Sirius's Daughter

By Hyunsungsgirl

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In this story you will be the daughter of Sirius Black. Your father has been locked up for 12 years and you h... More

Part 1: Welcome home Sirius!
Part 2: The ultimatum
Part 3: With every piece
Part 4: I Promise
Part 5: Merry Christmas....
Part 6: Malfoy Manor
Part 7: The truth comes out
Part 8: The Letters
Part 9: Movie Night
Part 10: No More Bill
Part 11: Obliviate
Part 12: Something Has Changed
Part 13: The Dark Mark
Part 14: We Wont Stop
Part 15: Engagement
Part 16: No Escape
Part 17: Threats
Part 18: I do
Part 19: Daddy Issues
Part 20: Draco
Part 21: The Great Escape
Part 22: Finally Time
Part 23: Just The Beginning
Part 24: Nagini
Part 25: Goodbye Letters
Part 26: The Response
Part 27: Godparents
Part 28: He Needed You
Part 29: Cheater
Part 31: First Date
Part 32: A Witch?
Part 33: Scarficing himself
Part 34: He's gone
Part 35: One last battle

Part 30: A New Face

898 20 8
By Hyunsungsgirl

You make it back to the Weasley's with the children. "Dear it's like we haven't seen you in forever! How has everything been?" She asks and as much as you wanted to cry you held it in. "It was a bit difficult with Bill being away having to handle both babies but my father has done so much and I'm finally getting through" "Yes yes and now that Bill is back" you look down "Actually I don't think Bill and I will be together for much longer" you mutter quietly "What?! What happened?" "He cheated on me.. with Fleur" Mrs.Weasley's face turns from happy to infuriated "That boy! Ugh I raised him better than that!" She picks up Jasper. "I'm sorry sweetheart.. at least you have the money and the house you need to survive, you'll do great and we will always be here to help you whenever you need it" she says.

You spent the next days at the Weasley's. Bill sent many owls but you ignored each one. One day as you were out on the town you ran into a muggle. He had semi curly hair, sunglasses and a vest that said FBI.

"Sorry miss- ohhh what cute babies" he smiles brightly at both Teddy and Jasper "Thank you" "Both yours or are you just a babysitter?" He asks. "Well one is biologically mine, the other was my uncle's but sadly he passed so.." his smiles fades "I'm sorry to hear that.." "It's okay, really I've lost a lot but who doesn't love children right" he smiles again "Right, anyways how old are you?" "REID!" A voice calls and he turns around "I'm 22" you reply "Here, take my phone number and call me, I'd love to catch up sometime" he quickly writes down his phone number before hurrying off towards an SUV.

Before you left back to the Weasley's you stopped by a telephone shop. "Uhm.. which one is the best?" You ask and the store clerk sells you an iPhone 6. You went back to the Weasley's where Hermione taught you how to use it. "So you found a new suitor already?" Ginny asks jumping onto her bed. "No no. He was really sweet but I still love Bill but I can't be with someone who cheated on me" they both nod "and Teddy? Don't you two have to share custody?" "He said he didn't want him, so if I have to I'll make sure to get full custody." You explain "I wonder how many kids Ron and I will have" Hermione blushes "Mum is going to have loads of grandchildren. Fred will have some, same with Charlie, Ron , me and.. well Bill if he finds someone. She will never be as great as you though" Ginny adds and you laugh "It's okay Ginny, we will both move on in time" you add. You decided to text the number. "Hey, it's the girl you ran into today and I'm not a very good texter person or however you use this but if you ever want to get together let me know" "Hermione is this right?" You ask and she nods. "Looks great Y/n. Now I think it's time you head back to your real home. You can't hide from Bill forever." Hermione suggests  "I know I'm going to head home tonight and hopefully he will be packing already." You say getting up from Ginnys bed. "I'll see you two next time"

Once you get home Bill and his friends were all playing cards at the table. "Look who's back!" One of his friends shout as you walk in. You roll your eyes as you set the children down. "Y/n! Sweetheart" he tries to hug you but you slap his hands away "I left you here for a few days because I thought you'd be gone! We are done Bill okay? We went through hell and back and you still had the nerve to cheat! I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your friends but enough is enough! You said you didn't like the money and things I inherited then fine! Why are you still here?!" You snap and his friends all look in your direction. "Y/n it was one mistake you can't seriously break up with me for that" "I can and I will. All I did was love you.. and you went back to her" "maybe you're just to young to understand" he snaps "You know what. I want you and your friends out of my house. Now!" You take the kids upstairs and put they down for bed. You can hear Bill throwing things in suitcases and his friends were all chatting downstairs telling him to hurry. You go downstairs into the kitchen when you're dad makes it home. "Y/n, darling who are these people?" They laugh "She's leaving Bill for you?" "Excuse me? That's my daughter!" "Oh right.. Bill we will be outside" and as they open the door a flash of green light shines through the living room..

(Hey guys Tysm for reading! I just wanted to say I have a new book out and I'd love if you could check it out! It's called Another Love! Anyway thank you for your time!)

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