
By harrystiles123

438K 9.7K 2.5K

What if the younger sister of Thor and Loki comes to Beacon Hills? She's faced with monsters and the supernat... More

New School
Jeep Secrets
Party Night
Risk or Reward?
Hidden Secrets
Exercise to death
Detectives and Revenge
Bus Injuries
Strange Motels
Is there still hope?
Derek? Love?
Painful Memories
Save Us
Side Effects
The Doors Ajar
House Break In
Pranks and Pain
Missed You
Party Time
Hospitals and Sleep
Void And His Dove
Chaos Walking
Asylums + Love
Crazy Baby
Black Tape
Fake Tears
You could never hurt me
We're Just A Bit Chilly
An Angel
Bitch Im A Godess
Love You So Much
These Are My Brothers
Sorry He's Fangirling
Mexican Skulls
Why Did You Do It?
Young Derek
Cheerleading + Strangling
Vixen Tricksen
I'll be back soon
Game Plan
The Septor

Teasing Lacrosse Games

2.8K 71 8
By harrystiles123

I wake up with my arms around Stiles my front to his back, I kiss the back of his neck and take my hand from his to lay on my back. I hear him moan and spin with his eyes closed and his lips pouting out to me, I run my hand through his hair before getting from under the covers.

"Baby noooo, get your cute ass back here." He whines at me reaching out but I just giggle and make my way to the bathroom to wash my waves and get ready for school.

I feel the hot water run through my hair and soothes my muscles. Hearing the door knob shake rapidly makes me smile knowing that Stiles is trying to get in but I carry on mixing the coconut conditioner into my hair. I turn of the hot water and wrap a towel around my body quickly stepping out and walking back into Stiles's room. I see Stiles back in bed so I walk over and shake my wet curls onto him.

"Get up!" I shout whilst I watch him put his blanket over his head protecting himself from the droplets. I jump onto him before rolling to my side and sitting up so I can dry my hair with my hands. My curls soon dry and I lean over to Stiles pulling down the blanket and placing a kiss on his lips which he moans into and moves closer. I feel his hand go from my hair to my towel but I lean back dragging his bottom lip and shaking my finger.

"Fine I'm up, God the things I do for you." He sarcastically says walking behind me and wrapping his arms behind me so we both look in the mirror. The boy kisses my cheek making me smile and turn my head into his neck. He brushes my hair back and looks at us both in the mirror.

"Your hair is so pretty," he says in a childlike manner.

"Thanks I grow it myself," I reply with a hint of mischief in my eyes. I watch his face light up and I smile at him through the mirror leaning back into his chest.

"I love this."

"Me too but as much as I love standing in a towel, which I don't. I need to get ready." I tell him while leaning in to kiss his lips and drag myself from his clutch. I put on my clothes and put on a little makeup due to a few marks on me but when I offer to cover up Stiles's marks he refuses and runs away from my beauty blender.

—time skip—
After a few classes I make my way through the halls and see a tall leather wearing shadow at the end of the hallway. My smile grows wider and my pace becomes quicker until I meet Derek halfway and he lifts me up during my hug. I squeeze him hard around his neck before he drops me slowly to the ground. He raises an eyebrow at me and gives me a wide smile.

"How you doin princess?" He asks me which makes me groan and remove my arms from him.

"You know I hate it when you call me that wolfy," I argue with him and lift a finger of caution. His smile widens as we start to make our way out and towards his car. Derek wraps his arm around my shoulders and I giggle rolling my eyes.

"You know I'm not gonna stop."

"I know. Anyways how was everything with Liam and stuff. Did he hulk out on you?" I question him my lip curve at the side.

"Who would have known the Marvel character would be referencing other ones. But yeah it went okay he tried to rip my throat out but yep." He mentions making me chuckle.

"I mean who hasn't wanted to rip your throat out, your not really the ball of sunshine in the pack." This makes him nudge my shoulder and now we have made it to his car. I watch as he opens the door and gets in while I lean on his open window.

"Be careful okay, he's out for you too. More then anyone." Derek warns me with caring eyes. My heart beat raises which I know he will hear but I try to distract him with a joyful expression.

"Derek I'm a big girl and I can handle myself from an assassin of all things."

"I know. Bye princess!" He whispers watching as I step back from the car and give him a small wave goodbye. He returns it before winking and quickly driving off. I stand and watch as he passes a school bus which has to be the rival school for tonight's lacrosse game. One boy staring out of the window gives me a kind and welcoming smile which I return before making my way to the changing rooms.

—time skip—
I'm in my cheer gear and make my way to the field until I'm pushed against one of the walls. My eyes snap into a golden glow as I wrap the persons arm around my shoulder and tackle them to the ground receiving a girlish scream. I look down and see Stiles under me panting and furrowing his eyebrows.

"What the fu- why did you do that!" He exclaims while I get off his chest and stand up holding out my hand. He grabs my hand and stands up, I brush his jersey and look up at him.

"I'm sorry I thought you were an assassin that was trying to kill me for money. But actually it's a crazy boy." I claim as I pull my hair from its ponytail and so it falls loosely on my shoulders. He raises a hand and cups my face with a smile leaning down to kiss my lips lightly which I return. As I pull him down from his jersey he slips in his younger before leaning back and walking off with a smile plastered on his face.

"Oh so you wanna play that game?" I whisper to myself watching the boy walk off with a confident strut. I can't lie that it was really hot but he's getting himself ready for a hot sizzling fire. I make my way to the team of girls that I have gotten to know over the past few weeks and hear the music begin that starts before the game begins.

When the dance finishes we all get excited and start hugging each other while the crowd cheers loudly. I search the crowd and see my three best friends in their jerseys and two are putting their thumbs up at me while Stiles with his jaw wide open. I point to my chin and give a wink before strutting away knowing Scott understood my gesture and closed Stiles's mouth for me.

"Hey that was amazing, I'm Brett by the way. We kind of already met." The good looking guy says to me while holding out his hand for me to shake. I place my hand in his shaking it with a smile.

"Oh yeah and I'm Jasmine but just call me Jas. Also Thankyou we worked hard on the dance so that means a lot." I smile through my words tilting my head due to the height difference and twirling my fingers from my awkwardness. The boy opens his mouth to say something else but I feel a presence besides me. I turn and see Liam giving the boy a look of hatred.

"Oh hey Liam, you ready for the game? Oh this is Brett by the way."

"Yeah we know each other." They say in unison while giving each other death glares. Hmf suddenly I'm chilly. I pat both of the boys shoulders and say goodbye not getting a return as the have their stand off. I make my way over to the bleachers where Stiles is sat chewing his glove but drops it when he sees me trying to stand up but falling on the way.

"You liked the dance?" I ask him when he finally stands up straight. I place my hands around his neck.

"Duh do werewolves howl? Of course I did! But like why was Brett talking to you?" Stiles asks down to me while I play with the small hairs on the back of his neck. I raise an eyebrow and bite my lip which he stares at.

"Why is the Stiles Stilinski jealous?" I taunt him leaning my face closer to his making his breath hitch. God he's such a horny teenage boy. He shakes his head and puffs out air flicking his hand.

"No. Why should I be?" He asks quickly in panic. I shake my head no and look up at him through my lashes as my hands run down to his chest slowly. We stare at each other in complete lust and love, not caring who would see us soaking in the moment. My hands run to his stomach but stop right when the whistle is blown.

"Oops I have to go but I will be cheering for you." I whisper in his ear kissing under it after. I turn to walk away but feel a hand grip mine and spin me back around and into Stiles's lips. His hands tightly holding on my hips before pulling back and running backwards.

"I needed all the luck I can get!" He shouts to me shrugging his shoulders as I stood there with a blush on my cheeks before meeting back with the girls to watch the drama of lacrosse happen. My heart spread up every time the whistle would be blown or if anyone went near anyone else. I mean the killer could be about to pounce, they could actually be right next to me.

However all my fear goes away when I see number 24 take the ball from Brent and pass it to Kira with ease. The girl makes her way to the goal and I scream when she gets it in the net. I stand up whooping loudly and Stiles takes off his helmet to laugh at his embarrassed happy girlfriend.

"She's crazy." Scott states with eyes full of joy when he stands next to his best friend who staring lovingly at his sister like friend.

"No she's perfect." Stiles corrects to then be hit on the back of the head with a lacrosse stick.

"Simp." Scott quickly says before running away from Stiles who chases him. Those boys are idiots. I giggle to myself and watch as the game carries on.

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