Bliss Kingdom 5: The Inner Ci...

By alexrelatado

9K 171 557

After Alex Auditore vanquished The Fiend Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam, purging his influence on his wife Alexa Bl... More

Chapter 1: Confrontation After SummerSlam
Chapter 2: Join Us
Chapter 3: Order of the Dark Circle
A/N: Group Structure
Chapter 4: Jiu Jitsu Past
Chapter 5: The Order Increases
Chapter 6: Escalation
Chapter 7: Past Revealed and Secret Revealed
Chapter 8: The Pinnacle of the Dark Circle
Chapter 9: Drifting and Reaping
Chapter 10: Evolution 2.0
Chapter 11: Reaping the Pinnacle
Chapter 13: Unexpected Backup
Chapter 14: Lunch Time with the Joshi Judas
Chapter 15: Shiny Drift
Chapter 16: Gauntlet Match
Chapter 17: Champions vs. Challengers
Chapter 18: Two Matches, One Night
Chapter 19: The Gears Grind
Chapter 20: On the Same Page
Chapter 21: AEW Full Gear
Chapter 22: Eight Man Tag Team Main Event

Chapter 12: Drifting to a Dangerous Debut

288 6 34
By alexrelatado


Following the ending on SmackDown last Friday, which saw the debut of the Reaper Scott Wilson defeating the Pinnacle's Cash Wheeler, along with the inclusion of Tay Conti in the Pinnacle and Alexa Bliss in the New Evolution, the Bliss Kingdom sub-group looks to continue their momentum tonight as Vade Drifter makes his in-ring debut against MJF's insurance Wardlow in the main event.

Along with that is a one on one match as Jeri-KO collides while Blood Shepherd will be at commentary. 

Another match is a tag team match as Josh and Finn goes against the Dark Order's Alan "5" Angels and Preston "10" Vance; feeling that Anna will be lurking at ringside, Billie volunteered to be in Bliss Kingdom's corner since Peyton is currently on maternity leave. 

The opening match for tonight is a women's tag team match as Bliss Kingdom's Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair looks to topple the Dark Circle's Nyla Rose and Dr. Britt Baker.

The Queen stepped up to the Native Beast and former AEW Women's Champion, showing no fear. Charlotte connected punches and kicks, barely fazing the Native Beast.  Charlotte launched from the ropes, only to be met by a boot from Rose. However, Charlotte rolled out of the way to avoid an attempted leg drop.

The Queen got back up and connected multiple forearms to keep the Dark Circle member grounded.

(A few minutes later)

Becky was all over Baker as the Man threw the dentist all around with Bexploder suplexes. The Man managed to keep the Native Beast at bay by kicking her down from the apron. As Becky looks to lock in the Dis-Arm-Her, but Nyla stepped in to save her partner. Charlotte and Becky double teamed on Nyla and flattened the Native Beast with a double suplex. Penelope Ford looked to interfere, but she was pulled down by Sasha and Bayley.

Back in the ring, the Man has locked in the Dis-Arm-Her in the middle of the ring, and with no where left to run, Baker taps out, making Becky earning the win for the Kingdom.

The next match is the tag team match as Josh and Finn with Billie in their corner as they take on the Dark Order's 5 and 10 with Anna "99" Jay at ringside. 

The match started with Balor and Angels locking up while at ringside, Anna kept on staring at the Fallen Warrior. However, Josh remained focused on the match as Finn tagged him in. Josh went to work on 5, making him stumble to the corner where 10 tagged himself in. Josh and 10 went to war with punches; the Fallen Warrior was all focused on his target, not letting Anna get in his head.

(A few minutes later)

Finn assisted Josh by launching 10 to the barricade with a shotgun dropkick on 10 followed by a slingblade on 5. Finn threw 10 back in the ring for Josh to finish him off. Josh was measuring 10 for the 25th Hour, but he was distracted by Anna on the apron. The Queenslayer attempted to lure Josh, but she was pulled down by Billie; the Femme Fatale slammed her to the barricade to neutralize her.

Then Josh turned his attention to 10, who attempted for a spinebuster, but the Fallen Warrior got out of it and hits the 25th Hour. Then he tagged Finn in and the Prinxe hits the Coup de Grace for the victory. Billie joined them in the ring to raise their arms.

The second to last match was the one on one match between the former best friends Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho, formerly known as the tandem, Jeri-KO. Blood Shepherd joined the commentary at ringside to scout his former mentor.

The Inner Circle accompanied the AEW Champion to the ring as the crowd sang along his theme. As Jericho got in the ring, he stared down Shepherd at ringside and shouted.

Chris: watch what I will do to you soon, kid!

After entrances were made it was time for the match.

Owens and Jericho's rivalry reignited and they knew each other so well that they countered every move thrown at each other. KO and Le Champeon acknowledged each other and Chris offered him a hug, but KO lured him in and looks to hit a Stunner, but Chris escaped and rolled out of the ring.

(A few minutes later)

Chris looked to lock in the Liontamer, but Kevin got out of it and caught the AEW Champion with the pop-up powerbomb, but Jericho kicked out before the three count.

(End of match)

KO looks to hit a Stunner, but Jericho pushed him out of the way and hits the Codebreaker, followed by a vicious Judas Effect to the face for the pinfall win, while sending a warning shot to Blood Shepherd.

Jericho pointed at his protege as Sammy gave him his AEW title and raised the Demo-God's arm as the Duke stared daggers at his former mentor. 

It was now time for the main event as Vade Drifter makes his in-ring debut against the Pinnacle's Wardlow. Vade was a man who usually warms up all on his own, so he can set his mind on the task at hand. While Vade was warming up, outside the locker room, Tegan was talking with Io and Alexa.

Alexa: what's on your mind, Tegan?

Io: more like, who is on her mind

The Genius of the Sky smirked.

Tegan blushed lightly, but regained her senses.

Tegan: it's Vade

Alexa: what about Vade?

Io: oooh, are you?

Tegan: kick rocks Io; Vade is very charming

Alexa and Io gave her teasing grins to the Shiniest Wizard.

Alexa: are you having a little crush on him?

Tegan's cheeks turned bright red.

Tegan: no!

Io: better wish him good luck before he leaves

Tegan: yeah

Then the girls saw the door open to see Vade in his ring attire; Tegan blushed at the sight of his toned upper body, but then she was pushed to his direction by Alexa and Io.

Tegan: Vade!

Vade turned to see the Shiniest Wizard coming to him. He wasn't a man of many words, but he acknowledged the Welsh Superstar.

Vade: yes?

Tegan blushed as she struggles to put her words together.

Tegan: I... uh... want to say good luck on your debut match tonight

Vade silently nodded.

Vade: thanks... uhh?

Tegan: Tegan, nice to meet you

Vade: a pleasure, Tegan; but if you excuse me, time for me to go to war

Tegan: yes good luck

Vade left and joined the rest of the New Evolution as they left the locker room.

(In the ring)

The Pinnacle's theme played and the six man group came out with MJF and Wardlow leading the way. The Pinnacle's muscle was all ready for a fight against Vade as he got in the ring.

Then the New Evolution's theme played and out came the six men all wearing suits and ties like last week with Vade wearing his ring attire. Vade led the group down the ramp as he stared daggers at Wardlow.

The Ambassador of Anger got in the ring and glared at Wardlow as the bell rang. The two men locked up in an intense test of strength, with Vade getting Wardlow in a side headlock. The Pinnacle's muscle launched him to the ropes to knock him down with a shoulder block, but the collision had no effect on the Ambassador of Anger.

Wardlow looked for a suplex, but Vade countered with a suplex of his own, much to the shock of the Pinnacle at ringside.

Vade looked to hit his finisher in which he calls the Drown Out on Wardlow, but the Pinnacle pulled their buddy out to let him catch his breath. Vade didn't had time for the Pinnacle's foolishness, so he rolled out and caught up with Wardlow by slamming his head on the announcer's table. Then he slammed Wardlow's head on the ring apron before throwing him back in for the pinfall, but Wardlow kicked out before 3.

(Fast forward)

The referee was distracted with Tully Blanchard, which gave Shawn Spears the opportunity to ambush Vade with a right hand. Travis did not take it to kindly to the former Perfect 10, so the American Nightmare swept Spears from the apron and stomped on him repeatedly. Meanwhile, Randy Orton pulled down Blanchard and flattens him with his signature belly to back suplex on the apron.

Back in the ring, Wardlow hoisted Vade on his shoulders and hits the F-10, but it wasn't enough to keep the Ambassador of Anger down.

(End of match)

Vade grounded Wardlow with a Half Nelson Bulldog, and then looks to finish him off with Drown Out. Cash Wheeler looks to interfere, but he was met with a superkick from Scott; Cash's partner Dax looks to capitalize, but he was met by Travis' Sharp Attack.

Meanwhile, Vade got Wardlow's legs in the grapevine and then grabbing his arms from behind. He then saw Spears trying to go for a hit, but he was met with an AKO from out of nowhere by Alex. MJF can only do is to watch as Vade stomps on the back of Wardlow's head for the Drown Out.

Vade went for the pin and it was all over for Wardlow.

The New Evolution got in the ring and raised the Ambassador of Anger's arms while staring down at MJF and a recovered Tully. Alex pointed at his wrist acting like he was wearing a watch, telling MJF that his time as TNT Champion will be up.

Then Vade added insult to injury by picking up Wardlow and threw him over the top rope, right to MJF's feet. The New Evolution were now steps ahead of the Pinnacle, and Alex remembered that he has to beat all the members of the Pinnacle in a gauntlet match in order to get to the slimy TNT Champion.

The show ended with the New Evolution celebrating in the ring while the Pinnacle lays all over at ringside.

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