โœฟ FIGHT OF A GUARD โœฟ (๐–ˆ๐–”๐–’๏ฟฝ...

By aairanoornoor

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๐‡๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž intense and emotional ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐š ๐›๐ž๐š๐ฎ๐ญ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ฅ ๐›๐จ๐๐ฒ๐ ๐ฎ๐š๐ซ๐ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ก... More

Meet the cute pair
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter fourty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four (Final)

Chapter eighteen

462 36 73
By aairanoornoor

"Wei! Are you okay?" The man asks with concern laced in his tone and Wei was just looking blankly into his eyes laying on top of him and the other's arms were all around his slim waist


Wei mumbles, turn his face and looked at Yunlan who was standing with a worried and crying face like he didn't like this man who was holding his bodyguard in this way.. Wei looks back at the man under him and a tear drop from his eyes. He backed off and stands, but unknown to them Yunlan's eyes were also moist and he was crying silently standing like a statue..

Shen Wei's eyes didn't leave Yunlan at all, he was staring at him and controls his emotions "Shen Wei? Are you hurt?" Chu asks lovingly but Wei was looking around searching for something

"Ouch!!" A small scream left his mouth when Yunlan runs and hugs him tightly like he hit a wall.. Wei caresses his back and hairs "I am fine, Yunlan!.. I am good.. Relax!"

Wei's eyes caught someone running from there, Wei broke the hug and runs behind that person.. Yunlan and Chu looks at each other and then at running Shen Wei..

Wei slips and falls down and by taking advantage of the situation Zhujiu hides with Hong's help but Wei was determent to find the killer today.. Lin joins him and they start searching the hotel and house as well..

Yunlan was running behind Shen Wei worriedly along with the police "Wei!.... Wei!.. Shen Wei?"

"We have to capture him, he is still inside the hotel!" Wei shouts looking at Lin but Yunlan comes there and again hugs him tightly "Wei, are you okay?" Wei wraps his back but his all attention was on Lin "Let's go" Lin said as his police force was already searching every corner and room of the hotel..

Yunlan broke the hug and holds his hand "Come with me!"

Wei didn't move "I need to be with Lin, Yunlan.. I will go with him.. That attacker will be captured today" Wei was fuming in anger and Yunlan was looking at his face

"No, he will take care of everything, you come with me"

"Yunlan, don't act like a kid" Wei was holding the gun and wants to go with Lin in search of the culprit.. Yunlan get angry

"All right then, I will come with you two.. and I don't care if the attacker attacks me.. Come on!"

"This is not a right time to be stubborn, Yunlan"

"Wait a second! Wei, he is right.. you go with him as you are injured" Lin tries to ease the situation but Wei was not in a mood now but Lin makes him understand that along with him Yunlan's life is also in danger..

Wei sigh and agrees.. As soon as Wei nods while looking down Yunlan grabs his hand and dragged him back.. Yunlan was dragging him in speed and Wei was almost running behind him.. In the same hall, Yunlan makes Wei sit on a chair like a strict daddy

"Show me your hand" Wei leans towards him and frowns seeing the wound on his wrist.. "Bring the first aid kit" He shouts being worried while holding Wei's hand gently but suddenly he feels another hand on Wei's..

Yunlan looks at his side with blank expressions and sees Chu with hate in his eyes.. He gently swat Yunlan's hand away and sits in front of Wei holding his hand "I can take care of Wei"

Wei was silently sitting and Yunlan frowns, he curled his eyebrows angrily looking at this unwanted person.. "Sorry, I didn't recognize you" Yunlan asks trying to get close to Shen Wei and wraps his shoulders..

"But I know you very well, Mr. Yunlan"

Wei hissed lightly feeling the sting on his wrist and Yunlan gets worried "Be gentle, don't hurt him" Yunlan shouts but Chu ignores him

"Shall I bandage, Wei? We can talk later!"

Yunlan get silent and angry at him too.. "Where is the ointment?" Chu looks here and thereafter wiping the blood.. Yunlan extends his hand and gives him the tube but Chu swat it back again without looking at him and the tube

"Wei suffers from an allergic reaction after using it"

Wei narrowed his eyes looking at Chu and Yunlan get shocked "What?"

"I know him more than myself" Chu answer while wrapping the bandage on his wrist.. Chu asks Wei whether he didn't tell Yunlan about him and Wei looks at Yunlan

"Yunlan.... He..... He is Chu Shuzhi"

Yunlan smiles and extends his hand for a handshake. Chu smirks, squeezes his hand which was not unnoticeable by Yunlan but he just smiles thinking he is Shen Wei's fiancée.. Wei's phone rings and he went aside to take it.. Both smiles at him and after his exit from the scene Chu faces Yunlan..

"Your heart.. beats for the one who is mine" Chu said making Yunlan confused "Wh..What do you mean?" Chu press hard on his hand and Yunlan pulled his hand back.. "I meant, you are Wei's fiancée.. and I am his ex-fiancée," Chu excused himself.. Yunlan sigh and holds his waist..

Wei comes to know that the killer isn't in the hotel.. He grits his teeth and cuts the call with heavy breathing "What the hell!.. Check the whole house" Wei commands and other guards nods.. Now Lin and his group were searching each and every corner of the house..

Lin enters uncle aunty's room and checks it after that he one by one searches every corner of the house and every room.. Now only Hong's room was left.. Hong was desperately wandering in her room thinking about how to stop her brother.. 

Lin opens the door with a bang and enters without any warning.. Hong gets startled and asks why he comes?.. "Sorry but I have to search your room" Lin's eyes were looking around which makes her worried "You don't trust your sister?" She holds his arm and the other looks back at her "I do trust you, Hong but I have to do my duty as well and duty doesn't know any relation"

Hong didn't know what to do as Lin bends and sees under the bed than behind the curtains when he didn't get anything his gazes went towards the cupboard. He stops looking at his sister then slowly walks towards it.. Zhujiu (their elder bro) curls himself sitting in it among the dresses.. Hong runs and blocks his way

"Oka, I get it you don't have any trust over me, your own sister! Come i will show you everything myself.." She angrily and with teary eyes goes and places her hand on the door's one side.. She looks at Lin and opens it.. Zhujiu backs off sitting behind the other part.. She was acting so hurt and cries that her brother has no trust in her

"I get it, how much you trust me, Lin.. Check by yourself" She was trembling inside and with teary eyes she was about to open the other part of the door but Lin again closes it being sad 
"I trust you, Hong! Don't be upset and sad.." Lin exits the room and both the siblings sigh a breath of relief..

Later at home, Wei was sitting in his room and Chu enters.. "Will you marry me?" He was walking near the other. Wei stands and looks down "Those were things of the past, Chu.. I am going to get married to Yunlan and it is not good for you to come here and try to make changes"

"I still believe that you are mine many years ago and still you are just mine" Chu advanced his steps towards him and Wei steps back until his back touched the wall and Chu caged him placing his hands on both sides of Wei..

He leans down a little and tried to kiss him but Wei closes his eyes and turns his face to the other side "Don't do it, Chu!... Leave from here!" Wei demands fiercely and Chu smiles

"I will certainly leave, Shen Wei! But after you answer some of my questions" Chu said calmly and suddenly smash his lips over Wei's. Wei was stunned on his place and Chu was eating his lips but gently.. Wei realizes his actions and broke the one sided kiss while breathing fast

"Leave me!.. I am not yours and don't try to cross your limits again.."

Wei shoved him back and frees himself.. "Why? Why you did this to me, Wei!.... I waited for you for so many years and what compelled you to take this drastic step?"

"I don't have to answer your questions, Chu" Wei calmly said looking into his eyes and turns to go back but Chu pulled him back by grabbing his hand and Wei falls on his big chest.. Chu press him nearer wrapping his arms around his slim curved waist

""I just know that you are mine and I will not return empty-handed this time" Chu kissed his cheeks and let go of his body, he leaves from there and Wei gets worried and tense.. "Now who is behind this problem? I am sure someone deliberately calls Chu here! But who?"

Uncle comes to Yunlan's room and started laughing loud.. Yunlan asks what happened to him and uncle said that Wei is such a master, he is making two men dance on his tunes at once.. on one hand, lies his lover from the past and one who he started romancing right now.. Uncle laughs again saying Shen Wei is indeed clever..

Unknown to them Wei was listening everything and get hurt by his words.. He keeps mocking Yunlan that Wei wants to get hold of his empire and then he will kick you out.. Yunlan was standing silent..

Yunlan angrily left from there and Wei walks inside with a slight smile.. "Do you like my act?" Uncle smirks and Wei gives him a tight-lipped smile "I am not used to watching the cheap roadside acts! I don't understand these acts.." Wei walked away leaving confused Uncle there...

Outside in the garden, Yunlan was standing being angry and Wei approach him from behind.. "Yunlan?"

Yunlan turns back and asks him about Chu "Yunlan, Chu is my past!.. Don't worry about him" Wei looks down and Yunlan narrowed his eyes "If he is your past then what he is doing here?"

"I will ask him to leave" Wei was a bit hesitant with his words.. "Why you didn't tell me that Chu is here to claim you back?.. He is here to snatch you from me!" Yunlan shouts unknowingly what he was saying in anger

Shen Wei gets surprised on his words and chuckles looking at his face "Don't worry, he won't snatch your bodyguard from you"

Yunlan realized what he said and becomes uneasy "I didn't mean that! I was just.... That... (Thinking something) What do you think about him?.. Do you still love him?" His heart was restless and curious at the same time "I cannot love anything more than the promise I made to your father...."

"I asked you a simple question so answer me properly" Yunlan feels irritated by Shen Wei's answer

"Whatever your question will be, my answer will be the same.... Nothing is important for me than you.. You are my first and last priority and nothing else"

Both were staring into each other eyes intensely.. "Your answers are always incomplete and unclear" Yunlan went away in anger and Wei holds his waist "Someone must plan to call Chu here.. Someone doesn't want Yunlan and I to be together.... I am afraid after watching Yunlan's reaction.. What if this plan backfires on me?"

Shen Wei was mumbling worriedly while walking slowly back and forth in the garden and rubs his nape tiredly..

Inside all the family members welcome Chu and greet him wholeheartedly.. Yunlan was the only one who was not happy with this Chu's presence.. Yunlan was sulking badly glaring at Chu..

After the dinner, Chu wants to talk with Yunlan personally and they went to the guest room.. Chu told Yunlan that Shen Wei still loves him a lot and if he doesn't believe it then search somewhere Shen Wei must kept the ring which he gives to him as a gift..

Yunlan without saying anything goes to his room and starts searching Shen Wei's things desperately.. Somewhere in his heart, he doesn't want to find that damn ring... "The ring isn't here.. The ring isn't here!' Yunlan was mumbling while searching his belongings but to his disappointment, Yunlan finds the ring in one of his books..

Yunlan picks the ring in his hands and a tear drop from his eyes "That means...... Wei still loves Chu Shuzhi?" Yunlan's heart was crying unknowingly.. Shen Wei enters and Yunlan wipes his eyes turning to the other side..

"Yunlan!.. We must be careful in our marriage ceremony because I know enemies will surely create troubles for us.. We must ha......"

"Oh, God Mr. Lovely!.. Can't you think about anything else apart from the enemies?.. You keep talking about the enemies all the time!.. Come with me.." Yunlan was frustrated making Wei silent on his spot.. He drags Wei towards the washroom and locks it from inside..

"Yunlan, you--- "

"Shhh....." Yunlan slowly extends his hands and touched Wei's shoulders with lightly trembling hands.. "I know that you love Chu a lot.. (Wei was staring at his face) You love him"

Chu was on his way to meet Shen Wei and Da told him that he lives in Yunlan's room. This fact was not liked by Chu at all.. and he was shocked by the revelation..

Inside the washroom, Yunlan gently pushed Wei back and make him sit on the edge of the bathtub.. He sits in front of him bending his one knee "I am so happy, Mr. Lovely that you are not completely heartless.. (Silently listening intertwining his fingers in lap) I know you hope to marry him.. after getting free from my duty.." Yunlan was smiling but slowly he stops smiling and his heart start pounding fast in his chest when he was about to ask the next question

"You.... You wa..want to marry Chu, right?"

Wei silently avert his eyes and Yunlan feels bad but he smiles and stands "After marriage, you will have a family.. you will cook for him every day.. You need to join cooking classes for him!.. And the noodles prepared by you.. I happily call it the worst noodles of the world" 

Wei smiles looking up at him and then again looks down.. Yunlan sits beside him and pressed him closer by wrapping his shoulder. Yunlan start speaking and Wei was looking at his handsome face from a close distance

"You are my best friend and I want you to be happy in the future.. and..... your.... future is Chu shuzhi" Now Yunlan was looking at Wei who was looking down with a slight smile.. Yunlan wants to listen and say something.... His heart was so restless and uneasy since Chu stepped in their life..

"Wei, I just want to know whether you love Chu or not?" Yunlan asks again very lightly.. "What do you mean?" Wei narrowed his eyes sensing a wrong vibe in his tone..

"I want to tell everyone that this marriage is fake and you still love Chu!.. And you just can't sacrifice your future and Chu for that whatever we did and this love story is all acting and everything is a drama"

Yunlan said and stands to walk but Wei stops him back "Yunlan!.. You can't do that.. I am sure that our enemy will get caught" Wei was so worried and Yunlan hugs him dearly "Don't be silly, Mr. Lovely! You can't sacrifice your love for me..Your life is more important than everything else, Wei!" Yunlan was still hugging him and Wei broke the hug..

"What use is my life if I can't protect you, Yunlan.. I am a warrior, life is not more valuable than you and my words to your father" Wei was smiling confidently but Yunlan gets angry

"Really?.. You want to become a eighth wonder of the world, do you? (Wei smiles) You are not going to get such recognition.. People will speak of your bravery and sacrifices for sometime but they will forget about it soon.... No one will care about you, Wei! (making himself closer) And I will never let that happened.... I am going to tell everyone.."

Yunlan walks away in speed and Wei runs behind him "Yunlan, please! We are close to our objective.." But Yunlan denies listening to him and open the lock, Wei blocks him and again tries to explain but Yunlan was not in a mood to listen..

Yunlan pushed Wei aside "I don't care" He walks out and Wei again follows him "Please, Yunlan!" He grabs Yunlan's arm in hurry and as a result Yunlan stumbles and falls back on the bed, Wei falls on top of him and at the same time Chu enters and from his side the view seems like Wei is kissing Yunlan's neck because his face hit Yunlan's shoulder after falling..

Wei and Yunlan both look up and get shocked seeing Chu with clenched fists and red face with anger..

Their sudden position was so intimate for anyone because Yunlan's one hand was around Wei's lower back (Hips) and his other hand was wrapped around his waist tightly and for Wei he was clenching Yunlan's shirt from front with both hands...

Chu's eyes were shooting fire and rage.. He grabs the door curtain with all his might and press it hard that the fabric get torn by the force.. Yunlan gets shocked and his lips tries to say something but nothing comes out from his mouth..

Wei was staring at both of them with surprised expressions.. 



What is Chu up to now? What to do think he really loves Wei?

And what about Shen Wei? Is he still in love with Chu or he moves on in his life..? What will be Wei's answer when Chu claims his love in front of everyone? Guess it

Thank you and enjoy!

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