The Unusual School Life of Si...

By BSilverheart1

170 67 0

The final book of the series. If haven't read The Adventure of Silver Bloodmoon and The Bloodwolfs please rea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Thank you!

Chapter 25

1 1 0
By BSilverheart1

I sat down and started to eat the pizza I having for lunch and Ariella then said to me,
"I thought demons didn't need to eat!"
I replied,
"I don't need to eat but I love pizza! I mostly eat food because it tastes so good! My favorite food is cheese! What about you?"
"That makes sense! A lot of food tastes really good! My favorite food is sushi."
"Do you like seafood then? I don't really like seafood myself but if you do, that's totally fine!"
"Oh I actually don't like seafood and I only like three kinds of sushi!"
"What kinds are your favorite then?"
"I love Tempura Sweet Potato Roll, Avocado Roll and California Rolls."
"Those are actually my favorite sushi too!"
"Wow! It's a really weird world isn't it? Well at least we could go out for sushi together some time. We could all go together if that's fine with all of you!"
"Oooo good idea! I would love to do that. Are you okay with that Cosmo and Flynn?"
Cosmo then said,
"Sure I'll go! It's not my favorite food but I still really enjoy it!"
I then said,
"What is your favorite food then?"
"My favorite food is any kind of pasta."
"That's cool! I really like pasta too, it does usually have cheese in it after all! What about Flynn? Is it okay if we go out for sushi one of these days?"
"I love seafood and sushi so I'm totally fine with it!"
"That's good! Is that your favorite food?"
"No, but it's my second favorite food! My favorite food is pizza."
I laughed and said,
"As you can tell by what I'm eating right now I also enjoy pizza!"
"That's very true!"
I could tell something was on Ariella's mind and I asked her,
"What are you thinking about Ariella?"
"Oh, well I wanted to ask you a question and I bet everyone is curious about this question too."
"What's the question then?"
"How are you friends with the vice principal?"
"I'm guessing you knew I was friends with her because of some factors. I did tell you I would help you with the bullying problem and then the next day this happened!"
"Yep pretty much! Are you going to answer the question I just asked you?"
"It's not really an interesting story of why I'm friends with her. My mom was friends with her even before I was born. Since she was always around we got to know each other and became friends eventually. Ryia was the reason I could get into this school in the first place."
"Oh you're right it's not a very interesting story. I can tell you're pretty good friends when she said she trusts you a lot. You also call her Ryia instead of vice principal. How did your mom meet Ryia? Is it a more interesting story of why you became friends with Ryia?"
"It actually is this time! My mom saved her from pretty strong vampires! They just wanted her money and she gave them it but they still tried killing her! Before they could though my mom saw what was happening and stopped them! They became friends after getting to know each other."
That's not exactly what happened. I can't really explain everything that happened to Ryia when it happened so long ago. Demons aren't supposed to live that long!
Soul sighed and said,
Why would it matter anyways if you told them the actual truth?
You know why!
I do but their reactions would be hilarious!
That's true but my parents would not be happy with me for telling them!
I don't care what they think! It would be amazing to see them not happy!
I know you would like seeing them not happy but I want them to be happy!
Uggggg your no fun!
Well life isn't fun all the time! Deal with it!
Soul groaned and said,
Life would be more fun if you actually listened to some of my ideas!
You know the reason why I don't!
Well it doesn't matter anyways! They will probably find out eventually if they are around you all the time!
They probably will but until then I'm not going to say anything!
Soul sighed and said,
Whatever! Be that way then!
I rolled my eyes and Flynn then said,
"That is a pretty interesting story! Since you are friends with the vice principal, do you know who the principal is?! I think everyone is curious about the principal when no one has ever seen her!"
"Well I would be curious about the principal if I was in your shoes too! I do know who the principle is but unless she wants to tell you I don't think I will! It feels wrong to tell you when she should do it herself!"
"Oh that's true! Why haven't we seen the principle ever shown her face around here?"
"She's actually pretty busy. Let's just say she also has another job!"
"Oh okay! That makes more sense!"
Cosmo then said,
"Let's talk about something more fun like seeing that horrible teacher being fired was great! Peter's face when he got suspended was so funny too!"
I then said,
"I agree it really was!"
"I also was listening around. I heard the vice principal come to everyone else's classrooms too after they talked to ours! She told everyone not to bully anyone or they would get suspended!"
"Yep I heard people talk about it too! At least we haven't been called names!"
"It is actually so weird not being called names when we always have been before! It does feel great that no one has bullied us today though!"
"That's good! I'm glad you're happy!"
"Even though the bullying has stopped doesn't mean people will like us though! I'm not surprised they still don't want to get close to us!"
"That's true but at least the bullying has stopped and we do have each other!"
"That's very true! So did you remember your phone this time?"
I chuckled and said,
"I actually did remember it!"
"That's great! Do you want to hang out with us at my house? When I told my parents about you they said they really wanted to meet you!"
"Sure that sounds fun! I'll text my mom and we can go to your house after school!"
"Sounds great!"
I finished my pizza and before I could say anything else the bell rang and we got up to go to our next class. As we left I threw the plate away in the trash. I'm super excited to hang out with my friends after this! Hopefully the classes won't be to boring!

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