A Spark In Your Eyes

By dea__adel

3K 140 12

Yua Midoriya has always been the protector of the family. Ever since her dad left to work abroad, she took it... More

Author Note
~ Prologue ~
~ Chapter 001 ~
~ Chapter 002 ~
~ Chapter 003 ~
~ Chapter 005 ~
~ Chapter 006 ~
~ Special Chapter 006.1 ~
~ Chapter 007 ~
~ Chapter 008 ~
~ Chapter 008.1 Special ~
~ Chapter 009 ~
~ Chapter 010 ~
~ Chapter 011 ~
~ Chapter 012 ~
~ Chapter 013 ~
~ Chapter 014 ~
~Chapter 015~
~ Chapter 0016 ~

~ Chapter 004 ~

176 10 1
By dea__adel

As Yua ran in the forest, towards the general direction her brother was at, she finally saw the fire that was spreading...the saw the blue fire that was covering the ground.

She denied this blue fire having any connections to him, it just wasn't possible in her head and so she continued to run towards the cliff that was starting to show, seeing Izuku's green flashes of light in the distance.

As she run she was suddenly tackled down by another villain.

"And where do you think you're going?" He sneered

"Well, certainly away from you" She replied back, dodging another attack from him

As she kept dodging his attacks she though of a plan of attack on her own.

'I'm barely able to fight back on my own, even with my own training' she thought 'the only way I could possibly win this is letting go of my control over my Quirk but that could be dangerous' she kept thinking


In a flash she was in front of him after dodging, putting her hand on his chest and looking him straight in his eyes

"Now" her voice became melodious towards the villain "You are going to surrender yourself without a fight" she continued, the villain repeating her words.

"Good" she said and then knocked him out.

'Now, back to Izuk-' she saw a flash of blue fire on her left and in that exact moment her pinky started hurting from the string.

"N-No..." she said as she changed her course, running towards the blue flames

She couldn't believe it, that Dabi, her soulmate, was involved in this in some way.

As she got to the clearing she saw three people, one of which was the raven haired she grew accustomed to.

As she took a step, Dabi turned to look at her, both their eyes widening as the string that connected them grew even more tighter.

Before any of them could say something, a big mass fell in between them.

"I know those brats!! Who're they!! " one of the other two people said

Yua eyes widened even more if that was possible because in that mass, there he was, her brother, bruised and in a very bad shape, barely able to stand on his feet.

"Mister" Dabi's voice said, Yua's moving her attention from Izuku to him "Dodge" he continued, while also giving her a look.

"Roger" the guy replied back and rapidly Dabi released a big wave of blue flames.

As the wave got closer to the kids in front of her, Yua's senses of fight and flight were overrun. She could care less about her right now, all that mattered was saving them.

"Enough" she said, running towards the fire, knowing it won't hurt her, a small shield being put behind her to protect the children.

Dabi watched her carefully, not wanting to hurt her in any way, even if from what they both seen that day, his fire was harmless.

"Y-Yua..s-stay back" Izuku said, trying to get to her sister and out of the cover the shield provided but screaming in pain when the flames licked at him.

"I said..."Yua started saying, taking a deep breath, her shield being dissolved into thin air and her falling on her knees.

Not being fitted for battle, any way she used her Quirk except for healing took a big toll on her body.

It was quite like Izuku's situation, his body wasn't yet ready for the full potential of his Quirk.

Meanwhile, the villains known as Twice and Toga started attacking Shoto and Izuku while Mr. Compress talked to Dabi about having Bakugo.

As he wanted to show him the pearl, Shoji showed that in fact he had taken the pearls back.

Suddenly a black mass appeared behind Dabi on one side and behind her on the other side.

As Dabi was mad that they lost the pearls, Mr Compress stopped him and started laughing, then he showed the real pearls were in in mouth.

Yua released the breath she held, her eyes turning purple while marking started appearing on her body. It was too much for her, the blood, the pain, Izuku hurt, Dabi being here.

She just...snapped.


Everyone stopped and looked at her, seeing the girl rising on her feet.


Izuku seeing what was going on, kept his classmates safe from his sister's wrath, remembering that day a couple of years ago.


Dabi's eyes widened, sensing the power coming from the person that was tied to him.

Suddenly a purple-reddish wave came out of her and going towards the villains, hurting Mr Compress in the process and making him drop the pearls while completing avoiding Dabi.

As Shoto and Shoji went to grab them, Yua was on her knees once again and exhausted, not having used this power in a long time, watching the scene before her.

One of the pearls was taken by Dabi and Mr Compress soon released his Quirk so that they could check they grabbed indeed Bakugo.

Yua got rapidly on her feet, running at full speed towards Dabi and Bakugo, not wanting to leave him alone.

"I love you Yua" a young Katsuki said, while playing hide and seek with the Midoriya's siblings.

"I love you too Katsuki" she replied, smiling and ruffling his hair

"You're the big sister I never had" he mentioned, making the young girl emotional, and giving him a tight hug.

"Stay back..." Bakugo said "Deku." he said, seeing how the youngest Midoriya was trying to get to him.

Before the portal closed, Yua surpassed her brother and the rest of Class 1-A, grabbing onto Dabi and getting sucked in the portal too, their eyes on each other, a million thoughts going through Dabi's mind as he looked at her green eyes.





'I honestly don't know what I was thinking, or if I was thinking back then.

All I wanted was to keep the kids safe.

I saw first hand what Dabi was capable of and although I knew he wasn't the brains behind it, I still didn't want him to hurt Bakugo.

Honestly, if anything, that moment where I found myself in a bar, face to face with Dabi while the rest of the League looked at us...I think that was the moment Dabi realized, what exactly that string between us meant.'





Blue flames suddenly surrounded Yua and Dabi, the latter not giving a shit about the others at this point.

"Are you mad?" he said, fierce eyes gazing at her

He couldn't comprehend this feeling in his chest, this constriction on his heart.

He hated it.

He hated the feelings she brought out of him.

"Tell me dove..." he said "Are you fucking mad??" he shouted while getting face to face with her.

The sound of a slap echoed in the bar, the flames being immediately extinguished and the rest of the League and Bakugo - who was now chained - looking at the two.

"I'm mad?!" she replied "I'm the one that's mad you say?"

"Uh! That's hilarious!" she continued

"I'm not mad Dabi, I'm enraged ! This is one of my students here you took! Of course I would jump in to protect him! " Yua continued

Perhaps she wasn't a teach at U.A. , but she still entered in contact with them and she considered them her students.

'Stupid soulmate bond' she thought to herself, pissed at how he was involved in this situation, mad at herself for hating him but still wanting to get to know him.

"Dabi, kill her and get over with it, or I will" Yua looked towards the voice, noticing it was the same guy back at USJ Center

"Or perhaps...I will take the pleasure to kill her first" The guy, also knows as Shigaraki said, smiling deviously before starting to walk towards her, his palms itching to touch her skin, remembering their encounter a few months prior.

Dabi saw red after hearing Shigaraki's words.

Blue flames, hotter than the ones before, wrapped around Yua, Dabi snarling towards Shigaraki

"Don't you dare fucking touch her" He replied back enraged, the flames he already created growing even more.

Yua sighed, coming out of them and walking towards Bakugo, checking on him.

Everyone just stared at her, while Dabi just sighed back.

"Look, lucky for you I'm shit at fighting, but for what it's worth, I can heal people." she began

"Is that enough to trade my freedom for the kids'?" she asked

"Well, why let one go, when you can have both? What do you say, wannabe hero Katsuki Bakugo?" Shigaraki replied "Won't you join me?"

"You can shove your offer and go to hell!" Bakugo replied back, looking then towards the green haired female, remembering a time where she was as an elder sister figure to Katsuki too, back when he and Midoriya were still friends.

Shigaraki tried convincing Bakugo to join them but the kid kept replying back in a negative manner, even throwing an insult or two back.

Meanwhile, Dabi walked near the two prisoners, trying to stay as close as possible to Yua, the feeling in his chest not going away.

"Dabi, untie him" Shigaraki said at a point, snapping the raven haired man from his thoughts

"Huh?" Dabi looked back at Shigaraki "He'll go wild, for sure"

"It's okay, we gotta treat him as an equal. We're scouting him, after all." Shigaraki replied

"Twice, do it!" Dabi then said to Twice, who complained but ended up doing it.

Meanwhile Dabi grabbed forcefully Yua's arm, despite her protests and brought her to the other side of the bar, away from, what he could guess, a fight from Bakugo in regards of being tied up.

As Bakugo and Shigaraki started a small fight, Dabi looked back at Yua, his hand touching hers slightly, making a shiver go through her.

Dabi saw she was barely able to stand on her feet, and remembered how back at the camp she used a lot of power to be able to get them to stop.

Getting even more closer to her, to help her stand, he noticed the way the string that bonded them was acting.

Their pinkies, the ones that had the string - Yua's on her right hand and Dabi's on his left - started knotting together, and Dabi watched fascinated while Yua couldn't bring herself to watch the union happen, because after all, the male still had no clue of what was going on.

"What's the meaning of this doll ?" Dabi whispered to Yua, motioning towards the knotted string between them.

"It's a string that's knotted" Yua whispered back shortly after, not wanting to give any details away.

"I did see that dove, but what does it mean? Especially since healing isn't the only ability your Quirk gives you" he continued, thinking back on the purple-reddish wave back at the campus and how her body had glowing marks of the same color.

"It's...a connection" she said hesitantly, knowing there was no way out of this

"What type of connection?" he asked even though he already had an idea from the moment he saw her power back at the campus, how it affected the rest of the league but not him, acting the same as his flames did in regards to her.

"The..." she sighed "The sou-" she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hello! Kamino pizza delivery." a voice said from behind the door.

Suddenly the wall from their right was broken down with a powerful SMASH following it and Dabi covered Yua's body with his, his theory already confirmed. He'll be damned if the only thing that could bring him happiness would be hurt because of him.

"Lacquered Chain Prison!"

Before Yua could react, Dabi pushed her away, getting himself afterwards trapped in Pro Hero Wood's Quirk and before he could burn the restraint down, Pro Hero Gran Torino knocked him out, stopping near the girl that Yagi talked much about to him.

"Are you all right Miss?" he said, watching her nod and looking briefly at Dabi, a sad look in her eyes.

As All Might reassured Bakugo, he then turned the attention on Yua, the girl looking back at him, and nodding, showing him that she was fine, while trying to stay on her feet by herself. She would lie if she said Dabi's support to help her stand wasn't a good thing because Yua felt as if she would pass out at any moment, her body requiring much needed rest.

During the training with Midoriya, All Might got closer to Young Yua too, the girl trusting him enough to show and teach him about her Quirk and the abilities it granted her.

While they were interrogating Shigaraki suddenly a black goo like substance appeared, out of it coming Nomus and then the same goo substance wrapping around every League member, but also around Bakugo and Yua too, making them disappear from the bar that they were at.





The goo like substance spit her back, in a full clearing, where she was with Bakugo and the rest of the league.

Just like her, the others coughed too, trying to get it out of their throats.

That's when the fight between All Might and the Villain, who she learned was All for One, started, All Might arriving shortly after where they were located.

While trying to get away, her Quirk not suited for fights, she noticed a blue string going towards the wall on the left side of the collapsed building. Eyes widening, she wished in that moment that her brother would stop being an hero, because, once again, here he was, in danger and she couldn't do anything.

As she tried getting closer to the wall, she saw Mr Compress transforming Dabi into a pearl, and her heart ached, stopping her from any movement she could make, the girl being in pain.

As the rest of the villains made their way towards her and Bakugo, the latter started fighting back, protecting both her and himself, while trying to give All Might space to fight to full power.

She heard a boom out of nowhere and she saw the kids from 1-A trying to save Bakugo, who grabbed her hand and flew towards them. But she knew her weight would make their plan fail, and All Might needed her help, especially given his condition, even if Yua was also in a bad shape. As Bakugo's hand was in Kirishima's, she looked at Izuku.

"Little Bro" she said and Izuku's attention was on her

"I'm sorry" she smiled, letting then go of Bakugo's hand and falling towards the ground.

Izuku was screaming at her, wanting to go back, but he knew if that happened then no one would make it out alive. With tears in his eyes, he kept going, trying to save at least Bakugo, even if he was also screaming and wanting to get out of the grip he was in, to save the girl he saw as an older sister.

All Might grabbed from midair Yua, after noticing her falling, going to the ground and looking at her.

"I..I want to help you...All Might..." she said, raising a fragile hand towards his chest, her hand glowing, feeling as if her body was fully shutting down.

Meanwhile she was barely aware of Gran Torino and Mt. Lady helping the kids escape.

"All...Might" she said again, bringing his attention back to hers

"I want to.." she coughed "I want to help them too...One for...All"

His eyes widened, not thinking that the girl could also see the souls that contained in the past One for All before being passed down to him and afterwards to Midoriya.

Her hand glowed even more brighter, filling All Might with energy and hoping to give him a little more time before the inevitable came. And afterwards, she fainted, her body fully shutting down.

Putting her down gently, All Might started fighting All for One once again.

But it was to no avail. The fight went on and on and in the end, one strong punch from All for One and it turned All Might to his original form, his time being up.

Yua barely woke up but everything was blurry to her. She saw then, in between the fog, All Might in his true form, ready to fight head on with All for One, who looked like had much more power left. Voices were whispering in her head, promising her to help her out, to just get on her feet and protect the hero.

Exhausted and hurt, she raised up , taking heed of the voices whispering in her head, wanting only one thing: saving her brother's mentor.

Before All Might could unleash his final attack, he saw a bright shield made of golden light, a purple wave being thrown towards All for One, an angelic voice guiding it towards the target while the wave became stronger.

All for One was pushed back, hitting the remains of the building behind him while All Might looked at the girl in front of him.

"You still have to teach...Izuku..." she said, not looking at him, barely able to hold herself up

"I'm not letting you die, until you teach Izuku everything you know..." she turned towards him "ALL MIGHT!"

Tears were dripping from her eyes, before her eyes closed and she collapsed from exhaustion and it all became black to her.

Her words were all he needed to give All Might the confidence he needed, to go beyond and use and burn the last ember of One for All that resided in him.

As he jumped up, towards the enemy, he though of all the good memories he had, he thought of Young Midoriya, Young Bakugo, Young Yua and the rest of his class.

Getting to All for One, he released his true final attack.

"UNITED STATES OF" He said, while saying goodbye to One for All "SMASH!!!!"





After the battle, Yua Midoriya was taken, alongside other victims and Pro Heroes, to the closest hospital while given the best care they could during the road.

At the other end of the city, in a secret hideout, Dabi awoke, his heart aching, and closing his eyes, he thought of the green haired girl's face, agony filling his heart.

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