broken (k.p.)

By kissykissyrry

400K 7.8K 16.5K

"Kai, please." I whine. A smirk comes upon his face as he looks at me and my reactions. "Please what? You wa... More

Blueberry Pancakes
The Ascendent
In Denial
Special Place
Confusing Feelings
You're Breaking My Heart
To Mend a Broken Heart
My One And Only, Right?
I Love You, You Love Me
It Might Be The End For Me
Magic Hands
No Control
Just the Two of Us
Hell On Earth
I'm Struggling Here
I Thought It Was You
There's No Escape
It's Like a Bump in The Road
You're Using Me
We're Starting Over
It's Not a Dream
Good Morning to You
Just Another Day
Are We Leaving Yet?
Add Two, Kill Two
Mortuus Viventes
I'm Feeling Nothing
Tell Me How It Feels
I Need You Back
It's A Turning Point
It Hasn't Been The Same
What Are We Going To Do?
Can't Get Enough
Something New
Cake And Kisses
I Need You
Breaking Away
Spare Me
Not What I Expected
Thoughts Racing
The Difference Between Them
Breathe In, Breathe Out
A New Place
Kiss Me, Please?
Touch Me
Going Back
I Need The Truth
Are We Normal Yet?
It's Almost Too Much
The End For Now
Epilogue Two
You Make Me Happy
UnPublished Extra

Epilogue One

2.4K 53 203
By kissykissyrry

6 months later

I hear Kai snoring next to me as I open my eyes.

I can't even tell what time it is.

We stayed up late last night watching movies, and to be honest, that's all we've been doing these last few months. I'm not complaining, though. It's been the best months of my life.

Aside from our wedding, of course.

I think we've only been doing that and baking these past few months because Kai wants a distraction for me and himself. Bonnie's still gone, and she hasn't contacted any of us that I know of. Me and Kai don't really talk about the situation anymore, mostly because we don't want to, and there's no reason to. We settled that a while ago- there's no reason to dwell on it.

I turn onto my side, now facing Kai. I can tell that he's dreaming from his movements. His eyebrows are furrowed, his mouth keeps opening slightly, and he keeps making small movements. I hope he's having a good dream.


I think I can figure that out.

I place my hands on the sides of his head and close my eyes.

"Ostende Mihi Faciem Tuam Cogitationes." I whisper.

But just as an image starts to show, I feel Kai's hands around my wrists, pulling my hands down.
My eyes immediately open, and I'm slightly worried that I've invaded his privacy.

But that thought vanishes when Kai lets go of my wrists and slides one of his hands down to my ass. I shake my head with a small laugh as Kai smirks at me.

Well, now I think I might have an idea of what that dream was about.

"Trying to get in my head?" He asks in a whisper.

"You were dreaming, I was trying to see what it was about." I reply with a small smile.

"Oh, angel, I could just show you," He states. "I know you're more of a visual learner."

"Am I? Or do you just want me to be for your sake?" I ask. Kai pouts.

"C'mon, quit being such a fun-ruiner." He whines. I grasp his cheeks, moving my face closer to his.

"I don't think that's a word." I whisper.

Kai turns us around before I can say a word. He's on top of me with one of his hands gripping the side of my neck. He leans down towards my lips, barely brushing his against mine.

"I said quit." He whispers back.

He pulls back, raising his eyebrows as if in reassurance, and I nod in response. He takes his hand away from my throat and lightly places it on my chest.

Right over my heart.

"You know this is my favorite sound." He whispers.

"What?" I ask.

"Your heartbeat." He replies in a whisper. I look at him in confusion.

"It's a reminder that you're alive," He states. "And I like to hear it speed up in certain situations."

A smirk slowly shows up on his face, his hand sliding down my body.

"It's speeding up right now actually," He whispers. "I wonder why."

His fingers reach the band of my shorts, lightly dancing over them. I can hear and feel my breathing start to speed up.

"It's because of you, idiot." I breathe out.

Kai's expression changes, his eyes growing darker. His hand leaves my shorts, immediately coming back up to my throat.

"What'd you just call me?" He asks in a whisper.

"I seem to forget that you have quite the temper sometimes." I manage to say as Kai's fingers tighten around my neck.

"You also seem to forget that I'm a former sociopath, angel. And that I still have some of my sociopathic tendencies." He replies in a whisper.

"Is that why you're so kinky?" I ask in a whisper.

Kai just smirks at me before leaning down to press his lips against mine. He pulls back with the same dark look in his eyes.

"It's also why it's so easy for me to tease you," He states, and I can feel my brows furrow in confusion. "If I was a normal person, I'd break down myself from pushing you over the edge over and over and over again."

I don't get to say anything before he pushes himself off of me. He raises his eyebrows with a smile before he walks into the bathroom.

Little bastard.

It's been a few hours since Kai pushed me to the edge once more, and yet, I'm still tense. I've been trying to distract myself while my amazing husband keeps sneaking touches every few minutes.

I'm making popcorn right now actually. I set the timer on the microwave, looking over my shoulder when I hear something. I jump when Kai pops up in front of me when I turn around.

"Did I scare you?" He asks in a whisper, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"A little bit," I reply. "I'm making popcorn."

"Wonderful," Kai states. "I love popcorn."

I know what game he's playing. He's trying to tease me to the point where I will literally get on my knees and beg.

Now, does that sound over the top?

Of course it does.

But he knows the extent I'll go to. And I know his.

I grab the bag of popcorn out of the microwave and open it, grabbing a piece of it. I bring it up to Kai's mouth so that he can eat it, and he does. I let my fingers linger on his lips afterwards.

"Popcorn is quite delicious." I whisper. Kai just stares at me as I let my hand trail down his face, to his chest, to the belt buckle of his pants.

And then his phone dings.

He groans, taking it out of his back pocket.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Damon," Kai rolls his eyes. "He wants us to come over for some emergency meeting."

I nod in response. Kai starts to walk away, but I grab the back of his neck, pulling him towards me. I press my lips to his, pulling away after a few seconds only to press my forehead to his.

"We'll finish this when we get back, okay?" I ask.

"Planned to." He replies in a whisper.

"I knew you would," I state. "I really hope this meeting doesn't take long."

I don't even to bother to knock as I open the door to Damon and Stefan's house. And as soon as I do, Damon comes running to block the doorway.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He looks at Kai before looking back to me.

"I didn't text you for a meeting," He states. "I texted you because there's a surprise here for you."

You would think that when someone is telling you that you have a surprise, their voice would show it. But Damon's voice sounds glum.

Now, that's odd.

I furrow my brows as I try to read his face, but I can't.

"What happened, Damon?" I ask hesitantly, and I feel Kai's hand tighten around my waist as I glare Damon down.

"Well, you see-" He starts, but I don't let him finish.

"Motus." I whisper.

He flies against the farthest wall, and as soon as he does, I walk inside, dragging Kai behind me. I make my way towards the living room.

"Why did Damon just barricade the doorway from-" My voice trails off as I step into the living room.

Stefan, Caroline, Elena, Jeremy, Alaric stand there. Right next to Bonnie.

And she turns around as soon as she hears me.

I freeze and so does she, and we're left standing in front of each other with our eyes locked. I can see everyone staring at us out of my peripheral view. I walk up to her slowly, and then as soon as I'm close enough, I slap her.

"That's for leaving, you bitch." I whisper as tears start to run down my face.

Everyone's eyes widen until I smile, and Bonnie starts laughing. I tackle her in a hug, and she practically strangles me with a hug as well.

Over half a year without my sister- my best friend- and I have never been happier to see her. And no, I haven't forgotten what happened before, but you can't hold onto the past forever, right?

As soon as I pull away from Bonnie, she looks at me with that look on her face.

"I'm sorry, for everything." She whispers.

I just nod as an understanding, and she gets it. We've always gotten each other. I look around, and I can tell it's awkward.

"If you guys don't mind, I'd like to talk to Elle in private." Bonnie announces.

Everyone nods, leaving the room.

Everyone but Kai.

"Are you sure?" Kai asks to me. I nod. He speeds over to me, grabbing my jaw to make me look at him.

"Are you sure?" He asks with more intensity.

"Yes." I reply.

"Okay." He whispers before kissing me.

And then he's gone.

I turn to Bonnie, and she's smiling at me.

"Come sit with me." She states. I sit next to her in the couch, and she immediately turns her body to me.

"I have a lot of things I need to say to you, and I really don't know where to start." She admits. I grab her hands, holding them in mine.

"Bon, don't feel obligated to get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness. I'm not going to hold a grudge. You apologized already. I don't think I'm obligated to hold a grudge." I state.

"I don't care. I hurt you. You deserve a million apologies." She argues. I sigh and nod for her to go ahead.

"I've been trying to give you your space. Which is why I left actually. I see that it seemed more like I was running away from my problems, but I promise you, I wasn't. I found someone, and I really like him. I might just be love crazy, but I've been traveling with him over the world, and it's been some of the best months of my life. I told him what happened, and we talked about it. He made me realize what I did, and I'm a bit appalled with myself. I should've told you and Kai about my... situation. It was a selfish thing of me to not tell you. I'm not staying here, Elle, but I will visit. I just came here to make things better between us. You're practically my sister and you're my best friend. It would kill me if that bond broke. And it almost did. So, I'm sorry. And I know those words will probably never make up for the things I did, but until I can fully make it up to you, that's all I can say. I love you, E. Never forget that. No matter what." Bonnie apologizes. I pull her into a hug immediately.

"I love you, too, B," I say as soon as we pull away from each other. "And I forgive you. Don't feel as if you have to do something for me to forgive you- I already have."

Bonnie just nods like she understands, but I know that she'll still do something spectacular to make it up.

"Aside from that, who's this mystery guy?" I ask, winking at her.

"His name is Enzo," She replies, and I can see her start blushing. "God, he's hot. And he wants to take me to Paris."

"Then go to Paris. I'm not stopping you. Go live your life, Bonnie. Just call me, okay?" I ask. She nods.

"He's actually waiting for me at home- I made him stay. I already said goodbye to everyone else, but I really don't want to say it to you." She whispers. I give her a weak smile before I give her one last hug.

"Go to Enzo. Go to Paris. Get out there, you silly witch. I love you." I whisper the last part.

"I love you, too, E," She replies, wiping her eyes. "Now, I should go before I refuse to leave your side."

We both laugh before she gets up off the couch. I have to stop myself from crying as she opens the front door.

"Call and text me all the time!" I call out.

"I will!" She calls back. The door closes after a few seconds.

God, I thought this would hurt less.

I feel hands come around my waist. I don't have to turn around to know it's Kai.

"How'd it go?" He asks in a whisper.

"Oh, shut up. I know you were listening." I laugh as I turn around to face him.

"Okay, okay, you caught me. But I was only listening because I didn't want her to hurt you again. I was just watching out for you." He explains. I grab his cheeks.

"Aw, you can be so sweet." I say sarcastically.

"Rude." He mouths. I just smile at him.

"Can we go now? I'm tired, and I don't want to be bombarded by Caroline and Elena." I state.

"Of course." Kai replies. He wraps his arm around me, leading me to the door.

"I know you're all listening, so I love you all!" I call out. There's a small moment of silence before I hear a response.

"We love you, too!" My family calls back in unison. I shake my head with a laugh as me and Kai leave the house, walking back to our car.

"You can use me as a pillow once we get home." He states.

"I will gladly do that," I respond. "You are very comfortable."

He opens the door for me, smiling.

"Yeah, I'm sure I am."

All the lights in our apartment are out as I lie on Kai's chest in our bed. He is very comfortable as I said before.

Like outstandingly comfortable.

His hand is rubbing against my back as he quietly sings to me. He can be a good singer, he just jokes around with it a lot.

It gives me a flashback to some of our karaoke days.

He stops singing, and I can feel his body turn even more towards me.

"Are you glad you got to talk to Bonnie?" He asks in a whisper.

"I am. When she first told me about how she felt for you and everything, I thought I'd never forgive her. But she's my sister and best friend. And she's trying her best to make sure that she doesn't hurt me again. Yeah, it still hurts a bit to know how she felt for you and how she kept it a secret, but I forgive her. I'm glad I got to talk to her today. I think it finally mended the bond we have." I reply with a hint of happiness in my voice.

"I'm glad, too. I know how much you guys care for each other." Kai states. I just smile, and I feel Kai's lips against my forehead. I let out a yawn against his chest as I press myself closer to him.

"Close your eyes, angel." He whispers. I nod against his chest.

"I love you." I whisper out.

"I love you, too, Noelle Parker."

A/N I wrote this at 3:00 in the morning, so don't bully me if it's bad.

Double update, though, check out the next and final epilogue after this.

Okay, okay, we're getting to the end, so I'll give you guys your present:

I love you all, have a good day or night🤍

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