safe with me

By flwrhn

82.6K 2.9K 1.4K

wherein sadist hwang hyunjin found himself falling for yang jeongin, an innocent boy and his complete opposit... More

safe ~ hyunin
important note
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty six
thank you
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
bonus chapter !!
thank you !!
read read read

twenty five

1.4K 46 9
By flwrhn



and so the aftercare begins.

it was early in the morning, the older couldn't tell what time exactly but it was still dark out. he was startled, still half asleep as he look for jeongin who was shouting for him. "where the hell is he." he mumbled to himself as the younger wasn't beside him like last night.

he stood up with only his boxers on and when he exited the room he saw his younger stood on the kitchen, grabbing on the counters for support. his legs were shaking and he had his other hand on top of his abdomen. "i need water but i can't walk further. this is because of you." he whined and the older just laughed, walking towards him and immediately scooping the younger in his arms. "you were begging for it innie. and besides, i should be mad at you right now." hyunjin said as he gently laid him back to the bed.

just as he was about to walk off to fetch him water jeongin called out to him. "why would you be mad at me jinnie?" he asked, still oblivious of his mistake where he called out changbin's name last night. the younger however did not mean it, his mind was a mess and there was no denying that binnie sounded exactly like jinnie. "you don't remember babe? you screamed your hyung's name last night." the older tsked and proceeded to go to the kitchen.

jeongin swallowed as flashbacks from last night appeared on his mind. he really wasn't looking forward to another punishment right now for what hyunjin did was more than enough to teach him a lesson. seconds later the older came back with a cold glass of water. the bed sunk as he sat beside the younger who was guiltily looking at him with a pout. "hyun.. i'm sorry. it just slipped, you know i wasn't thinking about him." he said as he climbed into his lap.

hyunjin gave him a peck on the forehead going down to his nose and finally his lips. "its fine baby. but i don't want that to happen again, do you understand?" he was so soft and careful, very different from what the younger saw last night. jeongin nodded and gave the older one last kiss on the lips, and this time they make out very slowly. it wasn't the hungry and rough one they usually did, instead it was passionate and gentle. it was more than perfect to jeongin.

"drink baby, i want to see your cuts so that we could get them cleaned." the older said and so he took the glass gracefully before gulping it all like he hasn't drink water for a very long time. hyunjin chuckled before pulling his back to him and gently lifting  the flimsy shirt he wore. his smile fell as numerous cuts and bruises from the shards of glasses littered his younger's once clean skin.

jeongin's state was not nice at all. his wrists were purple from the handcuffs, his neck down to his chest were a deep shade of violet as well from all the hickeys he left his younger. lastly, jeongin's back was just the worst out of all of them. if someone aside from them saw this, they would've think hyunjin was abusing the younger and would immediately report him to the police.

jeongin noticed how silent he suddenly become. "jinnie whats wrong?" he asked, cupping his soft face in his small fingers. the older frowned and wordlessly lifted jeongin up, walking to his vanity where a large mirror stood. hyunjin lifted the younger's shirt and this was the first time he is to see himself. a faint gasp left his swollen lips as he examined his body.

"innie i did all of this." hyunjin looked down, ashamed to let the younger see his tears falling. "i can't keep on hurting you. this has need to stop." jeongin's heart broke as he see the older in this state. the younger was sure hurt physically , but he isn't leaving hyunjin just because of this. he swore from the very beginning never to leave him. he swore to love the older with everything thats left of him and thats exactly what he's doing.

"jinnie... i wanted this okay? none of this is your fault my love. i'm going to be fine." he hushed, trying to assure the older one who distanced himself from him. he walked towards hyunjin to wrap his arms around him. and as soon as their bodies connected, the older broke down into small sobs. "i...i-im a monster innie.. i'm so sorry." his voice crack in between his cries. both of them slid down the floor where jeongin hugged him.

"shh baby what are you saying. stop apologizing ok? look at me." hyunjin sniffled before looking straight into jeongin's eyes with his tear stained face. "i love you and i don't care what you say but i'm staying. i'm not going anywhere ." the older nodded, extremely feeling grateful and relieved for what jeongin had said. he burry his face into the younger's chest while the other one caressed his long hair.

"you still love me even after what i've done?" he asked in a small voice, tears now starting to stop. "what silly question is that hwang hyunjin. i will never stop loving you, you know that." jeongin whispered, placing kisses on his head that soothed hyunjin more. they stayed in that position for awhile, just enjoying hearing each other's breathing when they hear noises from downstairs.

"j-jinnie did you invite someone over?" the younger asked, slightly scared. hyunjin lifted his head away from jeongin and wiped the tears away, he was just as confused as the younger. "baby you stay here and i'll go check. don't go anywhere." he ordered very firmly before carrying him and laying him down the bed. of course the younger wouldn't go anywhere, he couldn't.

hyunjin threw a shirt over his head and opened their door where at the exact time, he saw someone who he was least expecting. "what the fuck are you doing here." he sneered, blocking the doorway so he couldn't pass. the older shoved pass him and came looking for jeongin immediately.

"jinnie who was tha-" the younger's face fell when his eyes met his.



hey everyone
just to clarify, they were
in their house and not
in hyunjins apartment like i
wrote in the past chapter,
im very sorry if
it brought confusion!
ignore that lmao

but anyway thank you
for your support and the
love you showed for this book.

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