Am I in Love.?

By Kitsing0062x0206

43.9K 2K 136

Imagine that the males are divided into two types.. The normal ones and the bearers. Bearers are capable of g... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note

Chapter 16

1.3K 68 3
By Kitsing0062x0206

Kong's POV

Today is the day.. I will attending the meeting.. Em was going to join directly at the company.. I got ready in my father's suit. It was his lucky and favorite one. P'Oon prepared my tie and helped me to wear it.
"You look handsome Love." He said while adjusting the tie.. I blushed at the comment.
"Take care.. and be cool.. you will handle it well." He said as he hugged me. I took in his scent. 

"Kong.. it is time to leave." I heard P'Gun say from behind the door. I let go of the hug.. P'Oon gave me a kiss before we went out. I went downstairs and everyone were staring at me.
"Kong.. you are really good in this suit." Ma said as she hugged me. 

After that we bid or farewell and started to the company. P'Tina and P'Lina won't be joining the meeting as they have another overseas meeting. So we went separately. Em joined us at the company entrance and ss soon as I entered the company.. everyone were looking at me with two things in their eyes.. admiration and who is he look. Above that.. P'Gun decided to follow me from behind increasing their curiosity. 

I did not spare even a glance at them.. even P'Gun.. we just rushed to the meeting room. The other board members were already. I greeted them and started the meeting.. I first spoke to them about the various project that are being held right now by the two overseas branches and also here at the head office.

"Now I want to discuss with you all about the administration of the company." I said after discussing about the projects.
"Is there something wrong Nong..?" One of them asked.
"No.. it is just that.. we will take over the control over the overseas branches from here itself as it used to be while my father and mother were in position." I said. They were thinking.
"Are you sure about being able to handle.?" The lady asked.

"Khab.. my sisters are actually going to get married and their fiancés also are also native Thai.. All of them want to stay close with the families.. above that.. my sisters will take over the control from here itself through the overseas department." I said.
"It seems to be a good idea.. we will give it a try.. if any problem occurs we will solve it together and see what we can do." Another board member said.

"Thank you for all the support.. and there is one more thing.." I said. They were all looking at me waiting for me to continue. 
"We would like to reveal our identities.. My sisters want to get married on the same day our parents were married.. that is two months from now. Also.. My parents wanted to make the day very grand.. I want to fulfil their wish about their marriage." I said.

"About identities.. we will support you how ever you choose.. and let us know if we can help you with the arrangements. " The lady added.
"Thank you.. I will let you al know the details soon." I said.

"So when are you planning on revealing your identity." A board member asked.
"In the next 5 days.. so that by the time the wedding day comes.. there won't be media or reporters trying to get answers or disturb the wedding.. also It will be easy for me to get the preparations done." I said. All of them nodded. 

After ending the meeting.. P'Gun, I and Em went to the overseas department. It was nearly lunch time.. so we thought of having the lunch together before making some arrangements for the press meet and also to get in touch with the. Em and P'Gun went to call P'Kiet and P'Aran who are in other department.. where as I went to P'Lina and P'Tina.

"P'Lina.. P'Tina. "I called for them. They looked at me and smiled. 
"Shall we go for lunch.?" I asked them as I went and stood near them. Everyone in the department were looking at me.. but I did not mind. 

"Okay.. guys.. you can go for your lunch break.. and we will meet again after we both attend the meeting which the board members called for. I hope you all will carry on with the work till them." P'Tina said.
"Ma'am.. who is he.?" One of the employee asked.
"Oh.. he is our baby brother.. Kongpob." P'Lina said as she held my hand. I gave everyone a wai. P'Tina and P'Lina pulled me out before they could question more.

All of us ate our lunch in the canteen. After having.. I called P'Oon.. I really miss him.
"Hello Mee Noi. Missing me ah.?" He said as he answered the call..

"Why would I miss you.. I just called to ask weather everyone are good and did you all have lunch or not." I said trying to sound not so desperate.
"Mee Noi.. " He said and chuckled.
"Fine.. I missed you." I whispered.
"I miss you too sweetheart.. want me to come and meet you.?" He asked.
"No.. stay with Ma, Pa and others.. I will be there by 6 in the evening." I assured him.
"Okay.. focus on the work.. and don't let anyone near you.. You are only mine." He said sounding serious.
"Okay my dear jealous lover.. I won't let anyone near.. other than you." I said while chuckling.

After cutting the call.. I went and met everyone. None of us cared even a little about the people starring at us.. we just let them gossip around or do whatever they want. After lunch.. all of us went to P'Gun's office room and started the discussion.. We were also making sure that nothing will go wrong with the press meet. I, Em and P'Gun prepared the statements to reveal a day before the press meet. 

We wanted to take a break. P'Gun ordered for some drinks.
"Kong.. the day you skipped the university.. Khun Namtarn created chaos everywhere.. she kept on blabbering that you are irresponsible and every other shit.. At last P'Yatch exploded at her saying that you have taken the permission.. She tried to even make you bad in front of the faculty.. but they said that you have already took the permission for day from them. Since she could not do anything.. she lashed out at the first years.. who spoke about missing your and P'Arthit's presence. They were actually asking us if something was wrong with you.. She managed hurt them.. we tried our best to retort.. but you know right how her words are.. many girls got hurt.. At last Prae stepped on her completely.. Prae, May and Maprang.. made her to fall in the canteen making sure that it will not be seen as a deliberate act. After that they made fun of her.. making her to storm away." Em said as were having our drinks.

"Kong.. I guess she is going to give a hard time to you tomorrow." P'Kiet said. 
"I swear.. I will kill her if she calls any names again.. Kong.. this time I won't stop." P'Lina said sternly.
"Kong.. we are anyway going to reveal our identity.. just keep on stepping on her and be harsh.. for once.. show you pride." P'Tina said.. everyone were nodding.
"Yes.. Kong.. keep on provoking her.. we need her to make the worst move before revealing your identity.. otherwise she will plan worst things.." P'Gun said.

"I will see what I will have to do.. " I said while thinking.
"Kong.. I don't know about her or her background.. but she is not good.. and I am sure if she is not stopped now.. after your identities are revealed.. she may even take dangerous steps.. she seems to be obsessed with Arthit.. and above that she has her father." P'Aran said. I nodded my head and then looked at Em.

"Up for a game.?" I said looking at him with a wicked smile.
"Always ready." He said while smirking back at me. My sisters and P'Gun explained P'Aran and P'Kiet what kind of mischief we can do. They eve told the stunt we pulled against P'Arthit and his friends during the signature task.

"Okay now let us continue.. we can complete and go back home.. it is a long week from tomorrow." I said and got up. 
"Tell us that you are missing someone badly." Em teased.. continued by everyone.. After a few minutes we went back to our work. 

Arthit's POV

My friends reached before lunch.. They briefed me about what Namtarn was doing in our absence.. I felt like just killing her.. But as of now I kept her thought aside and continued with the arrangements..

Em texted me saying that they will be reaching in 20minutes.. Pa and Ma switched off all the lights inside the home.. My friends starting putting on the signs we prepared for Kong to follow. I tried to calm my nerves.. Prem, Wad, P'Forth are ready in their positions with their cameras and recorders on. 

All the elder were also hiding to the other side.. while Ma and Pa are excited and ready to capture everything. After 20minutes.. we heard the car sound and horn indicating their arrival. Em said that he will make sure that everyone of them will move aside a leave Kong alone after he sees the first sign. 

Kong's POV

We entered the house but it was all dark.. I got down the car and looked around.. there once only one board which is lit up.. It show go in this direction.. I did not understand anything.. I looked around for Em.. my sisters and other.. but none of them were there..  

I tried calling for them.. No one responded.. I was getting scared like hell.. None of our parents.. P'Oon.. no one were responding.. I felt helpless.. and kept on praying that nothing will happen to them. Finally I decided to follow the direction.. there were directions after every few steps.. The worst conditions were revolving in my head. 

I walked through the path.. it took me to the garden.. I stopped when I did not find any sign.. I turned in all the directions.. calling everyone's names.. I felt tears forming in the eyes.. Suddenly the whole garden lit up.. P'Oon was standing in front of me with a smile.. I hugged him tightly.. I did not cry but.. I wanted to hold him and not let him go.. I wanted to be sure that he is here really.. 

"P.. where are others.?" I asked breaking the hug.. 
"Relax Kong.. I want to tell you something." He said cupping my face. I looked at his eyes..

"Kong.. you know what.. I was in love with you since I was in my middle school.. It took me roughly 6 months to name my feeling for you as love.. Whenever I wanted to ask you out something or the other happened.. We weren't able to talk much because of my university.. and finally.. when I met you.. I messed up things.. But Mee Noi.. Thanks for still choosing me love.. Thanks for giving me a chance to court you.. love you.. care for you and stand by you.. You are the ultimate happiness for me.. you make me feel home and safe.. Since you were born.. you were the only one who could calm me down how much ever angry I become.. You are the only one who can make my heart flutter.. only you can make me crazy.. worried.. scared and everything sweetheart because nothing is more important in my life than you. You are the moon of my life who can brighten the darkest part of my life. So Kong.." He stopped and took a deep breath.. I was already having tears in my eyes with what all he told me. 

I froze when I he went of his knee..
"So will you let me keep my moon with me forever.. Will you marry me.?" He asked after he went of his kneel.. holding the only ring I loved in my life.. my mother's ring with some small changes.. After few seconds.. I nodded my head as my voice did not want to come out.. 

I pulled him to stand up first and looked into his eyes..
"Only if you will be the sun of my life.. only my sun." I said looking into his eyes.

Arthit's POV

I smiled widely when I hear him call me 'my sun'. I nodded my head and leaned in to kiss him. We broke the kiss when everyone cheered.. I chuckled as Kong blush and hid his face in the crook of my neck. My parents and his sisters came and stood near us.

"Exchange you rings now." Pa said smiling widely. Kong let go of me.. and we exchanged our rings. I and Kong exchanged our rings..
"Finally you both are engaged for real.." Kong's sisters exclaimed. Everyone of our friends came forward and cheered for us. P'Beam hugged Kong saying congratulations.

After that everyone left us alone telling us to come in soon.. they would arrange the dinner. I took Kong and sat by the pool.. where we shared our very first kiss.
"I love you P'Oon." He said as we sat down leaning onto my shoulder and intervening our fingers.
"I love you too sweetheart." I said and kissed his forehead. He lifted his head and first time initiated a kiss on lips.. I let him lead the kiss.. it was slow but filled with love and assurance as well as promises forever.

After the kiss we stayed a few minutes in silence.. Our moment broke when we were asked to come in for dinner. I held his hand while walking towards everyone. Kong sat between me and P'Beam. First he shouted at everyone for this arrangement because he was scared something happened to us.. It took us good 10minutes to coax him. 

We continued eating our dinner.. Kong has been narrating all the incidents with that Namtarn to P'Beam.. And as expected P'Beam was angry but he said he would be calm and will not react till something serious happens or till she doesn't hurt Kong.. He warned me to keep him updated if anything unexpected happens.. even P'Forth and P'Kiet. 

I am actually waiting for her move.. because I want to see what her reaction will be when she realizes who we are... The time went on with me and Kong being the center of everyone's attention as well as teasing. All the people who work at the house also Congratulated Kong and his sisters.

Kong's POV

I was not able to sleep.. I kept on looking at P'Oon as he was packing things for us to return.. I was just trying to get his attention.. But he was too focused on packing that he was not even sparing a glance at me.. I was getting jealous of the trolley bag he was packing.. 

I eve sat behind the trolley and kept on removing things when he turns around.. but still he did not glace towards me. I pouted.. this person calls me his moon and is not even sparing a glance at me. I closed the bag and sat on it with my arms across my chest. Finally he saw me.. but I turned my head away still pouting. I glared at him as I heard him chuckling.

"Not even a 5 year old cutest kid in the world will be as cute as you my Mee Noi.." He said as he bought his face near to me. All the feelings and things I have been trying vanished as I blushed. 
"So what happened.?" He asked.. That was when I remembered what I was doing.
"Moon missed its sun so moon was asking for attention but sun is not giving so moon decided sulk." I replied pouting more. He leaned in with a smile and kissed me.

"The Sun was scared to loose control.. that is why it trying to look around and do other things.. because the moon is really beautiful. Also.. The sun doesn't want to hurt the moon because the moon will have to go to university and deal with some trash around." He whispered in my ears. I blushed and smiled widely at the same time. 

After sharing another kiss.. I helped him in packing. When we were done.. we slept snuggling with eachother. I felt happy. 
"Good Night P'Oon.. my sun." I whispered.
"Good Night My lovely moon." He whispered back as I fell asleep.

Next day I woke up and could not help but stare at P'Oon.. I got up hearing someone knock at the door. It was Ma.
"Son.. time to get ready." She said as I opened the door. I smiled and hugged her.
"Good morning Ma." I said. 
"Morning son.. Did Oon wake up.?" She asked.
"No Ma.. I will wake him up." I said.
"Okay.. wake him up. Get ready fast you will be late to your university.. so be quick.. I will prepare the breakfast." She said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and nodded my head.

I sat down beside P'Oon and started shacking him while calling him.
"P.. P.. wake up.. we need to get ready." I said. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled looking at me.
"Morning sweetheart." He said as he sat and hugged me.
"Morning P'Oon.. now let us get ready we need to go to university and handle drama." I said. He chuckled while noding

"Should I prepare a coffin.?" He asked me.
"No.. it is a waste.." I replied making him laugh. 
Both of us got ready and joined the others.. All of us had our breakfast and bid farewell. P'Gun, P'Forth, P'Kiet, P'Aran and my sisters went to the company while P'Beam went to his hospital.
Ma and Pa were going to their company to reveal the statement. P'Kiet and P'Aran's parents also started to their homes.

The ride to the college was fun with non-stop teasing and even singing songs loudly. I and my friends separated towards our class while P'Oon and his friends went to their classes.. but still we could see many happy faces, some were hopeful while others were thankful faces.

"Guys.. why are they all giving me such faces..? I am missing something.?" I asked my friends.
"Told you about the drama queen right.. That much how she created the chaos." Em said.
"I am sure she will come and trouble us today." Wad said.
"Let her.. I will show her how it will be to mess with a Suthilak.. Play along if I and Em find a way to step her." I said. They all nodded and we went and sat in our class. Even my classmates were happy to see me back especially Prae as she complained about Khun Namtarn immediately. 

Soon the lecturer came and the class became silent as everyone focused on the class. After the morning classes were over.. I opened my phone.. P'Oon texted me a few minutes back..

"Kong.. come handle this drama queen.. I don't want be jailed and away from you for killing her." 

I chuckled and then showed the message to my friends.. I and Em looked at eachother and smirked.
"Game On." We both said at the same time and gave a wicked smile.
"Should we be worried or happy.?" Oak asked.
"We should be a part of a suspense thriller scene." Wad said.
"Also be a supporting role.. acting when needed." Tew added. We laughed as we made our way to the canteen. I saw her trying to hold P'Oon's hand while trying to hold him tightly and hug him.. he was doing his best to free his hand and movie aside.. I and my friends made our way to the table.

"P'Oon.." I called him. He looked at me and smiled widely.. He came and hugged me tightly. 

"P.. I have something to return to you.." I said while breaking the hug. 
"What is it Mee Noi.?" He asked me smiling widely.
"Maybe your freedom.. Then we can be together." Khun Namtarn exclaimed.

"Even if Kong break ups with P'Oon.. which is not possible at first place.. You are not to his level.. his standard is far above you." Em said and glared at her. Before she could retort.. I spoke again.
"Not even a word after I return it.. " I said. He nodded his head.. Everyone in the canteen were curious about what was happening.

I gave him the gear not his or mine.. but our gear which I got merged in the break before this year started... He looked at it with wide eyes..
"P.. It has been long since I have been carrying both the hearts.. and now that we are not separable.. maybe even this should be inseparable." I said. All our friends were cheering for us.. He was smiling widely showing his dimples.
"I will get our lunch and drinks.." I said and kissed him on his cheeks before leaving towards the stall along with Wad and Oak.

Arthit's POV

I became speechless seeing our merged gear with our names engraved on it. All my friends and Kong's friends kept on teasing me. And the kiss.. just added more cuteness.. I looked at Namtarn.. she was gaping like a wish out of water.

"P'Arthit.. you both fit like pieces of a jig-saw puzzle.. you both fit exactly together completely the puzzle named love." Em said while smiling.
"Yes Arthit.. you both complement eachother.. and together.. there is nothing you both can't do.." Tay added.
"I am pretty sure it is P'Arthit who is the best in everything.. so there nothing for that cheap bitch to do." Namtarn said. I clutched my fist trying not to react. Kong came with our food and placed a hand on my shoulder calming me.

"Ai'Kong.. You are the most brilliant person in our class right.. Let me ask you a question." Em said suddenly. Kong nodded while we were all looking at them curiously.
"What do we call people who are behind the engaged and committed people even after multiple rejections and insults done.?" He asked Kong.

"Mm.. Em.. it is a difficult question.. let me explain you.. bitches.. play and leave once they loose their respect.. same goes to sluts.. once rejected or their pride is hurt.. they leave and don't even turn back.. actually it is the same for any human or animal.. but there is one species found recently.. which suits as the answer for your question.. and THAT SPECIES IS CALLED NAMTARN" Kong replied.. the whole canteen could here it loud and clear. Everyone of us laughed.. and seeing us.. even the rest could not help but burst out laughing. 

"How dare you call me that.?" Namtarn raised her voice.
"Oh.. Khun Namtarn.. you are not the only Namtarn that exists in the world.. but why are you offended..? I did not point towards you and tell.. you shouldn't be shouting unless you are such a person." Kong said loudly but with a calm voice still showing respect. We all smirked while the other were surprised with his comeback.

"Khab Khun Namtarn.. Why are you offended..? Oh.. don't tell me you are still courting Kong. He already rejected you on the very first day.. that to many months ago." Em said with curiosity in his voice.
"Why would I court him.. I am a beauty and an antique.. If anyone courts it should be everyboy courting me." She replied flipping her hair. Kong and Em burst out laughing like there is no tomorrow holding their stomach.

"Mee Noi.. tell me why are you laughing.." I asked Kong.
"Em.. tell the reason first." They held their laughter and took few deep breaths.

"Khun Namtarn told that she is an antique.. That is why we are laughing." Kong said.. he told us the reason like he spoke a riddle.
"Sweetheart.. explain clearly." I said..

"P.. Antique is an item.. which is liked to put in a show piece.. because of its beauty.. but no one uses them.. also.. an Item to be called a antique.. it should be at least 100 years old.. and Khun Namtarn just now said that she is an antique piece.. that means she is about 100 years.. then she should our great grandmother.. and she is courting a college student in near 20 age." He said.

This time all of us laughed not because of the reason but because of Namtarn's expression when Kong compared her to great grandmother.

"Kongpob.. how dare you say that to me.. you know who I am.. I will get you suspended and end your career within a blink of eye." She said grabbing his collar. Kong's eyes turned dark and his anger could be felt.. 

"Khun Namtarn.. I challenge you.. Whom ever you get suspended in this college.. I will make sure that they will be back within 24 hours." He said coldly and pushed her rashly.
"Oh.. and by the way.. you can't even pull our hair." Em added standing beside him.

"You challenged a share holders daughter.. remember that you idiot." She shouted and Kong and lifted her hand. I was about to hold her but Kong bet me. He held her hand tightly making her wince in pain..

"Listen Miss.. I have used up all my patience for you.. I had enough of putting up with you.. Let me make it clear.. you are just a daughter of a mere share holder.. who holds only 15% of the college shares.. There is more 85% share holders.. and they are four members.. Suthilak's, Jaturapoom's, Vangviphan's and Theeravit's who have been against your father since day one in every step. Try me.. and I will make sure you father will no longer be a share holder in this college.. and you will be kicked away." He said coldly and let go of her hand. 

"I will see your end.. wait for two day." She shouted.
"Two days right.. till then FUCK OFF from my eye sight." Kong retorted with a same pitch. After she stormed out.. we all continued eating.. Kong apologized others for the incident before continuing eating.. Other have reacted positively saying she deserves it.

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