Finally, Home.

By avengerlifestyle

197 0 0

You grew up in the Red Room Academy with Natasha. She saved you and raised you as her own. After joining the... More

New Beginning.
A New Friend.
We're Safe.
A Little Bit of Fun.
Another Rescue Mission.
An Easy Day.
Plane Crash.
Emergency Room.
Let's Go Home.
I Won't Leave You
I'll Be Alright.
Bring him home
Losing hope
Part title

Back to normal

9 0 0
By avengerlifestyle

When we got back to the house, everyone went to the lounge and sat down on the sofa and chairs. I leaned my head on Nat's shoulder and felt happy that I had my family back.

"How did you find him?" I ask quietly. I could tell everyone was tired.

"Tony was able to hack into Peter's suit and track it. It took a while, but he figured it out." Nat says and I look at Tony who is rubbing his face with his hands.

"I should've done it faster." He says and looks at me. "If I would've been faster, he wouldn't have been hurt so bad."

"You can't blame yourself." Steve says and looks at me. "He had a reason to stand his ground that day."

"What do you mean?" I ask. It was weird that Steve said that.

"Steve, don't." Bucky says and I look at Bucky.

"Don't what? Bucky, what happened that day?" I ask and stand up. They must be hiding something for me.

"Nat?" I say and look at her. She looks down and avoids eye contact.

"He got taken because they gave us an option." Bucky says and I turn to him. "Either we give up and let them have one of us, or they blow up the compound."

I turn my head and question him, since they blew up the compound anyways.

"I don't understand." I say.

"They blew up your room as a warning. They were willing to get rid of the whole place." Bucky continued. "Peter knew you were in there and didn't want to risk you getting hurt."

"What?" I say and look at everyone. "He let himself be taken?"

"Yes." Steve said finally talking.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I ask and look at everyone.

"We knew you would blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. He chose it." Nat said and stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder.

I look at her and walk away towards my room. When I shut the door behind me I can't help but get upset. Peter did this to protect me, but he got hurt because of it. It's my fault, if I wouldn't have been hurt, this wouldn't have happened.

I eventually fell asleep and woke up the next morning at 6 am. I want to be there as soon as I'm able to, to see Peter and tell him he shouldn't have done what he did.

When I walk out of my room I find Tony in the living room. He looks tired.

"Do we have any clothes that I can take for Peter? I'm going to see him and thought he'd want to wear something other than a hospital gown." I ask Tony and he looks up at me.

"Yeah." He says and stands up. I follow him to a room and he digs through the drawers, grappling some stuff.

I fill up a backpack with all sorts of clothes and zip it up. Tony walks me to the door and grabs my shoulder before I leave.

"I really did try to get him back sooner." Tony says and I look at him.

"I know. I'm sure you wanted him back more than I did." I say and hug Tony.

"Those people are gone. I made sure of it." He whispers to me and I look up to him.

"I trust you, Tony. Thank you for getting him home." I say and walk out the door.

Tony let me take the car to the hospital to see him and before I got there I bought some breakfast to take to Peter. When I got there, I checked in and went straight to his room.

When I slowly opened the door, he was still fast asleep. I set out the food and walked over to Peter in the bed.

"Peter?" I whisper and rub his shoulder. "I'm back."

He slowly opens his eyes and smiles when he sees me. Peter looks around and sees the food, his eyes grow wide and he uses the remote to raise the back of the bed up.

"Thank you." He says while stuffing his face.

I had pulled a chair close to his bed and was leaning on it, watching him eat the food I brought. The hospital obviously fed him, but he was excited to have good food.

"I missed you so much." I whisper and he stops for a moment and looks at me.

"I missed you too." Peter says and smiles.

"We have to talk about something." I say and look down.

"What's the matter?" He asks and puts his fork down.

"You let yourself be taken for me." I say and look at him. "You can't do that again. I can't live with myself if something happens to you because of me."

"They we're going to blow up the whole building, I couldn't let..."

"I know." I say interrupting him. "Promise me you won't do that again."

Peter looks at me and tears form in my eyes.

"I promise." He says and grabs my hand. "I won't leave you again."

I smile at him and kiss his hand. It feels nice to be able to start getting back to normal. That's all I've wanted the past month.

Peter continues to eat and we watch TV for the rest of the day, talking to each other and not leaving each other's side.

Later that day, Tony came in to see Peter. Who knows how he got past with the one visitor rule, but it's Tony Stark, so I'm sure they don't care.

"Doctor says you can leave tomorrow. The compound should be fixed within the next week or two. Then, we will be home again." Tony says and sits on the other side of Peter.

"That's great, Mr. Stark. I'm sorry the building got blown up to begin with." Peter says.

"No need for apologies. I'm the one who brought the two of you into this life. I'm sorry for putting you in danger." Tony says which throws us off guard.

"That's not true, Tony. It's not your fault." I say and look at him.

"I shouldn't have let you kids be dragged into this."

"Mr. Stark, if it weren't for you I'd still be wearing that dumb costume I made out of my hoodie and tights." Peter says and chuckles. "You gave me an extraordinary new life. I'm grateful."

Tony looks at Peter and smiles. Tony knew how much Peter looked up to him, but never realized how much danger Peter was in because of him.

"You two are the strongest people I know. Thank you for trusting me. I won't let you guys down again." Tony says and looks at us.

The three of us sit in silence for a while and I occasionally smile, knowing that we're all going to be alright again sometime soon.

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