?"

"Asleep..." Sag waited for a second too long before her left ear flicked,  then she quickly answered his question. "Outside."

They wasted no more time dashing to the Field. Sag was right, in part. The only other Signs outside were Virgo and Aquarius. From Scorpio's angle, he could tell Virgo was frowning and Aqua was smiling. "What the-" Sag was about to ask but her question cut off at the sight of a woman before them.

Behind the strange woman, a looming, ominous circle swirled. The circle was an array of flowing purples, mixing into an intimidating void.

Somehow, Scorpio connected that the circle was a Portal, and was the reason why he felt so uneasy. It was like a natural reaction, like an animal's need to run from its predator.

The woman seemed unfazed by the obstruction behind her. She was busy looking at what Scorpio realized to be a map. Scorpio doubted she even noticed them.

"No way..." Phil whispered.

The woman finally looked up at Phil's words. Scorpio's mouth fell slightly. She was beyond beautiful, with golden, gleaming snake eyes and the height perfect for both a model and a basketball player. Her hair was a oddly curly and unkept, like Scorpio's but much less maintained. Even from a distance, he could tell that she had rough, almond-colored skin.

She blinked once, scanning the group. The moment her eyes landed on Aquarius, her lips broke into a smile, revealing fangs. "Friend!" She exclaimed, her voice clouded with an accent Scorpio couldn't pinpoint.

"It is you!" He answered in time, smiling back. Everyone, including his father, gave him a questioning look. Hecate had a nasty glare coupled with hers. "What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"Yes," Phil interjected, stepping forward. "Ophi, I don't think you are supposed to be here."

Ophi...? "That is correct, Immortal One." The woman - Ophi - answered. Phil shrunk at the name and did not elaborate when Aqua widened his eyes at him. "I am here on my own accord. Please, if you are free of mind from those blasphemous goddesses, do not alert the Cursed Realm of my absence." Scorpio didn't like how his gut agreed with what Ophi called Hecate and Virgo.

"Sure," Aqua agreed without hesitation. "We won't say a word."

"I have full trust in you, friend." Her eyes scanned the group again, and that was when her eyes met Scorpio's. They widened, for just a second, expressing some form of surprise. It was gone before Scorpio could process it, and Ophi was already onto something else. "I am here because I seek something of value, and I cannot contain my curiosity for it any longer. It is rumored that the World Of Knowledge is in the Mortal Realm. Are those rumors accurate?"

"Spill it, Ophiuchus." Hecate snapped, summoning her scepter and holding it toward Ophi. "Tell me why you are here. Now, before I send you back where you belong."

"And why should I address you with respect, Blasphemer?" Ophi countered with equal venom, her eyes glowing into a menacing gold as she summoned her own weapon. It was a golden and silver staff that elongated the moment it appeared into her hand. "You will do nothing more than lead the Zodiac astray." She scoffed. "I have also heard rumors of the Zodiac being controlled by blasphemy. And it seems that that rumor is true."

"Wait!" Aqua yelled, raising his hands. "Ophi, how... do you know that we're the Zodiac? You don't have to talk to Hecate, you can just talk to me instead."

"And who is she Aqua?" Virgo asked suddenly asked with a glare equally menacing as her mother's. "How do you know her?"

"I will explain to you, Blasphemer," Ophi gently laid her map to the ground and held her staff with both hands. She made a stiff and powerful stance, then raised her voice with full conviction. "He and I are of the same kind, we are both Realm Crossers and Sharpminds. I met him many Mortal days ago, but have not seen him since... If it will gain your trust, I will reveal my true self to you. I go by many names, but my most common one is Ophiuchus, and my title is the Forgotten Thirteenth." Her body vibrated a bit when she said her title, and Scorpio knew she was telling the truth.

Her smile returned as she continued and eased. "I have shared this with you because... I feel in my very ashes that you are Zodiac Signs. It is my duty to trust you with my life."

"You have a title! Are you a Sign, too?!" Aqua eagerly asked, with much too much enthusiasm.

"That's a loaded question, bud..." Phil answered for him, rubbing his neck. "I'll explain more later. Ophi," He addressed Ophi again, to which she looked at him with expectant and obedient eyes. "Tell us what you want, and we'll get it for you."

"That cannot be done," Ophi replied with a small bow. "I must retrieve it myself, for I am the only one who can identify it. I have a mind equipped to travel the World of Knowledge on my own. Do you have it, Immortal One?"

"Maybe... but how do I know you won't just report this all to the Demon King?"

"I will not, I swear on Erebus's soul." Scorpio noticed Hecate stiffen at the name. "If I report my findings, the Demon King will know that I left the Cursed Realm on my own. If he and the Queen find out..." She suddenly shuddered again, this time shrinking with fear. "I will be given a Mental Devastation unlike any other. Please, do not report of my presence here... please!"

"We won't," Aqua assured her with a nod. Even if Hecate had objected, that wouldn't have kept him from straying from his word. Scorpio knew Aquarius to be many things, but fickle was not one of them.

"I am grateful for that, friend." Ophi nodded. "My question has yet to be answered. Does the World of Knowledge reside in this Realm?"

"Um... what is the World of Knowledge?"

For a second, Ophi's eyes widened again, startled. Phil raised his hands, taking more steps. The entire time, Hecate's glare didn't let up once. "Don't worry, Ophi," Phil told her. "The World of Knowledge has many names. We just call it something different in the Mortal Realm. It's here, right in that house."

"I see. Why do you wield it, Immortal One?"

"Why do you want to go in it?"

Scorpio thought Ophi laughed. It was so stiff and monotonous, it was hard to tell, even less if it was sarcastic. "A question with a question," She said, smiling wide. "Ever crafty, Immortal One. Very well, I will not ponder over your reasoning. I will simply ask you if I can retrieve what I need."

Phil glanced at Hecate, then at the rest of the Signs. Scorpio noticed Phil's gaze on him linger. "Can I ask them? It is their house, after all."

Ophi nodded once. "You may. I agree with the consultation of the Zodiac... but must that consultation include the Blasphemers?"

"Yep, Hecate and Virgo count too."

"Very well."

"Come on, everyone, let's head inside for a second. Ophi, stay here, alright? And... stay out of our heads, if you can."

"I will do my best to restrain myself."

"Thank you."

Slowly, the four Signs filed back into the house; Once everyone was settled at and around the kitchen table, Aqua was the first to plead Ophi's  case, "Dad, we have to help her." He said as soon as he sat down. His eyes were unfocused, and Scorpio believed he was talking to someone else in his head. "Trust me-"

"Aquarius... you met her once." Phil sighed, rubbing the bridge between his nose. "In your head. You don't have a single idea who she is and what she's capable of."

"But dad-"

"Listen to me, Aqua." Phil hardened his voice, forcing unnatural steel through, promptly shutting Aqua up. "And everyone else, too. Ophiuchus is a Realm Crosser, and in other Realms, she isn't even considered a person. Just like the Divine Realm treats theirs... the Cursed treat her like a tool, a weapon conditioned to obey the word of her masters. She doesn't think for herself. That's why I'm worried about her being here... what does she want?"

Phil's explanation silenced the Signs. Even Aqua didn't have a rebuttal for once. Leaning back in his chair, Scorpio looked up to the ceiling for an idea. "What do you think she wants?" He asked Phil.

"I wouldn't have any idea... Do we risk it? The Cursed already know we're here anyway..."

"If the Cursed get their hands on anything in the Universal Library," Hecate interjected, her voice still scarily even. "The entire timeline could be put in jeopardy. She probably can't even touch most of the books there-"

"The timeline is already in jeopardy!" Aqua exclaimed. Most of the Signs, even Hecate were taken aback by his outburst. Scorpio only raised an eyebrow. "We're fighting for our lives against the most powerful and terrifying god in the universe, and it's probably all your fault! The least we can do is help Ophi... maybe, through her, we could learn about ourselves."

When Hecate's glare relented into a hurt look, Scorpio even felt guilty for the woman. That guilt quickly festered into a rage when Scprio noticed Virgo's worried expression towards her mother. If there was anything else Hecate wanted to say, she held her tongue.

Phil broke the silence with a sigh. "Alright, alright... All in favor of helping Ophi get what she wants so she can go home?"

Slowly, the rest of the Signs raised their hands. Scorpio did, too, even if he wasn't too sure about what he was agreeing to. On accident, his eyes met Virgo's across the table, and he tried to reassure her with a smile.

"Well, it's unanimous." Phil declared with another sigh. Scorpio wasn't too happy with Phil being so unsure of this woman. "Hecate, let Ophi know-"

Ophi appeared in the kitchen so suddenly, she even made Scorpio flinch. "The Blasphemer has told me that the Zodiac have reached their decision."

"They have," Phil told her. "They'll let you search for what you want, but I and some of the Signs will go with you. Deal?"

"That is quite fair, Immortal One." Ophi gave him a small bow. Scorpio was surprised she didn't argue going alone. "I would have questioned your motives had you suggested otherwise. Will you also choose the Signs that accompany us?"

"That was the plan..." Phil looked around the group, probably wondering who he'd be able to trust the most with someone like this. "Scorpio, Virgo, and Aquarius." Hecate was about to protest, but Phil raised a hand. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. It's much safer to have two psychics around Ophi... besides, she can handle this."

Hecate didn't look convinced, and neither did Scorpio. He, for one, felt strange about Ophi, and her entire existence posed numerous questions that he'd rather not think about. Can she hear my thoughts...?

"Yes, Blasphemer, I will not harm anyone in the Zodiac," Ophi attempted to reassure her in her own way. "The moment I do, then you may strike me down."

For the first time since they were interrupted from their conversation, Scorpio noticed Sag idly resting her head on the table, her messy hair splayed down her back. She looked beyond tired, and not at all offended that she wasn't picked to go on their mini-expedition. Scorpio rubbed her back out of habit, feeling mildly concerned that he might have added to her internal weariness.

Scorpio stood, silently picking her up. No one objected to him doing so, nor him walking away to her room. Sag clung to him the entire time, mumbling strange nothings into his shoulder. He dropped her into her bed with as much tranquility as he could muster, even pulling her covers up. He closed the door and walked back to meet the group, rolling his eyes at all the stares. "Come on, let's get this over with," He mumbled, brushing past Ophi and back to towards the girls' bedrooms.

Why was I even picked...? He couldn't help but wonder. There was only one reason that came to mind: Scorpio would absolutely kill that woman if she even thought about hurting Virgo. Scorpio wasn't nearly as concerned for everyone else, and when Ophi's eyes met his again he knew she got the message. Even if she didn't even flinch from his gaze. What is up with this girl...

Silently, the group made their way down to the gates of the Universal Libary. Phil opened the doors unceremoniously, leading the way inside. Scorpio's eyes had to adjust to the suddenly dimmed light.

Surrounding them were countless dark shelves, messily cluttered with darker books. There was hardly any light except for the glow of an occasional stone at the top of the shelves. The only other person who didn't seem to be unnerved from the place was Ophi.

"This isn't right..." Virgo said slowly. Her voice was shaky, and Scorpio reached for her hand. She took it and smiled at him, warming Scorpio's cheeks. "This isn't the way we came the first time..."

"That's because this is a different section," Phil explained as he ushered the group forward. "This is the Cursed section, and every book here is written in the Cursed Language. Scorpio, can you read anything?"

Still holding Virgo's hand, he asked, "Why would I? I've never seen it-" He glanced at the spines of the books, reading each one that passed with perfect ease. Inside a Blasphemer's Mind... The Twistation of the Plan... Looming Over the Grand Horizon... Every word made his insides squirm like worms. Scorpio didn't want to say any of them aloud, and he didn't have to. Phil nodded when he saw the Sign go quiet.

Of course, Aqua was curious as to what Scorpio saw, but was smart enough to try himself instead of ask. Ophi blinked and said with a raised, clawed finger, "Only the Cursed understand the Cursed Language. It is impossible for other beings to communicate with it, for it is a precise and twisted word."

"Wow..." He said, amazed. "Can you read it then?"

"Of course! I am half- Cursed, after all."

"And the other half...?" Virgo questioned with a raised eyebrow. Scorpio was curious too, even more, after Ophi's mouth tightened.

"My mother is Divine," She said stiffly, keeping her gaze from everyone. "She is a Blasphemer, like you... but she is the greatest Blasphemer of them all."

Ophi didn't elaborate, and the conversation was awkwardly dropped. Aqua visibly burned with more questions but never asked them out loud. He was quite grateful for that; Aqua's rambling would have definitely sent him further on edge.

"Any of the books look familiar, Ophi?" Phil asked after another few minutes of uncomfortable walking. "If you're even looking for a book..."

"That I am," Ophi confirmed, glancing at each shelf they passed by. "I will alert you when it is brought upon me, Immortal One."

"Why do you keep calling him that?" Another question of Aqua's bubbled over. "His name is Phil... you don't have to be so formal."

"I will give the Immortal One his respect by calling him by his title," Ophi said. "He is the only immortal Mortal to exist, and deserves to be respected as such."

"He's immortal?!" Aqua exclaimed. When no one else reacted, his excitement heightened. "You knew?!"

"It slipped the first time we were in here," Virgo simply said and shrugged, raising her held hand. Scorpio was glad that she was easing up, and hoped it was because of him.

"My dad being immortal... slipped in a conversation?"


"Dad why didn't you-"

Phil didn't let his son finish. "Later," He snapped, without even looking back. Scorpio watched Aqua's eagerness slowly dwindle into hurt. He wished he had some sympathy for the oldest Sign, but it was a little hard knowing that he too had a tendency to withhold information.

The conversation was yet again dropped into a heavy lull, one that wasn't broken for quite some time. Scorpio stuck to alternating between staring at Virgo and reading the spines of the books he passed. Every time the knots in his stomach made him nearly nauseous, Virgo rubbed his back and reassured him with silent kindness. He kept reading, looking, for what, he had no idea. But he did know that every uncomfortable word was worth it as long as Virgo was there to touch him.

After endless minutes - and even more walking - Scorpio stumbled upon a particular spine on a higher shelf.

Thirteenth Sign Volume I: The Forgotten Thirteenth

Scorpio pointed before he scaled the wall himself and grabbed it. Dropping back down, he held the dark book to Ophi. "I think this is it," He told her.

She, and everyone else, stared at it for a second before her beautiful smile quickly returned as she took the book from him with shaky hands. "Do my eyes deceive me...?" She whispered, looking at the cover over and over. Scorpio couldn't help but think how cute her widened eyes were. "They... they do not! This is real! I am real!"

Ophi didn't seem to notice how uncomfortable her last statement made everyone, but Scorpio doubted she cared. Her dark curls bounced with her robotic laughter before she grabbed Scorpio's hands and looked into his eyes. "Thank you," She told him. "Thank you... thank you for finding me, for confirming my existence. This means beyond Realms to me... and I am forever grateful and in your debt."

"Hey, don't mention it, Ophi," Aqua told her with his own smile. "We were glad to help! Anything you need, just ask!"

Scorpio and Virgo both gave Phil a look at Aqua's words, but the old man only blankly stared at the two. Neither his son nor Ophi physically noticed, but it was impossible to tell if they truly did. Scorpio knew it was best not to press on it, especially when Phil said with a strained smile, "Just be sure to try and warn us next time, alright?"

"As you wish, Immortal One," She agreed. "I will do my best to give you, the Blasphemer, and the rest of the Zodiac a warning before I return."

"Thank you... is that all you wanted?"

"Yes! This is much more than enough! As promised, I will take my leave now-"

"Wait!" Aqua stopped her as she turned and raised her hand. "Do you have to leave now? Can't you stay just a little longer?"

Ophi pouted, holding her book close. "I cannot. I am sorry, Friend Aquarius, but I must return home. If the King and Queen were to find me..." She didn't finish her sentence, but she didn't have to. Her shudder told Scorpio all he needed to know.

Still, Aqua pushed. "But what about what you told me? I'm still looking for the other Realm Crosser-"

"Ophi!" Phil interrupted them both with gritted teeth. Aqua glared at his father and Ophi only blinked. "Portal. Now."

"Yes, Immortal One," Ophi gave him another small bow, before raising her free arm away from the group. A moment hardly passed before a Portal appeared, right in the aisle. It wasn't as big as before - just enough for her to walk through. She let it stay open, clearly unfazed from the uncomfortable looks the Zodiac gave her from it. "Goodbye, Friend Aquarius. Goodbye Blasphemer..." Ophi paused when she looked at Scorpio again, her pout growing. She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly shut it, harshly turning towards the Portal and walked through.

A moment later, and the Portal closes in on itself, leaving the Universal Library much dimmer.

Phil wasted no time retracing his steps back to the entrance, with the Signs following his brisk pace. "What the hell was that?" Aqua asked. Scorpio's eyes were on the shelves again, but he knew Aqua was glowering toward his father, "Why were you so rude to her?"

"Later, Aqua," Phil answered just as harshly, not looking back.

"Later doesn't work for me."

"Well it better," Phil stopped dead in his tracks to meet his son's eyes. He was more than a few inches shorter than Aqua, but that did nothing to sedate the overflowing intimidation. Scorpio felt a touch on his hand and immediately grasped it, knowing it was Virgo. "Because you're going to wait, whether you want to or not, you hear me? Besides..." He turned again, back to walking at the same impatient pace. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

No other words were exchanged. Scorpio watched Aquarius burn holes into the back of his father's skull. He didn't need to be psychic to know what the Realm Crosser was thinking.

You have a lot of explaining to do, too.


Chapter 30 is literally in the books now! Though It didn't turn out the way I expected, I'm still super proud of this, and more than eager to hear your feedback/theories! Don't hesitate to tell me what you think!

Thanks so much for 8K reads! Your love and reading has kept me writing and continuing this story for months, and will continue for months more! 💖

Stay Starry! 💫

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