Emerging │ Young!Sterek

By 831Tea

23.8K 918 484

A week after the eventful night, a new member of the Argent family arrives in Beacon Hills. Scott and Allison... More

Omega: Part I
Omega: Part II
Shape Shifted: Part I
Shape Shifted: Part II
Shape Shifted: Part III
Ice Pick: Part I
Ice Pick: Part II
Abomination: Part II
Venomous: Part I
Venomous: Part II
Frenemy: Part I
Frenemy: Part II
Restraint: Part I
Restraint: Part II

Abomination: Part I

1.4K 59 23
By 831Tea

Beacon Hills
Stilinski's Residence
Stiles' Bedroom
Few Days Later...

Stiles and Isaac are reading comic books as they are hanging out in paled, lanky teen's bedroom. They were debating about Marvel and DCs for a while until the ringtone interrupted them. Stiles glanced over at his desk where he placed his phone, he dropped the comic on his bed, stumbled over to his desk, and picked up his phone. He answered. "Hey, Scott." He greeted his best friend with curiosity while Isaac wrinkles his nose and focuses on the comic.

"Stiles. Hey...umm... Remember I told you about Deaton knowing werewolves?" Scott asked, hopeful and nervous.

Isaac raises his eyebrow while Stiles frown with confusion. "Yeah... I recalled it." The lanky human remembered clearly, but never really discuss it because he was too worried about Derek who was missing at that time. "What about it?"

Scott sighed heavily through the phone. "He was inspecting a dead body that wasn't killed by a werewolf. I think—I think it might be that weird creature from Isaac's house."

"Wa-wait, what?" the paled, lanky teen wave his free hand as he attempts to process the information in his mind. While the curly-haired werewolf lowered the comic with furrowed eyebrows as he silently wondering why Scott was at his old home.

"The full moon, Allison and I saw some kind of... bizarre creature. It's not a werewolf, that's for sure. It's something else." The Beta werewolf explained, gravely.

Stiles closed his eyes, inhaled then exhaled deeply. "Are you—are you telling me that you've known the existence of this possible homicide wild creature out for blood?! What did I tell you about withholding sensitive information?! We talked about this, Scott! No more withholding potential possible dangerous information that could literally kill us!" Stiles flailed his arm while lecturing his best friend exasperatedly.

Isaac continues watching the human teen with a mixture of amusement and worry. Stiles made a noise of annoyance from the back of his throat. "You know what—" He lowered his head as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "—we'll talk about this later. Obviously, we're gonna need Derek since this is important."

"Y—yeah. I get it. We'll talk tomorrow." Scott promised. Then they hang up. Stiles sighed loudly and glance at the time from his phone. "Shit. I gotta head to the mechanic, I think my Jeep should be done by now." He muttered as he went to the closet to grab his red hoodies.

"What's wrong with your Jeep?" Isaac stood up with curiosity.

Stiles slides his arm into one of his hoodie's sleeves. "It has a bit problem earlier this morning, it only needs a starter." He adjusted his jacket. "And you, Isaac, need to meet up with Der soon. He mentions helping you train your werewolf training 101." He reminded the puppy werewolf, not unkindly.

Isaac perked up. "That's right." Then he frowns. "Then, why won't you come with me?" he nearly whines as he wants Stiles to join them.

"Because I'm a puny human being that doesn't need werewolf training." The son of the Sheriff teased with amusement. The curly-haired werewolf pouted when Stiles ruffled his hair playfully. "But I'll meet you and Derek later once I get my Jeep."

The curly-haired puppy's eyes lit up. "Alright." He is satisfied because he wants Stiles to be there. He was also sure, that his Alpha would like to have the lanky teen with them as well.



Beacon Hills
Auto Mechanic's Garage

The baby-blue Jeep sits atop a rotary lift underneath which a mechanic uses an impact gun to break free a particularly tight bolt on the exhaust. Across the room, Stiles pushing through the door of the waiting room as he just arrived at the location just a few minutes before Derek kindly dropped him off.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed his Jeep until he realized. He quickly power-walks toward the mechanic as he waves his hands to get the man's attention. "Hey, hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" he arrived under the rotary. He glanced at the mechanic and his Jeep with baffled. "All I needed was the starter." He reminded the man.

"Yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system's got to be replaced too." The mechanic declared, calmly while focusing on his task.

The lanky teen stared at the man with suspicion. "Why do I get the feeling you're slightly overestimating the damage?"

The mechanic shrugged his shoulders. "It's probably gonna run you around like twelve hundred in parts and labor."

"Are you kidding? This thing doesn't have a catalytic converter!" Stiles said exasperatedly then he rolls his eyes. "And yes, I know what a catalytic converter is."

The man paused his task, lowered his impact gun, and turn his attention to Stiles. "Do you know what a 'limited slip differential' is?" he asked, condescendingly.

Stiles made a sour face as he is starting to hate himself. "No." he reluctantly admitted.

"Could be more like fifteen hundred." The mechanic informed Stiles then return to his task as he eyeing the exhaust and lifted his impact gun to the bolt.

The lanky human licked his teen irritated. "Okay, just finish." He muttered, then step away from the mechanic as he silently wishes he bring Derek with him. Derek might use his intimidating on the arrogant mechanic for Stiles to lower the amount of price. "I'll be back here, seething with impotent rage." Stiles grumbled while sauntered to the door. He extends his hand to grab the waiting room door handle, however, his hand slips on a clear, sap-like substance.

"Oh. Nice." Stiles eyeing at the slime-like on his hand with distasted. "it's a real sanitary." He glanced over his shoulder irked. "Quality establishment you're running here." He called out to the man with disapproval. However, the mechanic was no longer listening as he fires up a drill. Stiles rolled his eyes then shove himself inside the waiting area.

Stiles jerked his sap-like substance away from his hand with disgust as he walked down until the photo on the wall caught his eyes. He halts, steps forward to inspect carefully. He recognized the young teen who dressed up in lacrosse uniform that was the mechanic. He scoffed. "Figures." Of course, the mechanic turned out to be an arrogant asshole because he used to be a jock.

The lanky teen reached his phone out from his pocket, starts to hit the HOME button as he needs to text his friends that he will be late for their training. However, oddly, he can't seem to curl his thumb. "What the...?" he muttered with confusion.

Stiles eyeing at his right hand while his left hand is holding his phone. He attempts to flex his fingers but then when both of his hands lose strength, the phone slips from his grasp and clatters to the floor. Stiles stared at his shaking, numb hands with incredulity and perplexed. Slowly, he lifted his whiskey-brown gaze to the door handle where he touched the strange substance with contemplative. Then shifted his gaze to the glass window, he saw the mechanic digging through a tool chest while above him, something moves inside the Jeep.

The lanky teen gasped in alarm when a shadowy figure reaches its ink black-skinned and muscular arm through the open window. "Hey... hey!" Stiles warned the man, weakly. Even his voice is starting to get weak while his entire body is shakingly, losing the strength.

However, the oblivion mechanic steps away from the rotary as he examined the bolt in his hands. Then from the corner of his eyes, he turned as the creature darts out of the Jeep's window. Its tail whipping about, a clawed hand slashes at the back of the man's neck.

The mechanic instantly grabbed the back of his neck in shocked horror as his eyes widen with frightened. He was knocked off his feet and falls to the floor of the pit below the Jeep. Almost simultaneously, a frightened Stiles falls to his knees in the waiting room as the paralysis takes hold. He collapses, face hitting the floor with a loud groan in pain.

Inside the garage, at the bottom of the put, the same paralysis overtakes the terrified mechanic, unable to move. His wide eyes watch the creature slip underneath the Jeep. Using a single claw, it severs a cord attached to the lift. Black hydraulic fluid showers down and the Jeep begins to lower toward the mechanic's frozen body.

"Help... help me..." the mechanic weakly stammered, struggling to speak.

In the waiting room, where Stiles uses every part of his strength to reach his phone, fingers trembling toward the screen. His semi-blurry sights that he noticed his Jeep and all of its three thousand pounds glide slowly yet purposefully down. He manages to unlock it on the screen of his phone and hits number nine. Then to one. And then—

However, he couldn't watch it any longer, so he instantly shut his eyes as the mechanic's screams fill the garage for a moment, weakening to choking gasps and then finally—


After a moment, Stiles can only hear his nervous gasps until he opens his eyes to glance at the space underneath the door where he saw eerily reptilian eyes staring back at him. Stiles sucks in a frightened breath as the creature disappears from his sight. The paralyzed teen glanced up at the doorknob turn as his heart beating fast with fear.

With a chilling creak, it beings to open and—

A ringing fills the waiting room from Stiles' phone. His whiskey-brown eyes dart at his phone, use every ounce of his strength to press the last number of one, finally having managed to do it.

"Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?" a dispatch's voice answered, professionally as Stiles quickly glance up and noticed the door was open wide to revealed now empty garage.




Beacon Hills

At the distance across the empty field, Isaac stands with his hands at his sides, head slung low as he takes a breath, teeth clenched, and sprint forward. He leaped over the few strays of large logs and branches. He gracefully jumped and leaped over while sniffing the air in an attempt to find a certain scent.

The Beta paused when he caught a different scent. He crouches as he tilted his head for any noises. So far, he only can hear the wind whistles, snort from deer, soft rushes of water, bunnies hopping, chitters from bugs, and his own heartbeat. He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to find his target.

Suddenly, Isaac jerked his head to his left and launches himself forward in a lop, pushing off with his feet and springs up with power and grace, heading right for Derek who is leaning against the tree, nonchalantly.

The young Alpha pushed himself off the trunk and step forwards with a blank face. Once his Beta leaps at him in a ferocious attack, Derek moves in fast speed with focus. He grabbed Isaac smoothly, and twisted the puppy werewolf around, and slammed him back down on the dried leaves and twigs.

Derek tilted his head as his hand placed on his Beta's chest. "That's a bit predictable attack, Isaac." He criticism, gently. "You can't allow yourself to be so obvious to hunters."

Isaac groaned in pain as he could feel the sore muscles, he was lucky enough that Derek didn't crush all his bones. "I didn't think using my senses and fighting ability at the same time would be hard." He mumbled, disappointedly.

The young Alpha's eyes soften with understanding. "It takes time. But you'll get there eventually." He helps Isaac up to his feet. The Beta dust the strays leaves from his clothes with hopeful sparks in his shy eyes.

"Really?" Isaac asked, shyly which made the young Alpha half-smile at him with a nod. Isaac's heart swells with happiness and determines to become better for his Alpha.

Then the ringtone interrupted their training. Isaac fumbled for his phone and frown when he saw the ID caller. He answered with confusion. "Hey?"

"Hey, kiddo. There's a crime in the mechanic shop—" Isaac's eyes widen in horror while Derek's hazel shifted to scarlet-red. "—Stiles is fine but... I think he needs his friend with him. I tried to call Scott but he wasn't answering his phone."

The Beta and Derek exchanged their glances with acknowledged. Of course, they will pause on their training and get to Stiles. "We'll be there, sir." Isaac said, and bit his farewell and shove his phone in his pocket.

"Let's go." Derek already got his car key out and they quickly use their werewolf speed to the young Alpha's Camaro car.




Auto Mechanic's Garage

Under the flare of red and blue lights from deputies cars, Stiles sits in the back of an ambulance. He flexes his now mobile hand while talking to his father. Noah leaned over as his elbow rest against his knees. The sound of thunder heard from the distance. "Is that all?" the Sheriff asked, just in case while examined his son with concern.

"I told you, I just—" Stiles curled his hand in and out. "—I walked in, and I saw the Jeep on top of the guy. That's all." He recounted his faux-tale.

Noah frowns softly. "What's wrong with your hand?" he noticed his son has been focusing on his hand.

"Nothing." Stiles evasively as he rubbed his right hand to get the feeling back. "Can I just get out of here, now?"

The grey clouds approach the town. Noah eyeing his son. "Look, if there's something you don't think you can tell me—"

"You think I'm lying?" Stiles interjecting as he glanced at his father with a frown on his face.

Noah shakes his head. "No, of course not. I'm just worried about you." Stiles lowered his eyes to the ground while rubbing his hands together. The drizzles of the raindrops greet the people of the Beacon Hills. "Now, if you saw someone do this, if you're afraid that maybe they're gonna come back and make sure you don't say anything about it—"

Stiles pressed his lips together as he is afraid of what will happen. He doesn't want his father to get in any danger of the supernatural world. Stiles will do anything to keep his father away from danger and protect him no matter what. Even if it means that he will continue lying to his father. "I didn't see anything." His whiskey-brown eyes glanced up at his father. "At all. Can I go, please?"

Before Noah could respond, a loud voice speaks up that caught Stilinski's attention. "Stiles!" Isaac quickly jogging over to the lanky teen.

"Oh, hey Isaa—whoa!" Stiles was cut off when Isaac wrapped his arms around Stiles' shoulders as the puppy werewolf's cold nose touch the human teen's neck. "Hey, hey now. Calm down, Isaac. I'm fine." He pats his worried and anxious friend's back.

Noah watches them with amused yet relief that his son won't be alone now. His gaze lifted up and noticed Derek ambled toward their direction calmly, yet his shoulders were stiff. Derek's hazel eyes examined around quietly until on Stiles. His tense muscles slowly relax when he noted that Stiles is harmless and safe.

"Derek." The Sheriff greeted the only survivor of Hale's family who tipped his head back politely. Then he turns his attention to his son who attempts to break the hug from koala Isaac, much to his amusement. "You can leave... but, not in your Jeep." He slides down from the back of the ambulance. "We're going to have to impound it."

Stiles jerked his head at his father with disbelief. Noah just shrugged his shoulders with a half-sympathetic smile. "Sorry, kid. Evidence." Then he nods his head at Isaac who has now wrapped his arms around Stiles' side without a hint of letting go anytime soon. "I'll see you both at home." Then he nods at Derek with farewell and returns to his duty.

"All right, well..." Stiles raise his voice. "...at least make sure they wash it!" he said, resigned that he won't have his Jeep soon.

Then, it's only three teenagers left. Derek steps forward with a concerned frown on his face. "What's going on, Stiles?"

Stiles sighed heavily. "Scott was right earlier. I got a phone call from him. And we were gonna talk about it tomorrow." Derek furrowed his eyebrows with confusion while Isaac's eyes lit up with realization. "There was something out there that killed the mechanic." Stiles whispered to his werewolves friends with worried.

"Something?" Isaac speaks up nervously.

The lanky teen nodded his head gravely. "Yeah. Its eyes... were almost like..." he paused, glanced around cautiously. "Can we take this conversation in your car? At least it's private." He decided it since it's the best course to take.

"Yeah." Derek jerked his head behind him. "It's over there." He parked his car outside of the parking lots. Stiles nod his head and stared at the puppy werewolf with a raised eyebrow.

Isaac whines softly but released Stiles. However, his hand clenched onto Stiles' hoodies' sleeve. Stiles just let the puppy werewolf as they followed the young Alpha to the sleek Camaro.

Soon, they arrived at Derek's car and climbed inside. Derek is behind the wheel while Stiles sat into the passenger side and Isaac at the back, leaned forward between the seats with concern and wondering. "Alright, what's going on?" Derek asked, curious.

Stiles licked his teeth while his whiskey-brown eyes observed the mechanic shop and deputies through the windshield. "It's not like you. Not like a werewolf at all. Its eyes were almost... reptilian. But there was something about them."

"What do you mean?" Isaac asked, puzzled while attempt to process that there was something else, a creature that exists in the world besides werewolves. It hasn't been a month for him, and there's another supernatural creature out there already?

"You know when you see—like, a friend in a Halloween mask, but all you can see are their eyes?" Stiles explains to his friends while Derek placed his forearm against the top of the wheel with a contemplative frown on his face. Isaac cocked his head like a puppy. The lanky human continued. "And you feel like you know 'em, but you just can't figure out who it is?"

The young Alpha narrowed his eyes at Stiles. "Are you saying you know who it is?" Isaac's eyes widen at this and Stiles shakes his head.

"No... but I think it knew me." Stiles concluded as he turned his head to Derek with a solemn face.

Tense silence appeared in the car. They didn't like this new piece of information at all because there is a new threatening creature in the Beacon Hills and they have no knowledge of what creature it was.




Beacon Hills
Martin's Residence
Lydia's Bedroom
Next Day

The bedroom door clicks open to revealed Mrs. Martin who hurries into her daughter's side who is sleeping. She reached down to shake her daughter's shoulder. "Time to get up." She urges Lydia to wake up on the bright early morning of Monday.

Lydia mumbled in response. "Go away." She continues to hide under her cover which made her mother sighed.

"You're going to be late for your appointment with the school counselor." She leaned up and placed her hands on her hips. "Remember? We have a deal?"

"Remember, I told you I was fine." Lydia mumbled.

Mrs. Martin shakes her head. "Lydia, please." She decided to take the cover away from her daughter's face. Then she suddenly shrieks in horror when she saw the blood-stained covers. There's blood everywhere as she jerked her hands away in appalled. "What did you do?" the mother quickly checks over her daughter with concern.

Lydia sits up stunned when she saw the blood while her mother attempts to find any source where the blood came from in panic. Mrs. Martine searches until she found Lydia's knuckles of her right hand that is cut open and bleeding. "Oh God, what did you do yourself?" the mother looked up with confused and scared why her daughter is hurt. She noticed Lydia's wide, confused eyes. Mrs. Martin follows her daughter's gaze to a shattered vanity mirror, shards hanging off it.

"Lydia—sweetheart—" Mrs. Martine doesn't understand why her daughter would punch the mirror and harmed herself. "—why did you do that? Lydia?" she asked Lydia, beyond worried.

Lydia just shakes her head, completely baffled and lost.

She has no idea what is happening to her.




Beacon Hills
B.H. High School

Derek and Isaac were standing by the lockers across from the stairs where Stiles and Scott are sitting at. There is amusement and silent laughter involve for the werewolves who are watching Stiles uses his dramatic voice while looking deep into Scott's eyes. "I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this. Uh, I know, because I love you. I love you more than—Oh my God." Stiles groans as he cut himself off while surrenders his hands. While Derek smirks with amusement as Isaac snickered softly. The lanky teen sends his irked glares at his friends who weren't oh-so-helpful to him. "—I can't. You and Allison seriously have to find a better way to communicate."

Scott frowned. "Come on, you're the only one we can trust."

"Yeah, that's because a certain Sourwolf refuses to help and a puppy is not comfortable with Allison because of the Argent." Stiles snipped while sending his exasperatedly glares at his friends who just shrugged their shoulders.

The McCall werewolf shakes his head. "Did she say she's coming to the game tonight?" he asked, back to his secret girlfriend's topic.

"Oh my—yes." Stiles sighed as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Message complete." Scott beamed happily and excited. "Now tell me about your boss." The werewolves straighten up their spines and step forward to join Scott and Stiles.

Scott cleared his throat. "He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all things that they've hunted, like a book..." Derek's hazel eyes lit up with understanding.

"He probably means a Bestiary." Stiles perked up with interest while Isaac raises his eyebrow with curiosity.

"What?" the McCall werewolf frown with confusion.

Stiles repeated calmly. "A Bestiary."

Scott giggled. "I think you mean bestiality."

The lanky teen stared at his best friend unamused with a deadpan face. "Nope, pretty sure I don't."

"What's that?" Isaac chips in, curious wide eyes at his Alpha.

The young Alpha licks his bottom lip while crossed his arms. "Basically, it's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures." He answered for his Beta. Isaac made a noise with acknowledgment.

Scott sighed heavily exasperatedly as he shakes his head. "How am I the only one who doesn't know anything about this stuff?" he whined.

"Well, maybe you could—I don't know—take up Derek's training for werewolf 101." Stiles sarcastically said with a grin. Scott gives him a look.

The curly-haired werewolf hummed with thoughtful. "So... if we have that book, then that means we can figure it out whatever that creature that has been killing people?"

"Yeah, which means we need that book." Stiles pointed it out. And then he noticed all werewolves stared at him which made him confused until realization hit him. Stiles groaned loudly. "Great. Just fan-freaking-tasic." It seems that he will have to do another delivery of messages between werewolves and an Argent female.




B.H. High School

Allison giggled softly as she lifted her eyes from up her textbook to Stiles with a sweet smile. "I think you mean—"

"No, I mean Bestiary." Stiles interjected exasperatedly. "And the two of you? I don't know what's going on in your heads." He said with judging eyes.

The brunette huntress cleared her throat. "Okay, umm... can you describe this thing?"

"Uh, it's probably like a book—old, worn." Stiles attempt to describe it which he assumed.

Allison narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. "...like, bound in leather?"

"Yes." Stiles nod his head confirmed that she is correct.




B.H. High School
Outside of Boys' Locker Room

Stiles ran down the stairs to the werewolves where they are currently waiting. The lanky human reached to them slightly out of breath. "Yes." He relays the information to the werewolves. "Seen her grandfather. With a book like that."

Scott perked up with interest while the young Alpha and curly-haired Beta watches them with slight amusement and intrigue. "Where does he keep it?" the McCall werewolf asked, curious.

"...hold on." Stiles groaned, whirled around, and jogged up to the stairs.

Isaac glanced at his Alpha who watches Stiles blankly.




B.H. High School

Stiles nearly fall over the table but managed to stop himself by holding on to the edge of the table. Allison raises her eyebrow at him.

The lanky teen was panting from the run. "Where... does he...keep it?" he wheezes.

"Uh... it has to be in his office." Allison said, with confidence since she recalled that her grandfather didn't want to lose his journal and mention that he always keeps it to himself.

Stiles gasping with a nod then whirled around and run back inside the school building.




B.H. High School
Outside of Boys' Locker Room

Stiles nearly collapses but Isaac caught him while whines softly with concern. The young Alpha steps forward as he examined the exhausted human teen.

Stiles' whiskey-brown eyes stared at Scott who waits for the message from his secret girlfriend. "She says... has to be... office." The lanky teen groaned, nearly hyperventilating.

"Can she get the book?" the McCall werewolf asked, hopeful.

The son of the Sheriff sighed as he steps away from Isaac's helping hands then half-jogging up the stairs.

Isaac doesn't like seeing Stiles in an exhausted state and he feels like Scott is using Stiles too much. He frowns at Scott with dislikes while the young Alpha shakes his head. "You know, there's a reason that people use disposable cell phones. You and your girlfriend could use that." Derek informed Scott, calmly. Derek doesn't want Stiles to use some kind of tool to use just because this whelp and that huntress aren't allowed to have a romantic relationship freely.

"I—I wish. But her parents are really strict with her when it comes to me. They didn't want her to get any contact with me." Scott explained, disconcerted and disappointed.

Isaac mumbled to himself without caring if Scott hears him. "I wonder why." It was Scott's fault to continue to pursue his desires after the girl who happens to be from the werewolf hunter's family.




B.H. High School

Stiles uses Scott's old inhaler as he sharply inhaled. "You know, drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones pretty successfully for years." He exhaled while trying to relax his fast-beating heart against his chest.

"My parents check every call, email, and text message I get. Trust me—they'd find it." Allison insisted with a serious face.

The paled, lanky teen sighed heavily with resigned. "All right. Can you get the book?"

"Not without his keys." The huntress answered but a smile appeared on her face. "But I have an idea." Stiles raises his eyebrow with interest.

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