Annie x F!Reader (Book 1)

By MaxJerett

32K 1.5K 243

Y'all, I am in love with the Warhammer titan. And Annie. I mean who isn't? If you're not; come see me, imma c... More

What Is A Name?
It's Always The Perverts
Curiosity Killed The Cat
The Breakfast Club
Sibling Quarrel
Vent Buddy Applications Needed
My First Girlfriend
Ymir Being A Little Shit
Undetected, As Expexted
Selfish Motives
First Date?
What Did The Bag Do?
Chipping The Tree
Successful Allegiances
Asshats Crashin' My Party
Plans Change
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Calm Before The Storm
Welcome To Hell
Paralysis Is No Joke!
Lap Dog Titan
Back From The Dead
To Wage A War
Pit Of Vipers
Pig Butcher
Greenthumb, Bitten Tongue
Titan-Sized Obsession With Titans
Long Awaited Moments
Honesty Is The Best Policy
Suicidal Maniac
Crucial Crossroads
Tender Moments
Walk Of Shame
Three-Way Rumble
Handcuffs, No Key

Red Flare, Green Flare

691 37 8
By MaxJerett

Y/n's POV

The second I made eye contact with Annie, I looked away. Next, I looked at Dietrich. That bastard tried to pin my disappearance on Mikasa. I made it known that I was looking right at him.

Y/n: 'What the-? Who in the hell smells like urine? And why can I smell that?'

Tybur: 'I think the smell is coming from Ian.'

Y/n: 'Ha! Well, ain't that 'bout a bitch?'

Dietrich: Captain Woerman. His words are worth considering, sir. Maybe we should-

Woerman: QUIETT!!

I watched as Woerman slowly raised his arm, ready to give the second fire command.

Y/n: 'How do I use my hardening? I want to protect Armin way up front.'

Tybur: 'You won't have to use it. Stand down.'

Mikasa didn't seem to have the same confidence Tybur had because she looked up to me, and I could see the worry in her eyes.

I began to ready my legs to kick, Mikasa was ready to slice through everyone, and Eren was about to bite his hand again (amateur). Just as he was about to lower his fists, Commander Dot fucking Pixis stepped in.

Pixis: That's enough. You should really do something about your nervous disposition, Captain Woerman.

Woerman: C-Commander Pixis?

Y/n: 'That's right, you trigger happy coward.'

Pixis: Can you not see this soldier's heartfelt salute? How about the Titan they have standing behind them?

I un-tensed at the mention of me.

Pixis: I've only just arrived, but I'm quite aware of our situation. Gather our reinforcements. I think we could at least do these young soldiers the favor of hearing them out.

Armin dropped his salute and collapsed to his knees in relief.

Mikasa looked up at me, and I was glad to see the fear gone.

Mikasa: You hear that, friend? We just bought Eren more time.

Pixis: Cadet Ackerman.

Mikasa: Sir.

Pixis: Excuse my rudeness, but where is your friend? Cadet L/n.

Y/n: 'Wow, people actually noticed my absence! I feel so loved!'

Tybur: 'Can it.'

Mikasa: She's either MIA or dead, sir.

Pixis: Hm, a shame. Her father told me of her potential before his tragic passing. I was hoping to recruit her.

Y/n: 'As if I'd join the Garrison! The scouts are calling my name.'

Mikasa: I...I understand, sir.

Pixis: At ease, cadet.


I was at the bottom of wall Rose, on the outside. Fighting more Titans.

Y/n: 'These bastards love to gang up on you.'

Tybur: 'This will prove to be useful in the future.'

Y/n: 'What makes you say that?'

Tybur: 'In time, you will see.'

Y/n: 'Ugh. I don't know why I bother asking.'

I was well into my Titan smashing flow when-

Pixis: Nope. Not any of you. Getting eaten by a Titan wouldn't be so bad if it was a sexy lady one.

Y/n: 'What the fuck did he just-? Is he talking about Annie? He had to have maybe seen her outside the walls five years ago.'

Tybur: 'She does have the only Titan that looks distinctly female. Other than yours, I guess.'

Y/n: 'Wait, you mean like, I'll be able to tell that it's her?'

Tybur: 'Oh, you'll be able to tell.'

Pixis: That's that? Getting to this cellar is the grand plot?

Eren: Yes, sir. Well, at least I think so.

Y/n: 'What? Eren...!'

Pixis: For the moment, there is no way to validate all of the claims you've made, save for your abnormal friend at the bottom of the wall. For now, I'll just catalogue them in here. With that said, I can usually tell the difference between the unctuous and the sincere, which is why I personally guarantee your safety-the three of you and the abnormal.

Y/n: 'This is good. I can try to shift and help out every now and then. Whether I'm a Scout or a Garrison soldier.'

Tybur: 'I won't deny that associating yourself with Mikasa was the way to go. You saved Eren, so this puts you high on her list.'

Armin: I was going to suggest that Eren, using his strength as a Titan, could lift that giant boulder. We could use it to block off the wrecked gate. That was the best idea I was able to come up with on the spot.

Tybur: 'Armin and I think alike.'

Y/n: 'I guess so. Now instead of me doing it, he is. I guess I've proved my worth as Mikasa's "friend". He needs to prove his by blocking the hole in the wall.'

Armin: I-I just wanted everyone to see Eren's ability provide a solution to the problem we all face. Granted, I was pretty desperate to survive, but had Captain Woerman fired our abnormal friend would've defended us.

Pixis: Desperate to survive, huh? That's as credible a reason as any, son.

He took a sip of whatever he had in that flask of his.

Pixis: What do you say, cadet Yeager?

Eren: Say, sir?

Pixis: That hole. Do you think that you can plug it up, son?

Eren: We'll, I-I don't know. It's possible. But at the moment, I don't understand my power any more than you do. It's just...I sort of feel irresponsible giving you an answer, 'cause I don't really know.

Pixis: Ah, yes. Of course, my apologies. I asked you the wrong question. Are you willing to, cadet Yeager. Or not?

It was silent for a moment, and I started sweating in anticipation.

Eren: I'll do it. I'll do it! I don't know if I can seal that hole. But, I'll do it!

Y/n: 'Looks like I'll be fighting alongside him instead of fighting him.'


I was still smashing Titans to shit, with nothing else to do.

Eren: Either way, though, we've got a whole other problem to address before we can get your plan off the ground. And my gut tells me that the commander is keenly aware of it.

Armin: Which would be?

Eren: Titans aren't our only foe.

Y/n: 'I just hope that if I ever do have to come clean, they understand.'

Tybur: 'Why wouldn't you?'

Y/n: 'The Warriors can't abduct who they don't know. If they don't know that I'm the Warhammer, they can't try to run off with me. I mean, let's face it, I may be decent, but they're veterans. If they want to take me, they will. I need to remain anonymous until it's safe to identify myself.'

Tybur: 'You've come far, Y/n.'

I laughed.

Y/n: 'Thank you, Lara.'

Pyxis: Look sharp soldiers. The fate of mankind rests on your shoulders.

Y/n: 'Well, thanks for not pressuring me.'


All I could hear from the other side of the wall were complaints and Cadets thinking Pyxis had finally gone off the rails. They had gotten me to the more populated side of the wall to prove a point to everyone.

Y/n: 'And you're sure that I won't randomly eject? They can't know I'm the Warhammer.'

Tybur: 'You will be fine. After Yeager seals up the hole, you will eject yourself. You may be tired, but it will work well for the plan I have in mind.'

Y/n: 'In any case, I trust you, Lara.'

Daz had started screaming like he was going nuts, and it started to affect the entire audience gathered.

Y/n: 'I'd be afraid too, if I didn't have this Titan. I just don't know if I would let others know how I feel about my fears though.'

Tybur: 'You're as brave as the others, you know. You faced this head-on, and I'm proud of you.'

Y/n: 'Well, I guess we'll see how I do when I'm fighting another shifter and not just a pure Titan.'

I was waiting for Pyxis to signal me in, and I was getting bored of not having any Titans to smash up.

Y/n: 'Can we talk about why I was able to smell Dietrich's urine?'

Tybur: 'Your senses are getting stronger. This is only the beginning.'

Pyxis: Atteeentioooooon!

Y/n: 'Way to scare the hell out of me. *Sigh* Well, it's show time.'

Pyxis: Take note. The blueprint of the Trost Recovery Operation is this,

That was my cue to step out, and so I did. Of course, it had the Cadets scared shitless, and the odor was awful.

Pyxis: Calm yourselves while I speak!

The cadets put their focus on Pyxis, while still quivering, of course.

Pyxis: This here abnormal Titan saved many of your comrades lives alongside cadet Yeager! This Titan and cadet Yeager are our key to saving what's left of Trost. Our primary objective is to reseal the whole. Yes, you heard right. What's more, it will be done manually. As for how the task will be done, that's where this fellow comes in. Allow me to introduce the cadet Yeager I was speaking of.

Eren saluted, and all of our friends looked like they'd just witnessed a murder.

Y/n: 'Imagine their faces if they knew about me...'

Connie: Wha-What the hell?

Pyxis: Don't let appearances deceive you. This young man has the potential to become a Titan much like our abnormal friend here. This potential is fabricating and controlling a Titan body at will.

Connie: Uh, somebody tell me the commander's off his rocker, 'cause otherwise I'm just too thick to get what this means.

I scanned the crowd for Ymir, and found her already looking at me.

Y/n: 'What are the chances I can get Ymir to shift and help out?'

Tybur: 'Are you not aware of the possibility that the Warriors could see her?'

Y/n: 'They won't know it's her. Plus, I can keep them a bay.'

Tybur: 'You'll have to run that by her. But know that we'll have to protect Eren from the Warriors, now.'

Y/n: ' Shit, I hadn't thought of that. I guess now I'll have to choose a regiment based on them. That sucks ass.'

Ymir: Will you just shut up and pay attention? Idiot.

Pyxis: Recall the massive boulder roughly a league from the gate. Having assumed Titan form, cadet Yeager will hoist said boulder on his back, schlep it to the hole, and voila! And this is where you all come in. Your job, in addition to our abnormal friend, will be to defend him. Yes. Defend a Titan against his own kind.

Y/n: 'This will be my moment of truth. I need to show everyone that I'm not their foe.'

Daz: They're lying! I'm not gonna be drawn into sacrificing myself for this crap! We're just disposable tools to you people! You expect us to live and die by what's the hell comes out of your mouth!

Y/n: 'Enough of this!'

Tybur: 'Y/n!'

I strode forward at a slow pace to show I meant no harm, and knelt a considerable distance away.

Cadet: Is it...bowing?

Y/n: 'What? I bow to no one!'

Tybur: 'No one except the queen.'

Y/n: 'Damn straight!'

I slowly extended my hand out to Daz, and he just stared at it with a mortified expression.

Y/n: 'C'mon, you fucking scaredy-cat! Hop on!'

After a minute, he did, though he did squeak whenever he lost his footing and had to regain it.

Daz: You better not eat me...!

Y/n: 'I'd rather eat the food we were given at camp than eat you.'

I slowly stood and returned to where I was standing before. Except this time, I had Daz standing on my shoulder.

Berzenska: Well would you look at that.

Daz: Seriously, if you eat me, I'm going to make sure to fuck up your insides.

Y/n: 'I'll pass, Daz.'

Though I had did what I did, there were still some cadets who were petrified.

Woerman: Traitors! I'll kill you where you stand! Desertion is punishable by death!

He only made the hysteria swell.

Pyxis: Anyone wishing to leave, will by my personal order, not be charged with treason! That being said, if you do choose to stay and serve, this very Titan you see before you will save you from an early grave!

Daz: I can...agree to that...

Pyxis: Those who have seen a Titan firsthand will not be expected to revisit such horror again. Whomever this applies to, you may leave with my blessing. Additionally, anyone with family or loved ones they would spare from the same trauma may also leave. The crown will continue to recognize your service. Thank you and good luck!

Y/n: 'I guess this is for the best. No need to force them. We're all just kids at the end of the day.'

Tybur: 'You say this, yet you're here.'

Y/n: 'I'm not here by choice. I'm here because someone has to be.'

Tybur: 'What happened to your selfish ambitions?'

Y/n: 'They're gone.'


Y/n: 'Y'know, I'm starting to realize that these Titans are being difficult for no apparent reason.'

Tybur: 'But it's no issue?'

Y/n: 'No, this Titan smashing gig is a piece of cake.'

Tybur: 'I hope you feel the same after your first fight with another shifter.'

Y/n: 'I'll come out on top. I have to.'

Just then I saw a green flare go up. The operation had truly started. Next was my signal that the Boulder was clear of Titans.


Tybur: 'This is it, Eren and the other cadets are on their way.'

The whipping of ODM gear wires and Eren's growl of determination caught my ears. I looked to my right to see Eren lift his and bite it.


A bolt of lightning struck signaling a successful attempt. Eren's Titan flew over the Boulder and straight into the building behind it.

Y/n: '*Sigh* I should probably go make sure he's alright.'

Before I could get too close, Eren in his Titan form, stepped out of the smoke from the debris.


Y/n: 'Huh, well, it looks like he's okay.'

I was proved wrong as he immediately turned on me and starting swinging.

Y/n: 'Damn it, again with this Eren? We need you to get this thing to the gate, not ask for a second round! Snap out of it!'


His Titan responded in kind.


Y/n: 'This isn't some screaming match! Let's get this done!'

I lightly shoved him into his ass to get him to back the hell up. This did nothing to stop him as he got right back up and resumed his assault.

Mikasa: Eren! The abnormal isn't our enemy! You're supposed to be working together!

He turned away from me and toward Mikasa.

Y/n: 'Mikasa, what the hell are you doing!?'

He started to run toward her and was moving fast. He had time to put a crater right where she was standing. Luckily she thought fast enough to get airborne, and she propped herself on his face. He was about to try and swat her like a fly until I came up behind him and put him into a headlock. I didn't miss the newly found scar on Mikasa's blank canvas of a face. I made my hold on Eren just a smidge tighter.

Mikasa: 'preciate it.

I huffed in response.

Dietrich: What the hell is going on?! You're distracting him from the main objective!

Mikasa: Eren isn't in control and tried to kill me. My friend here restrained him, and I'm going to try snapping him out of it!

She turned to Eren and looked him right in his face just as Berzenska fired off the red flare.

Y/n: 'Shit, no! We can still salvage this operation!'

Mikasa: Eren, I don't know what's gotten into you, but you need to snap out of it! Don't forget why we're here!

I looked around to find the source of a zipping sound. I then found it to be Armin.

Armin: What's going on? I saw the smoke and the flare.

Mikasa: Eren lost control.

Armin looked to me and let his gratitude shine through his smile.

Armin: Boy am I glad you're here. This would've been a nightmare and Eren probably would've hurt himself.

I have a slight nod to show I heard him and they both gasped and marveled for a moment.

Armin: Mikasa, since our friend has Eren restrained, she can't help the cadets in taking care of straggling Titans. What I want you to do is take her place.

Mikasa: What? No. I'm not leaving Eren.

Armin: I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to help with the operation. You both said it yourselves that I'm good with words. Why not let me handle this?

She looked like she was having a mental breakdown, but soon after schooled her expression.

Mikasa: Ok. I'll do it.

Armin: Good. Now, you go on ahead. We'll take care of Eren and get him back on track.

Elite: Captain! We've got two Titans bearing down on us from the front! A 10-meter and a 6-meter!

Elite 2: Heads up! There's a 12-meter closing in on us from the rear!

Mikasa took to the skies without another word.

Y/n: 'Shit just got from bad to worse. We need to fix this.'

Armin: Alright, buddy. You ready?

I nodded again.

Armin: Let's save Trost before it's too late.

Tybur: 'How long do you think it will take before they start to consider that you could be like Eren?'

Y/n: 'With Armin's genius, not long at all. I just need to make sure that they know I'm on their side by then.'

The more I stared at Eren, the more glaringly obvious it was they he wasn't healing.

Y/n: 'Uh, why hasn't he fixed himself yet?'

Tybur: 'Do you remember when I told you that your subconscious would try to steal your will to go on? I wasn't being dramatic. Right now, he's comfortable, somewhere he's most fond of.'

Elite: Heads up! We've got a 13-meter, and it looks like it's about to pounce on Yeager!

I looked up to look at the Titan they were warning us of.

Y/n: 'There's no way it jumps that far.'

Tybur: 'You need to be prepared if it does.'

Y/n: 'Oh, I will. Not a single Titan is gonna fuck with Eren until he's in control.'

Just as I thought I was going to have to deal with it, Mikasa came and diced its nape up.

Armin: The way we're doing this now won't work! We need to take a more direct approach!

Armin stabbed Eren, causing him to release a loud cry.

Y/n: 'As if the prick wasn't mad before, now I gotta put even more strength into this hold.'

Mikasa: Stop it! You'll get yourself killed!

Armin: I'm fine! Just do what you can and keep the rest at bay!

He had shooed her off again, and she wasn't happy at all, but she went nonetheless.

Y/n: 'This is really quite a bit to handle so soon. I just know that I'm going to suffer afterward.'

Armin kept beating on Eren's chest, screaming as loud as he could to get Eren to get it together.

Y/n: 'Dammit! I should be with the other Cadets, not manhandling Eren.'

Tybur: 'I think this is for the best. The more you exert yourself, the faster your timer ticks. This is what's best for now. They might need your strength for this fight.'

I was pulled back to the present as Eren's Titan form started to regenerate at a much faster pace.

Y/n: 'Way to go, Armin! Whatever you said, it sure does have him fired up.'

Eren stopped flailing around and used his arms to tap my own, signaling that he was in control and that I could let go. When I did, he turned to face me and placed one of his hands on my shoulder, and gave me some sort of growl.

Y/n: 'This is it. We're back on track. Now for the final stretch!'

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